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Latest revision as of 08:30, 12 May 2020

Fangs for the Memories
Date of Scene: 21 January 2020
Location: Semira Estate - Westchester
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Andre Jackson, Selene (Underworld)

Andre Jackson has posed:
    It's late in the evening, Dre had come back home after a long day at the rec center, but he wanted to go visit Selene. He hadn't seen in her in a while since the last time he came by. He walks up to the gate and buzzed the alarm. He waits outside, he knows he is being watched by now, "Hello." he waves into the darkness if there are other vampires about him.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Oh yes Dre's being watched, though the gate slides open and a Death Dealer with a gas mask waves him in. Then motions for him to move, quickly as there's the roar of a bike. Selene's on her way back....at oh several times the speed limit. She's hunched low on the sports bike, and angles it away from Dre. It's impressive she takes to the air on her bike for a split second, thudding down again as she rockets past and brings the bike to a halt. Somebody's gonna need to look over th ebike, the smell of boiling brake fluid in the air as Selene swings her legs off the bike and plants feet on the ground, her boots hitting the asphalt with a thud.

Selene looks over and nods, spying Dre she jogs over, the gate closing while she was slowing the bike. She looks glad he's okay, and nods to the Death Dealers, before turning her attention to Dre. Looking over him, Selene cracks a smile, even if it's a fanged one that's more predatory than she wants.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre watches as Selene comes roaring in on her motorcycle, having followed the Death Dealer and getting out of the way. Dre smiles, he looks very impressed with her skills. He's never ridden a motorcycle, but he looks at her bike with some interest. Though when she sees him and walks over to him, he begins walking over to her. "Hey Selene." he says and if allowed he would give her a hug. "Hows your night going?" he asks her as he looks to her. Though she will notice him checking to make sure she is ok.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene laughs softly, "It's quiet. I was coming home" she says. By 'quiet' she means no lycans. Which is good, if freaky there's a lack of furry fiends on the prowl. She does let him hug her and hugs him back. "Good to see you again" she nods looking pleased. Though she's cautious too. Dre got to stay in the mansion. He's here again. Selene considers him a friend, a rarity for her. Still, Selene looks pleased at Dre showing up, then smiles....again.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Seeing Selene smile back at him does make him happy. Creating friends is something he enjoys doing and he does consider Selene a friend. "Well I'm glad it is quiet." he looks to the Death Dealer wtih a Gas Mask on his face. "What's your name again or have we not met?" he asks looking to him. "Also why do you have that on, you don't need to breath right?" he asks curiously. He glance back to Selene, "So what do you have planned for the rest of the night?" he asks.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene is amused by the questioning. She's used to war and politics, and, oh yeahtotally not small talk. For her, small talk is useless. Well, bar few people. Buffy. Dre. And.....well that's bout it. Instead, Selene raises her palms. "No idea. I was going to unwind and relax since there's nothing for me to do out there" she offers. She looks defeated. Which in itself, is a huge rarity, too. She's showing a crack in the armor, honestly a rarity for her and her position. Fortunately, it's just her, the gas mask wearing Death Dealer...and Dre. Plus she's got her back to the Death Dealer.

"So" Selene offers. "What would you do if there's nothing to do tonight?" Selene asks. It's as much probing as small talk, really. She looks over Dre, wondering if he's got any amazing ideas for killing time. Shaking her head, Selene sighs. "I don't have any great ideas. I was going to read and study"

How exciting, Selene

Andre Jackson has posed:
    The Death Dealer doesn't speak to him, he shrugs, "Alright, we can talk later." he says as he looks to the guy. He turns and walks over to Selene, he quirks a brow up at her. "Wait a minute, you don't know what to do on a boring night?" he chuckles. "Why not watch movies, sit and talk with one another about their night. I know you have to have people watching things, but everyone in the mansion coem into the living room and chill and relax." eh offers. He walks over to Selene and takes her hand and twirls her if she allows him. "Turn on some good music and dance or just relax and still talk to one another." he offers. "Hell if you have someone your dating or like, go into a room and enjoy yourselves." he says to her.

    Quirking a brow up at her, "Do you all not just talk to each other anymore outside of work related things?" he asks Selene.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene shakes her head and sighs, "Not really. Social structure plus a military minset" she offers. Sure, the Death Dealers do talk among themselves, but...

