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Latest revision as of 03:34, 16 April 2020

Training with Logan or PLEASE! I'm too young to die!
Date of Scene: 15 April 2020
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Logan tries his own version of Scared Straight and fails.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Nightingale

Wolverine has posed:
How long has it been? An hour? Two? Grrr who knows anymore. For Logan it feels less. However he?s been standing in the center of the Danger Room?s floor like a monument with his arms crossed staring at the entry door with a frown. Damn kids. Run off into danger any other time at the drop of a hat. But the moment they need some real training they ditch.

Nightingale has posed:
     Although still in a sling at least for the next day or so, Shannon does make it down to the Danger Room. She's in a comfy black t-shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers, with her hair pulled back in a bun. Small wonder it had taken her a while to change, but manage she did, likely to the protest of medics on premises. At least now she had the damn thing on. Going into training with a handicap? Yeah. Interesting times ahead.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan just stares at Shannon. "S' where's you partner in crime?" Logan asks the girl curiously as he expects Megan to peek out from behind her. "Because you two have the luck of a bag full of pissed off lynxes tossed into a daycare of sugared up toddlers."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head, and shrugs with her right shoulder. "Not a clue. I left a message with her, but I'm not seeing hide nor hair of her." She tests the range of motion of her wing, and finds it less painful to move than some hours prior. She wouldn't be flying anywhere just yet, but still...! "Got to agree with you about the luck part. Go off chasing fairies, wind up with two bots in a death match. Go figure."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan continues to stare at her. "Yeah? And what about this?" Reaching behind him he pulls out a piece of paper and tosses it to the floor. Its a picture of different heroes including one Cajun thief and a winged girl. "Something you want t' tell me kid?" Its no surprise he reconizes her, the shocker is he can read. "So I was planning on lifting your punishments. But then I see things like this and realize: It wont stop you from going out there and finding trouble. So Im going t' lift your restrictions, with one modification. I wont tell you what it is. But when it happens, you'll know." Threat? Promise? Whatever IT will be he's going to let her sweat it out.

Nightingale has posed:
     "You did only say going out unsupervised was out of the question," the winged girl points out. "And normally trouble finds me first without my looking for it. Last night was a rare exception." Bending down, she scoops up the paper, peering at the photo. "Well, at least it was a lousy picture. But yeah. Long and short of it is, turns out Superman was alive, and this time he was the one that needed bailing out. Wasn't going to say no to helping, but I wasn't going to be stupid enough to go in alone, either."

     Hmm. Whatever 'IT' was going to be, she had a funny feeling it would be something designed to make her think twice about going out like that.

Wolverine has posed:
Now for her to suffer the scariest part of this whole training class. "Go on. Heal up. No training today." Yup he waited for God knows how long, just so he can tell her there is something waiting for her and her partner on the horizon. And that isn't the worst of it. Is that a smile? Yes ever so slightly, it's a smile or smirk.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just chuckled lightly and nods. Whatever was waiting for her, Megan, or both, it was likely to knock some sense into them both. Even in telling her there was no training today, it was still teaching a lesson. "I'm working on that part," she muses.

     A smile from Logan, though? Depending on the circumstances, that could either be a blessing--or a warning.

Wolverine has posed:
Crossing his arms again he stands looking at her. "Go on now. Dont need t' get hurt any more then you are now." Yup he has a training program ready for use. Not only that he was going to use said program set to his level. Which usually means there will be a lot of violence happening. But he was going to make the duo damsels go through it with him.

Nightingale has posed:
     On the injured list, Shannon might be, but that did not mean she was going to go in completely uninformed when the time came. She has a little smile of her own. Very likely she was outclassed in the matter of wits--after all, you don't get to wear as many years as well as the grouchy Canuck did by being stupid. Still, it probably couldn't hurt to do a little poking around, to get an idea of what she and her compatriot in crime might be in for.

     All the same, despite the foreboding, the ominous warnings, she couldn't help a lighter smile. If he thought them capable enough to train at his level, it was somewhat flattering in its own way. Hopefully, neither of them would disappoint.

Wolverine has posed:
"If yer wanting to stay. Stand over there." Logan says to her as he points to a spot about twenty feet from him. As he stands he waits till shes in position before looking up. "Prep Logan program: Circle of pain." Upon saying this three blue circles light up around him. Each a few feet from the next.

Nightingale has posed:
     Oh, this did /not/ look good. Shannon is quick to move out of the way, getting out of range of the program in progress. She had a small inkling that he was well-named, but had a funny feeling she was about to see /why/. This ought to prove rather interesting....

Wolverine has posed:
Logan snarls as he gets low and with a familiar sound *SNIKT* he mutters only one word. "Go." Within a minute fifty red clad ninjas holding ninjato (ninja swords) appear from nowhere and encircle Logan. His head snaps side to side as he pivots in his spot. "Watch and learn, kid." Logan says loud enough for her to hear before he roars and starts to fight.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lofts an eyebrow as the vicious, seemingly overpowering attack began. Her wings ruffle with concern as she looks on, but Logan knew what he was doing. She also didn't dare distract him with foolish questions throughout the fight; his proclivity for running Danger Room training without safeties wasn't exactly the best-kept secret in the school, and she had no wish to have his blood on her hands.

