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Latest revision as of 18:49, 23 April 2020

Trouble at The Club
Date of Scene: 19 April 2020
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Some vamps jump patrons of the Blue lady. Scoobies to the rescue!
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Oracle

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's early evening and the club's in full swing. In fact it's busier than ever, perhaps due to the nice weather or perhaps due to the popular jazz band currently playing. Whatever the case, Buffy is here in her full work uniform, snappy black suit and pants, black tie, white shirt, tonfa strapped to her thigh straps. So far it's been fairly uneventful, busy but no major fights have broken out yet. Which is good.

So why is her slayer sense tingling? With a soft frown, she walks around the back of the building towards the back door of the club, peering out the window with a soft frown.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is in his costume, the is the costume of "the Man in the White Suit," the owner and operator of the speak-easy themed Jazz club. He moves confidentially from table to table, flirting shamelessly with the female patrons, trading grips with the males. Making recommendations and trying to insure everyone is having a good time. His circuit brings him a little closer to where Buffy stands and he smiles, sipping from a glass of Amber liquid. "Problems Ice?"

Oracle has posed:
Up on the roof of the club, the digital knight is waiting, watching. She's tapping away at the wrist computer, tracking the club's income and expenses. With a whizzing sound, a grappling hook clangs onto a nearby building and Babs begins reeling herself in, then pauses looking down to the parking lot and the roof. She's not off the roof yet. Instead, she's got a good few feet before she pushes herself off of it. See, she's on alert too. On instinct she drops down to the parking lot, tugging the grappling hook free and beginning to coil it in.

Oh shi...

Batgirl's in the parking lot. Right /there/

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, glancing over at Thomas and shrugs, "Not sure yet, but I think I'm sensing trouble out back..If I'm gone for more than ten minutes, mind checking up on me?" and with that she heads out the back door towards the alley. It's not as busy out here but occasionally people take the creepier back alley.

She hasn't spotted Batgirl yet as she focuses on shadowy figures, mostly hidden in the darkness that it could have just been the imagination.

Its only when a group of three drunk and giggling girl step out the back that they hone in on them, five handsome looking guys fall into step behind the girls, a predatory look in their eyes.

"Hey there pretty ladies, care to join us for some real action?" the single streetlight in the alley gleams on long incisors as Omega of them grins wickedly and to the trainee observer there are the subtle give always of a vamp. They join the girls, flirting and laughing, drawing them further into the darkness of the back of the alley.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"You got it." He says softly, and breaking charcter for just a moment leans down and brushes his lips lightly agienst the Slayers cheek. Then he goes back to schoozing his guests for a few minutes. After what feels like about 10 minutes he checks his watch... Eight minutes and fortyfive seconds to go..

Oracle has posed:
Babs takes a leap and swings her way up to the roof again. She's sensing trouble in the back alleys, and runs across the roof, baton in hands as she just...steps off the roof and lets herself drop in the alley near the group of eight. They want a fight? Fine. Huntress would be her pick for this, or the Shadow or Skye,or May but...but...

Batgirl's here. With not even a heyhowyadoin....she waits, waits, and watches. She's twirling the baton, then her hand closes on a gas pellet skimming it toward the group. It's tear gas. Because that's a totally logical way to sort things. Or it would be if Babs thought for two seconnds.

In actuality, a smoke pellet's thrown to cover Babs approach.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The girls seem pretty oblivious to the apparent danger they're in, even as Buffy catches up to them, stepping between the girls and the vamps. "Okay seriously? That's like the oldest trick in the book. Can't you vamps think of a more original pick up line? Leave the girls alone and run away now, and I might spare you.."

"Heeey! What are you doing, freak?" one of the drink, ditzy girls frowns at Buff as she gets in between her and one of the vamp boys, "Quit interfering!" one f the other girls reaches up to kiss her vamp guy, who grins wickedly, revealing a set of fangs as he plunges them into her neck.

A lot of screaming is heard as Buffy lunges for one of the vamps and the vamps dogpile the slayer. Smoke suddenly fills the alley and the girls scream and flee in the chaos..Well, two of them flee, one of them is caught by one of the vamps who hasn't tackled Buff to the ground along with the three others.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith screams, crying? Yep that sounded like about 10 minutes. the Man in the White Suite nods slightly and heads towards the back exit saying only "Crush? Whatch things while I step out for a moment." He removes his suit coat, tossing it onto a counter as he exits through the kitchen revealing two holsters. One for a Kukri knife... the other for a pistol gripped shotgun.

