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Latest revision as of 06:23, 12 May 2020

Faerie Musings
Date of Scene: 12 May 2020
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Megan and Josiah talk more about forgiveness. Late night tea is served.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Firefly (Barrows)

Pixie has posed:
The last several days have been a blur. Megan has actually done her best to actively confine herself to her dorm, only coming out for essential classes and lessons. Half the time she called in sick though and just hid in her room, sleeping in, trying to chase away the nightmares.

Now at this late hour, she has sneaked down into the kitchen when hopefully no one else is out and about, because honestly, she doesn't want to accidently harm anyone else, or cause anymore trouble.


Now, where's that nice, relaxing tea...?

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "Pip pip, cheerio." Josiah says as he walks over to MEgan. "I been meaning to visit you to see how you were doing." Josiah says as he walks over to her. "Whatcha lookiing for?" Josiah asks calmly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is sooo intently searching for that darned cammomile tea that she nearly doesn't hear him sneaking up on her like that. "Meeep!" she squeaks and literally jumps some three feet in the air. Heck, it's enough that her wings start to glitter with that crazy, nightmarish dust and she darts back and away from Josiah.

"Josiah! What are you doing? Stay back, you've no idea how much trouble I keep causing! It's for your own good!" she sighs, looking like she really hasn't had much sleep in a really long time.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "I am willing to risk it." Josiah says as he moves to the cabinet and gets the tea down and puts water in the kettle and he puts it on the stove. "Lets talk." He says as he gives her a stool to sit on. "I understand your fear...your afraid exposure to you will cause me problems."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head. "Not just you...Everyone. I'm a liability, Josiah. I have...Dark thoughts. I..I enjoy watching people in torment when they suffer my nightmarish illusions. I practically look like a demon. And I can feel myself changing inside too.." she shives, hugging her arms but nods, sitting down, facing him as she waits for the kettle to boil.

"One of these days, I'll do something I regret, and I dunno if I can fix things before then. So...I dunno what to do.." Megan sighs again..

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "The bible teaches us that no one is beyond redemption. That even the devil isnt beyond redemption." Josiah says as he pulls out some cups and the teapots. "Being good is the most difficult path. As I said, is it better to be pure good, or to have evil tendencies and rising above them." He says as he watches the teen and he looks into her eyes. "I see good in your eyes. I see a desire to help people." He says as he moves to hold her hands softly. "No matter how far you fall, the way into the light is always present." He says with a smile.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms and nods. "Right, I remember you mentioning that once before.." she smiles faintly at his words. "As long as one wants to change...Right? Only..I dunno if I wanna change. I....It kinda feels good, seeing people experience nightmares..It's hard to describe, and it's wrong, so wrong."

Megan blinks slowly as he takes her hands but does feel a bit reassured. "Hey, your light helped relax me a bit before..Can you do it again? It feels so warm and soothing.."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah nods as he makes his hands glow and the lightforce fills her body. He smiles. "Feel better?" he asks as he watches the woman. He then hears the kettle blowing and he makes his entire body glow with light, so it shines on her without touching her. He mixes the tea and pours her a cup and him a cup. "Knowing it is wrong and seeking to atone is a sign of redemption. An evil person would take pleasure in it and not care about trying to redeem themselves." He says softly.

Pixie has posed:
"Yeah..Thanks!" she smiles, seeming for a moment as if a great weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Megan closes her eyes briefly as she absorbs the light from him, shivering a bit. "I get it, there's still good in me, even if there's darkness there too..I wonder if it's like that with everyone?"

She frowns softly, pondering, "I was sad, to see my friend Morgana turn on me like that, to try and attack you. That made me really mad..And sad too, what would have caused her to do that? I thought we had an understanding.." Megan pouts a bit at that thought..

