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Latest revision as of 03:38, 20 April 2020

Paperwork. Schmaperwork...
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Foyer, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Chris meets up with Ami to go over not so classified stuff.
Cast of Characters: Chris Redfield, White Fox

Chris Redfield has posed:
Few things are certain in life. For Chris Redfield, SHIELD agent...there's a certain routine to life in the Triskelion. Which explains why he's on his way in, takeout food bag in hand, smelling of greasy yet netritious food from food carts. Oh Chris isn't going to eat it. Well....not yet. He's going to eat it then go work out. See, self-solving problem. Casting his eyes around as he enters the foyer, Redfield slows his gait, a slow deliberate walk. Sure he's armed to the nines, jacket, t-shirt, all that good stuff...

But he's also read up on an NIS contact and is keen to meet up with her.

White Fox has posed:
In suit and with a matching Suitcase, Ami Han, the NIS contact, is jsut about to leave an elevator from the upper floors. She had just delivered a couple papers to there, most regarding the last night's action in the harbor area, including the after action report. The badge on her chest carris the NIS logo, but also a shield logo in an orange C, declaring her consultant. A badge she was going to surrender at the checkin desk for the ID she was handed by the NIS, lacking the shield logo.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Heading in, Chris nods and goes through the motions of showing his ID, and nods to the desk, heading toward the elevator and Ami once cleared to go in...

With his boots thudding on the floor.

Chris moves with a purpose, his own badge denoting his level 5 clearance rating.

Moving with a purpose, Chris makes a beeline for the elevator Ami's stepping out of.

White Fox has posed:
Ami Han stops a moment as Chris is about to pass her, stepping aside to make space in the elevator. "Have a nice day, sir." she says with a little bow.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris pauses when he's spoken to and looks to Ami, "Thanks" he begins and looks over her more carefuly. "You're a consultant?" he asks. They're all on the same team here, and he knows the badges, their symbols, and....what means what. Her consultant badge stands out. Which isn't a shock, really.

Chris's own badge is showing a level 5 clearance, and he's wearing armor and quite a few weapons all the time. He's a field agent after all.

White Fox has posed:
Ami Han straightens up fully, giving Chris the once over. "I am Ami Han of the NIS Superhuman Division and as such liason for international cooperation. This includes SHIELD" A moment her eyes dart to his badge, reading it over. "Agent Redfield. I assume you are on your way to the Arsenal?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris listens politely and shakes his head. "No, no. I was actually on my way to a meeting. Listen, I was asked to talk with you about your report. Got a minute?" he asks with a smile. At six feet or thereabouts Chris is tall and well built. But he's got an easy relaxed posture currently thankfully.

White Fox has posed:
"Considering that I had just deliverd the last batch of files regarding the preliminary report I had mailed yesterday, I assume much of the open questions might be answered there, but if it is your case I will go over the files with you to ensure that you have everything you need." Ami answers somewhat diplomatically, poiting to the entry of the elevator. "how long do you have to your meeting?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
"Oh no no not my case. I was asked to go over it all as a second pair of eyes" Chris says, "I was going to pay attention to tactics and engagements" he nods and waits, "I've got about an hour, give or take till the meeting starts however so..." Chris says, "I could hit the range, or arsenal, or the training room. All are good choices.

White Fox has posed:
Ms Han lifts an eyebrow as he admits it wasn't his case. "Some information in the dossiers do underly strict scrutiny regarding the clearance in the reports, but I can go over some of the non classified items if that helps. Is a meeting room availeable?" she asks, using one finger to tap onto the suitcase.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris shakes his head. "I've got level 5 clearance and I'm fairly sure I could go up the chain to get cleared to read the files if it's needed. Yeah there's a meeting room. Escalators over there lead to offices. So" he nods looking over. "There's an empty meeting room but if that's too public then...up to the ops or security levels?" he asks and leans on the wall of the elevator.

White Fox has posed:
"Agent Redfield, the real Identities of several people invlved, if known, are for the eyes of the Director only." She again gestures to the elevator. "Lead the way though."

Chris Redfield has posed:
"If it's that highly classified. I can fly you to the helicarrier to meet with Director Fury" Chris offers. Hey. he's a pilot. Cut his teeeth in the USAF. He /knows/ how to fly.. He's offering to be a glorified taxi service. Less smoke. Less conversation. More oh my effing god if I screw this up we both die...fears. Which, by the way, totally justified when Chris if redlining a quinjet at vmax thank you very much...

White Fox has posed:
"That won't be necessary, the Director has his copy of the file waiting for him in an encrypted drive. What was it again you would like to know about that operation?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris shrugs waiting on the elevator to quit moving and do that open door thing elevators are known to do. He looks over to Ami. "That's a liabilityy" he says thinking like the good little government worker he is.Still he drops the subject and gestures out the door when it finally does open...

