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(Nick and Dean have food.)
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Latest revision as of 22:40, 10 May 2020

Maticating on a Saturday Evening
Date of Scene: 09 May 2020
Location: Katz's Deli, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Nick and Dean have food.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Dean Winchester

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Katz's Deli is reasonably quiet. The major rush of the day is already completed, leaving for several tables to be open in the establishment.

This makes now a perfect time for a certain knitcapped musician to enjoy the place. If Sunday was the big bang this week started in on, Nick was content to make Saturday more of a quiet whimper. He opted not to do anything really major today. Just the basic vocal coaching, music writing, and practice day.

Although, he did swing by the studio to see if anyone heard from Dimitri, But other than that, nothing at all meant totempt fate. Right now he's just finishing up a sandwich and eyeing the cookie he has sitting next to his coffee.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's here. Caause why not. Sandwiches for the road, check, cofee, check. Seeing who is around? Sure, check. And....oh yeah. In his jacket/jeans/concealed gun combo, Dean's repping an undercover cop today and sits, unwrapping the plastic on his sandwich. Cress, egg salad if anyone cares...and his coffee's got a few packets of sugar in, some creamer, and a wooden spoon thingy

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Already seated, Nick contentedly eats the last of his sandwich. Glancing up to the slight movement to the side of his vision he sees a Dean just happen to sit at the table beside him.


"Hey Dean." Nick greets.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean waves over. "Hey, what's good?" he asks and looks oto the sandwich. What, two bits of bread. Damp cress. Runny egg? Really, now?^R
Den watches Nick. "So what's up?" he asks, biting into the sorry excuse for food

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Nothing today." Nick replies, voice a bit cheery for an answer basically calling the day boring, "Just a run of the mill day. Practice and working."

He picks up the cookie, "How about you?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Usual" Dean shrugs. "Sme old, go from town to town, yeah and see what's up" he shrugs looking pleased. "Got to drive to Metropolis today and not started yet"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Metropolis?" Nick repeats curiously. "So what's going on in Metropolis that requires a visit?"

He lifts up his cookie, taking a bite.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Probably just somebody's dog running around and claiming it's a freaking ghost" Dean mutters looking unamused. "But yeah, head north, check that out. Wish me luck" he grimaces

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick chews, giving a slight nod as he swallows the bite. "Good luck playing fetch with the dog ghost." Nick replies, giving a bit of a smirk, "Meanwhile, I'm going to try and take it easy for a bit. Focus on the paying jobs a bit more. But, I'll keep up with the training."

He shakes his head, glancing to his cookie, "Some weeks are slow and other weeks seem to have a month's worth of bullshit crammed in to them."

Crunch. The cookie loses another piece of itself.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Dog ghost's got it easy" Dean says. "Yeet the stick over onto a roof. Mutt spirit just goes straight to the stick. No walls or stairs" Dean says with a straight face and nods silently figuring out how a ghost even plays fetch. "You sound like you work retail by the way. Same dead look and cynical view" he nods and chews on his sandwich a little with a smile. "Didn't think you worked retail though"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician nods, finishing up his bite of cookie before setting it down. His hand shifts over to the cup of coffee instead. He shakes his head.

"I did work in a convenience store for a bit," Nick admits, "So, from that vantage point let me state that bullshit comes in many MANY forms. That applies to the music industry as well."

He glances around, lowering his voice, "And what is a dream but your mind BSing its way through a story line by using the stock footage of your memories?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
"I know, right? I mean poor counter workers. I'm being nice to them" Dean muses with a glance around then back to Nick. "Okay, yeah convenience store. Poor bastard" Dean grins. "So, music industries. Alright, fine. You know the bullshit Sammy and I go through for work" Dean adds with a wry grin shaking his head to Nick. "Bullshit's a way of life for some people, man" Dean adds raising his coffee to Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick returns the mock toast, sipping his coffee afterwards as he considers the hunter sitting near him. The cup lowers. "You guys do etch out some down time do fun stuff though, right? I mean, other than drinking yourself under a table and ruining ice cream..."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"And hunting down pie and cheeseburgers and bacon" Dean nods. "Nah we get downtime, it's usually figuring out where to go next, and do things, and, and, y'know. What to do with things like that"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head. "I've been told several times that it's not considered down time or a break if you're using that time to prepare for your next gig."

He lifts is cup up again, "I'm guilty of not taking enough breaks as well so it seems a common problem." His eyes close as he takes a long sip of his coffee.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Yeah and Sammy's the same way, all we can have fun, too. Do I listen? Nah. Focused on the hunt" Dean mutters. "Sounds bout right really, I should relax but, but I can't easily relax, can I?" he asks. "Always more work to do, always somewhere else to be"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Eyes open, looking over to Dean as the cup lowers. "Too bad your occupation doesn't have managers." Nick muses, lowering the cup, "Shaw Studios manages my music bookings and ARA handles the acting ones for me. They're pretty good at working together and managing time conflicts and Wade's not afraid to cut me off if I grab at too many projects."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"If I was working under a manager. They would run away screaming and rage and flee" Dean offers and watches Nick before getting up. "Though speaking of work, I need to head out however" Dean mutters shaking his head again, heading for the door.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, turning his head to watch Dean make his way out, "Alright. Good luck with the Hound of the Metropolis."