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Latest revision as of 08:41, 12 May 2020

Taking A Break With People That Matter
Date of Scene: 22 December 2019
Location: Harry's Hideway Bar, Salem Center
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Captain Marvel (Danvers), Buffy Summers

Phoenix has posed:
Every now and then, particularly during the onslaught of holiday crazy time, Jean will take a breather. What better than to get a taste of the good old day, catching up with an old friend at Harry's? Not much. The victi...friend of choice, for this evening, just so happened to be Carol. No doubt Carol had her own slew of things to be busy over, what with Avengers, Alpha Flight, countless creepy government intelligence agencies, and god knows what it is she does in outer space. So Jean was quite confident that Carol couldn't refuse the offer of a breather.

Meeting set, and Jean walked over to the booth reserved for them, not even bothering for Carol to get there before ordering a couple of strawberry shakes.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
There was quite a bit going on in Carol's life - no doubt about that. Always new people showing up, new things to take care of. But Carol had done her level best not to let those things keep her from other things that were just as important. For example, her social life. She'd all but let it fall by the wayside for quite some time and had in the last week or so made efforts to turn that around.

When she comes to land outside the bar, there is a shimmer and her clothing takes the form of something a bit more casual and not immediately recognizable as Captain Marvel. Satisfied, she pushes the door open and heads inside. Jean is spotted swiftly (someone like her was difficult to miss) and the blonde makes her way across to meet her.

"Merry Christmas," she offers, slumping down onto one of the chairs with a noisy exhalation.

Phoenix has posed:
"Merry Christmas," Jean greets with a cheerful voice, getting up to hug Carol before she has any say on the matter, and only then sits again. "Hope you're one of the sensible people who understand the virtues of a good old fashioned strawberry shake, because I took the liberty of ordering one for you as well..." Jean shares not a moment before the two shakes are served, prompting Jean to immediately take the straw to her lips and take a sip of heaven.

"Harry's was my favorite place from days as a student, to this day, coming here invokes so many memories...I'm happy to get a chance to share a moment with you again, in this place. Do you remember Harry's from when you used to pilot us around?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"When ninety-five percent of the drinks at the Avengers Mansion are alcoholic," Carol begins, the corner of her mouth quirking up into a smile, "I'll take anything and everything I can get. Strawberry shake sounds great."

She takes up her own drink, lifting it to take a brief sip and nodding approvingly. Jean's question prompts her to lean an arm over the back of her chair, turning her head to look around the venue and take in the sights of it. Slowly she nods, though there's a slight look of discontent on her face.

"A little bit. Very small town vibe, huh? There's the one bar everyone goes to and this is it, right?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Really...? That's kind of discomforting to learn..." Jean murmurs, in her mind the Avengers being a team of the top level of superheroes that should always be on the highest alert. It's a good thing she's not an everyday resident at Avengers' Mansion, they wouldn't like her much.

"That was a joke, wasn't it?" Jean tries to assuage her concerns, but looks absolutely radiant as Carol approves of her favorite drink at Harry's. "Great! I'll have to bring you over more often, Scott been teasing me that a chocolate shake is clearly superior." She laughs at the down talking of Harry's, "a bar at night for the grown ups, a burger and shake place for the kids earlier in the day, it's mostly the most happening spot around. The only refuge from faculty eyes if you're student..." she grins impishly at Carol, suggesting she likely had her reasons back in the day to seek such a refuge.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps into the bar, a minor herself to be sure, but to be fair her birthday is coming up in a few weeks. Of course she has her fake ID with her as she settles in at the bar, not far from Jean and Carol, ordering a White Sangria, one of her favourites, before peering around the room thoughtfully.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"A joke," Carol confirms, giving a sharp nod of her head. There's some disquiet in her thoughts, but she quickly pushes it down and out of sight beyond mere surface reading. Something bothers her, but it doesn't seem like something she's willing to trot out for discussion now.

"Chocolate? Pfft, please. Give me a break."

Her eyes wander as she sips on the straw, peering around the bar, "Refuge from the faculty except when the faculty is here having a milkshake, huh?"

She tilts the cup she holds in the direction of Buffy, glancing back to Jean and asking, "One of yours?"

Phoenix has posed:
"I really am relieved to hear that!" Jean admits to Carol, with an all too real sounding sigh of relief. "You got me good, you do deadpan so well, I was sure you were being serious." She laughs as Carol pokes holes in her theory, and she's quick to point out, "well, I wasn't faculty at the time...and I do try to be kinder if I spot students here, speaking of which..." Jean muses as she turns her attention on Buffy.

"Ms. Summers...?" Jean speaks with that all too practiced Headmaster tone, she saw that order of sangria and doesn't approve in the slightest, "mind joining me and my friend at our table?" Jean asks in a tone that suggests it's not at all an offer, rather than a direct order to do so.

