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Latest revision as of 09:01, 12 May 2020

Moonlight Recon
Date of Scene: 07 September 2019
Location: North Shore, Staten Island
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Namorita, Zorro

Namorita has posed:
As midnight approaches over Staten Island, the north shore of the island is pretty quiet. Businesses and museums are closed, and most everyone is in their homes. The moon is high in the sky, casting its pale light over buildings and the rippling water.

There's a soft splash, as a figure launches out of the waves. Humanoid and clad in a green two-piece, long blonde hair trails in her wake as Nita flies in a slow, lazy arc towards one of the buildings: The Rand Chemical Plant. She's been here before, but now it's time for a closer look.

Zorro has posed:
On a nearby roof was a black-clad figure with a rapier attached to a sheath on his side. Zorro was peering through the Rand Chemical Plant through a pair of binoculers. Normally, Zorro focused on more "Human-centric" acts of "tyranny", but he would sometimes do something about enviormental crime, especially if it affected narby residents, which this plant could possibly do.
     Once he had heard The Rand Plant was reopening, Zorro was immiedialtey suspicious of their claims, a past encounter with a corrupt Roxxon executive claiming to have made updates to enviromental plans turning out to be a liar. So Rand's claims of increased safety did not ring true to him. He was about to start trying to infiltrate the facility when he saw a figure flying towards the area. Zorro immediatley lets out a swear and tries to hide in the shadows of the building, hoping he wasn't noticed.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita's vision is quite good, being used to murky depths, which means the moonlight might as well light things up as well as day for her. The last time she was here, Nita was met by one of the local heroes. And while her intentions may be good, breaking-and-entering is still breaking-and-entering.

The Atlantean alights on the rooftop ledge, ankle wings fluttering as she surveys the surroundings. Movement in the shadows. Zorro won't be the only one letting out soft profanity tonight.

Never one for subtlety, the woman launches herself into a powerdive, pulling up short of the masked figure. Within conversation distance, but not close enough to engage. Hands on her hips, she squints at him. "Why are you here?"

Zorro has posed:
Zorro lets out a louder swear once the ankled-winged woman makes a dive towards him. As the woman got closer, he immeidatley pulled out his rapier and got ready for a fight. Once the woman close enough, she questioned why he was here. Looking at her suspiciously, Zorro, still clutching his rapier, said to her," I do not trust Rand and their claims of increased safety features. Especially with who is managing the damned plant. I want to make sure they are not lying, innocent people could be hurt if they are."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita glances down at the drawn rapier and reaches to her thigh to slip out a long knife of her own. Adjusting her stance to face him in profile, she keeps the point low all the same as he answers her. "Good. Neither do I." she declares. "The people of Atlantis have heard these claims before, and they have often turned out to be lies." She gestures towards him with her dagger, then. "You must have a reason to hide your face, but I am not so reserved. As we seem to be aligned in purpose, will you join me? If not, then try to prevent me at your peril."

Zorro has posed:
As the woman drew out her knife, Zorro's grip on his rapier grew tighter, getting ready for a fight. Upon hearing they had the same reason to be here, Zorro's gripped lossesnd, but he did not put away his sword fully, still not trusting the woman to stab him in the back. Upon being invited to to join her in infiltrating the facilty Zorro steps out of the shadows and says to her," Yes, i will join you. The entire appears to be guarded, you got any ideas on how to get in without being spotted?"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita relaxes her stance as well, giving a soft chuckle at his question. "I have no problems with entering undetected." she declares with casual boldness. "Octopus camoflage. Once inside, I can shut down the security system." Looking at the building's front door, she offers. "Watch the entrance. I will open the front door when the system is off." Stepping back against the building, her skin coloring shifts until she blends in perfectly with the bricks. Even the Atlantean fabric suit responds.

Zorro has posed:
@emit Zorro watches the woman disappear with a look of shock, not expecting her to just disappear. He then took a closer look at the factory and saw a gaurd shack with a lone guard in there. Zorro then turns to where he thought the woman was in and says to her," There is a guard in that shack in there. You sneak past him and i will incapcitate him. Then, we will try to find a way into the main facility."

Namorita has posed:
A disembodied voice from the direction of the wall responds to him. "There should be a way to open the door from the guard shack. Find it, and I will see you at the front door." The pattern of the wall ripples as she moves, heading towards the main door. Flying lightly over the fence, she edges smoothly over to the front door to wait for Zorro to open it.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro nodded at the location where the voice came from and waited for a bit. Once he was sure she was waiting for him, Zorro started to make his way down the building steathily, using the fire escape he used to climb up it. He then made his way across the way to the plant, usingthe shadows of the streets to remain undected. Once he got closer to the plant, he took a look at the guard shack and saw that he left a window open. Zorro then steathily climbed through the open window and started to walk towards the man stealthily. Once he got close enough, Zorro immeidatley conked the man on the head with the hilt of his sword, which knocked him out instantly. After the gaurd collapsed, Zorro looked at the control panel and pulled on a lever, which opened the front door. Zorro then came out of the shack and waited for Namorita.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita was waiting at the front door to hear the opening buzzer, grabbing the handle and twisting it. Yes, they could have just broken in the hard way. But that involves alarms and then police. The door opens by some seemingly-invisible force and the woman slips inside. There's a panel to set and disable the alarm system, which would be handy if she had the access code. Stabbing it with her knife and wrenching it from the wall has a similar effect, however, and a moment later she opens the door again and gives Zorro a wave.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro suddenly sees the door open and the woman waving him in. Zorro immiedatley starts to make his way to the door, crouching and sticking to the shadows in order to avoid detection. Upon reaching the front door he slips in silently and looks around, as if keeping an eye out for security guards. He then looks and Namorita and says," What now, Senorita?"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita waits for him to step inside, then she walks casually to the elevator. There is a convenient board listing departments by floor. "I'd start with either the Safety Office or Plant Manager's Office." she replies. "You have a preference? Fifth floor or Second. We're looking for anything related to certifications, testing, or anything from the EPA. After that, there are the R&D labs down the hall."

Zorro has posed:
Zorro walks up to the elevator and peers at the board with Namorita. He then looks at her and said," If i were you i would check the managers office. I would think if the manager is being crooked about enviromental safety, he would hide the evidence somwhere there."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita nods to him, damp ponytail bobbing. "I'll start there. You check the Safety office. We'll meet back down here at R&D. Grab any files that look interesting." Splitting up, they can cover more ground of course. And in a couple of hours the two have a small handful of useful files. "It will take some time to track down the details, but this might be a good start. I have an office at Oracle, Incorporated if you want to contact me in a few days. Nita Prentiss."

Zorro has posed:
Zorro himself nods and heads over to the safety office. Any security he did encounter he managed to sneak past. Once getting into the office, he ransacked it and began to to look for any interesting documents. Upon gathering a decent amount of documents, Zorro made his way to R&d and met up with Namorita, who had also gathered documents. Zorro handed her his evidence and nodded while saying," I will Senorita. You may call me Zorro."

Namorita has posed:
"Very nice working with you, Zorro." the woman replies, lifting a brow at his accent. "Once my people have had the chance to go through these, we should talk again. Let's say, one week from now? I will work late at Oracle and will have security leave the doors unlocked." She offers a knowing smile at the last. They leave the building together, and Nita takes to the skies.