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Catching a Spider..
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Lois is rescued by Spiderman and tags him for a future interview.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Spider-Man

Lois Lane has posed:
It's been a while since Lois has worked on a good story, but she can't stay in mourning forever. Already people were starting to talk, acting all cautious around her, and on more than one occasion, it was suggested she go on bereavement leave. But hey, life goes on, right?

So here she is, in the middle of Manhattan, away from home but hot on the trail of a potential story, and if she's not careful, she may just end up in the middle of a drug bust of a shady little gang in the making!

Dressed in a trenchcoat and hat, she ducks behind an alley, watching as the thugs in pristine suits loaded some unknown goods in large cardboard boxes into a van. There were about six in total and they handed the store owner some money through the back door, grinning and waving as they continued to load the van.

It's early evening and the sun's about to set. It'll be dark soon which makes this particular neighborhood all the more creepy and dangerous. Lois is not doing herself any favors being out here alone, camera in hand as she films the thugs.

Spider-Man has posed:
Thankfully, Parker had already donned the mask and become...

Cue heroic note.


He swings across the night-donned city, with a somewhat audible 'thwip!' heard from ground level when everybody's favorite watchdog comes swingin' around. Of course, he makes his quips, like when a car -almost- hits him.

"Hey! I'm swingin' here, I'm swingin' here!" He playfully adopts a Jersey-stereotypical accent.

But then he arrives at his destination, perching atop a pointed roof with narrowed eyes. "What are you guys doing?" He waits for the moment, until he can get a better layout of the situation.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane peers intently through her camera, adjusting the brightness as the light dims. "Shoot, I really hate shady alleyways!" unfortunately that flash of light catches the attention of the thugs before they even notice Spidey.

"Who's there?" eyes narrow and at least three of them turn to face Lois, guns aimed at her. "We don't need any snoopy reporters takin' shots of us. Hand over the film, or else!" Lois just shakes her head, clicking a button and sending a particularly bright flash at the way of the thugs. One or two of them yell, shielding their eyes but leaving them momentarily blinded.

Unfortunately that doesn't stop two of them from shooting wildly at her with their guns. The other three peer up at the lamppost and snarl. "Get 'im!" and they too, open fire on Spiderman, swearing and yelling. The driver of the van starts the engine, getting ready for a quick getaway. "Hurry up, y'all!" he yells as his thug buddies.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey sharply turns his head to see a woman, who is probably attractive if these guys want to get all grabby on her even if its just for a camera, about to get into it with a few thugs...who pull out guns. "Now thats no way to treat a lady!" He sees the men about to shoot at him, thanks to spider-sense, and he tilts his head. "Oooohhhh I thought this was a comic-con executives convention. Sorry!" A front flip off of his perch and he's swinging towards Lois, "Talllyyy-HOOOOOO!" he shouts as a battle cry as he swings into a kick, knocking one of the thugs into the wall with momentum and firing a web at the barrel of the other, stopping bullets from exiting and pretty much causing his gun to stop working.

"Hi ma'am, just one quick second. Reporter? I dig. Long as you report the truth, amirite?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane narrows her eyes, darting back behind the wall. And it's a good thing that the thugs dont have good aim after they've been dazzled, because their shots run wild, making it a bit easier for her to duck for cover. But now she's not getting any good shots! One of the thugs is still shooting straight though, and Lois blinks as he aims right for her..

Good thing Spidey gets there first, kicking the guy from behind, sending him sprawling into the wall. The other two thugs quickly recover, but now their weapons are stuck and they snarl, turning on Spiderman, pulling out knives which they start to throw at him.

"Hey, look out!" Lois darts back into the alley and kicks a metal garbage can at the nearest thug. Meanwhile, the three other thugs have scrambled into the van and the engine roars to life as they attempt to make a quick getaway.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey is totally smiling behind his mask. "Don't worry my lady, the honorable Neighborhood Spider-Man is here to help make sure you stay completely- woah!" Spidey moves out of the way when she kicks a carbage can at the nearest thug. "Hey thanks. But uh...you should try and stay safe, yeah? I gotta handle these guys....who now have knives. Always with the knives.." Spidey looks bored as he dodges and flips over the knife-fighters, but with two kicks, each for a thug, they stay down. The third? Gets cocooned in webs.

"Boom! There goes the dynamite." he looks to the reporter. "so uh, ya gotta name?" He fires his web shooters in a straight line at the thugs trying to get away in the van to try and make sure they ain't goin' nowhere.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane grins and thumbs up Spidey before staying out of the way..Well mostly. She's catching this all on video see, because it makes a great story. "Sure! I'll just be over here! Nice to finally meet you, Spidey!"

She ducks again as one of the men clambers to his feet and attempts to shoot more bullets at Spidey even as the other two have given up and they too, run towards the van. It looks like the driver of the van is still flying through the alley, yelling at Spiderman as he attempts to run him down even as some of his goon buddies leap in through the open side door.

