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Not on My Turf
Date of Scene: 10 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Dragonfly and Crusader search for criminals robbing electronics stores in the area
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Dragonfly (Arazello)

Crusader has posed:
It been a long week. With hoe fast people can travel between brooklyn, metropolis and other places, news spreads fast. From a bank being robbed by 10ft robots, to even a store in a little neighborhood like Flatbush being robbed...specialy electronics stores. Seems to be a reoccurring theme.

And it seems trouble hasn't stopped yet. Several other electronic stores, along with cars and even passerbye have been getting robbed in the area. And people were begining to worry. And was a time to be on the look out

Which is exactly what Crusader was doing. he had closed shop early to try and see if he can find any common thread between these robberies. Specifcly he was searching for any would be electronic or digital signals, hoping the crooks had a warehouse or something somewhere. ANything

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Trail of robberies in her own home neighbourhood! That definitely pulls Nancy out of her shell and into the air. Flying in the air (at sub-Mach speeds, after that little accident with a block's worth of windows) she tirelessly zips over the streets and alleys, eyes peeled for trouble below. And wouldn't you know: she found it! Eight feet tall? Check. Armed and armoured? Check. Looking really god-damned weird (and that's saying something coming from a woman with insect wings and eyes!)? Check. She rockets for the ground, striking the ground before Crusader in the classic 3-point landing pose she's been practicing.
    (Her heels only penetrate the pavement about 5cm this time. Accuracy is improving!)
    "Uh..." she says, standing up, "Would you mind telling me what you're doing here?"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader looks down at Dragonfly...which might have been intimidating to some. It was near impossible to tell his expression... but one could certainly hear it - as if he was raising a brow "And you are?" as his answer

He steps around with a confidence that says he was on a mission and did not have time to stand and chat. It was walk and talk if someone wanted answers. But he seemed to be hot on some trail grumbling "Almost there.... almost"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly takes to the air, pulling up a bit of the pavement as she extracts her heels from the ground, hovering just out of reach and inserting herself into the large man's (?) path.
    "I'm N... Dragonfly," she says in a voice that attempts to invoke authority but instead almost sounds like a question. "This is my neighbourhood you're walking around in and, well, you're looking kind of suspicious. So if you don't mind talking a bit maybe we can avoid something nasty."
    It's worded with polite authority, but it's intoned with uncertainty and perhaps a tinge of nervousness.
    "Please?" she adds, completely blowing what little impression of authority she could have left.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader gazes at her Dragonfly "No more suspiciouse than a woman flying around as a bug. Reminicent of Poison Ivy really. This one suggests you land, now" and it clearly was not a suggestion. Unlike Dragonfly, Crusader deep voice was commanding with unwavering authority. He knew what he was capable of, and was not nervouse.
    "One is investigating the robberies of his neighbourhood. It is beleived one is close, very well. If you wish to help, you may tag along" he says and adds with a downcast turn of his head "Perhaps you might learn something" oh yea, he catching she is new.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Investigationg or instigating?" Dragonfly says, standing--OK, hovering--her ground, despite being obviously nervous. "I can't help but note that you haven't bothered to introduce yourself. Not really a neighbourly thing to do, is it?"
    She takes a breath to bolster her courage, then lands, directly in front of the behemoth, legs shoulder-width apart, arms akimbo, fists on hips.
    "You're not going anywhere, buster, until I know what you're doing."

Crusader has posed:
"Neither is flying down in front of a person, questingly them of their activities, or acusing them of instigating crimes" he says pointedly "One has already inform you what he is doing. If you do not beleive me, you are more than welcome to follow." and it clear Dragonfly attempts to be authroritve were not working.