Oracle has posed:
Babs lunges for the vampires too, looking highly angry behind her mask. Angry Batgirl? Not a good thing,really. She brings the baton down on shoulders, spines, heads...anywhere she can land a hit on the vamps. Oh she is mad now, and fighting with the baton in one hand, her armored gauntlets slamming into the vampires too. She pauses fighting to tap at her wrist computer. There's the sound of an engine speeding toward the alley as Barbara's sport Batmobile's coming to her. Which means, oh snap, get outta the way or get run over. Ever seen a Batmobile pull a honey badger and not care?

Buffy Summers has posed:
The fifth vamp is caught off guard by Babs, and momentarily distracted from his potential victim. The girl screams and struggles free in the ensuing chaos, fleeing for her life. But this vamp is not like the unpowered villains Babs has fought in the past. She will have to fight smarter, not harder. The vamp is only momentarily stunned by her vicious assault and with a smirk, attempts to grab her by the neck and hurl her into a nearby trash can.

Buffy meanwhile, is hidden under smoke and darkness, and four hungry, angry and very well trained vamps. It's not looking good for Buffy as they continue to beat her into a bloody pulp..Until with an angry yell, she sends them flying into the walls of the alley, climbing to her feet.

"Seriously, how rude.." she mutters as she pulls out her tonfa, fitting the tips with wooden spikes and rushes at the nearest vamp, engaging him in a furious and dangerous and deadly dance. Odd, they're a lot better trained fighters than the usual ones. They're also all bearing those familiar eye of toth tattoos, inlaid in a jagged half-heart - Armastus' particular version of the popular symbol.

Thomas Raith has posed:
One of the Vampires returns to it's feet, a snarl on it's lips untill it feels something hard press agienst the back of his head. "Excuse me," Thomas asks in a conversational tone. "Did you just try to bite my girlfriend?" Without waiting for an answer Thomas fires the shotgun. There are several ways to kill a vampire, but that particular method works for most things. He then turns to Buffy. "I know you said ten minutes, but I missed you."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Poof! One vamp is quickly dusted by Thomas. Buffy grins and winks at him, "Just couldn't stay away, could you." Shes only slightly distracted as her vamp tries to head butt her and she yells, stumbles back, rubbing her head, "Heey, that hurt!" eyes narrow as he launches a series of rapid kicks at her, and she side steps, backslapping him with the tonfa before stabbing his heart. He too, falls in a pile of dust.

She spies a Batgirl and rushes towards her, before stopped by vamp #3, Hey Batgirl, catch!" she yells as she tosses her a spare stake. Vamp #4 is already rounding on Babs, and attempts to kick her several times before she can get up. Vamp #5 is already rushing at Thomas with a vicious flurry of well placed punches and kicks, more well trained than his fallen comrades.

Oracle has posed:
Babs is so done with this. So, so done. She fires a grappling hook into the top of the wall and begins climbing up it. Smart idea since her ride's coming...hey, maybe she can use the grappling hook to decapitate a vampire come to think of it?

The engine grows louder as with a screech of tires her Batmobile, sport version, launches into the alley,and only seems to be getting faster. The problem?

Babs is not at ground level. Thankfully, it stops below Babs. But being thrown into a trash can hurt. Oh. Trash can. Idea!

Babs stays up on the line as she waits, eyeing the trash can. Maybe there's something wooden in it? Huh, worth a shot. The stake gets caught. And the vampire that was kicking her? Yeah that's not a good idea kicking an armored, angry Babs.

Still though, tempting as it is to drop a stake on the vampire. Babs got a far more simple idea. Pull out grappling hook. Ensure she's above vampire. Let gravity do the rest/ Oh and stab the heart. That's her plan.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Oh, you know how it is. I try to get through my day but I can't help but wonder what you're doing." He what fun is a fight sequence without flirtty banter. As the Vampire charges him, he swings his Kukri around to "Disarm" it. So who'se your friend? Love the outfit.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The vamp after Babs is caught off guard when she drops in on him with...A grappling hook. It goes right through the heart, and the vamp snarls, hurt,angry but not dead. It snarls, rushing around her with super human speed, and armour or not, these super strengthened demons are gonna hurt as it attempts to punch her hard and rapidly before trying to grab and throw her into a brick wall. He's slower than before though, cuz the stab to the heart hurt.

Thankfully the armour likely prevents her from broken bones or fatal strikes however "Use the stake! They're vamps, only wood works!" calls out Buffy, but she's busy with the vamp#4 who kicks her hard in the stomach, causing her to stumble back. "Heey, I'm talking here, do you mind?" she brings up her tonfa to block the next kick, before she too, is thrown into a wall. "Phew.." she shakes her head, already springing back to her feet, "They're tougher than the last bunch.."

