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Latest revision as of 17:57, 8 April 2020

Date of Scene: 07 April 2020
Location: Two Bridges (Chinatown), Manhattan
Synopsis: After a murder of two Long Island youths, Cloak and Dagger start to whittle away at the Big Man's drug empire
Cast of Characters: Tombstone, Dagger, Cloak, Jessica Jones

Tombstone has posed:
It was a murder that shook Long Island to it's very foundations. A few nights ago, a Long Islander named Rupert Smith and his older brother Ed were found dead and buried in the woods surrounding their neighborhood. The two boys went missing from their suburban home after going out for a game of "laser tag" with their friends. They never returned and after days of searching, the buried bodies of the two teens were found, shot in the heads execution style in what is now expected to be a drug-related murder. According to authorities, the two boys were carrying a few grams of Meth from a nearby meth lab and were supposed to deliever it to a local dealer, but were ambushed and murdered by local punks. The Lab was busted by Long Island Police last night and the chemist, a tweeker by the name of Lars, admitted that he was working for "The Big Man".

The Big Man is a notorius drug lord based somewhere in Harlem. His reputation for brutality was notorius in the lucrative drug trade. But, that did not intimidate you. This "Big Man" had indirectly caused the deaths of two innocent boys, he had to pay.

This is what lead you to Chinatown tonight, and to the Sons of the Dragon. The Sons were a flashy crew of Asain and Caucasian drug dealers and street racers known for their loud clothes, flashy cars, and their near stranglehold on the Chinatown Heroin trade. You have heard rumors that a whole group of Sons were meeting tonight at Lin's, a High-Scale Chinese Restaurant in the center of Chinatown. If anyone knoew the Big Man's real name, it would be them. If not, they could at least tell you where they got their Heroin from and who lead their outfit.

Dagger has posed:
Staring at the resturant from across the street on a lonely rooftop, Dagger is nestled in the billowing folds of fabric of her partner as she half appears out of the thick inky voice of his darkness. There is a look of determination in her blue eyes as she stares, watching those go in and out, picking out a face or two that may be wearing the gang's colors. Though she may be as beautiful as any angel, tonight, her goal is not one of forgiveness, but punishment.

"The trail leads here, Cloak. This is where the river of poison flows to. Controlled by The Big Guy. Tonight, we will cleanse this city of their sins and ensure that these Sons of the Dragon will no longer harm anyone, especially a child."

With a soft breath in her throat, she steels herself, then says in a soft, raspy voice. "Take us across the street to their roof. Thugs like these always have a backroom where they do their dirty business and politics."

Cloak has posed:
Cloak would quickly remove anyone who dared call him a taxi, but he's never batted an eye when it came to whisking Dagger from shadow to building to all the places they shouldn't be in between. Tonight, it's one of their common rooftop haunts, and haunting is something he does well. He looms over the edge like an enshrouded gargoyle, looking to their intended strike zone.

"Rivers like these run far and deeper than you'd think. Follow the current and you'll eventually find the bigger fish." Says the dark man with a considering scowl. He lifts his chin just enough to sight their next jump point, and then in a rustle of fabric they're gone and relocated.

Tombstone has posed:
The restaurant was very bright and vibrant, with the sounds of chatter and laughter echoing from inside. You teleport onto the roof of the restaurant without being noticed. The frist thing you notice is a very large skylight, large enough to show off much of the inside of the restaurant. If you were to peek through you would see that it was a packed house tonight. It seemed like a lot of people wanted to go to Lin's tonight.

It wasn't too hard to find the table where the Sons of the Dragon were sitting. A group of men wearing gold and red sitting in the middle of a restaurant were not very hard to find. Their table was full of food and they were eating, drinking, laughing, and chatting, seemingly carefree, as if they have nothing to feel guilty about. Suddenly, one of the men, a tall, thin Caucasian man wearing a golden t-shirt and blue jeans with a red bandana tied to his arm suddenly stands up and starts walking to the restroom. Perhaps a small interrogation could be in order?

