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Latest revision as of 08:32, 12 May 2020

Oodles of Noodles
Date of Scene: 16 January 2020
Location: Apartment 1A, Claridge's
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ryu, Witchblade

Ryu has posed:
While Sara's been out for work, Ryu has been busy. The apartment has been tidied, dishes from their dinner the night before washed and put away. Having recently exited the shower, he checks on his clothes in the dryer. They are not quite ready yet. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he heads into the kitchen, where a pot is merrily bubbling along at a simmer. Opening the lid, he gives the contents within a swirl, sending up the heady scent of chinese five spice and chicken broth. Adding chopped green onion to the mixture, Ryu puts the lid back in place.

Moving from the kitchen to the living room, he moves to settle into a lotus position on the rug, the towel keeping him barely modest. Setting his hands on his hips, he draws in several deep breaths, then starts to meditate quietly.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's on her way home with...a spring in her step. See, her date with Ryu went well. He's stuck around her place, and she's got her keys in hand, on the job clothes on, and she's finishing up a shift that's been relatively uneventful. No corpses, just paperwork and following up on cases. So, she's got her mail, and looks over it while she steps to the door. Keys in hand, mail in pocket, she inserts key in door. Okay. Something smells good.

She opens the door carefully, just in case anyone's in there that shouldn't be, hell she's ready to pull her badge and call in uniforms if anyone is. Still, the door clicks shut behind them and she hangs her jacket up, looking around for a moment.

Ryu has posed:
Hearing the click of the key in the lock as it shifts within the tumblers, Ryu opens one eyes. "Please remove your shoes at the door!" he calls out towards Sara warmly. "The floors are freshly cleaned and waxed." //Waxed?// By hand at that. It was good training.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's still got her feet on the doormat and pauses. "You did what?" she asks. "Waxed. Flors?" she asks. So hang on. Ryu waxed floors? Okay, well then. Sara's tugging off her boots and cautiously puts a socked foot on the floor, then her other leg and is deathly afraid of doing a Bambi impression. Or, the splits. Still she slides a litle and grabbinle over to Rward Ryu, watching him with a smile. She's got a no nosnese personality, but that's hung up with the jacket, it seems

Ryu has posed:
Ryu has been a gentleman since Sara invited him to stay with her. Nothing past kisses, and he's earning his keep by cleaning house and doing odd jobs. He insisted. As he watches Sara walk, he offers her a grin. There's no way he can hide all of the muscles that years of training has given him, a solid and compact build. Rising to his feet, he adjusts the towel to keep his modesty.

"Dinner is ready. I have made Nabeyaki Udon Soup for dinner. I will make sure to replace what ingredients I have used. I will need to get directions to 'Chinatown'. I heard that they have a nice market with fresh ingredients. You have a lot of instant noodles." he says curiously.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, scribbling down direction on a sheet of paper. "That should get you to the general area" she offers and tilts her head a bit. "What soup?" she enquires. Chinese food? Not her strong point, really. She's got instant noodles, yes...but....

"Anything wrong with instant noodles?" she asks, hesitantly. "I mean, throw them out, get whatever we need to" she adds. Oh. She saiid 'we'....great. She didn't think she did it, instead her phone's charging as she's getting used to moving with socks on waxed floors. If she ever goes ice skating, wlel.

Sara's not interested in calls tonight or work, unless it's super urgent. So she follows her nose to the kitchen, watching the pot boiling. Looking over she laughs and looks amused at the idea Ryu did this all for both of them, without asking. Admittedly, Sara wasn't taking personal calls.
"Half the squad wants to congratulate you. The other half are jealous" Sara jokes, staying right where she is, no sense in ending up in the back of an anbulance thanks to her stupidity. Add that to floors and not wearing boots, and, well...

Ryu has posed:
"Congratulate me? That makes it sound as though you were a prize to be won. That you had no decision in it, though it was one that should be made jointly." Ryu lofts a brow as he makes a bowl of noodles with chinese vegetables, little bits of tofu and chicken. "What have you said about our relationship?" he asks. "So that I may know what to say when I am asked."

Bringing her bowl over to her, Ryu slips an arm around Sara's waist to pull her in for a quick kiss. "If you take off your socks you can traverse the floor better." he points out to her as he turns to head back to the stove to make his own bowl. As he's doing so, he hears the ding of the dryer. "Ah my clothes."

Witchblade has posed:
That's a loaded question if ever there was one. Sara looks at the bowl with a smile as she thanks Ryu. "I didn't say much, just the date went well and you stayed over. That's got tongues wagging" she admits. Okay she had no part in that. Thankfully. Instead...well, instead, she's trying to dig their way outtta this hole. Watching him, and digging into the soup, Sara nods. "Oh it's good" she admits between bites of it.

Dryer. Really. Sara figured he just wore a towel for his own reasons, but knowing the clothes are drying's a good thing. It'll stop her going to pay for laundry services. Which is, if anything, great given her salary. Digging more into the soup, Sara relaxes and closes her eyes. She's settled for buying a sleeping bag for Ryu and figuring out sleeping arrangements. She needs to get a hold ofher neighbors and ask.

Ryu has posed:
A walk over to the laundry room, and Ryu figures Sara won't peek while he changes into his gi bottoms. Once they are on, he returns to the kitchen to collect his bowl and moves to take a seat next to her. "You have something on your mind?" he asks her while uses a pair of wooden chopsticks from a takeout place he found stuffed in a drawer to start on his own meal.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's not following. Or peeking. She's got soup to eat, and it's good soup too. She looks to the soup then to Ryu as he asks. "Oh no, no. Just thinking how dull it was today doing calls and paperwork and how lucky I was to not get called to a dead body" she muses, stirring the soup and enjoying the flavors coming together.

Ryu has posed:
"That does sound like a fruitful day, Sara." comes Ryu's response. He considers her for a moment and folds his legs beneath him. "If you are ready for me to leave, I can. I do not want you to be uncomfortable. And I do not want to take advantage of your generosity."