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Latest revision as of 12:54, 13 October 2017

Two Men Walk Into a Bar...
Date of Scene: 01 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Crusader and Chamber randomly meet in a bar.
Cast of Characters: 34, Crusader

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Seedy bars draw guys in leather like moths to flame, don't they? And it looks like this one's living up to that too, what with Jono there. Though one could ask how Jono got there to begin with; he's underage, how the hell is he in a bar?

    Well, this whole section of the city is colloquially known as 'Mutant Town', and apparently the owner of this bar is less concerned with age than mutant status. And Jono's is kind of obvious when he doesn't cover it up. Sure he was stopped at the door, but he said not one word. All he did was pull on the black wrappings over his face, letting that psychokinetic fire escape. The one at the door let him in without an issue after that.

    So there he is, sitting at the bar. He's slumped forward on the barstool, elbows leaning on the bar. There's an untouched drink in front of him. He shifts, leaning to the side so he can look around the place. Why is he here? Food and drink aren't draws for him anymore. Music, maybe? Maybe just wanting to exist near people?

Crusader has posed:
A large man also came to the bar. He was decked out in a 4-piece suit that looked like it was made of leather, both making him blend in and stand out. An easy grin is given when stopped at the door himself. He knew about this place preferred the unsual variety and simply had some static bounce between his fingers before being given entry

Bjorn looks around seeing who and what was here tonight. "Oh, mabey there will be a fight" his deep voice muses in excitment. He loved fighting. But for now, he simply slides himself to the bar, near Jono in fact. Without looking at the menu he says "Give Bjorn ale. Any ale. Piss ale, dead ale, moon ale. Shine, just hand it over" he says. The waiter gives him a percular look, but simply grabs a random drink and hands it over, not boterhing to check what it is

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono looks up when someone suddenly arrives at the bar near him. The odd timbre of the large man's speech gives Jono pause, but he doesn't comment on it. Takes all kinds, right? Particularly in Mutant Town. He's got his own mutation wrapped up again, so his fire isn't visible. Not that he's worried about freaking people out, not here. He just prefers not to have his flames on display.

    Either way, Jono nods his head in greeting to the large fellow. Then he slides his drink over to the large fellow -- he isn't going to drink it anyway. He kind of can't. It's a nice scotch, served neat. No sense in letting ice ruin it, even if he wasn't going to drink it.

    Any other place he'd feel hesitant about talking. Here, though it's a bit different; just about everybody here is weird in some way. So here, he 'speaks'. As he slides his untouched drink over, he 'says'. {{'Ere yer are, mate. S'on me. Bit stronger than what yer got there.}}

    His voice doesn't appear to travel through the air, as a normal voice would. It sounds in the mind. It doesn't feel like anything's being invaded up there. More like the voice echoes 'against' the mind, rather than 'inside' it.

Crusader has posed:
There a pause from Bjorn, as the echos of the 'voice' come from inside his head. His eyes are wide and wild as he tilts his head in thought. Before he suddenly burst out laughing boisterously, slamming a hand on the bar so hard that some of the glass seem to jump!

"Haha! Almost confused yea for a thought. Got so many up there it almost drown oot!" he exclaims looking down at Jono. "Much thanks for the giving of the drink!" and with that he picks up the glass and downs it. And than downs his own. "ANother!!!"

Another is given befor looking at the glass, than jono, glass and than back again "So whats a youngin like yea doin here?" he asks. Bjorn own age was difficult to determine, it almost like it seemed he should be older, and yet didn't actually look very old, perhaps just worn.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono pulls his arm off of the bar when Bjorn slaps the bar with such force. Ow. The vibrations hurt a little. More than a little, in fact. Jono rubs his elbow a little, but doesn't complain. Though he raises an eyebrow at the mention of 'so many up there'. {{Dunno that I'd go 'round admittin' it if I 'ad so many voices in me 'ead I couldn't hear somebody else's,}} he 'says', with a dry tone to his mental voice. It really is like 'hearing' with the mind, down to tone of 'voice' and everything.