Crusader moves forward...and his form simply begins to split and reform on the otherside of dragonfly. He keeps moving. His voice saying "You comming?" his tone indicating he dosn't care eitherway, he simply wasn't going to be stopped eitherway "The signal is close"

And indeed, it seemed he was going in the direction of a seemingly abandon building. One that hasn't been used or sold in a very long time it looks like. Tall and covered with red x signs,indicating the building itself was considered a lost cause.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly looks positively annoyed (and impressed) with the display of capability. Her attempts at authority failing, and no obvious attempt at robbery visible, she turns around and follows, fuming quietly.
    "OK," she says, drawing what scraps of self-respect she has left around her, "I'll keep an eye on you. You might not be a threat to the neighbourhood after all."
    She picks up and flies behind. "You got a name besides 'this one' by the way? Or should I just call you 'hey you'?"
    Authority she's not so good at, but sarcasm seems to be her native language. The intonation was just right.

Crusader has posed:
"Great, seems one has Big Sister, instead of Big Brother watchimg him" Crusader responds back "One bets alot of folks tell you to Buzz off". Well, turns out the man got sarcasm down himself AND puns!

But none the less he does reliquish a name "This one is Crusader, at your service" he states cordialy. Once they are in front of the seemingly abandon building, he quickly dishes out orders "Fly up, and see if you can see anything inside." if she was going to be around, she may as well be helpful

Depending on how good Dragonfly sight is and IF she flies up... she might be able to see loads of electronic wares and goods. Along with several people seeming to go through their cargo and some even on computers. It seems they were making sure the objects were not to busted and usable

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly starts flying up before realizing what just happened. She hovers mid-air a second, then decides it would be ridiculous to make a scene after already starting to obey.
    "Mental note:" she mutters. "Stop obeying instantly."
    She flies up the side of the building and hovers outside a boarded-up window with a missing board, peering inside. Taking her sunglasses off, she peers inside with her bare eyes instead.
    "Lots of perps!" she stage-whispers down. "Looks like they're sorting!"
    From within the building she hears some excited voices right next to the window she's at. Turning her head to see the source, she sees just in time as a gun barrel protrudes and spits flame. Multiple times. Taking multiple shots to the face. The impact sends her flying across the street and into the facade of the opposing building.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader very quickly ascends up the side of the building to look over Dragonfly. "One hopes you are okay. If not, stay here and rest, while one goes inside. Or..." it hangs there a moment "If you think you can lay down a smack, best get as they say, your game face on... and preferably not on a building"

The behemoth never misses a beat, he was hee for a mission and was intent on completing it. He jumps from the facade of the building over towards the abandon one. And like water through a drain, he flows inside. There a sudden yelp of surprise as the man with the gun is taken down first. One could hear the uproar begining already

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly oozes wounded pride at Crusader's nannying, but nothing else. The carbon scoring on her face will probably wash away. Shaking her head to clear it, she states quietly, as Crusader leaps away, "Now I'm mad!"
    Stealth? Subtlety? Not this one's style. She picks herself up, dusts herself off, then zips straight across the alley, accomplishing rather staggering speeds for the short distance involved. She flies straight through the wall a short distance away from where the combat noises appear to be coming from.
    CRASH! The wall shatters at the point of impact, spewing brick-sized pieces of shrapnel into the hallway behind it, taking two thugs down before they even have a chance to register that their world has changed.
    "PUT DOWN THAT FIREARM!" she shouts ... apparently she can do authority when she's pissed ... and, for emphasis, picks up a gun from one of the bad guys bleeding and unconscious on the floor befor her. This she twists and compresses into a nice ball, ignoring the explosions as the ammunition goes off in her hands.

Crusader has posed:
Several people have put down their firearms and began to flee. They knew better than to mess with heros...especialy those large (Crusader) and those exreamly fast (Dragonfly). Of course some were fireing!

Some men down low shoot upwards at Dragonfly with reckless abandon. The bricks that broke away feel and did knowk some of the folks out, but not all! Bright lights go off as the bullets fly!

