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Latest revision as of 04:39, 27 April 2020

Never Meddle In The Affairs of Dragons
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: Richard Dragon's dojo
Synopsis: Riana drops in on Richard Dragon to say hello, but winds up helping him clear out unwelcome visitors to his dojo instead!
Cast of Characters: Wild Rose, Dragon

Wild Rose has posed:
     It was a little odd for Riana to have a day off in the middle of the week. Usually, she managed to arrange her work hours to accomodate for a little fun on the weekends. However, the Fates were not kind this time. So it is that she found herself making an odd early morning trip to an out-of-the-way dojo. It looked much like other buildings in the area, nothing to immediately make it stand out.

     So when Riana makes her way to the door, everything seemed normal, right? Right!


Dragon has posed:
"lets be reasonable..." Richard is saying, from his standing position in the center of his dojo. "I do not approve of your activities, and you all know it. But it's not my place to stop you, so I don't. But coming here, with the pretense of using my rooms for your purpose, and even pretending that I hand you some of my, I daresay, modest earnings, that seems a bit excessive, wouldn't you think?"
Richard, dressed in a black t-shirt, with his arms bare, and a pair of black pants, is almost too relaxed for a man surrounded by seven guys, one of which is quite firmly pointing a pistol at his head. On the bad side, the guys are dressed in that sort of, non exactly fashionable clothes full of thorns and patches that identifies them as a street gang, plus the observant could notice some have knives,. On the bright side, two metres separate richard from the gunwielding guy, and Richard has his amulet, safe as it is around his neck. A distance that, for now, protects him since he would be able to react in time should the guy decide to shoot, but also protects the guy, from being swiftly disarmed.
"Now, I would, kindly ask you to walk away from the way you came, and we'll forget all of this ever happened... Deal?"

Wild Rose has posed:
     What the hell? Riana scowled inwardly as she listened to the confrontation brewing inside the dojo. How dare they! How /dare/ they violate the sanctity of the place! Who did those yahoos think they were? In her jeans, black t-shirt, and hunter green hoodie, she seemed a quiet, unassuming figure who wouldn't so much as hurt a fly. Leaning on her staff ro a few moments. Her voice, when she speaks, is quiet but thrums with resolve.

     "Gentlemen? Care to step into my office?" She gestures outside, her expression calm, but her eyes snapping with inward fire.

Dragon has posed:
One of the guys was about to open his mouth, surely to remind Richard that he, and not him, was the one with the gun.
Except that that turns to be unnecessary with Riana's appearance. And now even if the gunwielding guy's attention remains on Richard, even if slightly distracted, four of the others turn towards the woman, the sound of their shoes followed with the four clicks of their knives snapping open and the imperious voice of one of the four "mind your own business!" the voice of someone who's used to be listened to, because of his size, more than his words.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Gentlemen, where you are bothering my friend, it becomes my business. So I ask again, shall we step into my office? Or shall I have to show you the way there?" While at he same time Riana is gesturing towards the door, she is shifting ehr stance, no longer merely leaning on her staff, but holding it in a fighting grip instead. Her voice remains quiet, even in tone, but the second request for them to leave sounds deadly and dangerous.

     Roses could indeed have thorns....

Dragon has posed:
It seems like four guys, armed with knives, don't think that a woman with a staff is much of an issue. Indeed, they start advancing threateningly towards her, two on the right, two on the left.
Meanwile, RIchard is still facing the one with the gun, flanked on both sides by another two guys, them, too, having a knife each.
At least, riana gave him the perfect distraction! Enough to step forward with his left foot, quickly grab the wrist of the guy in front of him with his right hand while moving to the left, twisting the hand downwards and hitting, with his free hand, the guy's elbow. The effect is that the gun clatters to the floor, quickly kicked away by Richard, that lets the man go to spin in time to duck under a knife stab, step inside the stabber's guard, and drive a punch right below his sternum.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Two to five odds. Now these were odds Riana could live with! She allows one of the knife-wielders approach dangerously close, with a predatory gleam in his beady eyes. The other two seem ready to capture her on the other side in a pincer movement. At the last possible second, Riana ducks and does a tumble roll on the ground out of the way between the trio, coming up to stand beside Richard. At that same moment, the first knife-wielder had taken a wild swing--but wound up slicing his compadres across the face instead, as Riana had gotten out of the way. The duo bellow in pain, now infuriated, and looking around for their target. "YOU IDIOT! You're not supposed to hit US! GET HER!"