    The question... gets a shrug. {{Dunno, actually,}} he admits. {{Guess I'm jus' new to the States an' wantin' ter see what there is in this neck 'a the woods. You?}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grins wide showing off some rather large canines "Never said they were voices, just thoughts" and he raps on his skull with a fist "Seem you got some telepathic mumble jumbo. Take a look up there if yea want, ain't crazy, just.... different" and he makes a resounding chuckle like far off thunder.

He glances behind himself as it seemed like some of the patrons were already hitting the drunk and wanting trouble phase. A gleam in his eyes "Oh, well Bjorn is both old and new to this place you can say. And frankly, Bjorn hopes to get in good fight. Love fightin." he admits "SO where you from?" he asks his piercing eyes locking on Jono.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono shakes his head at the offer to look through Bjorn's head. {{I can't do that. This's all it's good for.}} 'This' meaning, of course, the telepathic speech. He tilts his head a little. {{'Bjorn', eh? Jono. Pleased ter meetcha,}} he offers.

    The note of fighting gets a... well, it's not a smirk, since Jono can't do that anymore. But his mental voice definitely has a wry tone to it. {{Jus' wait. I'm sure there'll be plenty at some point.}} As for where he's from? {{London. Yer couldn' tell?}} His mental voice DOES have a remarkably thick British accent to it.

Crusader has posed:
"What? For all Bjorn knows you just think british. Mabey if you be thinking like german, you sound german eh?" Bjorn says. And judging by the look on his face, he was dead serious. "Anyways, Bjorn is imself from Iceland. So how old is young man Jono?" he says. He was definintly doing casual talk.

He turns fully and leans back. Arguments here and there, for a variety of reasons seem to pop up. Politics, dirty looks, roid rage, drunk choices. But no punches yet. Some event stumble about "Any bets on who throws the first punch?" he asks Jono.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono would scoff at that if he could. {{Nope. Don't think I can do that, either.}} Referring to making his voice sound like it was German or something. His speech has a slight suspicious edge to it with the answer to the question of his age, though. {{Old 'nough ter know better, too young ter care,}} he answers, kind of dismissively. But there is a note of teasing in the words, as if he's kidding even though he's being ambigous.

    He turns to look at Bjorn's attention turns to the arguing people. {{Depends. D'yer mean who THROWS the first punch, or who actually LANDS one? These blokes are all on the piss.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles and says quietly "Lad, Bjorn already know your too young to be here. That is obviouse. Were jus curiouse to just how young. But aye, suit yerself" he says and leaves it at that with a knowing grin.

But his eyes none the less following the argument "A thrown one is what starts the fight. A landing one just make it offical" is how he answers. A few seemed to be looking towards Bjorn and Jono. Too drunk to properly whisper, it seemed like they were wondering who was brave enough to go over and give them some trouble.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{People 'round 'ere don't seem ter like questions too much,}} Jono notes. {{Can't say I blame 'em, what with 'ow people get about people what ain't like ev'rybody else.}}

    Now, Jono's hearing isn't any better than any other human being. But those drunk idiots that are 'whispering' about giving them trouble get a look. It's a tilted-head, lowered brow look that says '...really?', without him having to say a word. {{Wouldn't try it, mate,}} he 'says', in the direction of the drunk people. {{Wouldn't end well for ya.}} His mental voice acts just like a regular voice, that he can 'call out' to people, and that everyone between him and said people can also hear it. There's no sense of pride or boasting in his voice. He 'speaks' with a flat, calm, even note.

Crusader has posed:
"Bjorn questions everything" he chirps back "Et is of a good way to grow. Question authroity, question logic, question sanity. Question question question" he says chuckling his eyes alight with mirth. He seemed quite calm not seeming to pay the fellas across the room much mind. He adjust the tie of his leather suit, almost as if expecting someone.