Of course two more thugs go down, entangled in his web, but the remaining thugs pick up extra guns, shooting at him from the van window. Lois continues to video the whole thing, even as she bites down on her lower lip anxiously, "Careful out there, Spiderman.." she murmurs..

Spider-Man has posed:
"Nice to meet you too nice lady!"

Spidey is then ducking and moving between bullets, literally swinging himself through the air and not a single bullet is touching him. Thankfully, Spidey swings and catches the man yelling at Spider-Man.

"Watch your profanity!"

Yes, Spidey has jokes. But he carries the man into the darkness like he's a Batman. If someone looks carefully, the guy is just webbed up to the side of the building, nothing big or major.

Then Spidey is on the hood of the Van. "Heeeeyyyy guys, whats going on. Why ya trying to run from a guy who's just trying to join the party. I mean, you guys must've sucked in High School."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane really shouldn't be chatting him up while he's clearly busy dodging baddies. But damn, he makes it seem too easy and effortless. She had heard that Spiderman had quite the mouth on him though, and it makes her smile as she continues to film while staying carefully out of the way.

"Wow, what a great story this will make!"

But now that he's wrestling with the guys in the van, they're starting to veer slowly out of the alleyway, darting this way and that as they try and shake him off the hood. One of the thugs opens a window and starts shooting bullets at him. Another of his buddies join him.

Lois frowns as she continues to film. He told her to stay out of harm's way but.."Spiderman, behind you! They've got more guns!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man was many things.

Though what J. Jonah Jameson says? All lies or such exaggerations that most people just question the man's sanity. But, the Webhead remains on the van as they start shooting bullets out one of the windows, so, Spidey decides to pull an alley-oop.

What, in this case, is an alley oop?

Well, he leaps off of the hood of the car, over what looks like a steam pipe connecting two buildings, and well...he swings into the car with a kick at superhuman force. "ALLEY...." impact. "OOP!" Likely at least severely maiming some people in the car and just knocking out others. Because Spider-Man doesn't kill yo.

....or at least this is the attempt.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Wow, smartass mouth, and clever too! I see why they love you!" Lois grins as she murmurs mostly to herself. Unless he can hear her while he's fighting goons too, which would be quite funny actually. And she continues to film..

He makes quick work of the thugs inside the van, who were totally not expecting that. Heey, Spidey's strong and fast and agile, but they clearly underestimated exactly HOW much of those he had in bucketfuls. And even with guns they don't stand a chance against the thugs as they're totally caught off-guard and knocked senseless.

Now there's just the driver who continues to swerve dangerously, then when he realizes Spiderman's IN the van, he glances over his shoulder and attempts to shooth him while driving..Okaay, this could end in numerous bad ways..

Spider-Man has posed:
"Is that you included?!" Spidey shouts back to Lois. Does he have a romantic admirer as well?! He has good luck with reporters, actually...despite his parker luck being truly horrible.

All the same, Spidey is inside the van, kicking anss and taking names. He does grab a dude's face and move it next to the driver. "Have you seen this man?" He takes the tone of a stern policeman.

"Spider-Cop's been hunting him for day-oh man!" Spidey moves out of the way of the gunfire, bouncing off the walls of the vehicle, which causes one dude to get shot in the leg. So, Spidey exits the van and tries to stomp right on the front of the vehicle to give it a full momentum stop.

"Now can you please stay down? There's a pretty lady over there that I'd like to chat with and make sure she gets home ok."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane smirks, flipping her dark hair behind her shoulder. "Heh, don't you wish." she's been known to be a bit flirty at times, but alas, her heart belongs to another...Assuming he's still alive..Somewhere..Still, she smiles and gives him a thumbs-up as she continues to take pictures.

"But I do hope you'll give me an exclusive interview after this is all over!" she grins and winks, even as she steps out of the way or more gunfire and a crazy driver that's getting closer and closer to the exit to the alley.

But fortunately, Spiderman seems to know what he's doing. As the rest of the thugs get knocked out, the driver thug's eyes widen, peering at his buddy. "Oh sh---!" suddenly the Spider's outside, stomping on the van, bringing it to a sudden stop. The driver's head jerks forward and he knocks his head on the steering wheel, knocking him out too.

In the ensuing silence, Lois finally steps closer to the van, peering around at the various knocked-out goons. "Wow, that was amazing...Need me to call the cops? The hospital?" she lowers her camera a little, "Heey, I hope you're not too shy for an exclusive interview with Lois Lane!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey maneuvers himself back over to Lois, hanging upside down with a thumbs up to her. "Heyoooo. Sure, would love an interview. Sorry about that though, that was kind of crazy."

"You okay though? Everything good?" Spidey makes sure she's alright, or tries to. Though his eyes are wandering, just to be sure she's not bleeding anywhere and adrenaline caused her not to notice. "But nope. No hospitals, cops are already on their way. Alerted them before I even got in the thick of it.

"But, just another day's work. Get home safe Ms. Lane! By the way, love your work." he stage whispers, then he swings off into the night! Likely to stop another crime in progress.