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Latest revision as of 08:57, 12 May 2020

Barrel of Harleys
Date of Scene: 27 September 2019
Location: April's Apartment - Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, April O'Neil

Harley Quinn has posed:
There is absolutely NOTHING to do on a Thursday night in Gotham. Even less to do on a Thursday night outside of Gotham. And at this point, it's hard to say what sort of glitch in the matrix led to this very moment.

Assuming, for the moment, that April O'Neil has zero prospects for fun on a boring Thursday evening, a Clown Princess has made her way across the city, and up to the familiar door of her favorite podcaster. There is, however, a large amount of bumping, thumping and giggling, as someone seems to be trying to pick the lock on the door.

" Why don't we just knock?"

" Why doesn't your MOM just knock?" comes the reply, and there is a flurry if Mph's and Unf's before there is, finally, a knock on the apartment door.

April O'Neil has posed:
April had only been home for about an hour, she'd gotten back from the Podcast studio a few blocks away and proceed to clean up, then get a bite to eat. Now, when the voices come from outside of her front door inside of the building itself, April is at her computer writing up an e-mail for her podcast's guests next week... The voices eventually draw her attention though and she does a little double-take to look back out of her office...

"What the hell?" She softly says, standing up, she removes her black rimmed reading glasses and sets them down onto the desk beside her keyboard and mouse, then walks toward her office door... on the way out she grabs a baseball bat off of the wall that Casey had given her.

What Harley will hear next is the series of multiple locks on the door inside suddenly clicking and twisting, and then the door pulls open and... there is April! Standing in a bright yellow teeshirt, jeans shorts and holding a baseball bat!

"Jesus, Christ." She says as she sees Harley on the other side. "Harley!?" One of those two is right.

Harley Quinn has posed:
More than right! For when April opens the door, there are not one, and not two, but five Harleys! Each is wearing her own iteration of Harley gear. Each has pigtails, one dipped red and one dipped blue. That's ten pigtails, which is a large number of pigtails to be trying to get into an apartment in a Thursday night, by any standards.

"April! Hiyee!" The lead Harley is the first to chirp the greeting, followed by a chorus of Hiyeees, from the other Harleys.

April O'Neil has posed:
As far as nightmares go, its entirely possible that April has had this one before. Especially after that last visit. She can distinctly remember at least ONE nightmare where she woke up and Harley was pouring hot sauce into her coffee while her eyes were bleeding and steaming at the same time.

This? This is somewhere close to that.

Quickly, April's blue eyes scan over the faces of all... five... Harleys and she has a very concerned look on her face. At least up until the 'lead Harley' speaks up and that one's facial features look the most discernible to be the 'true Harley' that she knows (April is no superhero, but she's got really killer perception skills).

"He-hey... Wh-what is all of this?" She asks them, all, as her eyes dart over the other four again. She forces herself to lower the baseball bat down to her side, even if its against her better judgment, its polite and thats what overtakes her in the end.

"You uh... brought some fans along with ya tonight?" April tries to make a crappy joke.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Wellll, yannoooo, I was on my way here but wouldn't ya know it? I kept findin' one more Me Cosplayer, and one more, till I found all twenty--"

"Four..." offers one of the Harleyclones.

"Four of these gals and I thought like WOW more company for me on the way over!" With that, Harley Prime turns back to the others. "Mmmkay, this is where I get off! MY friend, NOT yours!" Harley is muscling her way in the door and shutting it in the face of a chorus of Awww's, and one "Wait, isn't that April O'Neil?"


"Soooo, Bestieee. How are thiiiings?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes are scanning over the faces of each of the other Harley's, she has this sort've mind that makes her want to try to memorize facial features about each one of them incase she ever sees them again, but its not quite enough time to do that before Harley Prime is muscling her way past her into the apartment.

"By--e." The door is shut on the others then before April can finish the 'Bye' and she lets her blue eyed gaze go back to the one and only.

April lowers the bat further down to her side and rests its bulbous head n the floor beside her socked foot. "There's lotsa copy cats out there, but none as good as the original, AmIRite?" April says quickly with a faint grin to Harley.

"So... hows... how ya doin', Harley?" She asks, totally and utterly awwkard to have this notorious criminal back inside of her apartment. "Whats the haps? As the kids say." Does anyone say that anymore?

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Agh, I'm BOOORED. She circles around April, giving her a side-hug squeeze before attempting to bring her into the living room to flop on the couch. "Nothing to do tonight. No cartoons on, I narrowly escaped with my life. And I thought to myself, 'Self? It's so boring tonight, April is BOUND to need some company before she goes crazy.' And so here I am. I brought ya somethin'. It's somewhere." She's patting down pockets that don't seem to exist in the red and blue tulle tutu-style skirt she's flouncing around. "Oh! Right." She reaches into the tiny tee-shirt pocket on one side of her chest, and pulls out a big, blue gumball. "Blue's the best, so when I got it outta the machine, I knew it was fate that I had to come over." She holds out the gumball toward April between her thumb and forefinger.

