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Like a Bat out of Hell
Date of Scene: 01 May 2020
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Megan catches up with Superboy after the latest Gremlin attack.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy

Pixie has posed:
More than a week has passed since Megan's soul dagger was stolen, and a lot has happened since then. Not only did she lose her cute fairy wings, replaced by wicked looking, Grey bat wings, lavender skin and claws, she's also taken on a more goth look and attitude, keeping her distance from fellow students and generally acting fair bit more grim than usual.

But she was slowly growing accustomed to these new wings and is actually rather enjoying the feel of wind over her new gliders as she flies from tree to tree. Today she's all in black; Short black cut off shorts, short black tshirt, black army boots.

She May have been asked to stay close to the school, and technically she's just lurking on the hiking grounds surrounding the school,but she had a good reason. She'd texted Conner, having not seen him in a while. They probably had a lot to catch up on.

Superboy has posed:
It has been a week since Conner left Megan at the door of Dr. Strange's house in Greenwich Village. She was looking quite violet, and it looks it has not been fixed. Another date in the woods, uh? Again, close to that building he can certainly see because his enhanced sense.

Maybe Megan's parents really, really dislikes the idea of her seeing boys?

"Hey, Meg," he greets, giving the girl a once over. "I thought that doctor would have..." he makes a vague finger-wiggling gesture. "Left you looking normal. When are we going to recover your dagger?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn lands in front of a tree a few moments before Conner arrives. She smiles softly, stepping quickly towards him and hugs him tightly. "Hii Conner!" she says brightly and she's a bit more cheerful today than usual lately. Her wings curl around her like a cape and hey, at least they keep her warm when the wind blows. Out here in the wilderness it can get windy.

"How have you been? I missed you.." she pouts a little, at mention of not looking normal and sighs, letting go, "You think I look like a monster?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner laughs and hugs Megan back. At least her good mood is still there. "Missed you too. And no, only monsters look like monsters. You look purple, which is not a bad color. I dig the new wings, I bet Batman would be jealous." Beat, followed by a hair-ruffle, "but I still want to find the creepy elf guy that did this to you and beat the crap out of him. Hence my question."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks a bit, tossing back her head, giving a little dry chuckle, "Heh, I hope you're right. I feel funny, I just feel so angry all the time..Although I've been learning to fly and training and that helps." there she goes again with weird words like training. "I dunno, I need to find this goblin prince guy, but I dunno where to start exactly. I should be able to sense my soul dagger but I..." she sighs, hanging her head, "I can't sense anything. And that's scary. Cuz when my friend Illy lost her soul sword, she became this frightening monster. I don't want to lose myself like that. I don't wanna hurt my friends."

Superboy has posed:
"Pff. I am a clone, pretty sure we don't have souls," replies Conner with a smirk. "I am doing good. So, souls are overrated and you have reasons to be angry, so it is normal. I am angry too. Just don't let it affect you too much."

That she can't 'feel' the 'soul-dagger' is probably bad. But what can he do? Maybe check the Justice League computers for elves? But he did so with the Outsider's systems and there was nothing. "Has there been more gremlin sightings recently? I mean, after you got attacked."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, arching a curious brow at him, "Umm are you sure? I think all living creatures have souls. Anyway, it just means I'm more prone to evil or something. I need to talk to Dr. Strange.." she peers at him curiously, "So what's your story, anyway? What do mean a clone? Who..Who did this to you?" she seems concerned, even.

She shrugs, "a Things have been pretty quiet lately..Maybe a bit too quiet, but I dunno, there's something odd about Shannon.."

Superboy has posed:
"Well, sure," maybe Megan should talk to her magician old guy friend. Shannon is odd? Ah, the other winged girl. "The gremlins also attacked her, why so?"

As for his personal story. He is not sure it is the right moment, but after thinking a minute he shrugs. "It was a few years ago. I woke up in an underground lab after a... a long time in virtual reality where I learned many things. I heard scientists and weird people talking about things I really disliked. So, I escaped. They are, or were, a group called NOWHERE. For a time I thought I was Superman, deaged and amnesiac. But then I met the real Superman. Science guys checked me and said I was half-human and half-kryptonian, having part of Superman's genetic template."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Not sure, I wonder...Could she be a fairy?" she frowns at the thought, "I...Sensed some magic, but it comes and goes.." she peers at him I. surprise at his story. "Wow that's...I'm sorry, I. ever knew, must be hard.."

Superboy has posed:
"I am fine. That was all almost five years ago," replies Conner with a smirk. And Shannon a fairy? "Would she know that if she is? She looks like an angel? I mean, what is a fairy anyway?" Because, really, Conner can't get his mythological creatures straight. He knows plenty pop culture, but fairies have not been on the radar during his short life.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, "Five years huh. Wow..I mean you seem like a normal person, except you have super powers...Sooo, clone of Superman or something?" as for being a fairy she just shrugs, "Not really sure anymore, I guess a fairy is a magical creature from an ancient realm, with wings and other things. Only I thought Shannon was...Something else." angel? sure that works. She just laughs and shrugs, "I'm not sure, I need to talk to her but that may make her a target too. I need to make sure she's safe, only.." she frowns, a strange dark thought in her mind..

