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Red Hook Coffee Shop Stop
Date of Scene: 25 April 2020
Location: Red Hook Shopping Mall, Red Hook
Synopsis: Barbara and Nick conduct an experiment in the middle of the food court
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Phantasm (Drago)

Oracle has posed:
Coffee is the lifeblood of society (according to some quarters) which explains why Barbara Gordon, daughter of Comissioner Gordon, is settled in at the food court with, surprise, a coffee andd a prastrami sandwich. Hot, with grilled cheese, too. Looking over the food court, Babs smiles to herself, the mall's busy, good. She's got an eye on her purse though and isn't afraid to throw down to defend her stuff...

So, Barbara stares into her coffee for a moment nand raises her head looking around with a keen eyed stare.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
While Nick may have lived in Gotham at some point in his life, it's technically not his home anymore. Although, sometimes a bout of Nostalgia will come and hit hard. This is more or less the reason for Nick's presence here. A random memory stirred up and a curious inclination to see how much the place has changed.

Well that and the bookstore owner he does see on a more frequent basis said that the cookies in the cookie factory kiosk pairs well with the coffee shop located around the food court. Might as well give that a shot, right?

So here wanders in a knitcapped Nick. A folded paper Cookie Factory bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, pale eyes scan the court for an available table and seat.

Oracle has posed:
Babs glances around more. Sure, there's room at her table. Nodding Babs raises her coffee cup. Oh, she bought a sandwich instead of cookies. Great. She's the responsible, not eating junky cookies type stuff....ah who cares. Babs is good like that and nibbles on her prastrami sandwich.

Setting it down, she sips her coffffee and looks over to Nick. "C'mon, sit ovr here if you want" she nods.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick skims the food court, his scan pauses as he thinks he sees Bab's lift up her coffee cup. He glances behind him to confirm she's not gesturing to someone else behind him. Upon the verbal offer being thrown over, he gives a small smile and nods back, walking over.

He sets the bag and coffee down on the table before acquiring the seat. "Thanks. Food court is busier than I thought it would be."

Oracle has posed:
"I know, what's up with that?" she asks as Barbara settles in, watching Nick. "I mean. What's up with alll the people here? It's the weekend, is everyone out shopping today or what?" Babs says with a sigh, sipping her coffee again, eyeing the cookie bag suspiciously. "You got cookies? Mmm, I could so go for cookies right now"

Babs could. She's being responsible though. She got the whole lecture from her father though and..and....

Fine. be boring and miserable and all that, Barbara...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Now seated, Nick gives a smile, leaning over to partially rip open the bag to expose a half dozen cookies. Based from the wall of scent that errupts from the package, they are very fresh.

"It was recommended I try pairing these with the coffee from here." The musician gestures to the cup with the shop labeling. He looks over to Babs's cup. "It appears that you have the coffeee already. So grab a cookie."

Oracle has posed:
Babs doesn't need to be told twice and takes a cookie, chewing on it, and smiles. "Thanks, how've ya been?" she asks with a smile, settling more into her chair with a grin. Watching Nick, Babs sips her coffeee. "Prastrami sandwich is good too. Nah I couldn't fight through the crowds really, no thanks" Babs grins.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head curiously, giving Babs another look before he places where he's seen her before. "Ah. I'm doing alright. Finished up a project. Now back to what probably counts as a regular routine for me."

He reaches over, grabbing a cookie from the pile. "So, has Wade called you back about the phone search?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs smiles. "So it involves coffee?" Babs nods. "Copious quantities of coffee powering your routine, huh? Makes sense" Babs grins looking pleased. For her a routine is different, mind. Batgirl, Oracle. Babs wears hats. Or in her case. Cowls.

Biting into her second cookie, Babs looks amused. "So I figured when we met last time you collected books for a job. So what is it you do anyhow?" she asks with a grin. Babs wants to know more on.

See. Barbara's got many hats and, oh yeah, a cowl too. Coffee, cowls and cookies, much?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh you'd be off with that first guess." Nick admits with a chuckle, "I just like to read. No work requirements involved there."

He pauses to take a sip of his coffee.

"The short answer is that I'm a performer." Nick continues, "Live and recorded music performances. And recorded film. Weird hours for some of that, so the coffee is definitely helpful at times."

Oracle has posed:
"You're not a student. Well" Barbara laughs shaking her head. "Musician. Got it. Actor. See I'm not either of those. Still, you're like this cookie deliverer come musician" Babs nods slowly shaking her finger at Nick. "But. You didn't bring muffins" Babs adds looking serious for a moment before collapsing into laughter. "I'm joking. Don't go get muffins on my account. I'm joking, sheesh" Barbara nods looking amused.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick bites into his first cookie. Chewing it quietly as he listens to Babs's response. The head tilts at the mention of the lack of muffins but he shakes it off as she laughs.

He lowers the cookie displaying the impression of his bite marks via the void of the piece he bit off. "Not a traditional student, no." He agrees, "But I do go to a college for some vocal training. And I am now working with one of their music programs for a performance project later."

