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Latest revision as of 02:57, 4 May 2020

Ghosts and Graves
Date of Scene: 30 April 2020
Location: A random graveyard...somewhere
Synopsis: Mercy and ZG meet up in a gravyard, talk about stufff and burritos get eaten
Cast of Characters: Zombie-Girl, Mercy Thompson

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl has spent the evening doing what she does most evenings, punching street level thugs in the face. She decides to take a stop over in a cemetery to relax. She finds that she spends a lot of time in cemeteries these days since her death. If she isn't throwing down there she is kicking her feet up. She doesn't have to worry about the living gawking at her, and those who are there don't seem to mind her company.

She pulls half of a food truck burrito out of her pocket and takes a bite. She doesn't have to eat mind you, but spending time in Hell makes you really appreciate the little things like food truck burritos.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Food truck burritos? That's a step up from chasing mice and other tiny fuzzy things. Oh Mercy's not doing that right now. No, Instead, she's following a ghost deeper into the cemetry. Not that she's a Ghostbuster, but being a spirit speaker, Mercy's certainly able to talk with ghosts. Which is why she's out heere, tonight. Talking with a spirit

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl is for the most part, as usual, pretty oblivious to what's going on. She instead puts her focus on questionable street food. But eventually the sound of a conversation, or at least half of a conversation perks up her attention. She looks up from her burrito and looks around. She's about to say something, but caution gets the better of her and her question dies in her throat.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
That'd be Mercy's half of the conversation, at least....she's sitting on the ground listening.

"Now" Mercy says gently, "Now would you tell me what ...hold on, is that a burrito?" Mercy asks, she's distracted by food. Sure, she ate before coming out here but...but....she's not sure she'd touch a food truck burrito yet.

Instead she looks back to the ghost. "You were wanting my help to tell your son not to worry about him? I can pass that message along" Mercy offers. Not demands, offers.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl at this point is not sure who is being talked to. But she hears the word "burrito" so she tentatively answers, "Uh yeah?" She continues to look around, wondering just what random stranger would be asking her about her dietary choices at the dead ass of the night in the middle of a bone orchard.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Try 'daughter of Coyote' for that. Mercy nods to the ghost as it vanishes and she turns to ZG. "I thought that was a burrito. Uh...hi. I was out here communing with the spirits" Mercy says. It sounded way way better in her head, like, hey, I'm some crazy Native woman that can talk to ghosts. Yeah no. Mercy's just trying to explain this without coming off as totally and utterly nuts

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl nods and takes another bite. "Ah. Here I thought you were just nuts. I mean you could still be nuts, I don't know. I can't generally see ghosts. We won't take nuts completely off the table, but we'll put it to the edge."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy listens with a quiet look over toher. "So o you don't think I'm nuts when I see ghosts and talk to them? Okay" Mercy grins. "I'm Mercy. So, Burrito lady, what're you up to?"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shakes her head and says, "No. I said that I'm undecided if you're nuts. I know there are people who can talk to ghosts. I also know that there are people who think they can talk to ghosts, but are actually just mentally ill. I have no way of testing which one you are. To what I'm doing, I'm sitting in the grave yard and eating something that might give me food poisoning, if that were still an option." The young woman looks really strange. She's about the color of the gravestone she is leaning against, and yellow flame seems to pour from her eye sockets.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head. Looking over to Zombie Girl Mercy smiles. "Now how would I prove I can talk to ghosts that you can't se?" Mercy asks with a hand through her hair. "Now...how would I...." Mercy pondrs shaking her head. She's got no clue on that one...

Looking over the graveyard, Mercy smiles. "So what're you up to?" she asks, "Well, aside from food"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shrugs, "What you see is what you get. I'm sitting in the graveyard and eating. It's not like I have a job to go to. Not that the local Dairy Queen is looking to hire gray chicks." She gives a sneer at that last bit. "Just waiting for some regen then I'm going home," she adds.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Correction, not like the local Dairy Queen is hiring people" Mercy muses. "You're sitting here relaxing, eating a burrito and lazing against a grave?" Mercy nods. Fine by her.Well then.

Mercy looks pleased though and sits back down. "So, I'm waiting to head home, too. Got to fix my car though first, need to get it to start first" Mercy admits. "It's what I get for driving an old car huh?"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl says, "I wouldn't know. I haven't driven in a while. Just as well, the last time I drove didn't turn out so hot. Anyway, sitting across from a creepy stranger in a graveyard isn't doing much for proving that you're sane."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head. "Doesn't prove you're sane" Mercy points out with h a smile. "Se, I'm a mechanic by trade, so" she muses "You need your car fixed, I'm your girl, but....ask me to teach you to drive, I'm out of my depth" Mercy shrugs looking thoughtful then gets up.

"Though I can give you a ride home at least" Mercy offers.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl looks a little shifty. "Well... I don't know. I just met you and I don't know if I want you to know where I live. Or anyone to know where I live for that matter. I suppose you could drop me off in the vicinity."