Superboy has posed:
"I am a -normal- but awesome person. -Super- person," explains Conner with a cocky smirk. "And no, I am not exactly a clone of Superman. Because there are human genetics too. So maybe I am not exactly a clone either. Anyway, I am not sure of my age either, if you are asking that. I left NOWHERE five years ago. I was in the tank for years, not sure how many because it was all virtual reality."

Shannon can be a fairy? Or an angel. Of maybe she is a Skrull. Conner has no idea on first sight. Magical creatures tend to be able to hurt him much more easily than regular humans. But he doubts Megan, who is clearly one, can hurt him if she punches him. Not a good way to test, either. "I guess you need to talk with an expert. Not me. Now... who in the Outsiders or the League would know. Besides Batman, I mean..." he hrms, thinking.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, "A tank huh, that's really terrible.." she sighs, "But..But you have memories or something, right? You have happy memories, of being normal at least? At least you seem well adjusted.." she shrugs, shaking her head. "Nah, she's not a fairy, but.." eyes narrows, "I think she may have some ability at magic perhaps, or maybe she's just hiding a fairy."

now that's a possibility..That strange, dark look crosses her face again, and her smile seems just for a moment to be colder really. "Yess....I will have to have a little tallllk with herrr...." the way she slurs her words, almost hisses them and looks away, almost as if she's in a trance for a few seconds..Is perhaps almost scary to watch..

Superboy has posed:
"No, well... there was virtual reality. I don't remember much, but there was a high school..." Conner stops and squints eyes when Megan starts slurring words. He reaches to grab her shoulders, shaking her gently. "Meg, hey," he starts, loosing his smile. "What are you doing? Look at me, baby."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, and his words go right over her head. It's only when he shakes her that she blinks a couple times, forcing herself to focus on him. "Uh, what? Did I miss something?" she frowns, rubbing her eyes, swaying a bit on her feet like she might just fall over, before catching her balance. "Geez, that was weird, it felt like, like I was..Daydreaming or something.." Megan laughs nervously, drawing a deep breath. "I'm okay now..Really! I think..Maybe i've just been cooped up too much lately." yeah that must have been it.

Superboy has posed:
Yeah? No. Conner has been around. This is not his first rodeo and he has learned to dislike magic. "That was not daydreaming. I think the guy that stole your dagger might have left something in its place. Listen, you can't be alone, okay? Stay always with one of your friends, even when you sleep. Hell, I am half the mind to take you with me to keep an eye on you."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns a bit. "Umm, I dunno..Really?" she blushes a bit at the last part, but smiles faintly, "Um, okay. I guess you're right. I mean, I do have a bunk mate back at the..ERr.....Magic school.." right, that's the whole 'story' she's sticking to now, though she feels guilty for lying, and it shows. "Umm, the other day, at your place.." Megan blushes again at the memory that kinda stood out. It was her first kiss afterall. "Was that...For real..?"

Superboy has posed:
Way to change the conversation course. Conner frowns, looking at Megan for a minute. Magic school, right. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the phone number of any of her friends.

"What was real?" He arches an eyebrow. "You were great that night. And you are pretty and fun to be around. So, of course I wanted to kiss you for real. And much more. You wanted to stop at the kiss, so that is where we stopped. But when you are back to normal, I want to ask you out, and she where we go, hmm?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles a bit, shaking her head and sighs a bit, reaching out to clutch his hands. "I'm sorry, there are...Secrets I have to keep, to protect people, and...And I could get in serious trouble if I say much more than that. But I promise I'll tell you soon, if only because I'm really really bad at keeping secrets. And maybe because I think I can trust you, especially after all you've been through."

She smiles a bit more, giggling nervously, "Umm, I've never..You know, been kissed before so, that was...Really nice, but..I'd really like that.." Megan pauses. "I hope I'm not too...Creepy to be around right now. I know I'm not really myself, but I'm trying. All these dark thoughts and feelings in my head..It's a little..Scary, you know? Like just now.."

Superboy has posed:
"Uh, never?" That explains some of the awkwardness he felt. But it was her eighteenth birthday and she is a pretty girl. Conner is a bit surprised. She doesn't seem the shy type either. She sings, she dances. All normal. "Okay. I guess I will have to take it easy with you?"

He reaches for her brow and taps her forehead with a finger. "You are not creepy. But if you are not feeling yourself, you need to double check all your decisions with someone else. Promise me."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and shrugs, "Hey, I guess I've been pretty isolated in my early life, y'know, born and raised in a tiny town, hidden from the other kids once my..Abilities manifested. Even at the school, everyone saw me as the cute little kid sister, while most eyes were on Shannon.." oh shoot, she said it again, but hey, maybe he'll just assume she meant the magic school. Darnit...!

She shrugs and smiles, "It's okay, you dont have to go super easy on me, just, we can take things slow, but not too slow, you know?" Megan giggles and stretches her wings. "Yeah, okay, I promise." at least she seems a bit more relaxed now. "Thanks, I'm sort of getting used to these batwings, Shannon has been helping me to learn to fly with them.."

Eyes narrow, all full of excitement, "Wanna go for a flight?"

Superboy has posed:
"You will have to tell me that again when your head is not full of strange ideas," replies Conner, smiling faintly again. "You are still pretty, and I am a guy," but he lets her go. Flying, okay. They can go flying, sounds pretty harmless and there is still enough light. "Show me, then," he adds.