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The Truth about Monsters
Date of Scene: 10 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Pepper is taken by a thrall of a vampire. Goblin-Girl and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) help her out.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, Pepper Potts, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah has been studying a Vampire that is up to something. He has turned a Stark Company chauffer into a thrall...so she is following the thrall to see what he is up to. He has been just going his job for a few days. Today, he picked up a Miss Potts and is driving her about when he suddenly turns off from what Sarah's GPS says is the right way. It could be Miss Potts changed destinations, of it could be something else.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It takes Pepper about a block to realize that something is wrong. She hadn't changed destinations, but she was buried in email on her tablet, so it's not until they are turning at the wrong light that pale green eyes flicker up and she frowns, "John... this isn't... We're headed to La Travella, you know? Is there an accident ahead or something?" Pepper asks, her voice a bit more clipped and professional than usual. The stress of having the business basically dumped in her lap has been getting to her and she can't afford to be late for this dinner meeting.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The Chauffer says, "There is an accident on the way, this is a way around that I know about." There is something off about the way he is talking, as if he is reciting a memorized line. Sarah keeps following, wondering where the car is going. Probably one of the Vampire's lairs...now that the sun is down he should be weady to spring a trap.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The lady in black and white (and not purple) follows after the lady in green tights - it seems suspicious. Hawkeye is sticking to the rooftops and high places. She has a grapnel gadget that she uses to get from place to place - a multi-use thing is batter than wasting arrows and zip lines when she doesn't have to. Her glasses allow magnification, so she can keep track of the green lady without being too close. "What's she up to?" Kate asks herself.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Something in Pepper's instincts is telling her this is off. Wrong. But she tries not to be too much of a nag as she exhales quietly, "Well, how long is the detour? I should tell Tanaka that we're going to be late..." She reaches for her cell phone, preparing to send the text. Pepper's pale eyes flicker up an back through the rear view window, trying to figure out exactly where they are going. The green tights makes her blink, a hint confused, but it's New York. She's seen more strange. "Just turn up sixth. We can take that... John..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Virginia opens her phone, but gets no bars...as if the signal is jammed or as if the car is insulated against radio frequencies. The driver seems to notice the car is being followed and speeds up, taking a turn ewithout signalling. Sarah follows with amazing reflezes.

Pepper Potts has posed:
This is enough to make Pepper now slightly panic. Her eyes go wide, "John, stop this car NOW." She demands of the driver in front of her. But he's not listening. And her phone isn't working. Now Pepper is worried, her instincts screaming at her that this is far more than a simple traffic reroute. She reaches for the window, trying to get it rolled down so she can maybe yell out to someone for help, or jump out if they end up stopping at a light. But the window controls don't even work. With a loud curse, Pepper starts banging on the back window.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Huh. A moving violation." Kate says to herself, wry. Still, she sees the lady in green move with alacrity after a sedan and that sets Hawkeye in further motion too. "Trouble."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The car pulls girectly ino a warehouse, with the door closing quickly after. Sarah slides her bike sideways under the door and tune back upright. Stopping the cycle and quickly pulling her gear out of the saddlebags. Goblin mask first, then vest, then bandoleer and utility belt...She is barely in time as the lights go out. She hopes the vampire does not haveany lesser vamps backing him...but her auric scanner will let her see them in the dark...

Pepper Potts has posed:
Vampires are the LAST thing that Pepper's worrying about. Her brain is now going to corporate sabotague, espionage, or possibly a high level kidnapping for ransom. "Look, John... I have no clue what they are paying you, but it's not worth it. We are STARK INDUSTRIES. I promise you, the money is more. I can pay you whatever you need. Just... just turn this damn car around and get me out of here. It's not worth it!" Pepper begs through the privacy screen of the limo. Tony would be here any minute, right? She'd be fine in a minute... if he was around. If he even knew she was in trouble.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Damn." Kate curses as both car and girl-on-motorcycle disappear into a warehouse. She looks for a window in the warehouse to gain entry. "there must be a place here..." If there are vampires, any windows may be blacked out, but that's not likely to stop Hawkeye.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Like many old warehouses, it has high windows on the sides and a skylight. Kate can get in easily...