April O'Neil has posed:
April turns and walks with Harley into the living room, she settles down onto the sofa as well with enough space to fit 1 or 2 more people in between them of course, and she leans the bat over against the side of the sofa near its armrest. A little and light laugh escapes April's lips as she hears Harley's rundown on why she's here. "Yeah... hey, ya got me all figured out. I was in there in the office just thinkin' to myself how damn bored I was too." She only has like 1,000 emails to go through on possible stories and interviews, but hey, its best to try to relate to escaped mental patients that keep coming over to your house because you interviewed them once and were nice to them and now they've latched onto you like an Alien-facehugger.

When the gumball is produced, April's corresponding blue eyes go down to stare at its shiny blue surface and they almost go crossed staring at it. "Is that a marble?" She asks, looking up to Harley then.

Tentatively though, she reaches up with her left hand and plucks it from Harley with the same corresponding style of grasp of index finger and thumb. She brings it toward herself and can feel it sticky-a-bit beneath her fingertip bodyheat.

"Oh its gum." She states as she looks back to Harley. "Thats so sweet..." She tells her, summoning a smile. "Hey, do... you want some coffee? I still got our mugs!" Its true, she does, they're both hanging up in the closet on the wooden mug-rack.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ooh, coffee! That sounds FABULOUS! Want me to make it? I'm REALLY good at makin' coffee here." Harley is already hopping up off the couch. "I think it's raspberry!" she calls out. "The gum, not the coffee."

April O'Neil has posed:
April watches Harley bound up off of the sofa and break for the kitchen. She stands up to follow and go after her. "Sure... I mean, of course. Coffee it up. You made it super great last time. Though, admittedly, I think I'm outta that hot sauce you liked so much." She has to tack that last part on with a bit of remorse on her tone, because she really is. It belonged to Mikey and he hasn't been over in awhile.

As for the gumball, April steps into the kitchen and she moves into the closet to get their mugs out, when she comes back out of the clsoet she's got the gumball inside a ziplock bag. "I'll put this in the fridge and save it for work tomorrow. I'm always cravin' sweets at work t'keep me energized, you know?" Whether thats true or not is anyone's guess!

The mugs are offered to Harley. "Here you go." She says cheerfully with their cartoon faces on the fronts of both the cups!

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Awww look at us. We look so HAPPY there. Really brings back a lot of memories, y'know? Harley pauses and just looks at the mugs for a long moment. "Lot of good memories," she repeats. "But it's fine. I can drink coffee without chili, it's just fine! You got black pepper, right?" she asks, pilfering for coffee, and pouring a generous amount directly into the coffee basket filter thing.

So, who's lined up on yer podcasty thing next?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April moves to the spices inside of the kitchen closet and she snatches up the black pepper after saying. "Ah... yeah, I think so..." Once its found she offers it over to the Clown Queen (Princess? Its Queen, isn't it?).

April has to grin at the mugs, she really does like them, the cartoon pictures were silly and artistically taking liberties with both of their facial proportions, but in a good way. "Yeah, those mugs represent simpler times for us both! I think..." She doesn't sound really sure of that.

"I, uh, you know... uhm." She tries to remember, glancing back out of the kitchen across her apartment to her office again. A hand goes to the back of her neck and she rubs it gently. "Ah... a comedian, a couple science types and a woman who was trapped in a burning building for a few hours until a super hero swung in and saved her. She's sueing them for accidently breaking her arm in the process though, or wants to. I wanna hear her side of, why, but yeah--"

April motions to Harley then as she sits back on the edge of her table. "Whats... whats goin' on in your world? Anything exciting?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, my life is so hectic and stressful these days." Harley pushes the Go button on the coffeemaker, and turns back to April. "All I wanted to do was eat cereal and watch cartoons tonight, but I was outta Fruity Pebbles, and THEN there weren't even any cartoons on. Go figure. 256 channels and the first five I checked? No cartoons WHAT SO EVER."

April O'Neil has posed:
April just leans there on the table with her hands on either sides of her hips helping supoort her weight. "Them's the breaks. Television is a dying medium, lemme tell ya, its why I knew I couldn't stay in the News Channel business alone, their ratings are shit." She states then with a firm confidence in her voice that is rare when she's utterly nervous about having this woman BACK inside her home.

"But, uh, yeah. You should get like a streaming service. Those have tons of cartoons on them. You can binge watch them too, no commercials, or whatever. Like, ya know... uh... Futurama, or Bob's Burgers... whats the other one... Rick and Morty!" She snaps her fingers and points to Harley. "I used to watch those a lot when I was a kid."

"So, uh, you're not doin' any 'jobs' or anything then? You're just takin' it easy for now?" April asks then.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh. Pff. Jobs." Harley rolls her eyes. "That's the only FUN I've had lately. I mean seriously, this one guy, you should seen his face." She giggles maniacally. "Before. Not after." She looks pensive for a moment. Or as close as Harley gets to pensive. "I try ta stay away from streams these days. Sentient fish and all that. Girl's gotta watch herself."