Dagger has posed:
Once situated, Dagger kneels down next to the skylight to watch the people at the gathered table. "Look at them. Acting as if they don't have a care in the world. Even after they murdered two children in cold blood over their unholy white powder." Curling a hand up into a fist, she squints her eyes as she tracks the lone man heading for the restroom.

"Him. Soon as he enters the restroom, take him to the top of the Empire State. He will talk, or he will make a large crack in the sidewalk." There is a cold chill to the angel of light's voice as she rises up to her height, stepping into the folds of Cloak once more. Once inside, she gives him a small gift of her glow to keep his hunger in check, for now. Soon, he will feast.

Cloak has posed:
"Then be ready. He may not be alone in there." Cloak says to Dagger as he watches the man's progress towards the bathroom. The Darkforce doesn't have the world's best windows to judge precisely where he'll come out, steps in there could be feet in the real world, but he's grown familiar enough with the glimpses to make a fairly sound judgement call.

So when Dagger says she's ready, he wraps her once more in shadow, soaking in the offered light with a hungry predator's growl and a gleam in his eye. Then they're gone once again, to pay a certain someone a very untimely visit.

Tombstone has posed:
You managed to teleport to the restroom of Lin's. Surprsingly, besides you, the only only other person in this lemon-scented, surprsingly very clean restroon is the ganger you came after. You hear the the sounds of a MP3 player playing in one of the nearby stalls. Yep, that is definatley where the ganger is at. Before you can do anything, you hear the toilet flush and see the stall door swing open. The man walks out, and suddenly pauses when He sees you. Before you teleported him away, he manages to let out a fairely loud,

"What the fu--!"

Dagger has posed:
The Empire State Building is a 102 stories tall. It's a long way down. The type of height that can make someone sick to their stomach with vertigo. As they appear at the height, Dagger grabs the man by the shirt, hauling him halfway out of Cloak's billowing cape as he hangs over the edge of the roof. From this incredible height, they can feel the chill of the air, the thick condensation of clouds and the threat of rain.

"Two children were murdered by your brothers and buried in the woods!" The angel yells with rage in her blue eyes. "You will tell us everything that we want to know, or you will make a rather beautiful stain on the sidewalk. It's a long way down. Long enough for you to think about your sins and all those families you have destroyed."

Giving him a visible shake, her body glows brightly, enough to blind the man so that it's hard to look at her. She wants him to feel fear. To suffer. To know the terror those two kids surely felt.

"Who is your gang working for? Who the hell is The Big Guy? I want to know where you get your drugs from. Who bankrolls your people. Speak or die! You only have two choices."

Cloak has posed:
The wailing chill of the air at altitude is a balmy, tropical caress compared to the cold that resides within Cloak's cloak. Inside, there seems to be nothing but a mass expanse of nothing with the overwhelming impression of a monster at your back. It's the primal paranoia humans have tried so very hard to forget with their weapons and castles made of steel and glass. But there? A man is just an ape in a world where everything wants to eat you, and their mind plagued by nightmares from the depths of their very soul. Being outside, hanging above the New York City skyscape by his collar, is probably a relief.

"I would answer quickly. You're heavy, and your shirt is thin. Tell us what we want to know, and I may not eat you."

Tombstone has posed:
The first thing the man does after arriving at the Empire State Building is let out a cry of surprise, and of fear when he suddenly realizes where he is at after he rather unpleasant experience with Cloak's teleportation ability. For a minute, he is quiet, with fear evident in his face as he abosrbs the threats of the Angel and what he can only assume to be a Demon from the depths of Hell. When Cloak makes his final threat, he lets out a choked gasp and suddenly says,

"Alright, i'll talk. We are lead by Wu Ping, the Shipping Magante, and his Nephew Ling. Wu bankrolls us and provides our drugs. I don't know how he smuggles them in yet!"

