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(Nick runs into Kitty... literally)
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Revision as of 22:02, 10 April 2020

After The Errands
Date of Scene: 08 April 2020
Location: Salem Center, Westchester County
Synopsis: Nick runs into Kitty... literally
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Shadowcat

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, if there is one thing that can be said for Salem Center by New Yorkers. A trip to Salem Center is pretty much a day trip. With this in mind, Nick tends to build up a to do list when he has to be in the area and today is no exception.

Having dropped off the violin for maintenance, and picking up some micellaneous blank sheet music paper and extra drumsticks, the backpack slung over his shoulder is pretty full. He also picked up a guitar FROM the music store, dropped off on a previous visit and may have made a side trip to the children's ward of a hospital to try out the recently repaired string instrument.

So yes. It has been a busy day. Full backpack slung over his shoulder and guitarcase in his hand, the knitcapped, bearded musician pauses outside Burger Joint in contemplation. Hmm. Burger and then home? Perhaps Harrys? Wait. no. Too loaded down for Harry's...Burgers then.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's here. Kitty's /here/. Oh if Nick's grabbed a full backpack. Kitty's got a lot of things she needs for her day to day work. Which includes, yes. Copious quantities of ice cream. Because come on. Come on...

Ice cream is needed for her job. At least that's her story. And oh yeah she's sticking to it...

Vigorously. She's got no guitar or violin in hand. Instead, Lockheed, in the holographic guise of.well, a cat...is strolling with her. Which is funny to Kitty.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Alright Burger time! Decision made, Nick turns slightly to make his way to the door. However he forgets about the extra wide swing of the guitar case, allowing for it to swing into Kitty's path.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty yelps as she gets her ankles taken out by a guitar case. Good jobb Kit Kat. Good job. She didn't want to phase through and is now regretting it. Yowch. Kneecappings are the Mob's prime way of sending a message, did Kitty anger a Mob musiician who aimed a little too low?

Either way, Kitty eyes the guitar case. "Hey, watch it" she says, getting a face full of ice cream. Good start to her trip home,huh?

Looking over to the guitar case and more importantly, the guy holding it, Kitty gives a long look, albeit with ice crea, dripping off her face. Not exactly glamorous really...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Feeling the thump moving through the case up through the handle, Nick turns his head quickly to look over towards Kitty. "Oh! Sorry!" He apologizes, this one much more sincere than to the guy whose nose he broke the previous day, "I was a bit distracted and I-"

He pauses, shifting the case to the other hand before reaching into his pocket. "Hold on one second..."

He tilts his head to the side in thought before smiling, tugging out a handkerchief and offering it over. Folded. Clean. "Uh here."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Thanks" Kitty nods and begins dabbing at her facce with it. All that ice cream, gone to waste. Oh the horror of it. She looks more Kitty-like once the handkerchief's done its job and she hesitates in handing it back. It was clean. But now? Not in the least.

Nope. Kitty's just standing there like a statue holding it out.

"No worries" she says and adjuusts the ice cream to be suppported by one hand against her, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick takes the handkerchief back, setting the guitar case down to fold it back up, mess on the inside before sliding it back into his pocket before reaching back down to pick up the guitar case.

"I'm Sorry about the ice cream." He apologizes again, looking to the less full cone, "Want me to get you another one?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty blinks a few times. "Uh....sure?" she says quickly. Free food? Sign her up. Okay okay so it's going to the kitchen, yes, but...but, she's not saying no to it. Not yet, at least...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick smiles, turning his body to face the direction of the ice cream shop. He is mindful of the guitar case this time.

"Alright. Oh, I'm Nick by the way. What's yours?'

Shadowcat has posed:
Even if Nick wasn't mindful...Kitty can just phase through it and all that. She laughs, "Nick, huh? Such an average, easy to blendin name. I just go by Kitty" she nods pleasantly. "Kitty Pride" she adds and offers a hand. "So, ice cream it is then?" she smiles.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well if your collision with it ruined your appetite for it right now I could get you a giftcard for later." Nick replies, noting she did still have SOME ice cream left.

He takes the offered hand for a shake before releasing it. "It is the least I can do."

He steps towards the store, looking alongside Kitty. "Nick is what most people call me by. Regular name is a bit longer."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh come on. A bit longer. It's what, horribly complicated?" she asks as Kitty watches Nick and shrugs. "Oh no no, when I was studying at Oxford, I could always find long names in books, so....it can't be all bad" she says smoothly and looks amused

"No it didn't ruin my appetite. Just...don't try to kneecap me again, or if you do, aim better" she says with an amused tone to her voice.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Without the confirmation name the original is Michael Nicholas Drago." Nick supplies, "And I will try to avoid taking you out with the guitar."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs. "A Catholic and a Jew walk into an ice cream parlor. That's....well, it's the setup to a highly offensive joke to somebody. Or it's what we're doing in the next minute and a half" Kitty observes shaking her head and grinning. "What is it with long names and this city? First Helo my name is Alice and now you. Does everyone that I deal with have long names?" she jokes not letting the Alice thing go just yet.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Alice?" Nick parrots as he reaches the shop door, not sure who is being referenced, "Dare I ask what was hers?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yep, Alice, works in a costume shop, movie fan, got posters everywhere" Kitty muses with a grin. "Met her and she's all sorts of interesting. So what's the limit on buying ice cream?" she inquires...like she's going to buy the whole place out or something?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well that depends," Nick replies giving a smirk as he holds the door open for Kitty, "How much trouble am I in with you?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Not too much trouble" Kitty offers with a nod. Ah the joys of being not grounded, unlike some students. See. Kitty's able to go where she pleases.. Destination 1? Ice cream. Oh yes. Ice cream

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Good to know," Nick replies following after Kitty. "Maybe a pint instead of a cone this time. Looks like you still have some ice cream left."