Crusader does not say much, be pops into action. Some of the people were trying to grab as much equipment as they can. he jumps down and causes a seismic shockwave with his strength. People and object alike fall down or are flipped over. But many were recovering turning some fire on him now as well.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I... SAID... STOP!"
    Dragonfly looks around and grabs a piece of industrial machinery, throwing it at the largest concentration of active shooters, aiming to miss narrowly. Her aim a bit off, the several hundred kilogram piece of equipment clips one of the gunners, sending her spinning and then falling down a stairwell. It then embeds itself into the wall behind the remaining shooters. She walks in mid-air toward them, bullets causing her about as much annoyance as mosquitos cause a normal person.
    "Or do you want me to get angry?" she asks quietly.

Crusader has posed:
One of the thugs at least bothers to check on the gunner who got clipped. Helping them limp to a safer area. Some looked back at the imbedded machinery... and less bullets came flying as more people get running

Crusader was moving quick and fast, trying to knock as many people out as he can. He stops one group from escaping from the front door. Bullets didn't seem to phases him....infact did he gain a few inches? Regardless he calls up "Less questions, more action. Stop them from getting out the back door, else crime spree continue." While it was an order, the tone was indictive of partnership, that they were working togeather to stop these crooks for the better of the neighborhood. He decides to leave the Dragon-Hulk quip for another time.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "On it!" Dragonfly calls, then solves the problem the easy way. Quick flit to the industrial machinery. Heave it. Quick flit to the back door. Deposit. Presto, one unusable means of egress. She grabs one fleeing criminal and uses him to strike another in what amounts to a human javelin throw.
    "I've got the rear covered; anybody coming this way will..." She halts as a desperate criminal empties a magazine into her belly. This one she just stares at, sending him flying into the ceiling, then dropping to the floor unconscious. "...be stopped and collared," she continues without missing a word.

Crusader has posed:
The backdoor is well blocked thanks to Dragonfly! After seeing the man hit the ceiling and than the ground.... and the fact that a magazine wasn't working on her... they just run the other way. Only to find the Crusader blocking the way. They were for all intents and purposes trapped. Anyone left standing begin to back up and crowd into the middle - mob mentality of trying to protect themselves

Crusader steps forward. But instead of saying anything, he looks to Dragonfly, as if asking if she wants to try establishing some authrotity over whats about to happen.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly clears her throat ostentatiously. "We, the unappointed representatives of this neighbourhood," she begins, "do hereby command you to cease and desist any criminal enterprises and to surrender yourselves to us without condition. Failure to comply will escalate violence to levels which you may find uncomfortable." She punches the machine behind her casually for emphasis, putting a distinct warp into a large metal girder forming a component. "Are there any questions?"

Crusader has posed:
A cricket chirps.

Nope, no questions! Beat down, worn down and unable to escape, all that was heard was perhaps some grumbling. But none the less they all put their weapons down, most were empty of bullets anyways. The heros won this day

Crusader holds up a hand and gives Dragonfly a so-so signal in regards to her statement. Eitherway he than speaks up "Now to ensure, there will not be any trouble" and that when he pulls out the z-ties. He dosn't make any showing of his abilities, but none the less begins tieing each crook up. "One suggest you gather all the unconciouse individuals up, so as the authorities will not have to go searching, while this one ensures these ones will not go running off"

Sides, Dragonfly was FAST and strong, she could it alot faster than he could hope for currently

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly frowns at the so-so signal, but nods at the suggestion. "Right. Not all of us are slug slow," she says with a grin. She zips around at high speeds, grabbing unconscious people and piling them next to the tied-up ones. Seeing one of them, however, she stops, staring aghast. "Uh ... this one needs medical help. Stat." She gestures to the sizable pool of blood around him. "I think a few stray bullets hit him." She then swallows heavily. Once. Twice. And then on the third time goes down on one knee and vomits against a crate.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader pouts a hand to his temple and begins speaking, his voice has actualy altered to be complet different, timid even "Yes, police. One needs police, and ambulance at" and he gives the address "Many bullets, some bleeding. Please come quickly. Umm, name? It... it John Doe" and he hangs up.
    Crusader quickly makes his way over to the bleeding man unconciouse man. "Swallow your guts and check for other wounded invidiuals. Now" yes he was ignoring the other heros condition right now, but this wasn't the time for empathy, they had a job to do. He places his hand on the man "Be calm" he says to the thug. His matter spreads into several tendrills that slither into the bullet wounds and begin extracting them. It wasn't pretty, but things like this arn't normally