Wolverine has posed:
The fight is vicious. Logan drops four ninjas then another four of the ninjas in no time. By the time he hits ten the rumors of his 'No Safety Rule' prove true as he starts to show signs not going unschathed. Blood has been spilt, proving that the Danger Room is just that. for the next few minutes slashes, cuts and clips cause Logan to snarl like a wild beast. In a few minutes time the Wolverine has shown his face as it widdles the fifty down to thirty down to two.

Nightingale has posed:
     Many would blanch at a sight like that. Some might have run from the room in terror already. Shannon just keeps her distance from the fight, very well aware of the blood that's been spilt. At least, she thought to herself, his healing factor was strong. He'd be alright, even if she had to pull a sword out of him again. In a grim sort of way, the dance of life and death in the center of the chamber had its own kind of deadly grace. She continued to look on, watching less of the battle and more of the effect it seemed to have on him. Were fights like this something one ever truly came back from, she wondered? Was something like this what was in store for the pair of winged girls later on in the week?

Wolverine has posed:
Logan dispatches the last two quickly. He looks around in snaps, making sure his enemies are gone. He looks more like a beast waiting for the next attack. Sweat mixes with blood as he blinks and looks to Shannon, his claws ready for more. As the last two ninjas flicker out of existence the outermost circle blinks three times and vanishes. His breathing is heavy as he stares at her from under a scowl. "Go." Those words echo in the room just before fifty more ninjas appear.

Nightingale has posed:
     Finely arched brows loft as she continues in her role as witness to the battle raging on in the Danger Room, just a few good yards away from where she stood. All those Friday afternoons training by the lake, those had been kiddie stuff compared to this. The fact that he'd taken any interest at all in training and even the obviously light sparring was a bloody miracle.

     Somehow, though, she managed to keep fear at bay, looking at the entire melee scenario to see if she can tease out some sort of pattern, and make some sort of sense of the whole thing

     Was he trying to discourage her from training with him at all, when he hadn't seemed to mind at all that past autumn.

     Had she disappointed him that badly?

Wolverine has posed:
The sound of fine steel meeting flesh does make a sound, one just has to listen. Feeling each kick, punch and stab Logan just continues to fight through it. This fifty goes quicker. Maybe its because of the size of the circle or the fact hes just killing them faster. As the last few drop, Logan remains standing, somewhat. Hes taken a knee, his claws have withdrawn, and along a few swords now stick out of him. "Kid.." he says breathlessly. "Lil help here."

Nightingale has posed:
     This was nothing new to her, either. Shannon finally does enter the circle of pain, where Logan has taken a knee, and seems to have become something of a pincushion. Her smile is a little bit sad, but still she doesn't hesitate. Even with one hand, perhaps she could still be of help. "Just hold still."

     Wincing a little as she slid her left arm out of the sling, she only uses the arm to steady herself as she very carefully, as gently as one can, remove the swords from him. Each was drawn back straight, no moving the blade about. Nice, clean, and simple.

     Her voice is tinged with sadness as she speaks. "If I've disappointed you with anything I've done, I'm sorry."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan winces as the sword is pulled free. It takes a few seconds as the holes close and mends themselves. "What? Shit." he asks as he turns his head to look at her. "Kid.. Shannon. You havent disappointed me or anyone else." he looks back to the floor and to his own blood. "I'm angry with myself, not you." he stands up to his full, albeit short height and stretches. "You kids should be safe and happy here at the school. Not training for war. I should be the one out there getting my ass handed to me just so you can stay safe." He looks to her again with his usual raised brow. "I should be protecting you. Not the other way around." He stops himself and looks up. "End: Circle of pain." There is a beep as the circles flicker off. "Come on. Lets get out of here. I need a shower and a beer. And I really dont want to clean this up."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just shakes her head, peering at Logan and listening to him. "And yet I have a gift that, by its very nature, is protection. It's something I accept. Whether that means staying behind here and waiting for everyone to come home, or whether that means joining them in the field, it doesn't matter. Frankly, the former sucks just as badly as the latter is bloody dangerous." She steps back and cracks something of a smile, even managing to hold back the worst of the wince as she eases her arm back into the sling. "Trouble's going to find us either way. Hell, it's gone and found us right here on the school grounds. I'd rather be in a position to actually do omething about it, and about things that happen out there, than to be stuck worrying in a corner while my friends get their asses handed to them."

     Yeah, Logan. You weren't going to be rid of this one so easily.

     She chuckles a little, and shakes her head. "I'll pass on the beer, but if you decide you need someone to talk to, I'll bring some coffee and listen."

Wolverine has posed:
Turning to her, Logan gives her a look and just shakes his head. "Are you crazy? I dont talk. I drink. I smoke. Easier that way. Why does everyone need to talk? What ever happened to a quiet drink?" As hes talking the door to the Danger Room opens and he leads her out making she goe to the elevator while he goes to the showers.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Bah." Shannon just waves her good hand at him and chuckles lightly as she steps into the lift. "Stubborn mule." Stubborn and grouchy he might be, but there weren't many truer friends one could have in the end.