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Latest revision as of 08:28, 12 May 2020

Canine Capers
Date of Scene: 26 January 2020
Location: West Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Ekaterina Vespucci, Hisoka Akiyama

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Harlem, New York. Or West Harlem to be exact is bathed in sunlight on a cold January morning. Mercy's out here sweeping up outside her store, cleaning the outside of the auto shop and looks relaxed and easygoing, dressed in her coveralls and work boots too with the steel toe cap. Broom in her hands, Mercy's sweeping, the light dusting of snow in the corner of her little bit of New York City. She pauses sweeping, and leans her broom against the wall. She shakes her head, looking like this is a losing battle with the snow, trash, and city detritus. It's a never ending battle with Mercy and her garage. Mercy looks to an oil trail on the ground, and stares at it, wondering how in the world she's going to deal with that one. As she stands there, she's signing for a delivery of parts, too as the parts vanish into her garage.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat was old world aristocracy but today she is dressed and looks for all the world like a college student. She wears a beanie and is walking past Mercy's garage phone and coffee in hand - playing Pokemon go it appears - one of her favorite past times. She steps in Mercy's oil trsail and slides for a bit - breaking her reverie. She does not fall over but her large cornflower blue eyes widen comically to anime size.

Hisoka Akiyama has posed:
Honestly, Hisoka is usually out and about during night time under Reika's instruction but he has no problems going out during daylight himself, but the drawback is... yes, normal people would flip the fuck out at the sight of the entity making his way down the sideway under general assumption that the doll-like entity is out to kill everybody in his general path with a loud scraping sound of his bladed digits being dragged behind himself from how long and massive his wooden arms are, he can't effectively hold his arms up all of the time, he'd look siller than he is right now with long furrows gouged into the grey concrete in the wake of his claws. Oh, it doesn't help that his dress shirt is covered in a layer of gore with the left sleeve being heavily caked in gore from killing a person who shot him point blank in the face, back in Gotham, after he asked him where a magic wielder is located before he met Starfire, he can't go to laundry, he doesn't have a home, etc etc but his cheery personality shines through the layer of morbidness, beaming at whoever screaming at the possessed doll, greeting them with a cheerful 'bonjour!' now and then. The crowd would part way out of his way before he could even move close to them, most of the crowd wound up splitting off and rushing off to the other sidewalk, posing a danger of being run over by the traffic, being none too wiser about 'metahumans' nearby, yammering to himself, or perhaps the other spirital being who's also bound to the vessel. "Mom, they're screameng at me, they're zo funny! Ai lik beeng oot een ze mairneng, eet eez prettay! Ai love le snow!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's not normal. She's woried with the oil trail, and looks to Ekaterina. "Are you alright?" she askswith genuine concern to her. Then she spins on a heel, looking at the....thing that's coming down the street. "Okay what is that thing? That clawed, thing....what the....how....why?

Mercy is torn between both of them, she sighs and turns her attention back to the phone, coffee, and oil induced slide. "You need a rag or a mop or brush or anything?" Mercy asks still sounding a little worried and shaken.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat smailes at Mercy - she is all forgiveness and accomodation. "I'm fine." She picks herself up and puts her phone away. Time to pay attention to where she is going and not to hunt for Pikachu. The this doll hing appears. "Abstract art?" she hazards a guess. Not the most bizzzare thing she has sen in her 1200 plus years but pretty close.

Hisoka Akiyama has posed:
Hisoka turns that way towards where the garage is located, making a beeline for it until he comes to a stop before the girls, beaming brightly at them, his shoes, socks, and shorts along with the rest of his blood splattered clothes are dripping wet with melting snow. They can see that he's actually lacking eyes with glowing white rings in place where his eyes are supposed to be located with writhing mass of black ecotplasmic fluid hidden within his skull, save for a strand of black sludge-like substance that manages to escape through his right eyesocket down his streaked cheek across the red circular marking only to disappear back into the seam on his neck, his gaze flitting between Kat and Mercy, the boy just stares at them for ten seconds, just to make things quite awkward before he speaks up. "Hiii! Zis eez a love-lee mairneng, don't you think? Non? Ai am nu to zis country, Gotham was nice, but what eez zis place?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's not sure what to say or do with that thing at all. Okay, points for speaking, but she glances to Kat with a nod, "Alright" she says quietly. "If you want to come inside and relax though I'll get you coffee" she offers. Then she extends the same to the....aparently French speaker. "Okay who are you and did you want anything from my garage? You got a car you need fixing or something?" Mercy asks, glacning between the two others, moving the broom closer to the bay doors.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"This is Harlem I think," Kat says frowning. Then checking google maps to be sure. "Oh I don't want to be any bother but thankyou for the offer," she says to Mercy. She looks again at the living puppet, "New york is becoming a strange place..." she remarks off handedly.

Hisoka Akiyama has posed:
Hisoka shakes his head side to side, tossing his white hair about. "Nuh-huh! I'm Hisoka, and do Ai need a car license to drive? Ai mean.. Ai can't even reach down to reach la accelairatair, Ai tried wiv a mop but ze mop got een mon face and Ai accidental-lee mowed through a group, eet was tragic, et Ai can't 'uld le steaireng wheel, mon 'ands are too big. A pulicé officair came up and screamed monstair, shot me zo Ai keehled 'im. Ai don't lik to be shot, eet eez vairy rude et disrespectful!" He stands up on his tippy toes, trying to peer down at Kat's phone. "Harlem? Good to know, Ai do not 'ave a phone." And he peers around Kat into the garage. "Uhh... Do eivair of you wield magic? Spells? I'd lik to lairn!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks from Kat to Hisoka. "No no it's no trouble. Come on in if you like. I got coffee on and chocolate cookies baking" she offers looking to Kat, then Hisoka. "Yeah you need a license to drive. Do I wield magic? Not as such" she says gently, "Though there's plenty of people who could hear you out. If they'd teach you though? THat's another matter" Mercy says and looks genuinely hopefuly. Gesturing inside she smiles. "Really it's no bother, I've no cars to work on at the moment, anyhow. They're all needing different parts I'm waiting on anyway"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I'm Kat," Ekaterina says to the puppet. She looks down again at her phone, "I better get going sorry," she smiles helplessly. "I have an exhibition at one of my galleries to organise - but thanks for the invite," she ambles on down the street frowning slightly at the living puppet again. "Weird..." she says benesth her breath.

Hisoka Akiyama has posed:
"Yuh-huh, ai 'ope zéy teach mé a lot of magic, zo mon momma weehl become a dieu and wipé othair gods oot of exeesténce by consumeng zem fair zéir ezences and restart ze univairsé, assuméng ze posishe-on as lé primairdial dieu." Hisoka spoke up, beaming brightly even though he outright admitted his only goal of helping his mother become an Eldritch Horror, momma's boy, really. "Okié dokie! Bai bai kattay, Ai lik cats!" He calls after Kat, giving her a frantic farewell wave, and he turns around to face Mercy. Okees! Ai can't eat anywais, well.. Ai can but food just sits zére inside mon body and rot, zo Ai try not to."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy listens, and listens quietly. "Well....you need to explain this to people who teach magic" Mercy offerrs. What she's saying is nope, they may not teach you. Instead she's moving the broom inside. Looking to Hisoka, Mercyshrugs, "You know anything bout cars?" she asks, then heads inside, the bay doors rattling.

Hisoka Akiyama has posed:
Hisoka follows after Mercy into the building, shaking his head anew. "Naw-huh! Ai know notheng abut cars at all, i'm wai too uld fair cars, ai died befaire cars waire even a concept!"