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(Nick and Cordelia talk about their last gig together and play with kittens)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:50, 19 April 2020

Invitation To The Hyperion
Date of Scene: 19 April 2020
Location: Lobby, Hyperion Hotel
Synopsis: Nick and Cordelia talk about their last gig together and play with kittens
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Cordelia Chase

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the filming portion of the mini series completed and Nick starting the transition to 'normal life', the newly shaven rocker was in a good mood. So much in a good mood that he was more than ok with swinging by the Hyperion at a certain phoned invite.

Dressed down to his usual second-hand attire, the rocker swings open the gate with a creak to pre-emptively announce his arrival. After crossing the courtyard area, he comes up the steps to enter into the mostly empty lobby.

Shoving his hands into his jacket, he glances to the decor of the place, giving an assessing look. It hasn't changed much since last time.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordelia, ah, yeah. Cordelia...she phoned the invite in. Literally this time too. See, she's wanting to catch up with a Nick. One or two days up in Canada is bad enough and Cordie's back home,back where she (mostly feels at home. So she called Nick, inviting him over. She's settled behind her desk, enjoying the (relative) quiet for the moment. Computer hums om the desk, lamp's on. Cordie's just tapping away at keys

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The scan of the room does eventually bring Nick's eyes to where Cordelia gives off the appearance of working. Being that the hotel is just as dead as the last time, he's not sure what she could be working on.

He strolls over, quietly coming to a stop before giving a smile. "It's been a few, Chase." He replies, eyes betraying a bit of mirth. "Have you had a chance to thaw out now that you're away from the set?"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"Mostly" Cordie says pausing her typing and looking over. It's Nick. The usual greeting's not really needed. No, the whole 'Hello welcome to Angel Investigationsss' isn't needed. Instead she gets up with a smile. "I came back and was shocked the temperature got into the 40s and 50s" Cordie laughs softly. She's the queen bee, but. But. She's the queen bee that's relaxed and glad to be back in where she calls home. Looking over to Nick again, Cordie comes around the desk and sits on it.

"So what's up with you? And I thought you were blowing me off with my text" she shrugs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a small chuckle shaking his head, "Yeah, I wasn't meaning to. Screen's messed up on my phone so text messages don't get read."

He pulls out his Nokia, smushed screen in demonstration. "It doesn't look like much but the actual phone calls themselves are reliable. Also those who need to get in contact with me for work knows to just call."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie just stares at the phone. "What?" she asks. No further words needed from her. Or maybe it's the fact Nick has a nigh on 30 year old brick of a phone. Indestructible, true....but a brick. Cordie's by comparison is every bit as sleek and technologically sound as phones get. Cordie's all about latest and greatest. Or, at least, not a brick phone. Sure, she scraped together the cash to get her phone a few years ago but....why not. It's newer and shinier than Nick's...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's not much to look at but it's a good phone. This thing can get run over and still make calls." Nick replies.

Ideed with the crack in the screen, it looks like it was run over.

"Very reliable if you're moving around a lot." He pauses, "Although a bit of a pain to track down and get them to work on the current phone system. Still worth it."

Done shouting the praises of old technology, Nick slides the Nokia back into his pocket, "Also, I prefer having a reason NOT to be involved with social media."

Musicians are WEIRD.

"Ok, other than the cold and the ice scene, wasn't that shoot fun?"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"You mean besides the whole oh fuck, Mercedes died part?" Cordie laughs, "Yeah it was actually funbut I never, ever want to touch Tm Hortons ever again" Cordie says with a sigh, looking over Nick then around the lobby. She shakes her head and sighs. "You were winning the dogs over. You know" Cordie says amusedly. "I was about two seconds from you being a sled dog driver. You did good with those canines mind. Why didn't you bring one home?" she asks. Cordie wanted to. Oh. She /watned/ to...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Being the book has been around since 1903 and you were in the mini series I think I can get away with telling you that John dies too." Nick replies, "The story is all about the dog after all."

He glances away from Cordie, glancing to the decor of the hotel lobby. "I love dogs." Nick admits, "But my life is not the type where I can so easly adopt one and give it the life it deserves. I travel too much to own a big breed and those smaller breeds can barely be called dogs."

He glances back to Cordie, "I think you had the harder role. Mine at least had me treating the dogs like children. Not be clueless in their care."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordelia shakes her head and smiles. "Good point. You're a natural with animals mind" Cordie shrugs looking thoughtful to Nick, watching him quietly. "I had my moments with dogs, don't I?" she asks with a nod.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I do think they enjoyed the scenes where you're sneaking them food." Nick agrees, "And professionally trained or not, I suspect they purposefully messed up a few times to make sure they got extra treats."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Snort. Cordie's agreeing. Those dogs did like it. Cordie shakes her head with a laugh. "You'd do the same for food. Don't BS me, Nick" Cordie shrugs and grins watching Nick as she shakes her head yet again. She looks pleased with the dogs though and smiles. "Yeah but.....those dogs would do anything for food" Cordie shrugs looking serious. "I mean, c'mon. Dogs are fine creatures" she says with a smirk.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Quite noble creatures indeed." Nick nods, "And yes, you got me there. I'm not one to turn down free food either."

