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Latest revision as of 08:31, 12 May 2020

Coyote (not too) Ugly
Date of Scene: 18 January 2020
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mary Marvel, Mercy Thompson

Mary Marvel has posed:
It's a cold Saturday morning. The sun is shining, the bird are singing, and if one listens carefully, one can hear the dulcet sounds of...
"Gimme the money!"
...a robbery in progress.
The four men have capitalized on the weekend hours and have the bank manager, three tellers, and two customers pacified while they open up the teller drawers to scoop money into backpacks. One of the four is telling the bank manager to be pleasant so that when the armored truck shows up in five minutes, they can get THAT, too.
All is going to plan. What could go wrong?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
What could go wrong? How about a coyote running in on four paws, skittering through the bank and hunting for a back door. Mercy's been out for a run on two legs. Now one on four paws as Mercy skitters on her front paws with a clicking of claws. She launches herself past the robbers, though she's aiming for ankles. Or knees given she's about two and a half feet tall at the shoulders. And 36 pounds, give or take a few....on four paws.

Mary Marvel has posed:
The three in the front area are momentarily startled when the furry animal pushes through the closed front door and seems to scamper around, snapping and biting at whatever it gets close to, which is the three in front of the counter with shotguns. "Brent! There's some kind of rabid ANIMAL in here!"
"SHOOT the thing!"
Two men turn, aware that this is going to cause trouble, but none of them wanted to have to deal with rabies. What sane animal runs into a bank? They raise their shotguns, working on a clear shot...

And then there is a thunderclap, right outside, and everyone jolts, even the hostages.
Brent looks out front over the counter and through the bulletproof plexiglass. "Did someone hit the getaway car??"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Oh Mercy's not rabid. Not yet anyhow, and she doesn't like the idea of getting shot. Instead she runs around more given she can run up to 65 mph, she's running and nipping and biting and tearing. There's the rapid clicking of claws, as Mercy's then vaulting the counter, jaws wide and claws out now. She's vaulted the counter, aiming for the guys with the guns, aiming to thud into said guy. She's not a fan of robberies, really. Oh it's a good thing she's not got her guns to hand. No opposable claws.

Mary Marvel has posed:
It's like a furry whirlwind, really. Thre three robbers in the front area all go down in seconds. One manages to get a shot off, but it goes harmlessly into the ceiling, and then he is down like the others, moaning and clutching himself while dealing with multiple bites and lacerations.

The fourth one never has a chance. The bank manager looks up in time to see the tawny blur hit the one they called Brent with the same kinetic force as a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun. He is propelled into the wall behind him, the impact leaving him with a major concussion, two cracked ribs, one broken arm, and no condition to continue a beer, let alone a bank robbery.

When Mary Marvel bursts through the door, she sees...well, it LOOKED like a robbery when she peeked in 20 seconds ago, but now it looks like the next segment of WHEN ANIMALS ATTACK. Three would-be robbers writhing on the floor, a bunch of hostages edging towards the doors, and the bank manager rising from behind the counter with a shocked look on his face.

"...I missed something, didn't I?" she asks.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy done good. She hops up on the counter and just.....watches, sitting there like a house pet surveying what's gone on. Fortunately, she didn't /kill/ them. Though if they wanna get up....Mercy's still atop the counter. She's watching the room and then, slowly, deliberately, hops off the counter, sitting by it as she yips a greeting to Mary. If anything, she's not leaping at Mary. That's asking for trouble, if anything, Mercy's a trouble magnet, but she's not looking to get pummelled at all. THis is what happens when she gets out for a walk, the tag on her collar jingles as she moves.

Mary Marvel has posed:
The tall brunette eyes the coyote carefully, then peeks over the counter. Yeah, that fourth guy wasn't going anywhere except the hospital.
She looked back at the coyote, then mused, "Never heard of any coyotes in New York City...let alone New York."
She looked behind her as the former hostages bolted for the doors and the freedom of the outside world beyond. She looked back to the bank manager, then said, "Well...you might as well call the police."
He gulped. "Nancy...one of the tellers...hit the silent alarm. They'll be here any minute..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy flicks an ear. No coyotes in the city? Really? They're adaptable and versatile. Unlike, say, wolves. More like foxes in a way really. Mercy peeks over at Mary then the others, watching them all, raising a paw in greeting.

Mercy's a good useful, helpful coyote it seems. Even if her definition of 'good' is launching herself at bank robbers. See, she's useful, in her own way.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Okayyyy...that's different.
She looks around, then realizes that someone's going to call Animal Control. She does have a tag, though, which means she belongs to someone. "I'm going to let this animal out. I'm sure she can find her own way home."
As Mary opens the door for the trained attack coyote, she muses about how strange this all is. A major crime is foiled...and she didn't do anything because it was all taken care of before she even got there. It was a first, as far as she could tell. She didn't mind, really. Some people got helped, some bad guys got stopped, and no one but the bad guys got hurt, and not too badly. Seems like a win-win-win, to her.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy flees out the door. She's back. On two legs wearing a t-shirt and jeans and tennis shoes inside of two or three minutes. It costs money, but bettr than running around buck naked, really. She pokes her head in the door and looks worried, "Oh, hey. I was wondering if you could help?>" Mercy asks. She looks a little uncertain, really. She's trying to figure out a way back in here now she's not on four paws, and she slides carefully toward the door from the outside, too. Looking to it, Mercy shakes her head at the choas. "I was going to pay my bils and this happens?" Mercy offers.

Mary Marvel has posed:
By the time Mercy comes back to the bank, there are two police cruisers parked in front of the bank, and one cop is already unrolling crime scene tape while another two are warning people to step back, step back, nothing to see here.
A polite policewoman says curtly, but clearly, "Please step back, ma'am, There's been a robbery at this branch, so you'll have to find another bank."
The tellers are back inside, since the danger is apparently over. Another car, an unmarked one with lights flashing behind the grille, slowly pulls up and two plainclothes cops step out. It looks like the excitement is over.

And if a brown-haired girl in jeans and a Spider-Man t-shirt is seen going into the subway station, what of it? There are hundreds of thousands of teenagers in New York.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move right along, please.