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly seems to be in shock. Skin pale, guts heaving, she huddles in tears as ... nothing comes up beyond some acrid bile. "Should have known bullets ..." she says to herself. "Why? ..."
    Crusader's command penetrates the haze a bit and she numbly nods and stands up. "I'll check for more casualties first," she says, "in case. Then I'll pick up the battered ones."
    She flies off clumsily, smacking into a wall, knocking a few bricks all the way through in the process. "Oops."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader watches her go. He may need to keep an eye on that one. Or perhaps mentor her... mabey. But he concentrates on the thug in front of him. He manages to get out all the bullets, and even manages to heal any would be fatal wounds by intergrating with the man (a partial assimilation). Once that done, he carefully put him a better position.
    And in the distance, the cops were comming, their sirens wailing, hailing that they wil be here soon! "Make it quick, One does not wish to interact directly with authrotiy, and you are in no condition... to be giving statements"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly returns with three more unconscious ones. "That was the only really ser..." She stares at the man Crusader worked on. "Did I imagine it or did he used to look worse?" She shakes her head and continues. "These are the final ones. Once they're processed, just grab my arm and hold tight. Nobody will even see us leaving."

Crusader has posed:
"He was worse. One has simply improved his condition" Crusader looks over the people Dragonfly brought over. Satisfied that they are in good enough condition, he goes ahead and grabs Dragonfly arm. His grip was like a steel vice. Hopefully Dragonfly can carry 2 tons - which is Crusader apromixate weight "Let us go"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    The pair are out a window and high into the air before anybody on the ground would have a chance to spot them. As they get higher, Dragonfly zips over to a cloud and then sits cross-legged in mid-air, still holding Crusader. "Where can we go to talk?" she asks politely. "'Cause you're a bit heavy to comfortably hold up in the sky and I'm guessing you're not a flyer."

Crusader has posed:
"Actually.... one could fly" he looks down at the ground "but one has yet to have a chance to practice it, and so worries about crashing. And well me crashing is basicly a wrecking ball" he gestures to a rather high building, highest point in flatbush to be exact "We may go there, it is well covered"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly zips over to the indicated building, finds a flat spot of sufficient size for the pair, then gently deposits Crusader, wincing a bit as she hears the creaking supports. She then sits on the edge of the roof, facing him, looking at him thoughtfully. It's hard to see through her sunglasses what she's focusing on.
    "This is my neighbourhood," she starts, getting straight to the point. "You're talking like it's yours. Why haven't I seen you before?"

Crusader has posed:
"Citizens are not the ones that need to see me. Only those who wish harm upon the citizens here have need of worry about me. As such, much of the work one does is at night, going from roof to roof. Or watching in plain sight" his torso alters and it like it was invisible, only his limbs and head now visible, though some distortion was noticible.
    "Though it could be we have simply missed one another" Crusader states "For one has been at work, for about one month, and yet has yet to meet you." he than adds "And one only talks of protecting this place, not of owning it"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Well, thanks for the help today," Dragonfly says after a period of silence. "I'd have caught them myself eventually ... they didn't really hide from above very well. But with both of us fewer of them escaped and I think we left a bit of an indelible impression." She stands up and approaches, extending a hand. "Dragonfly, again, just to make it more official. I'm ... a bit new to this."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader looks at the hand, what could be made of an expression... seems to be confusion. As if such a culteral norm eluded him. Moments pass and it seems to click. He take the hand and give it a firm shake "Crusader of The Crusade. One is able to tell you are new. One has been at this" pause "...over 60 years, argubly less than 40. Time for us is an odd matter." he lets that sit "Anyways, perhaps one may be able to help you do better" he says in offer