When he get's to the final Big Man question, he hesitates for a long time before suddenly shouting out,

"I don't know who The Big Man is! I just got cannonized today! The guys were buying me dinner to celebrate!"

Dagger has posed:
As she files the information away, Dagger gives him a few more jerks about the shirt, allowing him to be juggled in thin air. "And this is a life that you want to lead? One that poisons children with your powder? Shooting them in cold blood? Do you think that makes you powerful? How strong do you feel right now?!"

The angel glows brighter as she grips him tighter, this time by the arms as she pours her light into him to purify the young man of toxins, to let him feel his sins.

"Tell me, boy. Was it you who killed those children? Was that how you gained entry into the Dragons? Did they tell you to pull the trigger to prove your worth?"

There is an intense look from the blue eyes of Dagger as she stares at him. So beautiful.

Cloak has posed:
High atop the Empire State building, Cloak and Dagger continue their interrogation. It's not the tippy top, but just outside of the boundaries of the observation deck. Perhaps security has spotted something they shouldn't have by now, if any are on duty and paying attention at this hour.

"Canonized? You are no saint. Hell is the only place that will have you." Growls Cloak from behind Dagger, his shadowy mass perched on the ledge without a care for things such as wind and physics. "My patience is short. Pick your next words as if they were your last."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica, since her encounter with Tandy, somehow knew that the woman was going to be trouble, albeit the good kind of trouble. Maybe. Which is why she kept an ear to the police band for any reports that resembled her. She was sighted just a bit earlier, although the cops had nothing to follow her about. Still, it was enough for Jessica to get the general area. She didn't know what was going on with this investigation, with the mutant kids, with the gangs.

But she was going out. She was good at finding things out. Even if she usually regretted what she found.

She had been watching from a nearby rooftop, seeing the beginning of the dangling as things start to get a bit dicey. She 'leaps' from roof to roof, her modest flying ability easily allowing her to land safely.

"I'd believe tall, dark and...dark," Jessica interjects. "I've seen blondie in action. She's a real meanie," Jess lights a cigarette to punctuate her words, the PI clad in her usual jacket and jeans combo.

Tombstone has posed:
"What are you talking about!?", the man says, confusion mixed with his fears as he heard her state her accusation,: " I didn't kill anyone for my initiation, I just took a beating. I don'know much about the Big Man, but He dosen't kill kids!" When Cloak made his other threat, which was then made worse by the addittion of the new girl, his eyes widened, as if remembering something, and said,

"You talking about the Long Island killings right? It wasn't us, I swear! It was those psychos at the Sons of Apep, you know, those Neo-Pagan snake worshiping Pagan freaks! I heard from a guy in Bensonhurst that one of their lieutenants, Virgil, killed them after they stumbled upon their Apep shrine in Long Island, and Virgil had them killed for "defiling a holy site, and pinned it on some tweakers in Bufflo!"

Dagger has posed:
"Hello again." Dagger calls over to Jessica cooly as the new woman makes her way up to the towering heights of the Empire State. "This is the woman I told you about, Cloak. The one who wishes to help us rescue the children from those who seek to make them disappear from their homes. I believe her skills will be valuable to our mission."

And as for the man in her arms? She stares at him, weighing his words. She knows the light will make him tell the truth, and when she finds no lies, she reels him back in closer. "I can see that you are young, scared and stupid. So tonight, we will allow you to live, but you need to leave this city, tonight, for what we plan to do with your old friends .. is something you do not wish to stay around for. Leave this life behind. Make something of yourself. Do /good/."

With that, she yanks him back, throwing him back into Cloak's waiting darkness, allowing him to swallow him up and face his fears and agony. They will release him later, cold and shivering and hopefully a changed man.

"Did you get all of that, Jessica? This Sons of Apep."