When Jono 'voice' is 'called out' it gets the folks attention. A drunkard ins't always dumb, but also not alway smart. They walk over, not so drunk that they could walk right""Oh, we ain't gonna try nothing. Just long as you and yer" a pause as he looks over the much larger Bjorn, "Loaded friend here, give us everything yea got. Now" it clearly was not a suggestion and had a threatning tone behind it.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono doesn't have time to answer about the words of questioning. Because suddenly the idiot brigade thinks it's a good idea to hassle them for money. The British mutant doesn't move, but he does express a mental 'sigh'. {{See, tha's what I meant.}} He knows the cops aren't coming out here. So he doesn't even bother mentioning that as a consequence.

    However, he does note, {{Yer really wanna do this?}} he asks, finally turning to face the would-be robbers proper. {{Le's say the bartender don' take kindly t'yer lot hasslin' 'is customers? Or maybe other customers wantin' ter nip be'avior like this in the bud before it ruins their favorite place ter drink?}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smirks at the situation, as the idiots are basicly reprimanded by Jono. One of the fellos glare at Bjorn, the one that seemed to do most of the talking "Got somethin ta fancy pants? How about we start with you}" and grabs Bjorn by the lapel of his leather suit.

One of them was thankfully much smarter... or mabey not as drunk "Dude, I don't think we should be messing with these guys, come on!" And he was already backing off. He eyed Jono first and than Bjorn, but it clear he wasn't looking for trouble

Bjorn though stays very calm "Bjorn does not take orders from empty brained numb skullz. Now Bjorn suggest you take your hand off him, or face the consequences". His demineer seemed to alter significantly as his voice commanding, and commanding respect itself with the tone it takes.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono is pretty sure Bjorn can handle himself here. So when the drunk grabs for Bjorn's lapels, the teen shakes his head. However, as the smarter (or possibly less drunk) buddy speaks up and suggests reconsidering, Jono nods. {{'E's not wrong. If yer both jus' go back t'yer table, finish yer drinks, get a ride 'ome, nobody has ter get hurt. Can't say fairer than that. Hangover might be a right pain in the arse, but it's better than the alternative.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Oh sut up you litt...." the one idiot was about to say. But than his words are quickly cut short when Bjorn stands

Sitting, Bjorn is obviously a large man in terms of build and height. But when he stands... it becomes intimidatingly obviouse. By now the less drunk fella went peace out and returned to his table hastedly.

The other drunk fella? He very quickly sobered up when he realized he was still holding Bjorn. #-1 FUNCTION (ANSI ) NOT FOUND" and his words are quickly cut off when Bjorn lifts the man by his throat in a stranglehold "You had one chance" before looking to Jono "Pardon me friend. Bjorn must take out trash." he says with a smile, not seeming to mind the man struggling in his grip.

Crusader has posed:
"Oh sut up you litt...." the one idiot was about to say. But than his words are quickly cut short when Bjorn stands

Sitting, Bjorn is obviously a large man in terms of build and height. But when he stands... it becomes intimidatingly obviouse. By now the less drunk fella went peace out and returned to his table hastedly.

The other drunk fella? He very quickly sobered up when he realized he was still holding Bjorn. Alright alright this was just a small.. misundersta_" and his words are quickly cut off when Bjorn lifts the man by his throat in a stranglehold "You had one chance" before looking to Jono "Pardon me friend. Bjorn must take out trash." he says with a smile, not seeming to mind the man struggling in his grip.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{See?}} This comes when Bjorn lifts the drunker of the two by his throat. And he nods to Bjorn's words. {{Try not ter play with 'im too hard, yeah?}} Jono requests. {{'E's jus' drunk 'n stupid. I doubt 'e'll do it again. Not ter someone tha's lit'rally two of 'im t'gether.}}

    And he offers a nod to the smart one who went to sit back down. He'd smile if he could. {{Good choice.}} He looks to the bartender. {{I'll buy that bloke one more 'a whatever 'e's got.}}

Crusader has posed:
"No plans on playing, hardly worth the effort" and frankly, mutant or not, it seems whatever ability this man had, didn't have much on Bjorn. Bjorn walks to the front out the door. A moment latter there is a sound of a man being tossed upon his arse

"Comming right up kid" says the bartendor. And a drink is sent to the man requested. The bar tendor muses "I aughta hire yer friend as a bouncer. Didn't much think he had it in him" as he was clearly ease dropping

Bjorn is of course back within moments

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Well, there's that, anyway. Jono looks at the struggling man as Bjorn carries him out, and offers a mock salute. {{Cheers, mate,}} he says flippantly, as Bjorn carries the leader of the Idiot Brigade out.