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I ..." Dragonfly starts off looking like she's about to explode, but then takes a deep breath instead. "Let's just keep calm," she says, apparently addressing only herself since she's the only one present whose face is flushing. She pauses, takes a breath, exhales, then continues.
    "I would be happy for any pointers you may have that could assist me if I decide to carry on the route of being a crime fighter or stuff. Thing is, I'm not sure I want to do that. People get hurt around me a lot when I try and I want no part of that."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader seems to be genuinly listening "A rather intresting statement." he crosses his arms "And an understandable reasons. Many people who lack full control over their abilities... or simply have high empathy share a similar view" he takes a seat.
    "But tell me, why are you here, trying to fight crime now? You say you want no part... and yet here we are. Finished laying down the law on some crooks" he leans on a leg watching her expentantly

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "It's my neighbourhood," she says. "Cleaning up the mess in my neighbourhood is ... I don't know. Civic duty. If I see trash on the sidewalk, I throw it in the bin. Because I can and I don't like garbage piling up in my streets. Same thing here, only the trash are thieves and the bin is ..."
    She gulps as bile rises at her memory of the man with the bullet holes.
    "And," she continues doggedly after controlling her guts, "because I can. I mean can you picture that guy down there raiding that operation? He'd be dead before he took two steps inside."

Crusader has posed:
"Actually one can. There are authorities who do this kind of thing all the time. There are also for lack of a bettr day, mundane heros who also engage in such activities. Just like you, they have choosen to do so. They are even normal people who accomplish such tasks." Crusader says cooly "And just because you can do something, does not mean you should"
    "And judging by the fact you almost vomited again, well..." he watches her carefully "getting pointers and help may be wise even if you do not plan on conintuing fighting crime, for by your words... your hurt people when you try.One beleives you to have good intentions and a sound mind, and a bright future should you apply yourself"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "If the cops had raided that joint, people would have died," Dragonfly points out. "Including some cops. And ... well ..." She looks away out to the street. "If I stand by on the side when I can take the worst bad guys can deal out, I'm not much better than the bad guys, am I, when someone who can't do that dies instead?"
    She rounds on Crusader, looking angry, but the anger seems general, not focused on him or anything specific.
    "Do you think I asked to be this way? I'm an engineer, dammit! I make things. I don't ... fly. And punch things. And throw things around. And get shot in the face without a scratch."
    Mentioning this seems to remind her and she brushes the powder scoring from her cheek and forehead.
    "I never wanted any of this, and the one who did is ... d- d- d- ..." She struggles to control her voice. "... DEAD. And now I just have this stupid body I wear to go with."

Crusader has posed:
"You clearly do not have enough faith in the authorities than. Incase you have not realized, cops do this kind of thing everyday. Sometimes agaist powered beings, sometimes agaist normal ones. Since the world has changed, the authorities have evolved to handle the change" Crusader says his eyes narrowing. "So I ask that you speak of them like they cannot handle a job they have been trained to take on. Anyone, includeing us can possibly die in this line of work. Even the greatest shields have their vulnerabilities, one ask you remember that." seems someone hit a sour note on him.
    He watches as Dragonfly lets out her emotions. It was quite the show. He stays calm as he listens to her rant, and rightly so it seems
    "Very few if any ask to be the way they are. One and you are... similar in this regards, beleive it or not. One did not ask to be this way"
    He seems to take a breath "One is sorry this... co-worker? Friend? Well regardless of relation, one is sorry that they are dead. However, if you are an engineer, why not create a way to remove yourself from the body?" he wonders

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Cops die every day too. That's the point," Dragonfly says sullenly. "Pick up a newspaper and read the number of cops who die, or get maimed, in the line of duty. And the criminals too. Yeah, they're bad guys, but is stealing electronics such a horrible crime it deserves the death penalty? If people like you and me can clean out a nest like that with minimal injury and no death..." She mutters a quick 'thank God!' to herself. "...then it's..." She struggles for the right words before lamely concluding, "...bad. For us to not help."
    Again she turns to the city and looks it over.
    "And no amount of engineering is going to get rid of this body. It's bloody magic. Like spells and candles and crap like that. I don't even know where to begin. I can't even tell you where my body goes when Dragonfly takes over."