Cloak has posed:
"I remember." Cloak states as he turns one eye to look towards Jessica, but the other never quite leaves their target. "Good. The more who hold the line, the further we can push it forward. It's high time more realize that evil isn't made in the stars, it's outside their own window, in every scream and cry for help they ignore while watching heroes on TV. When we're done, the only screams will be from those who face us."

And as if on cue, the would-be gangster is flung his way and the cloak billows wide and snaps shut like the jaws of a dragon billowing shadow-smoke. "We'll see if he listens."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones raises an eyebrow, "Sons of Apep? Sounds like a laxative. The pink stuff, right?" she says, taking a drag on her smoke.

"I have valuable skills, sure. Not entirely sure yet what your m ission is. No offense, but you're just a little intense, chica. I get being angry, no doubt, I'm a pissed off bitch myself. I invented pissed off bitch. But you gotta learn to relax a bit every now and then."

She gives Cloak a long, wary look, "This is your friend, huh? Spooky. How you doin', big guy? I see you share Blondie's tendency towards poetic language. Sorry I'm a friggin' philistine."

Dagger has posed:
"They were the ones responsible for the killing of those two kids and burying them in the woods on Long Island." Dagger says as she straightens up, staring out over the expanse of New York City and all the lights. From up here, it's breathtaking. "Now that we know who is bankrolling the Sons of Dragons gangs with their heroin, I say we go back to Lin's and take them out. We need to send a strong message to the streets, that Cloak and Dagger will not tolerate the sickness they flood the streets with."

As she turns to face Jessica, Dagger reaches out to take Cloak by the hand, feeding him a bit of light. "Our mission is to destroy the guilty and those who sin and prey upon children. Lost souls. Runaways. These criminals do not care about those they hurt. All they care about is money, greed and power. It is those same people that took two innocent teenagers and turned us into this."

With a loud sniff of the air, her fists blaze up as three daggers form between her knuckles on each hand. "We are going into the fray and you are welcome to join us. Take ahold of me, so that Cloak's dark do not drive you mad. He will take us." She says as she steps into the black folds of Cloak's body, the black ink of the void starting to swallow her, save the glow of her body to light the way."

Cloak has posed:
The look on Cloak's face as Dagger shares her light is maybe just a teensy tiny bit disappointed. Ah well, can't quite excuse accidentally rendering the gangster harmless for the foreseeable future. But luckily for his hunger, there's always a next time.

"If there are innocents there, they'll be wise enough to leave. Let the wicked show themselves. Maybe one of them will have more answers."

There doesn't seem to be a big concern on his mind at what a drop in beat down might do. Is there any at all? He at least has the bare decency not to go swooping up Jessica if she voices opposition to it, but he's not stopping leaving either way.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones looks at the pair of them. Young, powerful. Zealous. Maybe a little mad. They had the best intentions, easy enough to see that, but they were both fevered, almost possessed with this mission. Jessica didn't like missions much. Jobs paid. Missions just shoved you along until they were satisfied with themselves.

"Alright," she says, "I don't know of a lot of innocents in the world. Plenty of people end up in the wrong side cause...that's just where they ended up. Don't get me wrong, I believe in evil. I've known it intimately. But let's focus on the ones we know are bad, huh?"

Still, she takes Dagger's hand.

Tombstone has posed:
Back at Lin's the restaurant started to get emptier as people finished their meals and left. However, The Son's were still there, and still eating, chatting, and joking around. They have not noticed that their "star of the night" had not returned from the restroom. Suddenly, the lead ganger, a tall, thin, Asain man with slicked back black hair weaaring sunglasses and a bright yellow and red jacket, suddenly looked up and said,

"Where the hell is Dan, how long does it take to use the fuckin bathroom? Chin, go check on him."

As Chin walked into the bathroom, he had no idea that he will be possibly spared from the horrid fate that awaited his friends, who were still chatting when Chin disappeared into the restroom.