    The bartender's statement causes him to look back at said bartender, though. {{Eh? Oh. He might take yer up on it. Seems ter like fightin'. But that bloke was jus' 'eavily plastered. Thankfully not lit'rally, with that attitude.}}

    When Bjorn comes back in, Jono tilts his head up. Looking between Bjorn and the bartender, his eyebrows go up as if to say 'well?'. After all, if the bartender's serious, now's a good time.

Crusader has posed:
The bartendor looks at Jono when he raises those eyebrows. He shakes his head with a chuckle and looks to Bjorn "Hey bud. Want to work here as a bouncer? You seem to have the muscle." he asks

Bjorn flashing that grin and even flexes egotisticly, straining the suit "Thanks for noticing, but, no thanks" and he takes his seat "Sure getting payed to fight is nice, but Bjorn needs to keep his hours open and flexible." and the bartender nods leaving it at that, though obviously disspointed

Bjorn looks to Jono "So did that other idiot come back to give you trouble?" and with that he buys himself another drink

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{Better luck next time, eh?}} Jono says to the bartender. He's not being rude or sarcastic. But it's not every day the perfect dude to be a bouncer walks into your bar, is it? Gotta be disappointing.

    Bjorn's question gets a shake of his head, and he turns to look where the smart one went back to his drink. There's another drink there, too. {{Nah. That one was smart an' cleared off. Good for 'im. Would've been a shame ter mess the place up.}}

    As before, this is not a boast, but a straightfaced comment offered at face value. Maybe even a little bit of remorse. His powers are kind of destructive, after all...

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn raises a brow at the.... remorse in Jono voice "Hmmmm. Bjorn guess you go a bit berzerk when you fight?" he asks. After all he has no idea what Jono powers are, he just assume perhaps the kid dosn't have good control over his temper

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{...Could say that,}} Jono answers. There's a note of something really sad in his voice, and it's not too hard to get the feeling that whatever he was trying to prevent in getting into a fight is a thing that's happened before.

    Really it isn't that, just his powers tend to flare with his emotions, and if he gets too upset... well, boom. Definitely not something he wants happening in a crowded bar...

Crusader has posed:
"Well come on, out with it. Your among friends.... or at the very least people your unlikely to see on a daily basis" Bjorn says with a wide and inviting grin "Trust Bjorn on this. Keeping everything lock away is not good for the health of soul" he laments. He downs another drink. But as before he watches Jono with that same piecing look, not exactly glareing, just like he was looking into the kid.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono is... very carefully not looking at Bjorn. Possibly because he knows that piercing look is going to be aimed in his direction next. He seems to think about it. Bjorn has a point. Mutant Town and all, no one's likely to give him a second look. Besides that, random people met in bars aren't always bad to tell secrets to. Bjorn doesn't know Jono from Adam, does he? Well, yeah, he probably would, unless Adam has fire coming out of his face.

    That in mind, he answers Bjorn's question. Not in words, though. He reaches up to the black cloth wrapped around his face from the nose down, and pulls on it. Just a little. Just eeeeeeever so little, just enough so that a small bit of the flame that's inside his chest can escape. Right now it's mostly red, a cooler color, with the slightest bit of orange as it disappears from sight under those wrappings.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn gaze never wavers, but his eye do widen "Well well, Bjorn has heard folks having hearts full of fire, but... Bjorn is guessing your heart is fire!" he cants his head eyeing the wrappings "....or is it more than just your heart?" a fair question. He has notcied that since he got here Jono hasn't drank OR eaten anything.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{Somethin' like that,}} Jono replies as he fixes the wrappings so the fire no longer shows. {{Not flammable though, so yer don' 'ave ter worry about me settin' the booze on fire.}} He knows that would be a horrible thing to do. But he nods. {{Near as I can tell, ev'rythin' in there's like that.}}

    He finally looks at Bjorn then. {{'Ow 'bout you? What're yer in for?}} There's a note of humor in his mental voice; clearly he's kidding.