Crusader has posed:
"So do heros and would be heros. Not all of us make it. Which is also the point. Some mind you who are but children or teenagers, as newspapers will also point out." he looks out over the city "And trust me, one is agaist death unless absolutely needed. But that amount of electronics... that kind of organization. May be something deeper."
    He is quiet a few moments "That kind of thinking is dangerous you know. Just because one can do something, does not mean they should. You said it yourself, if you try, you hurt people. That would make you helping, well bad. See the problem with your logic?"
    "Magic is an odd thing indeed. If it were... technlogicly based one might have been able to assist. How... how did you aquire your abilities exactly?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I walked into a room," Dragonfly says bitterly. "At just the wrong time. Something screwed up and I got the body instead of someone else." She finishes that sentence with a finality that seems to discourage further talk on the subject."
    Instead she rubs the bridge of her nose between forefinger and thumb. "I know I sometimes hurt people with my mistakes," she says past her wrists. "And it bugs me." The pun seems unintended. "I just ... well ... if I don't help it bugs me too. I don't know where to turn or what to do about it. If I could get rid of Dragonfly I'd jump at the chance in a heartbeat. If I could just get back to being N... me again, without ever knowing anything about powers and heroes and criminals and stuff I'd do it without a thought."
    She takes a deep breath, then exhales.
    "But I can't. I am Dragonfly now. Dragonfly is me. I have to accept that and figure out how to live with it."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader get the clue and respect her not wanting to talk on the subject further. He rubs his beard in thought "Well as one has said, if you do wish for help in learning about the new you, or training... one would not mind partnering up. It would be mutally beneficial" he says
    "For it seems, both of us are now stuck as the new us. Best to make the most of it. And perhaps you might even learn to like this you" he says

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Like? What's not to like about Dragonfly?" the eponymous woman exclaims. "She's sexier than me. More beautiful in every way. Stronger. Faster. She can do things I could only ever dream of!"
    There's a short pause while frustration and rage get pushed down again.
    "Cover your eyes," she says warningly. Then waiting for a few seconds so her instructions can be followed, she takes a step back. The roof is flooded with light and an electric crackle verging on lightning intensity. The smell of ozone lies thick in the air. And where Dragonfly stood is a shorter, brunette woman. A very fragile looking one, both physically and emotionally.
    "Who'd want to be this when they could be Dragonfly?" she asks. "I mean aside from me."
    She lowers her head. "But yes, I need to learn. And quickly. I can't dodge this. I can't evade responsibility. I can't hide."
    She looks up at Crusader with a bitter smile. "Hello," she says, in a bitter mockery of certain twelve-step programs. "My name is Nancy and I'm a superheroine."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader closes his eyes saying "You know..." and than the flash "....ow" he shivers "My 'eyes' are just place holders, one does not actually have eyes" and yet he can see. He'll let Nacy figure that one out
    He looks over Nancy "As for your question, liekly anyone who has undergone the transformation or gain the abilities in a similar fashion." he looks her over "...rule one. Keep your secret identity to yourself, untill you fully trust the other person" he says. He might tell her his identity another time.
    He turns "And well, Nancy, if you do wish my help, you may find me in this local often. But for now, it is perhaps best we both take some time to reflect."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Yes," Nancy agrees. "I should probably go home and drown myself and my sorrows in a tub of chocolate ice cream or something. I'd ... uh ... suggest you go first 'cause I'm going to flash again if I want to get home from up here."