Dagger has posed:
The lights flicker for a moment, then go out all together once the last customer leaves the resturant. Leaving the room in pitch black, it only grows darker and more bleaker as the shadows begin to pool, stretch and tug closer towards the gathered gang members. There is a spark of light from the inky dark as Dagger steps forward, glowing like an angel with daggers of light pooling in her hands.

"Sons of Dragons, you have commited crimes against the youth of this city by poisoning them with your heroin. You have caused enough pain that Cloak and Dagger has taken notice. Now you must pay the consequences of your actions."

Whipping her hand forward, she sends a trio of glowing blades into the chest of one surprised man in his seat, shocking him with the glory of Light. It's a painful, holy feeling, of one's body going into shock and sterilized on a spiritual level.

"Cloak, your meal awaits. Jessica, make sure no one tries to escape. Don't be gentle. They're in charge of all the heroin that comes through Chinatown. No more!"

Cloak has posed:
This time, Cloak leaves the grand speeches to Dagger. She's the one they'll see as he's blinding the room, shrouding it in darkness so that the only spark of salvation and brightness is that cold, star-white luminance of his partner. The only part of him that's tangibly visible is his head, hovering over the doorway to the kitchen and replacing the exit sign with his black-eyed, predatory glare. No escape here.

He's not starved, so he doesn't immediately dive down upon the men. Instead, Cloak offers them a single modicum of mercy. "Yield to Dagger, be cleansed and repent, or be lost." Any who try to flee or fight? Well, then they've made their choice, and Cloak will be waiting.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones lets the other two take the front lines. Still, in for a penny, in for a pound. She stands her ground to keep anyone from getting out, positioning herself to take a swing at anybody who tries to leg it.

Tombstone has posed:
The men in the room went quiet once all the lights in the room went out. This turned into murmurs of surprise and fear when Cloak, Dagger, and Jones suddenly appeared out of nowhere. One of the Gangers, a shorter, more musuclar Caucasain man wearing a red-tshirt with a Dragon on it is struck by Dagger's attack, and convulses as he falls to the ground, as if he is having a seizure. As Cloak made her proclamation, the room suddenly went very quiet, the look of fear evident upon all the gangsters left. Suddenly, two gangers, obviously twins, wearing amtching yellow and gold leather jackets suddenly stood up, hands above their heads as they said," Alright, we give! We only joined for the Street Racing, we never slung any Heroin, honest!"

Suddenly, the table flipped over and it was total pandimonium. One of the gangster, a heavy-set Chinese man wearing a gold-and-red t-shirt had the bright idea of flipping the whole dinner table in the hopes of causing a distraction, which He did. As the table crashed to the ground, the gangers had different reactions. The two twins still stood where they were, hands raised up in the air, the fat one who caused the distraction was rushing towards a window in a attempt to break through it and flee. Two more were rushing towards the fron entrance, a scrawneir member who was knocked down by the table flipping put one of his hands up in surrender while the other hand was groping around, looking for his glasses. Suddenly, the lead ganger takes out a pistol from his now stained jacket and fires a shot at Dagger

Dagger has posed:
"Giving up does not free you of guilt." Dagger says as she whips her other hand forward, sending a trio of blades out through the dark to strike the pair of twins. Depending on their level of guilt, they may or may not have a bad time of this. In the end, they will be laid out in awe of her light, with any drugs being tugged out of their veins. She moves with the grace of a ballerina, weaving through the tables swiftly, charging another fist of light in her palm.

She trusts Cloak to have her back, even against those who pull a weapon upon her. She knows he's fast. The man running for the window won't get too far if she can help it, and she lobs her daggers of light towards him. "You have no where to run, criminal! Now face the light and be judged!" The click and bang of the revolver only gives her a half second to react as she looks to throw herself to the ground and roll in a somersault.

Cloak has posed:
Some show their bellies. Some run. But *that one*, the one who dares try to harm Dagger? There's a guttural, feral roar from Cloak that sounds like an animal was trying to claw its way out of his throat. Shadows lash and writhe as he moves in a disorienting jerk of motion part physical movement and part teleportation, moving to put himself and the full expanse of his blown-out cloak between the bullet and Dagger.