A hand slides out of his pocket, rising up to brush the back of his head, "So, I'm guessing since you invited me here, that you know Angel as well. I'm guessing Buffy was the one at the Magic Box that you knew."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"Yes I know Angel" Cordie nods keenly and curls her lip at the mention of the Magic Box. Nope. She....doesn't need to remember that. Or just what Harry told her, nope, no thank you. Nope. Cordie waves a hand around the lobby. "This is all his place, so I just work here" Cordie shrugs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances around, giving a nod, "Ah yes. This hotel is just as BUSY as before." There's a hint of a sarcastic emphasis on the word 'Busy'.

He leans in slightly, "I'm guessing not on the hotel side of things. But hey, a side gig is a side gig. Got to pay the bills somehow between projects."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"Hey!" Cordie says sharply. "Don't knock the dust bunny crowd. They're no trouble" she mouths off watching Nick. "Plus, ghosts and creepy stuff are the best clients" she says watching Nick with a grin, sitting back behind the desk. "Though for hotels, we got vacancies if you like?" Cordie adds flipping through paperwork.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Barring very restrictive tour contracts that prevent me from doing so, If I'm this close to home after a concert, I'm likely to just stay home." Nick points out, shaking his head as he looks to the paperwork Cordie is flipping through, "Although the bar looked to have a good selection and plenty of kittens for distraction last time I was in there."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Kittens. Thhat's a thing. Cordelia lifts one up and sets said lil kitten on the desk. Cue the little fuzzball curling up on the papers. "Hey. No. No" Cordie grumbles. "No just...hey. Fine, I'll get up then" Cordelia sighs and peers into the bar. "Rest of the flines are in there" she nods. "Lone one out here too" she adds stepping toward it

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick watches as Cordelia sabotages her own work by using a kitten as a paperweight. "You can't protest if you're the one who set the kitten's nap location to be there." He admonishes, glancing over towards the bar. "Mind if I pop in on the fuzzballs for a bit?"

In cat terms, he might be there for awhile.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie looks over to the bar and nods. Sure!" she says and knows Nick's right. She's the one who sabotaged her work with a cute, fuzzy, purring paperweight...that doesn't wanna be moved. Kittens set up home and relax. Cordie comes out from behind the desk and looks over Nick. "You need any catnip or anything?" she adds and sets of f for the bar herself.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Permission granted, Nick turns away from Cordelia, heading over to the bar. "No. If they don't want my attention then they just don't want it."

Coming across one, he crouches down, offering a hand to scritch the underside of the kitten's chin. As the furball leans in to the petting, he shifts his weight, sitting cross legged on the floor. And thus is the begining of the end of one Nick Drago as his lap ends up becoming a cat bed.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
There's an 'awww' from Cordelia as she raises her phone, and begins snapping photos of Nick befriending the kittens. Cordie's naturally posting this to social media too. See. This isn'th how she figured inviting Nick over would go...nope. Kittens decided hey, this guy's not been marked and claimed for the cat collective yet...

So, that's how Cordie's stood in the doorway and snapping photos with her cell. Up intil the moment she gets crossed up by a kitten, and goes face first to the floor. She's still grabbing pictures of Nick up until she meets the floor with a bang. The kitten? Oh he's fine with this and rubs against Cordie as if claiming his prize.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
At the sound of the body hitting the floor, Nick commits the first cardinal sin of Kitten playing. He shifts the kittens off of him and scoots over to where the former co-star took a header to the floor. "Geez Chase! Are you okay?!"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"I'm fine" Cordie says lifting her head off the floor and getting slowly to her feet. "See, I got tripped by a kitten" Cordie offers, the offending fuzzball batting at laces. "I'll be okay, Nick. I'll be okay" she says, "You were so adorable with those cats mind" she adds and looks totally and utterly serious too, like THE Nick Drago being a cat's plaything is normal. Cordie's trying not to giggle.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There's an upwards quirk to Nick's lips as he nods, glancing to the kitten that played Bunyan to Cordie's Evergreen stance.

"Got to keep an eye out for them." He advises, still kneeling on the floor while glancing up to Cordelia's standing form, "They may be cute, but we know full well kittens are just cats who have not fully developed their murderous tendencies yet."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie nods sagely. "Like...leave my laces alone" Cordie says to the kitten that's leaving her laceless. "I said. Leave. My. Laces. Alone" she says wagging a finger. That's asking for it.

Oww!" Cordie shrieks. "That hurt!"

Yeah that's just proving Nick's point more. Which sends Cordie scuttling out of the bar to gt tissue for her finger...and bandage up her wounded ego...