Selene, not so much. She looks over to Dre. "I'm a leader. My job is to focus on the war. Small talk has places" she says cryptically. Like...now with Dre. She....is focused on the war, yes, and she's also listening to Dre, giving small talk, and discussing things. "Come on in" she offers, looking to the mansion.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre nods his head, "I understand you're war mindset." he says as he looks at her. He walks over to her, "You're a leader, but your also a woman who I'm sure has friiends and who needs to relax herself." he states. "When was last time you had a nice hot bath with some smelly good oils and soap and allowed yourself to relax." he says to her. "I mean, what about youo and some of the women Death Dealers, spend the night together just talking and having a good time?" he asks. "I mean, there is time for being serious and a time to relax and just be." he says to her. "You too Gas Mask guy or gal." he calls back ot the other Death Dealer.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
It's a tempting idea, just to go in, and relax. She sighs, shaking her head. "You're saying relax huh?" she asks, sounding unsure of it. There's no lycans. So what's harm? She's considering relaxing, rally....mostly since she's, well, she's troubled by the idea of sitting back while the lycans are...well...not out on the street...but....more....you know....plotting things.

She nudges the door open and nods to Dre. "You coming in?" she asks.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre walks into the mansion as he looks over at her. He smiles to her and stretches out as he does. He is still amazed at everything around him, he is a bit nervous because well they're real legit vampires, but still. He mentally shrugs his shoulders and he gestures for Selene to escort them to where ever they are going. "Yes I am Selene." he says as he begins walking beside her.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods and leads them to the living room. There's couches and chairs and a large TV in there. Somebody apparently shares Andre's view that TV and vampires are a thing that need to happen, as Selene settles into a chair and glances around, before the TV comes to life and she sits back. Yes. She's 600. But...Selene and her coven do enjoy creature comforts. She tosses the remote to Dre and sits back, relaxing.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He laughs, and is amazed at the t.v. "Nice." he says as he catches the remote. He moves to the couch and plops down and he takes off his shoes and gets comfortable. "Come over here and let's watch a movie. Take off your boots and get comfortable." he says to her. He likes that they are listening. He finds an old 80s movie called Police Academy, he grins because it's the first movie and it's just now starting, "Oh you gonna love this movie." he laughs.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's cautious on kicking off her boots. For the sole reason she can fire boots through walls and then other houses. So she take them off and lays on the couch watching the TV quietly. It's different from reading at any rate. It's relaxing, oddly enough. Plus Dre's good company too. Watching the TV she shakes her head. "What did you pick to watch?" she asks, the Death Dealers and servants crowding in to join them for movies. "We need snacks" one of the servants says. If only for the servants.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    When she takes off her boots, he smiles. As the movie is starting, Andre tells them what the movie is about, "Yes we need snacks and turn off the lights, come on there is plenty of room, come chill out, and those who have to keep watch, keep watch." he smiles. Yeah he's trying to get the vampires to relax and not be all broody. He glances over to Selene and he looks at her feet than back up to her just watching her for a moment before looking back to the tv.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene listens, looking a little impressed at the movie. She shakes her head and looks to Dre then the Death Dealers. "You heard, those who keep watch. Get to it" Selene offers watching them, then Dre, as Selene curls her legs up on the couch and snuggles into Dre for a moment. "You like these sorts of movies?" she asks, watching.the TV trying not to laugh.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    A blush shows on his face when Selene snuggles in against him. He looks to her and snuggles into her, "I like a lot of different movies." he says to her. "I'm sure you all laugh at the vampire movies that are made." he chuckles. He looks at her for a long moment studying her eyes and he offers a smile and loooks to the tv. "I have a few accounts I will give you access to, when you have time to watch a movie, watch'em and next time we can watch those."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Don't even start" one of the Death Dealers says as Selene is muttering about vampire movies. So, so fake. She nods to Andre. "See, that's like gang movies for you people. It's fake. Or movies about kids finding their best friends in a rec center and that happy ever after thing" Selene mutters. "Bunch of manure"

Selene enjoys the snuggling, and she's got her eyes closed, listening to the movie more than watching it, really. Six hundred years. Oh hey, she's got a friend.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    As Selene snuggles more against him, he rests his cheek along her forhead as they lay snuggling togetehr. He laughs as she speaks about the vampire movies and gang movies. "SOme of the gang movies are similar in ways, just depends on what gang and such. It seems like they like to do their homework on the gangs." he sighs a little. "But yeah a lot of bs." he chuckles. THe movie continues and what he didn't realize that there are other vampires joining them for the movie. He is with a good friend and her people and they arent looking to eat him, this is always a plus.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Not looking to eat him, no. There's a huge difference between vampires...and zombies. Selene's not a flesh eating bacteria, either. So she lookks good in that light and shakes her head enjoying Dre. Oh this is good. Dare she even say...romantic? Oh no. Don't even think on that, Selene. You're a vampire, a killer, a Death Dealer...

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Andre glances at Selene as they are together, adn he brings his arm around her and hugs her close to him. He enjoys the movie and he laughs a few times at some of the funny parts, "This movie is awesome." he says to her. He looks over to where the others are, watching them and wanting to see if they are enjoying it. He looks back to Selene, seeing her shake her head, "What's up." he says quietly to her.