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(Little bit of intel and little bit of showboating.)
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Latest revision as of 21:33, 13 April 2020

Easter at the Shelter (Food and Conversation)
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: New Hope Shelter, East Harlem
Synopsis: Little bit of intel and little bit of showboating.
Cast of Characters: Zeitgeist (Julius), Phantasm (Drago)

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus isn't one of those mucky mucks that let others do all the work, he gets his fingers dirty and currently he's cutting up the Easter Pork. He whistles as he works, and considering it's like a dozen or so pigs, it'll take a bit of time. He mutters under his breathe, "What a Jewish Carpenter would say about eating Pork for celebration of his resurrection. Perhaps Ironic and Fitting." he shrugs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Typically by this point in time on a Sunday, Nick would have changed out of his Sunday attire. But it is a special Sunday, and being that he doesn't have to fly out to the film location today, he figured he might as well get some time in over at New Hope, and be in the spirit. However, he did trade the dress shoes for tennis shoes. He is going to be standing for a bit after all.

Coming in a bit earlier than he's expected, the musician waves to a few of the volunteers that had more cumbersome food assignments. He's got a reason and it seems this might be the easiest way to find the person he wants to talk to.

Peeking into the kitchen, Nick gives a wave of greeting. "Afternoon, Lucius."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus waves a knife, he peers over to Nick, "Umm, Hello. Welcome. Don't mind the mess or my appearance." he's wearing a smock as well. He continues to do his meat carving, "Happy Easter, thank you for coming. You hear to entertain, work, or just celebrate with us? Always more the merrier."

    The rest of the Shelter is currently setting up various tables, chairs, and the buffet. A bunch of kids, mix of various ethnic groups and 'genetic' backgrounds are searching around the shelter. One yells out, "Found one!" as they pull an egg out of a spot near a cot.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"You can just put me where you need me, Lucius. I got the rest of the day to give." Nick replies, giving a bit of a smile. He knows he's not really considered a regular, what with his actual career limiting how often he can help out, and the manner of his assistance varies with the season. Last year it was cooking for Thanksgiving, doing a charity album to support local shelters, and running a toy drive. This year? Well, other than drawing fire, who knows?

Smile fading, the musician, steps in fully, but stays away from any of the live prep stations, glancing around the kitchen, seeing if anyone else is back here before he continues, with a thought that's been bothering him for a few days, "Although, I did want to pick your brain about something that happened a few evenings ago."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
He notices the body language of Nick, he continues his carving, and if Nick notices but the rest of the kitchen seem to get busy carrying trays out to the buffet. Leaving the two to talk without extra ears around.

    "I was debating cooking some lamb, but Americans aren't very much into that, well at least those that I'm feeding and I think it would bankrupt the shelter." He chuckles, "There is some of my brain but what were you looking to know?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick waits until the others have left before he poses his question, opting to get to the meat of it quickly while the opportunity was there. "Have you heard any stories of people disapppearing from shelters recently?" He asks, volume kept low to prevent others from eavesdropping but loud enough for Lucius to hear.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus says, "Actually, you'd be surprised... I had a run in with some mutant stealing kind." He sighs, "People take advantage of the folks that are already beat down, politicians, criminals, or even scientists. At least that last one was the sect I think would be stealing mutants.""

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A brow lifts, "So it also happened here?" Nick asks. The frown deepens. "Are there any precautions that are being done for this?" He pauses, shaking his head, "Well, any feasible ones?"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus says, "Are you good at keeping secrets?" as he continues his carving of the porcine, He kicks a nearby knife with the back of his shoe which he catches with his other hand and he proceeds to filet the pork in front of him with the speed of a five-star chef using both knives, he makes a quick massacre of pork and he sinks the two knives into the wooden cutting board. "I'm a jack of all trades and I'm a good judge of character. If these guys make another move on this shelter, I'll make sure we're ready for them.""

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick watches the knifework and gives a bit of an impressed nod as it is used to cut up the pork. That he didn't stab his foot with the blade is indicative enough of the shoe part not coming in contact with the food side. Although the jabbing of the knives into the cutting board is probably not good for the cutlery.

"Alright." He replies with a nod at the display, "I can believe that." He pauses, "Although, I'm thinking there might be a second group to worry about then if the one you're talking about is focusing entirely on mutants. Based from how many people popped up at St. Francis, I wouldn't be surprised if the ones doing the preying over there tries to find another spot to work on."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus says, "So, your not just a star but someone who cares." He makes mention, "Don't worry about the knives, I'm good at sharpening them as well. Blacksmith in a former life." A fellow walks in front and picks up a tray of meat before heading back out. Lucius mentions, "I will work on investigating this a bit more. I don't like people being preyed apon. What's your interest in this?" He queries as he walks over to a sink and begins to clean his hands and remove his smock."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"To be honest, it didn't occur to me that this could be happening until after I got targeted outside St. Francis and ruled out it being specific targeting" Nick admits, "I was a bit more dressed down than I am now when dropping off stuff for you guys so I might have been mistaken for one of the residents. And, well if it's going on there then..."

He gestures to the wall in a bit of a sweeping gesture to indicate New Hope, "Maybe it was going on here."

He turns his head, watching Lucius clean his hands, "-I determined at an early age that I don't like bullies."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus says, "I don't like them either. The young and hopeless are forced to defend themselves at times against others that are young and hopeless." he sighs, "I only learned the skills I did because others need someone to act when they are unable to. I try and use my words to defend them but sometimes it takes more then that." he finishes washing his hands. "Good to meet another who cares.""

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a small nod witha weak smile, "Yeah. Likewise. On the meeting someone who cares part. I can't truthfully say everything I learned was to help others. Honestly, most everything I learned before eighteen was just to keep myself going."

He glances to the side, frowning for a moment before he snaps himself out of it. "Ok. If you find out anything and let me know about it, that would be great. I have some friends who might be interested in the matter." He pauses, "Actually for both groups."

His expression starts to brighten up a bit more. "Okay. Back to today's festivities, just, show me to where you need me to be today. "

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus nods, "We'll get you busy.. and about hearing something. I have alot of ways to learn things, I'll keep my ear to the streets to find these guys, but let's get about doing a bit of celebrating." he picks up a tray of meat, "Grab a tray and let's indeed get busy."