Crusader has posed:
There is a pause and Bjorn seems to consider this. Jono may be kidding, but, Bjorn took the question seriously. He than smiles "Bjorn has superior body! Muscle, intelligence, toughness, senses that kind of thing Efter all Bjorn be of the 63 years." Wait, 63? Despite his worn appearance and white hair...he does not look 66, but far younger. "Being able to make thunder is just iceing of the frosting of cake." Well at least he dosn't lack modesty. But oddly it didn't come off egotisticly, but rather matter of factly. And there was a distinct sense that there was more to the story that he wasn't saying.

He looks around "In truth, this is mabey Bjorn second time comming to the town of the mutants" he informs Jonothon

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono does raise a brow at that. {{I'd've 'ad yer pegged for forty-ish, at the latest.}} he notes. {{Only 'cos 'a the hair.}} Well, that and the weathered look.

    He tilts his head at the mention of this being Bjorn's second visit. {{First time I've been,}} he admits. {{I'm new t'the States.}} Which might explain the accent being so thick. Or does it work like that? Can mental voices 'lose' an accent?

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn laughs at the raise brow "Aye, well, hair the only thing that has aged normally. Not sure how long Bjorn will live, but he plans on riding this out for as long as possible" and clearly his body itself acted even younger considering he out does most bodybuilders.

He rubs his beard "Aye, you mentioned that lad! Yer from london or something like that. Right?" he asks, just to make sure he getting the facts straight.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{Handy thing ter 'ave,}} Jono remarks. {{Not knowin' is a bugger, though.}} but the mention of being from London gets a nod. He doesn't speak up here, he lets the nod speak for him.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn stretches and buys another drink "Well lad, call this a sudden chance but" and like magic and flips out a card from between two gloved fingers. It reads BJORNS ELECTRONIC SERVICES "If yer ever in need of any eletronical, or even mechanical help, don't be afraid to stop by or call"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono blinks a bit as a card suddenly appears in Bjorn's hands. He's familiar with sleight of hand tricks, he just wasn't expecting this guy to pull one out. Also the last thing he expected was for a guy as big as two of himself put together, as he'd mentioned, to be a computer guy.

    Nonetheless, he accepts the offered card. {{Thanks,}} he offers in return. {{Might need it shortly. Startin' up in a new school soon.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles seeing Jono reaction "Everyone always has the same expression" he states matter of factly. He hmmms a moment "What school you going too? Bjorn himself is of the highschool drop outs" he says not seeming bothered by the idea

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono hedges a bit here, raising a hand to rub at the back of his head. He doesn't really know how much he can safely say. He's a mutant, and going to a school for the 'gifted'. Wouldn't that be enough to out the place? Sure, this is in Mutant Town and all, but he doesn't want it getting OUT of Mutant Town. So he offers hesitantly, {{It's... one of those private academies. Yer know. Posh sorta places.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Oh, yer from one of those rich families? Well eitherway guess your lucky if you end up getting a worth while education" Bjorn says, accepting the answer. "Bjorn left highschool in... freshman year" he snaps his fingers and seems to be reminicing "Oh those were intresing days. It like the world was breaking more und more each year. But for me, spent those years trying ta help folks"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono nods at the question of his family. They were, but that didn't mean they were really much in his life. That's how they want it, and he's not going to complain. But he doesn't have to let others know that.

    The mention of the world in Bjorn's younger years breaking more and more gets a wry, {{Hasn't changed much, then. Jus' breakin' in diff'rent ways.}} But still. {{Good on yer.}} For helping others, that is.