Oracle has posed:
Babs nods looking over the table. "See, good job" Babs adds with a knowing smile, "You're working with a local bunch of folks, which is smart. Don't mess it up. I got no desire to do that given my job with the GCPD really. I'd love to but...but....no time, you know?" Babs says with a look around. "Ah I'd like to but....but...."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The smile starts to falter at the mention of the workplace again but soon the expression recovers. "You're their- computer person, right? How many hours do they have you working?"

Oracle has posed:
"TOo many" Babs says quickly with a smile. "See, I'm okay with it however" Babs adds nodding happily. "So what bout you? You work too many hours or?" she asks with a knowing smile. "I mean, I get to work from home, so....works fine for me" Barbara says quickly, munching on a cookie as she holds it over her coffee then sts the cookie down sipping her coffee.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I work a lot of hours, but most of the time it's because I'm pushing for it." Nick admits, lifting up his cup, "I've been accused of working too much from time to time. One of my managers even forced me to take a lighter work schedule earlier this year so I could be good to go for the project I just finished."

He opts not to mention the forced vacation prior to that or the events leading up to it. "But my shedule should pop back to normal now with the local gigs."

He takes another bite of cookie.

Oracle has posed:
Coffee good. Cookie good. Prastrami? Not so good. Well then.

Babs nods at Nick's words. Looking thoughtful but not pressing for information. That's...not who Babs is.

She can always dig into this once home. "I mean, I've been working less hours, but the hours I do work are tough and painful. I cherish my days offf" Barbara shrugs looking unamused.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm. I'm guessing it can be rough. Especially when you're helping out on something involving someone who didn't deserve whatever happened to them. Even worse if it ends up turning up nothing." Nick brings up his cup, washing down the bite of cookie carefully. His eyes shifting from Barbara to study the remainder of the cookies. Unlike with beer, coffee and cookies take longer for him to consume.

"I think it depends on the job. I prefer working to having a lot of excess free time. But, I know that taking a break is a good thing. I'm just bad at knowing when to do it."

He shakes his head, "Times like this its good when one of your managers is also a friend who isn't afraid to call you on your bullshit."

Oracle has posed:
"Since when?" Babs asks with a smile. "Do you work for my dad anyway?" she jokes, shaking her head with a grin. "Nah it's good you got managers like that however. So" Babs says sipping her coffee, "So let me get this straight. You work with people who call you on your bullshit, and you're a musician? I think you're about 40 years too late and need to go back to the days of hair metal and punk rock, ya know?" Barbara grins. "Though, you with big hair. I can't picture it"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a bit of a long grin at Barbara's comment about not picturing him with big hair, "Google 'Nick Drago Breakout tour photos' and see what you get."

He lifts up his drink for a sip but pauses in the mannner, "Keep the safe search on. Fans are... interesting people."

Oracle has posed:
"Uh....sure" Babs says and adds it to her to-do list. Which is topped by the mundane things, even if the whole 'fight crime' thing is solidly on the list, too. Sure, why not google it then?

Maybe cause Babs has much to do. Still she sips her coffee. "I'm not sure I wanna know mind" Babs muses. shaking her head to the whole idea.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"With a warning like that tagged on, it's not surprising that you might be a bit wary of looking that up." Nick replies, shaking his head. "The manager I mentioned is a former bandmate of mine and also a roommate so he's not immune to the weirdness either."

He reaches for the last cookie, "So other than reading, what do you do in your offtime?"

Oracle has posed:
"Oh good, we're all involved in this" Barbara shrugs. "Mostly spend my time online" Babs says. "I know. Boring. or nerd. Take your pick huh?"

With the cookies being shared out she returns her teeth to the now cold and gelatinous sandwich. "Yeah I'm just liking to stay in home unless I got a good reason to go outside" she explains. Yeah like...hey, crimefighting

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"That's not a bad option." Nick replies, giving a shrug, "I'm guessing with your job, you know of a lot of the weird stuff that goes on outside. All the more reason to stay in when you can to recharge."

Oracle has posed:
"You don't say" Babs shrugs with a weary smile. "You don't freaking say. Stay in, watch the weird online, go out, deal with weird. I'll stay in and do good online thanks" Babs nods looking incensed there's no cookies left. Fine. She'll go buy more. Who /cares/ about that silly prastrami anyhow. Who really cares huh? Babs doesn't.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
At least Babs got an appetizer?

Nick eats the LAST cookie. His second from the half dozen he purchased and ye the does not seem that preturbed. Maybe half a dozen was the least amount you could buy?

He sips his coffee and smiles, "Alright. Experiment complete. What do you say about pairing the cookies with the coffee? Good advice or bad advice?"

Oracle has posed:
"Great idea" Babs offers conclusively and nods reassuringly. "But like all good science, can you repeat the results and scale up the test?"

Which is her way of saying 'do it again'

AKA this needs to happen again. So I can bring muffins, or bagels, or....whatever I got in the clocktower kitchen cupboards.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm. A good idea." Nick agrees, smile taking on a mischevious aire, "Since you are more in the science and math field than me, perhaps you should set up the test procedures."

He tugs out a business card and a pen from his pocket, scrawling a number on the back. "And if you need a lab partner..."

He caps the pen, sliding it into his pocket as he slides the card towards Babs. "My number's on the back."

The card is extremely similar to the one he used to get her number for Wade. And with Wade's contact information on the front.