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon turns towards Riana to aim a quick smile at her, right before ducking again under another slash, grabbing the slasher's arm and spinning around to throw the man on the floor. Without releasing the arm, it twists in an unnatural way, causing the knife to fly away and filling the air with the man's pained scream. And that's when the remaining 3 guys advance on Richard and Riana
"seriously, guys, don't you want to reconsider and leave? The door's still open..." Richard states, calmly.

Wild Rose has posed:
     You can lead a horse to water--or an open door--but you can't make them drink. It seemed the remaining trio were more bent on avenging their fallen comrades than doing the smart thing and departing with all due haste. Riana makes a universal gesture at two of the attackers and some very rude kissing sounds, taking a step or two back to lure them away from Richard.

     Predictably, they follow, their pride insulted.

     Oh yes, my pretties. Let's play a little follow-the-leader.

     The minute the pair close in on Riana from the front, she grasps her staff and executes a very fast spin in front of her, ensuring that the staff will smack painfully against the wrists of her attackers, and send their blades clattering to the ground. With a quick drop to the ground, and a spinning sweep kick at their ankles, the two men hit the mat next, knocking the wind out of them.

Dragon has posed:
With Riana taking care of two of the trio, Richard is left with just one to deal with. And he does so, quickly as always, shifting his position subtly to the right and letting the man's blade pass less than an inch from his throat. Then, his right hand comes upwards in a slicing motion, hitting, with its edge, the man just below the right shoulder. Richard left hand, meanwile, closes to form a sort of spearpoint, that he jams right in the guy's right thigh, just where it meets the hipbone. And that causes arm and leg to completely freeze, with the consequence that the guy, now unstable and unable to control two of his limbs, starts hopping around!
At least until Richard, with a friendly smile, just slaps him on his left cheek "hey hey kid, don't pass out in my dojo... Just, don't come here, anymore. Unless you have an army, and if you do, have them prepared. Because I swear next time we won't be so kind, now, get your ass out of here, will you?" and that's when the guy falls, prompting a sigh out of Richard.
"I guess we'll have to move them..."

Wild Rose has posed:
     Setting her staff aside, Riana picks up two of the guys, slinging one over each shoulder as if they weighed no more than a sack of feathers, and heading for the door. "Guess so," she adds, smiling. "Guess that takes care of a workout for the morning, yah?" Thud. Thud. Two bodies are deposited outside on the sidewalk. Bodies that, as soon as they get their wind back, get up and take off running like little chickens.

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon grabs two men as well, by their belts, dragging them outside to join the rest. And probably the 3 remaining ones follow them, dragged or carried by Riana, until the dojo is again free from wannabe intimidators. "well, thanks for stopping by! What can I do for you, riana?" he asks, now that his focus can be entirely on her.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana just chuckles, brushing her hands off on her jeans, and finally having a chance to offer a bow of respect. "I'd simply aimed to join you for a morning class, but it seems we both already got an unplanned workout instead. Are you alright?" Her voice is tinged with concern as she glances over Richard, ensuring that there were no visible injuries present. She doubted there would be--the man was quick as lightning--but still, one looks out for one's comrades!

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon nods in understanding, chuckling lightly at her words "well that was the start of it! They were untrained, I'm not sure that counts as a workout..." he states, nodding again and glancing down at his unwounded body. "I'm allright. How about you?" he asks, returning his gaze to Riana.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Not a scratch." Indeed, Riana was barely even breathing faster from all the fighting, nor were there tears in her clothes, and no injuries visible. "Of course, if class isn't in session, there's always a little bit of time for tea with a friend?"