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(Grifter learns patience by ordering the quickest to serve drink)
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Latest revision as of 05:43, 3 May 2020

Time for a Break
Date of Scene: 02 May 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Grifter learns patience by ordering the quickest to serve drink
Cast of Characters: Grifter, Phantasm (Drago)

Grifter has posed:
Things had gone too according to plan. Grifter was out here to do a patrol for Demonites. He'd factored in a delay of several hours. That hadn't happened. He'd factored in New York traffic. No. Being stuck on the back of Voodoo's bike sort of took care of that. That had dropped him off at a storage unit where his bullet bike was. He'd left it in place, and tightening his trenchcoat,h'd set off walking.

That's how he got here. Walking. And oh yeah in his clothing choice? Well, hey, just another guy in a trenchcoat running around.

So, joining the line, Grifter shakes his head, behind his lenses and mask? He's seething. Hee needs to get coffee, get his team together, and get to it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, it's a little bit of a change but due to the nice weather, Nick's coatching schedule ended up being rescheduled to the early morning. Being that Nick was also eyeing the weather, he readily agreed to allow himself more time to get other stuff done.

So now that Nick's voice got its exercise session in, he has another session elsewhere to focus on - something else. Draped on the knitcapped musician's back is a loosely packed bookbag with just cloth wrapped around the Escrima sticks to prevent them from klacking together inside while he walks. But even wrapped, it's definite that he's not carrying around books.

As Grifter comes in to get in the back of the line, Nick now enjoys the status of being, second to last in line.

Grifter has posed:
Great. Last again. Fine. Grifter's done a small good deed to make up for that being an ass on the flight. So he's now....what was that phrase the guy in accounting used. Even balances on the books. Cole's a thief, a con man, a kiiller. Not a boring suit tie wearing 9 to 5 office desk drone guy. Nah, but if anyone asks, business trip.

Though he glances at the pack Nick's got on and shuffles forward a tiny bit. THen he speaks.

"Hey, uh, you know if they do mochalattechinos here?" he asks from behind his mask. Goodstart, Cole.You asked a question without wanting to shoot anyone or steal anything...

He pulls the mask off and slides it carefully into his coat, watching everything. Sure the mask comes back out when he's got coffee.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is not perusing the menu and is instead just blankly looking to the back of the head in front of him. The introduction of the question to his time in line is a slight distraction from whatever he was thinking about.

He turns his head, looking to Cole, the contents of the backpack shifting just slightly. "If it's not on the menu I wouldn't know," Nick replies honestly, "When I get coffee it's usually black."

He turns his head back, seemingly skimming the menu for the first time in a long while. Seems either Cole came across a regular or Nick just takes for granted that coffee shops just do straight coffee. Which, is likely a safe assumption.

As another person steps out of line, the people waiting shifts one step closer.

Grifter has posed:
Grifter looks over to Nick again and nods, looking over the menu too. Looking down it, Grifter nods, stepping forward again.

"So let's see. Coffee is much, much needed" Grifter says simply, shaking his head at Nick again. Looking to the line, Cole shakes his head and groans. "Great, totally stuck back here in line. Think we can cut the line huh?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Basic rule to live by is to not piss off the people who prepare your drinks and food." Nick cautions, "Besides, the wait isn't as long as you think. Five of the people in line are together."

The musician tilts his head up in indication to the lady at the cash register turning her head to look to a few of the people behind her. Her glances betray the ones she's communicating with.

Grifter has posed:
"No shit" Cole says with a nod. "That's asking for trouble" he continues with a shrug and looks over the line, watching quietly as he mutters to himself. Thanks, damaged psyche. Thanks a lot. At least he's muttering about the wait.

"Not much different from work and the work food we get, you know? Turn up for lunch, usual crap on a plate. Still better than a few of my old jobs, though. I'll take edible over what did I just get served" Cole says eyeing the counter. "Wait are those blueberry muffins?"

Cole's now wanting one. Which...y'know, which isn't that bad of a thing. But he doesn't want to wait. o he's hatching a plan. "You ever get awful food at your job?" Cole asks.

Oh this isn't bonding. This is killing time and it's taking all of Cole's determination not to cut to the head of the line, claim he's a VIP and demand important treatment and bring the people he's around up to the front of the line. Ah, the life of a grifter.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"If the place you get put up at offers free breakfast, don't bother with the eggs." Nick replies in response to the question about awful food, stepping forward by a great deal once the group of five leaves the line.

He smiles to the cashier, pulling out the money for the purchase he intends to make. "Hey Katie. Tea this time." The exchange is swift, leaving him to step to the side where the group of five is waiting but not directly next to them.

Grifter has posed:
It's taking all of of Cole's self control not to, say, steal. Instead he's got a plan in mind. Oh he's got a business card, sure, sure, but...

But why not try it? He looks to the cashier and watches it all. "Hi, can I get a straight black coffee?" Cole asks. He's trying out this new thing he's been asked to do. See. Marlowe sat him down before flying out here. And said, basically. You are a WildCAT, you meet up with your team and stay out of trouble, blend in. Yeah, love you too, boss man. You fly out here and try this...

That is Cole's thought as he waits. "Hey, are those muffins blueberry ones? I'd like one as well please" he asks. Sure, he'll produce a stolen credit card when it's time to pay. Somebody 'lost' their wallet and card. Grifter lifted the card from it and....oh yeah, he kept the card. Because why not.

Either way. It's his coffee.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Not part of the conversation and having already ordered already, Nick patiently waits for his tea. It's not that long. A bag goes in a cup, hot water goes in, and a lid is snapped on.


Name called, the musician bypasses the more complex drink orders and gives a nod to the name caller, grabbing a protective sleeve to slide the cup into. "Thanks."

Grifter has posed:
Grifter could get used to that simplicity. At his job, somebody makes it and...it's good coffee or tea, given enough time and effort. The 'borrowed' card's handed over, punching in the PIN number as he too waits for his coffee. See, now the whole where to stand. Oh, this isn't what he's good at. Instead, he just sort of...shuffles awkwardly over like he's not used to this. Which to be fair, he isn't at all.

So, he's much, much better at less legal pursuits. So, ordering coffee is a relative normal change of pace for him...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Cole's coffee also follows a similar formula to Nick's order but with one less step. The group of five is once more left in the dust as the given name is shouted out while Nick starts to step away from the counter. The musician turns his head, glancing to the counter and then to Cole curiously.

Grifter has posed:
"What?" Cole asks, "I'm just paying for my drink, that's all" he says and fully plans to get the coffee once it's cooled down a little bit, really. See, see, Cole's not a happy camper.

Nope. He looks to Nick with a quiet tilt of his head.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick arcs a brow for a moment before shaking his head, "It's nothing. Just thought you were getting some mocha thing."

He glances over to the group of five who are looking to Nick and Cole. Is that a look of- Nah.

With a slight lift of the tea, he gives a mock toast before turning, contents shifting again to give the slight glimmer of a straight edge smacking the inside of the bookbag, "Enjoy your coffee."