"Not quite, but she is Scott's cousin, which means she'll have to answer for her actions regardless of not being a student..." Jean shares with Carol with a wink, before turning to look at Buffy with a sterner expression.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow as she notices the Red haired woman talking to someone else, whom she doesn't know personally although she does seem familiar somehow. To be fair, Buffy has heard quite a bit about Jean Grey from her cousin, and she's seen her from a distance during her visits to the institute, although Buffy has never really met her directly. She does offer her a smile and nod however, "Miss Grey? Heeey, nice to finally meet you! I've heard sooo much about you from my cousin.." she knows that tone of voice, similar to how Scott speaks at times, and she realizes the clout that Jean has at the institute. Does She also know that Buffy is underage, albeit slightly so? She smirks and nods, moving to join them, "Thanks, how have you been? Been taking good care of Scott I hope?" there is a slight tease there, nodding to Carol as well. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Buffy."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Oh, is she a robot, too?" Carol asks Jean under her breath, unable to resist the opportunity to take a very small and good-natured dig at the eldest Summers.

When Buffy approaches the table, however, Carol brightens up and offers her a friendly sort of smile. When she introduces herself, the blonde fires off a casual sort of salute.

"Carol Danvers," she offers. The name itself might not ring immediately bells, although it's public knowledge that Carol and Captain Marvel are one and the same, "Nice to meet you, Buffy."

She can't help but raise her eyebrows a little at the name, glancing sidelong at Jean.

Phoenix has posed:
"That's me..." Jean offers to Buffy with a flash of a mischevious grin, before turning to Carol and laughing at her joke, "I'm quite sure she's not," she stiffles another giggle at Carol's antics, before turning to look sternly at Buffy again.

"Glad to finally meet you myself, very thoughtful of you to get me a drink, care to trade?" She offers her strawberry milkshake for the sangria that Buffy should certainly not be having. How does she know? She doesn't offer any hints.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow at Carol, not quite close enough to hear her comment but knowing enough to know she just made a dig at her. "Whatever it is, no I'm not..And wow, you're like, THE Carole Dancers? Wow, it's a real honour to meet You!" of course she has heard of her and her exploits. She quirks a brow at Jean as she requests a trade..And from what she knows of her, it's probably safer not to call her bluff, if it is indeed a bluff. "Umm..lRight! The sangria.." she does sigh a bit, but surrenders it, realizing that this gal doesn't like to cheat or play dirty. At least the milkshake looks good. "Sooo How is Scott doing? And the others? I owe Kitty another sparring match..And I suppose Logan's off in Japan again..." she rolls her eyes.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Just Carol," she says with a slight shake of her head, "I dropped the 'The'. I went by T. Carol Danvers for a while, but it made me sound too much like a novelist. So, I dropped it."

There's a vague sort of mildly amused look on Carol's face as she watches the drinks switch, lifting her own milkshake up to take a sip. Her eyes drift between Buffy and Jean as they discuss the school, though the mention of Logan prompts a bit of an eye-roll from her.

"Maybe they'll keep him this time." Not said in a truly malicious way, but more in a tone of frustration. Wanderlust is a pain in the ass.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean giggles at the exchange between Buffy and Carol, before taking a sip of the sangria, casually asking, "does Scott know you've picked up a taste for alcohol?" It's a casual conversation, but likely the subtext is deterence from future breaches when Jean isn't around. "Logan does whatever he pleases," Jean offers softly, not about to offer too much update on the most private of X-Men, particularly when she's unaware how well Buffy knows him. "I'll let Kitty know she should make you room on her dance card, Scott never mentioned you were that good a fighter as to challenge Kitty in sparring matches," Jean notes curiously, as she studies Buffy, clearly taking interest in familiarizing with Scott's family herself.

Jean does look quietly at Carol's way when Logan is mentioned, knowing the two shared more of a past than she knows, but she couldn't help but notice as a telepath around the group.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles at Carols remark. She's kinda liking how this gal thinks! "Just Carol then. Well that's cool. So have you really ventured beyond our solar system? That must be...Amazing.." she can't begin to comprehend what that's like..She chuckles at Jean's quips though and shrugs, "Yeaaah, I know a bit about Logan, only dated him for a few months. Private but interesting guy..Guess he decided he was too old for me though...I mean the feeling was mutual but...I probably shouldn't go there..." she chuckles nervously, really wishing she had that sangria now. Not that she but hers to answer Jean's initial question as she takes a sip of the milkshake. "Guess there's a lot you do t know about me, me and Kitty are pretty well matched, I look forward to sparring with her again. Please do give my regards to her and the others.."