April O'Neil has posed:
April lets out a light little nervous laugh at that commentary from the pigtailed Harley as she looks at the windows over her kitchen sink. "Tell me about it." She says in agreement as she shoots her eyes back onto Harley. "A friend of mine and I ran into some freakin' VAMPIRES on the subway about a month or so back. They were VAMPIRES, Harley. We had to use guns and a sword to fight them off... Thankfully there was a severely attractive man there who was helping us. Sadly, lost contact with him."

A slight smirk is shown then to the other. "But yeah, there's a lotta, ya know... weirdo... weird stuff out there these days. Its why I'm so busy, got all kinds of people trying to get me to broadcast about it." She doesn't try to explain a streaming service to the girl, seems like that might be way too tough to pull off!

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ohhh....severely attractive men are my favorite kinda men! Shame ya lost contact. Want me to find 'im for ya? I could bring 'im back here in a big ol' burlap sack, so's you two can get ta know each other better. I'll make ya coffee and Froot Loops for dinner!"

April O'Neil has posed:
This just makes April laugh, the request for having him brought to her like that. "No no... no, thats fine. I wouldn't even have anything to give you on how to find him. He gave me a name, but I looked it up and it was a false one, ya know... alias or what-have-you. I think he was probably FBI or CIA or somethin' so he helped Vanessa and out and then just went right back to his secret agent life... sadly so!"

"What about you and your... man friend. Mister... Jay, right?" She's not entirely sure how to easily broach this subject without making it doubly awkward. "J-joker, yeah? He still around? In, uh, Gotham?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ohh, I dunno about all that. He's prolly around. Couldn't prove it by me, though. Slippery one, Mistah J. If he don't wanna be seen, he ain't gonna be seen!

Harley watches as the coffeemaker stops. "DING!" she calls out, and pours two cups of coffee. "One for yoooouuuuu...." She pours the mug slowly, though, and runs out of u's, before it is full. "And one for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

April O'Neil has posed:
April straightens up as the coffee dings and she's ready for it to get poured out and handed off. She grins as she watches Harley do just that, commenting to her as she does so. "I hear you there... I imagine he has to be pretty picky about who he lets know where he is, what with how many people are always looking around for him and such." She states as both of her hands wrap around the cup with her cartoon face on it.

"Well, you're welcome... to stay here and watch some cartoons if you'd like. Which ever you'd like, I can probably get them up on my television." Inwardly she has no idea why she'd say this other than to try to be hospitable to this woman who she still thinks is liable to throw acid in her face if they even have the slightest disagreement on anything ever.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh man, you're the BEST, Bestie!" Harley snugs and noogies April. "Most folks just look at me like they're afraid I'm gonna pour acid on 'em if they make me mad! This is turning into the neatest Slumber Party EVER!"

Yeah. Slumber party.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes go wide at the mention of pouring acid on faces but she has to calm herself down again and just raises her cup of coffee up to her lips for a sip from it. "People." She says behind her mug. "They're ridiculous!" Nervous laughter is soon to follow there-after before she loud-sips on the coffee and then turns back toward the living room.

April pauses in the doorway between rooms and looks back to Harley. "Just... in case, though." She starts to say something. "If you're here for an extended period of time, and you see some guys lingering around or trying to get inside who... are dressed like... giant turtles? Ah... yeah, they're cool. Don't be afraid of them! They're here to party, they love cartoons too in fact!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh. My. God. I love turtles. And I love cartoons. And I love parties!" At this point, Harley looks to be ready to burst. Such a happy little psychopath. April could not have pleased her more.

"Almost forgot!" Harley circles back into the kitchen, unscrew the cap off the pepper shaker, and just dumps a good portion into her cup.

April O'Neil has posed:
April nervous laughs her way into the living room then and glances over her shoulder. "Well good..." She says as she looks back to see Harley going to get the black pepper spice. "Oh, right... heck. I'm gonna have to buy you some more of that stuff, I gotta not let it slip my mind!"

April turns around then and moves toward her tv setup and mutters to herself under her breath. "I'm gonna die, I'm sure of it." She states as she flips the tv on and gets the the remote off of the top of the entertainment center.

She sips her coffee again, and then takes a step back, but glances down at the coffee. "This is really good." She also mutters.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"It's my secret recipe," Harley replies, as she comes back into the living room, this time stirring her coffee with her bare finger. "I'm glad ya like it!" She sits down cross-legged in the floor in front of the TV.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is soon to join Harley and settle in beside her about an arms reach away, she hands her the remote and points to it. "You can just cycle through all of them." She motions to the tv screen where she's on the cartoon section. "Look-it, they've got like three hundred different cartoons to pick from." She shows the woman a slight grin. "Which ever one is one you wanna watch just click the middle button there and you'll be off to the races!"

Another sip of her coffee is taken then. "Gumball and coffee. I owe you one, Quinn!" April then says with a soft grin.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Three hours of Rick and Morty later, there are one empty coffee cup and an unconscious Harley Quinn in April's living room floor. Harley is cuddling what else, but April's baseball bat, like a teddy bear. But not to worry, by the time April wakes up, Harley will be gone, and there will be no trace of her having been here. Except the coffee. And the spilled grounds. And pepper. And a few open cabinets, and one blue bubblegum ball.