Crusader has posed:
Another boisterous laugh "Well, guess in some way the world always breaking and fixing itself. Life is funny like that. It balance comes from being unbalanced" he says. "SO!" he claps his hands togeather "Got any plans on what your going to be when your older?"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{Sometimes not s'much fixin' itself,}} Jono 'remarks' quietly. Though the question? That gets a laugh. A mental sensation much like someone scoffing at something that he found utterly ridiculous. {{Used to. Not so much now.}}

    He gets a little gloomy when he thinks about the plans he had lined up. Sure, it was statistically improbable, but it was at least possible.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles "Perhaps, but a world soul can do the unexpected" he says. He tilts his head "Used to? Well, why not any more? Does it have to do with that burning heart of yers?" he wonders of him

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono raises an eyebrow quizzically at the term. {{World soul?}} he asks. He'd never heard that one before. Not discounting the possibility, no. Just confused.

    But he nods at the question of his fire. {{This world, it don' much like those of us what ain't the same as ev'rybody else,}} he explains. {{Even if it weren't for... other things, it'd be right bloody hard ter get started.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Yea, you know, the soul of the world. SOme call it gaea, some say it is mother nature. Some say it is something else. Bjorn just call it the soul of the world." he says "Bjorn is not sure how to explain it... except to say that the world fixes itself. Weather it with heros like the spiderman or through nature like daisies" he says. Probably won't find anything about a world soul in school, it just seems to be something from Bjorn head

Bjorn gives pause "Oh Bjorn knows that all too well. Traveled world over on peace rallies, protests and missionary trips. Hoping to bring some equality to others. Not all ended.... peacefully." he says seeming a bit lost a moment. He shake it off "Still, being different does not mean you should not try to go for what you want. Improabably does not equate to impossible"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono... actually seems to understand the explanation of the 'world soul' as Bjorn explains it. He nods, slowly. {{Makes sense. Nature wouldn't recover so fast after we bollocksed somethin' up if somethin' wasn't behind it all,}} he reasons. By 'we', he of course means human beings, the destructive things.

    {{Some people're set 'n their ways,}} Jono replies, to the mention of peace rallies that didn't end quite so peacefully. {{Afraid, stupid... somethin'.}} Though he reaches up to run a hand through his hair, suddenly looking a lot more lost than he was a few moments ago. Which is pretty bad, because he always seems to have this 'lost dog in the rain' look anyway. {{Well. First things first. Still need to get... settled in, I s'pose you'd call it.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods. Things in the tavern have mostly cooled off by now. "Aye. In some odd way, we are all connected. Every across the cosmos. Bjorn wonders just how much though" he looks to the ceiling a moment, as if trying to see through it, but than he moves on

"Well, it is natural to be afraid of what one does not understand. But it is what does afterwards that is important. Bjorn knows he was afraid of mutants way back then" which may be a rather odd statement all things considered. He cants his head "Jono looks sadder than the puppies with the big eyes" he notes

He than grins "Hmm... Bjorn guess this is what is known as the boarding school. Is school in yet? Guess they must be having the lienant curfews... if they have those?" he wonders

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono's heard that before, that all things are connected. He's not sure just how much of it he buys into personally, but now isn't the time to scoff. It's reflection time, apparently, since Jono sits quietly and listens to Bjorn. He doesn't look at the much larger fellow; he has his arms folded on the bar and is looking at the bar's surface like it's the most fascinating thing he's ever seen. This might be to avoid making eye contact with anybody, though.

    {{...You're not wrong,}} he says, in response to the words of what one does after being frightened. {{Fear, hate -- it all just snowballs.}} Though the mention of him looking 'sadder than the puppies with the big eyes' gets... an odd look. He turns his head to regard Bjorn, somehow managing both widened eyes AND a raised brow -- a clear look of 'what the hell are you even talking about'. He doesn't seem offended though.

    He straightens up at the mention of the school though. A boarding school? {{Somethin' like that.}} One of his super-informative answers, yes. {{I don' give a toss about curfews.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn sees the look Jono gives him and laughs "Come on lad, you just seem so down. Which... actually huh, a bar IS a place where folks feeling down often go. Terrible remedy really. Personally swing make Bjorn feel better. Back and forth, back and forth." Bjorn seem to change gears so randomly and fluidly. He went from a interconnected universe.... to swiging on a swing. "How about you, you a slide person or a swing one?"