Vamp #5 steps back as Thomas attempts to cut off his arm, and shrieks as he manages to slice it off at the elbow. With a snarl, the vamp pulls out a Sabre and swings it rapidly and viciously at Thomas, attempting to cut off one of his arms in turn.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sidesteps the Vampires blow, using the barrel of the shotgun to block the saber and bringing his Kukri around in a flourish aimed at the things throat. "Or chop of their head, that works too." He says in a conversational tone. "I'm Thomas by the way, this is my club... when this is all over why don't you stop in fr a drink?" He winks at Buffy, "what do ou think, specialty of the house?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs just....sorta imitates a jackhammer, or a teenage boy on unsupervised internet websites, Stake gets lunged at vampire, and Babs doesn't have superhuman speed. What she has? Nerdiness. In spades. She'll wait on tiring the vamp out. Or, she's got a backup plan. Literally. Her car, back the vamp into a corner. And if vamps can outdo that? Well she'll flee into the club and dig through the club for anything sharp. Her fashion sense sadly doesn't cut that sharply...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Babs' vamp is too busy gloating prematurely over his 'weaker' opponent and totally caught off guard when she successfully stakes him this time. He snarls as he falls to the ground, exploding into dust. Buffy meanwhile, back springs off the wall she's hurled into and throws a stake at vamp#4, reducing him to a pile of dust as she lands crouching slightly, glancing around.

"Sure.." she smirks and shrugs, wiping the dust off her up uniform with a sigh. She just washed this. "Need a hand?" she peers over at Thomas as his vamp darts back, nearly dodging the strike..But his eye was on the gun, and the Kukri slices his head off unexpectedly. He too, falls to the ground with a shriek as he explodes into a pile of dust.

Oracle has posed:
Babs slides the baton back to her belt again and folds her arms, looking to the door, tilting her head as if asking silently if they head in there yet. Time for Babs to disappear for a few, and come back to the Blue Lady in not so notable garb, really...

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith watches as his vamp drops to ash. A slight grin touching his lips, "Well you know me love. I never turn down help from a lady." He says with a bit of a grin, nodding to Batgirl. "Always a treat watching your sort at work." He says amused. "Feel free to drop in anytime...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances towards Babs as she makes a quick exit, "Oh, heh...Well, thanks for helping out! We should do it again some time.." with a sigh and shrug, she peers around one more time to make sure there are no lingering vamps, "So, guess they were from Carpe Noctem, guess I'd better keep a closer eye on your patrons. They might send more."

Oracle has posed:
Babs exits stage left and Batgirl's gone, done her thing, vanished into the night, all that fun stuff. Still, Babs has access to pretty much everything at her fingertips. If Buffy asks, Babs will look into Carpe Noctem for her. Just gota track Babs down...

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, still managing to look completely put together dispite the intense physical combat of a few moments ago. "That's the thing about Vampires. You set yourself a nice quiet little feeding territory and they all start trying to poach." He says amused.

Oracle has posed:
Babs returns and heads to the club in casual tank top, jeans and ankle boots combo. See. She's got style, casual style that is. So she waits in line. Looking over to the club itself, Babs looks over, waits and is impatient to get in there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "Well, looks like they've cleared out, only an idiot would stick around after a butt kicking by the Slayer, the White Prince and Batgirl!" she sighs, "Too bad she ran off, didn't get to thank her for her help.." with a shrug, she heads back inside, "Just another half hour left of my shift, then I can relax." she grins, then pauses as she catches a glimpse of a familiar figure, "Heey, I know her, shall I introduce you?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Outside in the line, the doorman is letting groups in slowly and smirking. When he sees Babs though the young Hispanic man grins at her. "Hey dare chicca? You want's in, Axe let you in. Lady like you class de place up real good no?" He waves her foreward, much to the annoyance of some of the folks in the crowd ahead of her. The young man also has a pairr of tomahawks hanging from his belt under his coat. "Maybe you save a dance for Axe when he gets off in an hour, no?"

MEanwhile Thomas has reclaimed his coat, using it to hide his own weapons. "Oh? Show me who?" he asks curiously with plaful amusement on his lips.