White Fox has posed:
Reentering the Elevator, Ami sorts her suit a moment as she waits for Chris to choose the right elevator floor. "If someone but the Director tries to open the file, they will be deep in trouble."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris shrugs, "Well that's both reassuring and worrying" he says punching the ops floor button. Elevators do move when buttons are pushed. That's reassuring to know...

See. Chris is glad the elevator works. See, Chris waits, watching Ami. "So, just who are you? Your file says you are with NIS but..." he says looking around the elevator for a moment.

White Fox has posed:
"Why, I am Ami Han, head of the NIS Superhuman Division and responsible for arranging coordination of international activities of the South Korean national heroes. This includes coordination with SHIELD. Agent F-1 was aiding in the operation."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris nods looking thoughtful. "Okay so" he smiles. "So, you're abig shot. Okay, there's that" he says. "You're equivalent to our Director then?"

White Fox has posed:
"No, I am just the director of the Superhuman Division, not th eNIS Director. I have to report to my superiors." Ami correts, waiting for the lift to arrive in the designated floor.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Once it does, Chris nods. "Then I understood your file wrong" he says and admits fault. Whoa. He listens keenly. "Then give me a general not so clasified rundown over what went down?" he asks,leading the way through the operations floor. Okay, no...no....the rooms here....nope.

White Fox has posed:
Stepping into one of the conference rooms as guided by Redfield, Ami steps to the whiteboard, taking control of the beamer to it to put up a map of the area by using the handheld close to it.
"In the evening or night, Amanda Waller was seen arriving at theis site in a black car. Agents of several groups, among them Alfa and Beta Flight, the Legion and X-man as well as Agent F-1 did form a joint operation under the lead of Supergirl. While Waller fled the scene after miss Lois Lane appeared and tried to press her for information, the other operatives moved in with the following goals: 2 operatives did take out Deadshot and the other snipers that attempted to kill Lois Lane while F-1 did take out mundane operatives that guarded the casket. After Deathstroke did engage Superboy and poisoned him with Kryptonite, F-1 did engage him, took him by surprise and managed to remove the kryptonite in time. Meanwhile the X-men took out The Enchantress and Captain Boomerang while Supergirl dealt with Giganta."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris makes a 'hrrrrm' sound and sighs. "Okay, so she got a task forcce that weere told do what they had to in order to get the job done. They got taken out. And, Waller ran off, correct?" Chris asks with a look to Ami. "Do we have any leads on where she went?" he asks. There's a gleam in his eye. Get a team, and...ah yeah, get a team, and start tracking her down?

White Fox has posed:
"I can only speculate upon the motives of Waller, but her setup did employ known criminals and terrorists, some of them have been apprehended in the course of the joint operation. Indeed, she and Deathstroke did evade roundup by SHIELD. Currently the NIS has no information about the wherabouts of Amanda Waller and would break international law by tapping into US-owned databases to try to acquire them." Ami explains, hands resting on her suitcase.

Chris Redfield has posed:
"The law's a bitch" Chris shrugs. "Why do we have to tip toe around it when Waller and her cronies don't? I mean, they ran away" he muttered looking to Ami. "Tell me how that's fair and just, then?" he says and shakes his head. Chris has had more than his fair share of following the law. Or laws as written, too...

White Fox has posed:
"Because we defend our countries laws? I abide the laws of South Korea, which preclude me from hunting criminals in the US without some special exceptions." Ami answers diplomatically, not even starting about the huge pattern of holes that these exceptions rip into the general rule. "SHIELD is bound by less laws." which also was true to some degree.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris looks doubtful. "Laws are constantly broken, though" he shrugs with a sigh. "Yes we uphold the laws but we can't uphold every law"

Chris knows that first hand...oh he's had time and experience to know that one. Chris falls quiet and trails Ami into the office, finding a seat to sit in. in.

White Fox has posed:
Ami Han nods a little as she puts the suitcase flat to open it, searching for a paper or two, slipping photos over to him. "Waller and Deathstroke, archive records." she notes to them. "Though I guess that SHIELD already has these.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris looks over the images and shakes his head. SHIELD already most likely has them but it's good to have backups in case things go missing or whatever. Still, Chris nods looking over to Ami. Looking over the photos again, Chris touches each in turn. "Thank you. You, I know those images pracctically by heart" Chris says gently.

White Fox has posed:
"Use them as reference for introducing your team to them. Some numbers on them are on the back." Ami notes, nodding back. "Any other questions about the operation?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
"None" Chris says. "But is there anything I can help you with?" he asks watching Ami. "Well, within reason that is" Chris adds quickly with a smile.

White Fox has posed:
"Not at the moment. I can relay your offer to Agent F-1, if you'd like to." Ami offers in return. "Otherwise we might conclude the meeting."

Chris Redfield has posed:
"Of course" Chris nods. "Yes, let the agent know" he says and starts for the door and to do useful things.