The car fills up with mist and the mist coalesces into a man in a business suit. The man says, "I doubt you can persuade John, he is quite under my control, Miss Potts. Ah, I see my minionms are dealing with our interloper."

A number of white clad gils have appeared, vaguely visible outside the windows. Goblin-girl snaps in a clip, cocks her spring-gun, and shoots a paintball filled with Holy Water. The Vampire it hits screams for a second before being hit with a wooden dagger through the heart...

Pepper Potts has posed:
The woman's green eyes shoot wide as she sees a man just form out of THIN AIR in the back of her limo! Pepper's fists slam against the window harder, but they are bullet proof, meant to protect from the outside. It means she's just as trapped in the inside. Delicate fingertips claw at the door controls, trying to get the limo working and open so she can escape. SHe flickers a desperate look upwards in hope. Maybe someone is here to help, "Look...I-I...don't know who or what you are, but we... we can pay, if you just let me go, we can pay..."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye smashes out a window and makes her way in. There should be a catwalk or an upper floor. Screams make her move a bit faster, she looks for a way to get a bead on the loawer floor, wherever the car and the girl in green probably are. "Hello?" she calls, though that reveals her presence.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Her auric scanner reveals three more vampire thralls and a human up above. She shoots holy water paintballs at the faces of the vampire girls...hopefully blinding them.

The man says, "You may call me Baron, and what I want is Tony Stark. You will bring him to me, once I make you a servant like your driver."

Kate sees a a catwalk she can reach. What she can see in the darkness below is the question.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper cannot help but bubble out a ragged sort of laugh, rolling her eyes to the ceiling of the limo's interior, "You and me both, buddy. No one knows where Tony is right now. This... really isn't worth the level of headache you're going to get when someone helps me out of here." Please, dear gods, someone help her out of here. She dimly is aware of action in the room, around the car, and is hoping it's to HELP hurt and not hurt her. She's still trying to fight the controls of the door and avoid his eyes at the same time. Just instinct, really, trying to keep control of her mind.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye switches her optics to low-light and she switches on an infrared lightjust to make things easier to see (at least for her). She heads for the catwalk to get a hawk's-eye view. "Come out, come out wherever you are." she calls.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Kate sees what looks like a female green goblin fighting three women who are clutching their faces. She sees the Goblin-Girl stab one through the heart, the woman falls dead at her feet (this one did not go dust, must be more recent).

The Baron's eyes seem to start glowing red, "You will accept my kiss over your heart, miss Potts."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The woman inside the limo is getting desperate now. She has no clue what this mad man is, but she gives her heart to only one insane man and he's not in this country right now. "Screw off, I'm already married to my job!" Pepper insists with a hiss. And then, too desperate to keep control, she grabs for the only thing she can think -- the scotch off the wetbar. She rips the cork out of the top of the bottle, tossing a good dose of it on him and grabbing for the little lighter in her pocket, the one she keeps to light business men's cigars. "YOu come near me and I will set you on fire. I swear it."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Weird." Kate mutters to herself as people get stabbed and fall. There's the girl, at least. There's the car too. She lets herself down to the warehouse floor with her grapnel gun. "What's going on?" Hawkeye asks the girl fighting the other women. This looks like a job for her escrima sticks rather than the bow. Someone's going to be in for a shock, literally.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl looks up quickly, and says, "Kidnapping attempt, these are brainwashed with drugs granting them inhuman strength and toughness. They are not very bright though." She stabs another, for once hoping it does not go to dust...most people freak out if they know they are facing Vampires.