And then the tea is prepared and she giggles, "Thanks, Josiah! Nothing better than a cup of warm, relaxing tea before bed.."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "I wouldnt know, I am one of those colonial upstarts." Josiah says jokingly as he watches the teen from the united kingdom. He sips his tea and begins to put some sugar in it. "I promise you, Megan, We will figure out what happened to you and change you back." He says as he sips his tea. "In the mean time dont see this as you becoming Damned, but rather being tempted to do things you wouldnt normally do." He says as he moves a hand to hold hers. "No matter what happens, I will be there to bring you back to the light. On this I promise." He says as if making a vow.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles a bit at that and shrugs, "Oh, silly!" she sips her own tea quietly, thoughtfully for a few moments as well. "Thank you, I know you will. I know all the Xmen are worried about me too and Jean and Scott especially, they wanna keep me safe. I suppose I felt stifled at first, but now I just don't wanna let them down..I mean, I'm always anxious to prove myself, to become the next X-girl but...Right now, I dunno, maybe I should just take it easy for a bit..?"

She nods, "I have an appointment to see Jean and Betsy soon. Hopefully they can get rid of this negative influence inside my head soon.."

Megan does quirk a curious brow at him though, "Do you think that there's hope still for Morgana too? I mean, she's always been a good friend to me, and maybe she just..I dunno, panicked? I just can't believe she's 'Evil' and that's that. I need to talk to her again, but I promised I wouldn't leave the school grounds..."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "As I have said, no one is beyond redemption. Even Morgana can be saved if she chooses it. But to forgive is one of the most difficult things one can do. It is far too easy to hurt back when people hurt you." He says calmly as he sips his tea. "You promised you wouldnt leave the school grounds, Maybe I can talk with Stephen Strange and figure out a means to summon her to you, since you three do specialize in magic." He says as a thought. He shakes his head. "I am sorry I attacked. It is just Shannon said there was trouble and I didnt bother to investigate." He says apologetically.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods. "I believe that too..At least I'd like to think so." she sighs and nods again, "You're right..It is not always easy to forgive someone, especially when you don't understand their true intentions. But still, I wanna talk to her.."

Megan does frown a bit at the idea of talking to her again, "Heh, I could always port over there, but...No. I can't risk it right now. I'm sure we'll meet again, I have other friends outside the school that I'd like to meet to.." her smile fades a bit, thinking longingly of one in particular.

"But it's okay, once Betsy and Jean 'fix' me, i'm sure it'll be better.."

When Shannon's name is brought up, Megan smiles a bit. "It's okay, you both just wanted to help. And I'm grateful for that. You and Shannon have been good friends to me, and I really appreciate that."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "Shannon genuinely cares for others. Because she is a compassionate girl who feels the suffering of others. We are too much alike." He says softly as he finishes his tea. "Anyway, I should probably head to bed. IF you ever want to talk, at any time, come to my room or look for me on the grounds and we can talk." He says as he rubs her hand with his thumb and lets go of her.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, smiling faintly, "I know...Guess that's why all the the guys like her." She doesn't seem jealous or anything. Not anymore, anyway, in fact she just smiles softly, knowingly.

"But yeah, she's a really sweet girl, just wish I could manage not to tick her off so much..Especially now that she's got that fairy in her head..I just need to stay away from her as much as possible. For her own good..."

Megan looks up at him thoughtfully and nods. "Please, take care of her." strange words perhaps, as if she knows more than she's letting on. Or maybe she's just very worried about her. "And thank you, Josiah. Have a good night!"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah looks to Megan and he looks into her eyes. "I like her alot. I also like you alot. I dont think I could choose if it came down to you two." He says as he leans in to kiss Megan's cheek. "Dont do anything stupid. If she turns me down I will ask you out." He says with a smile as he watches her. He then moves to the doors. "Night Pixie." He says with a smile.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, not having expected that, and she does blush a little as he kisses her cheek. "Um.." she bites her lip and just nods slowly, a small smile appearing on her lips. "Josiah.." Megan seems to want to say something but changes her mind. "Good night..Take care of yourself. And whatever you do, make sure she's safe.."