Oracle has posed:
Babs doesn't promise much to Axe. Instead she heads in, there's a backpack outside stashed away. She runs out to get it, then returns to the club and heads for a bathroom and changes into her dress, with high heels. See. Babs planned this. She brought her dress and heels, better to fit in. She sashasays her way to the table, and settles there watching everything.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Axe as he lets her skip the line. "Heh, looks like someone is smitten..Cmon!" she leads a Thomas into the club but is careful to maintain professionalism while on duty. Which means no flirting or holding hands or anything. Oh well. She follows Barbara inside, peering around and waving to her once she does see her. "Barbara, hey!" she calls out to her. "Love the dress!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives Axe an eyeroll but doesn't say anything about the other man letting the leggy redhead slip into the bar ahead of people who have been waiting for considerably longer. He smirks a little and smiles. "A Pleasure to meet you Barbara. welcome to the Blue Lady."

Oracle has posed:
"Thanks!" Babs calls over. "Come join me" she offers pulling out empty chairs to sit in. "I figured it was better than casual"

Truth. Babs did her reserch on the Blue Lady. Knowing the style, she stashed the dress and is,,,..here and now, in the dress. She eyes Buffy and raises an eyebrow. "So that's who, some rich guy? The owner? Your guy?" Babs guesses, looking amused to Buffy and Thomas. Babs studies the club as if committing it to memory.

"Thanks!" she says and nods to Thomas. "So what would you recommend? Drinks wise" she says giving him a sharp look. She's guessing that Thomas is seeing /someone/ and doesn't want to be responsible for cheating. Totaly not Babs' style

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Barbara, "Good to see you again, this is Thomas. Is this your first time here?" glancing at Thomas she smirks, "We met randomly when I wandered into a clock tower apartment. Apparently her friend Natasha knows an Aunt of mine or something..Small world, heh?"

As for joining her, she just shakes her head, "Unfortunately I'm working and can't sit and relax..I'm sure the boss wouldn't be too happy about me 'slacking off'." she grins and winks at Thomas. If he IS her guy, she makes no effort to show it or discuss it..Not while she's in uniform. That would be inappropriate. "I'm gonna do another perimeter check. Behave yourself, Thomas." she winks at him before heading out for a bit.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit at his best bouncer and makes a "Pfft." sound. "Like I know how to do that." He says amused. To Babs he smirks just a little bit "You are actually right on all three counts." Then as if needing to prove himself right about not being able to behave himself, and with Buffy still there says "Can I offer you a Slow Comfortable Screw up agienst the wall?"

Oracle has posed:
"I don't know. Can you?" Babs asks with a smirk watching Thomas, seeing if she can bait him. Like that's smart, Babs...but she can't help herself at times. Nope. Babs is, well, Babs is just opening her mouth, putting her foot in it. See. This is why Babs is better with computers or superheroes, really...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just rolls her eyes, giving Thomas a 'look'. "Right, here we go again..Guess I'll see you later. Maybe." she gives him a sharp look, resting a hand briefly on his shoulder, "Well I'll see you two in a bit!" and with that, she disappears into the crowds, trying to focus on her job. Let's hope Babs doesn't take the bait.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks mildly amused by that and signals for the waitress to bring over "One house special and his own personal bottle. He leans back in the seat looking relaxed and amused at the other woman... which is not at all how he looked at Buffy, and anyone who cals themself a detective could see that in his eyes.

Oracle has posed:
Babs studies Thomas for a moment watchingg Buffy headd off into the crowd. Great. Great. Babs shakes her head and looks from Thomas to the waitress.

"So" she says, watching the waitress then Thomas. "Do I amuse you?" she asks simply, looking back to Thomas, before Babs runs hands through her hair.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tilts his head slightly as the waitress walks away to fetch the requested drinks. He leans back in his seat looking...well yes amused. "A great deal of things amuse me. I like to consider myself a student of humanity. How they act, how they reat to different situations."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hasn't returned yet, as some fight broke out at the bar between a drunk patron and the guy who just cheated with his girlfriend. Which leaves her pretty distracted, trying to break up the fight. "Alright, you two settle down, or you'll have to take it outside."

Of course, one of the drunk thugs has the clever idea of pulling a knife on her and Buffy just rolls her eyes as he climbs to his full 6'6 height, baring down in her with a knife. She just sighs, darting out of the way, effortlessly disarming the guy, twisting his arm behind him.

"Ok what did I just say about no violence permitted?" with a sigh, she shoves him towards the door. "Out now, the both of you. Don't bother coming back, at least for a few days or I'll have to call the cops on you next time."

And with a few minutes to go, Buffy cleans up the mess left behind before heading upstairs to change into something more comfortable.