The Baron vanishes into mist, his voice says, "Really now, you would burn too, that would not be very smart."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Another, rather unlady like curse from Pepper as the Baron vanishes. But the red head has a bit more room to work now. She reaches upwards, towards the safety lock on the sunroof. Maybe that would work, if nothing else. Desperate, clawing fingernails trip that safety latch open and then she's trying to push uptwards, so she can get the roof open and scramble out that way.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Well, try not to kill them." Hawkeye advises. "Murder raps are bad, espeically in costume. They send you to bad places." She tries to shock the remaining vampire with the stun-end of her batons. "Kidnapping? Is there someone in the car, do you think?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Even as Pepper gets the Sun-roof open, Goblin-girl is saying, "Trust me, with these, there really is no other way. And killing them is pretty tough too cutting off the head or stab them through the heart with the right type of weapon. She stabs the last 'bride"...who goes to dust. Oops, that mught freak someone out...

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's head pops out of the limo like a whack-a-mole game just as the Goblin-girl is dusting one of the other women. Yep, that was awful timing. The strawberry blonde gives a little scream of fear and adrenaline kicks into over drive, trying to spider crawl her way up and out of the limo, but it's a challenge in her prada heels and tailored-tight skirt to her suit dress. SHe doesn't care if things rip right now, she's just dragging herself across the roof, away from the Goblin as fast as possible. Kate looks normal. Semi normal. Normal enough. "H-help me... Please!"... She breathes out to the woman, answering the kidnapping question rather neatly.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Wow. You can turn people to dust?" Hawkeye asks. She shrugs, though, and heads for the car. Sure enough, someone pops out of the sun-roof. "Are you al.." but then Pepper is begging for help and Kate sprints across the intervening space, tucking away her batons as she goes. "What's happening?" she asks.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The Baron appears out of the mist, while John the Chauffer exits the car to assist. His glassy look betrays that he is still under the influence. Goblin-girl knows the Baron is canny and powerful, not a weak youngling thrall like the brides. She fires a paintball at him, but he dodges... John seens to be trying to capture miss Potts.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...T-that!" Pepper half screeches to Kate, as the Baron appears out of the mist and poor John is just thralled to his assistance. Pepper kicks a spike heeled foot in the Chauffer's direction, trying to shove him off how he's reaching for her on the roof of the limo. She's clearly not really a trained fighter, but adrenaline helps a lot. Mixed with desperation, it gives her kick a nice, fierce touch.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"This is all very odd." Kate says to herself. "People turning to dust and appearing out of mist. Huh." She shrugs, though, and does her best to pull Pepper off the top of the car to set her on her be-heeled feet. "Hey, you're the Stark CEO, huh?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The Baron says, "PEOPLE indeed." But he is in the middle of a fight with Goblin-girl. The two seem equally matched physically. The Baron seems more skilled. He also sometimes shifts to mist and back to avoid her blows...though her armor seems to take most of his. Still, it seems like she is losing the fight...