Though he does take on a more serious guise "Lad, getting toss out of school because you cannot follow curfew is not going to help you none you know. Course guess if you can find another way, tha still works"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono blinks. {{I'm... a li'l too old for that, I think.}} Referring to slides and swings. He's at least late teens, from the looks of him. Also? {{More a music-lover meself.}} As for the curfew? {{Might get a little narked about it but I don' think they'll get too sore at me. First offense, still dealin' with personal issues, all that rot. They know I'm not out doin' drugs or gettin' sloshed or what.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Are you? Huh, well Bjorn isn't" he says canting his head, as if the idea of being too old for something is alien "Where actualy playing on them earlier today!" Bjorn says his eyes alight it seems. "Music lover eh? Nice nice. Bet you a collectect type, like all sorts of music. Hmmm... do you listen to techno alot?" he than asks. When Jono explains the whole curfew bid he nods "Fair enough, fai enough. Guess we all got personal issues"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono tilts his head, first one way and then the other. {{Diff'rent strokes, diff'rent folks,}} he finally reasons. As for the music? {{Eh, I listen ter a bit 'o ev'rythin'. Though I s'pose I like the older rock music, since it's usu'lly got really good guitar tracks.}} As for personal issues... well, Jono just nods. Slowly. That thing people call a sagenod. Oh yes, he definitely understands that.

Crusader has posed:
A mirk "Fair enough" he says. "Bjorn pretty much same. But most enjoy the singing of lady voices. So much enjoy celtic women. Oh and folk songs too! Neverwinter is good instrumental. Makes Bjorn think of the vikings!" he exclaims.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Well, with a name like 'Bjorn', he does sound kind of Norse. Jono admits, {{Most 'a what I lis'en ter's pretty recent. Within the last few decades at least. But I've 'eard some 'a...}} He pauses. {{Don' wanna call it 'pirate metal', but... a spade bein' a spade...}}

Crusader has posed:
"Never been much into metal myself.... though Bjorn admits this is first time he has heard of pirate metal.... or a relation to a spade" Bjorn states. Now he was the one raising his brows in confusion, trying to figure out the correlation

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Whoops, confusion. {{When yer say 'call a spade a spade', yer' sayin' for someone t'tell yer things like they are an' not ter try an' sugarcoat it,}} he explains. Bjorn's speech should have indicated that he wasn't a native English speaker. {{An' pirate metal is... actu'lly I dunno if they call it that for real or not. There's a few bands what take folk songs an' sea shanties, an' set 'em to a harder metal sound.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Ahhh, blunt" he says in understanding. But Bjorn now seems very much interested "And folk songs to metal? Bjorn may have to give listen to such things! Mabey not sound so bad!"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{They usu'lly keep the same sound overall,}} Jono notes, of the 'folk metal' songs. {{Could definitely be a way for yer t'get inter metal, if yer been lookin' for a reason to.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Nah, haven't been searchin for a reason. Bjorn likes what he likes." he says. "Sides still rather hear a pretty ladies voice" he closes his eyes as if imagining one. "Nothing quite like a siren!" he looks around at the now quiet bar "You never did say what it was you had planned"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    A pretty lady's voice? Jono thinks a moment, trying to remember the last time he listened to the voice of a woman that could have sounded Celtic. {{There's Miriam Stockley too. Voice 'f an angel, that one. Hauntin' an' beautiful.}}

    Though the question of what he had planned? He blinks. {{Planned?}} he asks.