He wouln't stop there, either. There is no mercy for the leader. Cloak's eyes are as dark and bottomless as what lies beneath the fabric, and he charges for the shooter like a primordial shark streaking upwards out of the black of the deep sea. There's no concern of bullets that may be in the way. Any that hit his body pass into darkness, and are gone.

Tombstone has posed:
The Fat Man cries out in pain as he collapses heavily from the Light attack. As Dagger somersault's away from the bullets, she would hear a small crunching noise. If she were to look down she would see a pair of prescription glasses broekn underneath her boot. She would then notice the prone ganger from earier crawling towards the sound. He was a very thin, scrawny Caucasian man with brown hair wearing a simple Gold and Red t-shirt with a blue dragon on it. His hand accindenly grabs your boot, and he looks up at you fearfully, at least he would if he wasn't looking at the ceiling as he suddenly said,

"I give up!"

The leader fired more shots at Cloak, but swored in horro as they did nothing. Suddenly, he threw his pistol towards Cloak's head and attempted to flee towards the kitchen.

Dagger has posed:
"Good." Dagger says as she puts her hand in front of the man's face, blasting him with her light as she looks to incapcitate him with her Glory. "Sorry about your glasses." And not so much about blinding him with the light. Rising up to her feet, she gives Cloak a thankful look as he gives chase after the leader.

Flicking her hand, she sends a blazing knife through the dark, looking to strike him in the leg to send him tumbling to the ground so that Cloak can have an easier meal. Also, to ensure he doesn't make it out the back, or to a phone.

With the rest of the gangsters immobilized, she starts to gather their belongings to see if they have any dirty money or drugs upon them. When they will eventually teleport them to the police, they want to ensure the evidence will be there to incriminate them.

Cloak has posed:
The gun hits, and for a second it looks to have worked, but it passes through with some sluggish hesitation and serves to only vaguely slow Cloak as he reacts. It's not a positive reaction. It really just makes him all the angrier, and he surges after the leader with a booming, "You will not escape!" And perhaps he doesn't, should Dagger's blade find its mark.

Tombstone has posed:
As the now blasted ganger collapsed on the ground, now possibly permantley blind from your attack, your second attack managed to strike the leader on the leg. He fell to the ground with a grunt of pain, only to let out a scream of horro as Cloak finally caught up to him. you start to gather any evidence. You actually find a few small baggies of Heroin, a couple thousand dollars, and oddly enough, a few Counterfeit diamonds, perhaps something to look into later.

Dagger has posed:
Skimming a few hundred off the stack of money that she finds, Dagger tucks it away into her boot. They do need to eat after all, and living in the basement of a church homeless does not provide you with much in the way of warm meals. Even if Cloak does not need to eat physical food, she still does. With the last of the gang members knocked out or swallowed up, she begins to tug them into Cloak's folds so that they can be soon transported to the station.

"We have two new leads now, Cloak. Those who bankroll these scumbags, and those that murder in cold blood. It appears that our nights will stay busy for quite some time." She takes a look around at the devestation, then bids Jessica Jones farewell before she too steps into the darkness of her partner so that they may complete their evening.

Cloak has posed:
The leader doesn't stand much of a chance, and finds himself quickly consumed in shadow as Cloak descends upon him. Can he hear the screams of the others Cloak has absorbed? As silence settles in the aftermath of the fight, Cloak returns from the kitchen to see Dagger and Jessica wrapping up the leftovers.

"We don't have to give the police all of them." He remarks to Dagger with a narrowing of his eyes, even as he extends out an arm like an embrace to give the woman of light leave to enter. "Both types are the same. You don't need a gun in your hand to murder someone. Now we just need to follow the trail." And so he'll disappear, off to deposit most of the gang members. He might end up ruminating on one for later.