John is slow and clumsy, but seems to igore pain for the most part...being mind controlled can do that to you. He soes bleed from shere Pepper kicks him with ther stilletos.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...Uh...Yes... as of about 9 this morning. It's been... a bit of a roller coaster ride! Pepper admits with a weak little laugh as she scampers in the direction of Kate, instinctively just wanting to hide away from the Baron and the thralled chauffer. She blinks up, torwards the Baron and the woman fighting him. "...Shit... if... if you need to go help, go... I'm pretty good at running." Even in broken heels. And one of those is definitely broken. Pepper keeps dodging away from the chauffer. SHe is faster tham him, at least.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye reaches behind her own back to grasp an arrow from her quiver as she moves for Pepper and the enthralled driver. "She can turn people to dust, so she'll probably be alright for a minute." She doesn't draw her bow but instead tries to strike the driver with the arrow she produces with the head of the thing - it's a hard foam arrow, meant to trap foes in gobs of quickly-hardening goop that becomes rock hard.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
John the driver is quickly immobilized. Sarah pulls out a second magazine and empties the paintballs in it into her hand. She attacks first with a knife (silver this time), the Baron goes to mist to dodge and then refoirms...but even as he reforms she hits him with a spread of holy water filled paintballs. He screams as the holy water eats at his flesh like acid. Sarah tries for a decapitation...but even hurt the Baron is fast and, while cut deeply, he is not very impaired. He is also not bleeding.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...Impressive." Pepper breathes out as she sees that incredibly fancy arrow from Kate's bow. It was technological, and yet so simple. Still just an arrow. Her corporate mind starts running with a few possibilities, but then she quickly remembers she's in a life threatening situation as the Baron *screams* at the holy water. It was deafening. Pepper instinctively flattens herself against a wall, trying to stay as far out of the way of fighting as possible.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate still hasn't clued in to the fact that they're all facing vampires. It's not that she's dim, but with all the super powers and such people have, it makes more sense to not jump to supernatural conclusions. "Do you have acid in those paintballs?" she asks the green-tighted girl as she moves back towards the remaining fight. She produces her bow this time and launches an arrow at short range towards the Baron. It's a flash bang. She means for it to land behind the man, so the flash and noise should mostly affect him and hopefuly not so much the girl fighting him.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Fortunately Sarah is not looking with unaided eyes, her mask is set to view auras, not visible light, the flashbang has no effect on her. However it has almost as little effect on the Baron. Sarah is kind of busy, but says, "It varies, depending on who I am fighting. For example, adhesive is useless against the Baron." Or any other vampire once they learn to turn to mist. She says, "You got anything in there that sheds UV light...I think it may keep him from turning to mist."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is quiet now, not wanting to draw more attention to herself, perhaps distract one of her rescuers, or draw the attention of the few last enemies. She tucks herself tight and nervously into a corner, shoulders boxed against the wall, and watches like a frightened mouse.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Not really. I left my rave arrows at home." Kate replies sarcastically. "I can try this, though." and she fires off an arrow again, this one a burning flare that ignites when it hits the growns in front of the Baron, it blazing brightly. "How about a little fire, Scarecrow?" she quips.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Fire is one thing that can hurt a Vampire, though it tends to take longer than a stake through the heart of beheading. The Baron jerks back and Goblin-girl quickly switched clips. She cocks her spring gun and fires a sharpened wooden bullet...a minuture stake as it were. The Baron turns to dust with scarcely a whisper of sound. John, suddenly released, says, "What...Madam, why are we out of the car...and why am I bleeding?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Oh god... thank god..." Pepper breathes out, just somewhat glad that Happy wasn't driving today. She'd feel even worse if it was Happy, somehow. She looks back to the other women, the strange green one and the super shot with the arrows. Her glassy eyes are a bit too wide, edging on shock, but Pepper is managing to struggle to keep control together. She always did. "John...it...it's okay. I'm sorry... somebody... they did something to your mind. It wasn't you... It's over now. We... we should just go home. Cancel the Takana dinner..." Well, this was a great first day as CEO. She looks back to the women again, "...T-thank you...thank you both. Who... are you?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Hawkeye." Kate replies to Pepper. "It's the least I could do." She looks back to the Goblin. "Good job. I guess there was something stranger than I want to know going on, huh?" The arrows she fired start to dissolve as they're meant to, so there's little evidence of her having been here other than strange piles of carbon fiber.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"Obviously you do not want to know the answer to that," Sarah replies with a chuckle. "They call me Goblin-girl. Thanks for the help." She pushes open the door to the warehouse and starts her bike, driving off.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"H-hawkeye. Uh...Goblin-girl..." Pepper tries not to sound as skeptical about that name as she feels, but it's a little hard. "I... I thank you both. If...if you ever need anything..." She reaches a shaky hand into her jacket, pulling out her cards and handing them to the women. "I...I should get John to a hospital. I...I'm thankful again..." SHe gives them a reassuring smile, but Pepper is all business now as she ushers her chauffer into the back of the car, insisting on driving herself now. He might have a concussion or worse after that. Soon they are pulling back out into the evening