Crusader has posed:
"Miriam Stockley? Bjorn must take listen to hear someday soo then!" he exclaims happily. He than nods "Aye, when Bjorn asked if you had future plans, you only said used too... but never what your actual plans were. You know, for the growing of the up"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Bjorn can baaaaarely glimpse a bit of a blush above Jono's face-wrappings when he asks again about what he'd planned for growing up. It's extremely slight, and the wrappings almost hide it completely. {{Well. Wasn' too bad of a singer back then,}} he admits. {{Can still pick out a decent tune on the guitar, but singin's out.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Why not? Your telvoice sounds just like a regular voice... just inside the head space" he says "Sure you will not be making any recordings.... unless they figured out how to transfer thoughts to sounds" he ponders that a moment "But otherwise you could still do concerts! And you wouldn't even have to be spending money on mics for projecting your voice. You just do it with your head... or do you have some sort of limit?" he wonders

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{Basic'lly that,}} Jono confirms. {{No recordin's, no microphones, an' nothin' ter amplify me voice over music. That'd be a pain for electric guitars an' drums. Me voice only goes as far as a speakin' voice. Think about if the Rollin' Stones'd had ter jus' yell over their music an' the crowd yellin'.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn considers this "That would be pretty difficult." he snaps his fingers "But where theres a will, there a way! This is town of mutants!" he settles back "Let see.... perhaps if you imploy the help of an audiokinetic. Make sound with mind, and your mind make sound in other folks mind. Theorticly... an audiokinitec should be able to feasibly copy your mental voice into physical voice" he says. "Dosn't much solve the concert problem, but certainly solves the recording one!"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono thinks about that for a few moments. {{...S'pose it could,}} he's rather forced to admit. And hey, at the Institute, who knows what kind of people he'll meet? Somebody may have exactly that mutant power! Maybe. Probably not. Things don't really work like that in real life.

    {{Still need t'worry 'bout gettin' meself settled again. Uprootin' from ev'rythin' yer knew and startin' over ain't somethin' yer can just do 'on the side'.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn opens his mouth as if to say something and than closes it again. He hmmms "Bjorn must admit the truth of this. Getting settled into something can be quite the ride. New people, places. Than there is the setting up of the home, dealing with lifes' unexpected twists. Quite a fun time! Ho ho!!"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Jono would half-smile if he could. It's really hard to look at his particular situation with anything but dread, due to the circumstances. And also because he's a teenager, they feel emotions pretty strongly. But Bjorn's optimism is... almost infectious. Almost. Then again so is the lurgy.

    {{An' a lot 'a bein' right knackered,}} he adds, with the mental equivalent of a tired sigh. {{New places an' new faces or not.}}

Crusader has posed:
"Haha! Being knackered not SOO bad. Than you get a right good nap in. best place to nap is on a rock" he says with a straight face "Though wood floors are very uncomfortable for naps" he grunts out seemingly annoyed at the idea.

"Though bjorn can understand how one can feel... unsure of such things." he says

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    {{Prefer a bed, if I'm honest,}} Jono replies, to the mention of sleeping on a rock. That just can't be good for the back! Beside,s he hasn't gone THAT much native! And there's the words of being unsure. But he stays quiet on that. All he's sure of is he's going to screw up somewhere, sometime. Hopefully not as bad as he did last time...

Crusader has posed:
"Oh, well bed is good for a nights sleep. But rocks good for a nap!" he says with a chuckle. He stands and stretches having been sitting for quite a bit "Oi, that hit the spot there!"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
    Bjorn's stretching makes Jono realize that they have been sitting there a while. And he looks up, looking for a clock. Then he remembers they don't PUT clocks in bars, because if people knew how much time they frittered away here with booze, they'd leave earlier. So instead he gets out his phone... and winces a little. {{Bollocks. Didn' realize it was that late.}} There is, after all, a difference between 'missing curfew' and 'send out search and rescue teams, have you seen this Brit?'.

    Returning his phone back to his pocket, Jono notes, {{S' gettin' pretty late. Much as I don' give a toss about curfew, I don' want 'em puttin' me face on a milk carton.}}

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods "Aye, fair enough. Bjorn dosn't have any place to be so..." he looks to the bartender "Give me the good stuf! Gotta lot of drinking to do. Haha!" he exclaims

Looking back to Jono he smirks "Stay safe kid. Do good in school, and well if school dosnea work out... than go big" he sagenods "Have a good one"