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Latest revision as of 04:34, 27 April 2020

History Repeated
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: Themysciran Arts Center, East Side
Synopsis: Something isn't quite right...
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Slipstream

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Themysciran Arts Center had been the scene of a horrible crime just a few months ago. Someone had entered and destroyed priceless works of art as well as ancient artifacts of the Themysciran people. The person had been condemned by Princess Diana and Queen Hippolyta for the heinous act of senseless vandalism.

Today, to show that they were still strong, new exhibits were opening to the public for the first time. Artifacts that had not been seen by the outside world prior to today. It was open to anyone and everyone, allowing all people of all means.

Caterers were on hand offering finger foods and drinks. There was an open bar to the side, for those old enough to partake. There were even two food tables set up with examples of dishes from the mysterious Isle of Themyscira, a few Amazons manning the stations.

Present was also Diana herself, dressed in pair of black designer slacks with short boots. She wore a dark blue gown of a Greek style, one shoulder bare. The silver bands at her wrists were visible, even in the normal garb. Her hair was up, falling in ringlets and curls. She was moving through the crowd, a glass of champagne in her hand though it didn't look like she had even sipped it.

Slipstream has posed:
Why is Drake here? That's because he got bored one day and was going through the Legion's archives for specific dates. Maybe he wanted to get Lottery numbers and pull a Biff. Maybe he was just curious about current events and trivia. But something stood out to him. Something that pinged his interest. An odd bit of superhero trivia. Something just did not settle right.

So, today Drake is visiting the opening, wearing a pair of black slacks, a nice green button down shirt and new shoes. He may as well be presentable. As he makes his way through the exhibits, he is followed by the floating companion that is Snowball. He isn't wearing his harness today, so she has to kind of follow after him.

As he weaves through traffic, he plucks a drink off a passing tray, taking a sip from it as his eyes land upon Diana once he finds her. Boldly, he makes his way towards the Amazonian, offering up a smile. "Afternoon. Great venue."

Wonder Woman has posed:
A woman says a few words in parting to Diana then moves further along to admire the various displays. For a moment, it leaves the princess alone and that is where Drake finds his opening. She smiled as he approached, giving a brief nod of her head as well. "Good afternoon. It is. The building is well designed but it is the displays within that are most special."

She motions to a nearby display of weapons, locked behind bullet proof glass so no one actually tries to touch the swords or spears and causes injury to themselves. Or perhaps so they don't get yanked off the wall during a fight. "Some of these make me homesick. I need to get back to the Isle for a visit soon." Yet she moves past a n ancient vase in another case as though it doesn't exist.

"I hope you are enjoying your visit. Did you have questions or...?"

Slipstream has posed:
As he follows after her, Drake is bobbing his head as if he had a beat tucked away into his head. He's putting on this happy go lucky attitude as he goes. "I am indeed. I love history and there is a lot of it here, obviously. Was hoping to see you, actually. It's been awhile! So, I just wanted to show my support."

"How have you been doing by the way? It's been a few months since we've had a chance to bump into each other. Big news the other day, huh? You know, with his return. That's been the talk of the town."

As he swerves around cases, his eyes glance about the items curiously, the weapons especially. "Neat sword. What's the story behind that one?" He asks as he motions to a double handled broad sword kept in the case.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"It has been a long time. I wondered what had happened to you," Diana says with another smile as they continue to stroll. They are left alone by others, for now. "I am well enough. Things are challenging. They always are though, yes?"

At mention of the return, she looks confused. Then a little start of surprise. "Oh! Oh yes, so happy to have Superman back. We all mourned his loss. It was disappointing I was not there to assist in his recovery." Then she shrugs. "Oh well. Can't be everywhere all the time."

Just like that, she has moved on to the next question. She eyes the case a moment and the sword within. Then she lets out a sigh, turning her back. "There must be something more interesting to talk about than antiques. Tell me what you have been up to."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, I am sure he appreciates the sentiments none the less." Drake says to her as he continues to stroll along with her. "You definitely should get in touch with him if you haven't already. I am sure he's missed you dearly, you being his best friend and all."

When she doesn't want to talk about the sword, his brows raise upwards curiously. "Oh, well, I just got a thing for swords, that's all. What's been going on with me? Um.. I got promoted from the Teen Titans to The Defenders." He says as he gives Snowball a 'fistbump' as she floats past him. "So that's pretty cool. Tony Cage is a fun guy to work for."

He passes by another antique, a shield, this one with her people's symbol painted on it. "Oh! I think I remember this one. You used this to battle Orcs in the Savage Land, right?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Don't be silly. There are no orcs in the Savage Land. It's all dinosaurs and weird cave people who seem to think they have to live that way instead of going to a nice Four Seasons for a weekend with spa treatments," Diana says with a sniff of disdain for the very idea. "I did use a shield similar to that one when battling a horde of demonic beings from some hell dimension that tried to invade New York City three years ago."

She gives a moment, brow furrowed. "Tony Cage?" She remembers a Cage now. "Ah yes. Bar owner. Helps the Defenders. Good fellow."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, real good guy." Drake says as he continues on, giving a glance about. "You're into spa treatments?" He asks curiously with a lift of his brows upwards. "Really?" That causes a grin to appear along his face. "It's been awhile since I've got a proper pedi myself." Snowball gives a little 'doot' at that, almost as if she was laughing.

"So what is your favorite piece of history here that you have archived?" He asks as he gives a long stetch of his body, eyes glancing about the glass cases.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Isn't everyone into spa treatments?" Diana replies. She gives a nod when he mentions being overdue for a pedi. "See? Everyone. Even Amazon princesses."

She takes a sip of her champagne before answering then motions toward a spear in it's own case. It looks a little rough, having obviously been in some sort of conflict to be damaged that badly. "I used that one when battling Ares. It was a glorious battle. He was trying to warmonger, as he always does. With my sisters at my back, we rode into battle against him."

Slipstream has posed:
As they talk, Drake has his small table out in his hands, scanning items as he goes as he listens to her, giving a subtle glance down at the screen. He'll check something off as correct, something as incorrect with a tap of his thumb in a subtle manner. "What a jerk, right? But I wouldn't want him on my bad side at least. I'm pretty fragile." His grin flashes to her with a hint of teeth, amused. "But who knows, maybe one day if I keep eating my Wheaties I can last five seconds in the ring with a God."

"Anyways, I shouldn't keep you too much longer. I know you probably have a ton of more important stuff to do about your venue, far more important people to meet than me." He says as he tucks his pad into his pocket. "I gotta charge Snowball's batteries before she putters out."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Everyone is important, Mr. Winters. No one is moreso than anyone else," Diana says diplomatically but she gives a nod of her head as he prepares to depart. "I do understand needing to keep your companion in prime operating condition. It was good seeing you again. Fare thee well."

With that, she moves off again and is quickly in conversation with others who approach now that she is unoccupied.

Slipstream has posed:
"See you later, Miss Prince." Drake says as he watches her head off, then shifts his jaw to the side. He gives a glance to Snowball, then leans in to boop her on the nose. "Time to stop recording." He says softly to her. "Let's go get some Hot Pockets." The tiny robot's eyes give a quick 'flicker', then chimes in agreement. Not that she can eat the. With that, the pair head off together through the venue.