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Latest revision as of 09:10, 12 May 2020

Once Upon a Junkyard
Date of Scene: 20 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Mercy Thompson

Blurr has posed:
    Once upon a junkyard somewhere on the outskirts of New York City, there is a car that looks like it definitely doesn't belong there. Everything else is rusted and old looking, but this thing looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. Or out of a concept drawing, or out of Tony Stark's custom rig collection. Or something.

    If anyone has been paying attention to the news, it looks like the picture of that 'mysterious vehicle' the police chased all the way from one end of Manhattan to the other, only to find the driver had disappeared.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's out here scavenging old Vee Dub parts. She's given up on her old suppliers after one died of tetnus, the other got tired of it....so she's out here, getting a bit desperate. Her eyes fall on the car and she whistls. It looks out of place. Somehow, but.....it's beautiful. Mercy nods and pauses her walk, figuring out how to scramble over junk piles to get at the car. "Isn't that the one the cops chased?" she mutters to herself. "Broke into my history pogram I was watching"

Blurr has posed:
    Oh it definitely looks -very- out of place. Not a scratch on it, well except for a slight one on the left side near the rear wheel housing. To someone who knows cars, it looks rather deliberate, instead of accidental.

    Perhaps even more strange, it doesn't bear the marks or emblems of any recognizable manufacturer, and neither does it have any plates or even a space where the plates are -supposed- to be.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's just taking it all in, and she scrabbles her way up the junk pile to gdet a better look at the car. It's definitely out of place....but, Mercy works her way around to where the scratch is and stares at it. She'sthinking on it, wondering just what put the scratch there as she climbs down the junk pile, prefrring to stand on safr ground. "Okay, so there's this car here. That's....the one the cops chased and it's sitting here. I'm wondering why" Mercy says as if the car would ever talk back to her.

Blurr has posed:
    "And you're not going to call them?" A voice behind her suddenly says. If she turns around, she'll find what appears to be a blond-haired teenager in street clothes. If his sudden presence wasn't odd enough, he also looks unnaturally...perfect. "You're not going to try to steal it are you?" he asks with a smirk.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy wheels around ready for a fight. "No, because they'll damage the car getting it out of here" Mercy points out. "It's pretty well in the junkyard, after all. Plus the cops would just go hmm, no driver, then do their police thing" she explains. "Why would I try to steal it, huh?" Mercy asks, sounding a little more worried than usual. "Come on. I'm not that bad. I don't see a pretty car and go all oooh, must have this" she says firmly.

Blurr has posed:
    "Fair enough." the teen says, folding his arms. "I mean, if you were going to steal it, you wouldn't have been the first to try. And calm down, do I look like I'm going to attack you?" he asks. "So what -were- you trying to do, then?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy sighs. "In this city anything's possible. I'm out here looking for cheap parts. So" Mercy says. "Same question. What's got you out here then?" she asks tilting her head. "You're just as out of place here as I or that car. So spill, whatcha doing out here?" Mercy asks, arms folded.

Blurr has posed:
    "Uh--" The teen glances around momentarily. "Same as you, looking for parts." he says finally. "So are you some kind of engineer? Mechanic?" he asks.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy gives the teen a look for a few seconds with a quiet huff. "Mechanic. I look for parts for old cars, and that one" she says gesturig to the car atop the junk pile. "Caught my eye. So" Mercy says and stays put. "You need any help with parts?"

It's a generous offer. She was after all, raised in a very strange way. Still she gestures to the junk pile. "Yah I spend time scrabbling around junk piles. It's normal for me" she explains.

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh, I see." The avatar nods when she tells him she's a mechanic. "So, you think it looks old?" he asks, perhaps misunderstanding her meaning. Though she did say 'old' parts. "Um, not really..." he says somewhat distantly when she asks if he needs help.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy moves a step or two back toward the junk pile. "That car's fine, the rest of the parts" she says gesturing to the car first, then to the junk pile, "Are not as good. See, it's two different things" Mercy points out with a shrug, sitting by the pile watching the teenager.

Blurr has posed:
    The apparent teen nods, still just standing there at the base of the pile. Despite having said he was looking for parts, he doesn't appear to actually be doing that, or really doing anything. He also doesn't look like he's dressed to go digging around in a junkyard, either. He just sort of...watches her intently as she moves toward the pile, then sits down.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to the car then the teen. She's lookin a little lost but shakes her head. "I'm not touching that car. I'm here for parts for my shop" she says looking up and down the junk pile. "That's why I'm here but if I can help any with that car let me know?" Mercy asks gently. She looks around the junkyard for a moment, not getting up just yet.

Blurr has posed:
    "Thanks for the offer, but nothing is actually wrong with it." The teen says, though his attention seems to be fixated on something else, with a somewhat distant look in his eyes. Suddenly, he gets up and trots over to a different, smaller pile and starts digging a bit until he uncovers a bag full of old license plates. He opens it and starts going through them, scrutinizing each one as if deciding which one looks the best or something.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy watches then nods with a smile. "You're digging through license plates for that car, huh?" Mercy asks with a knowing look. "It's easy to install plates" she says with a knowing look, sitting back down again before she stays quiet.

Blurr has posed:
    Yes, it would appear he is looking for someone else's old expired plate to use. Because that is totally not suspicious at all. "I hope so." he says when she mentions it's easy, then picks one out that has a mostly blue color scheme. To match the paintjob, of course. "I like this one."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods looking to the plate. That's...not suspicious at all. She's not saying a word though, just nods. Then she speaks. "Ah, it's easy to put in, you just need to put it in the right spot and put it in tight and make sure it stays there" Mercy adds, getting to her feet with a nod. "I'll tell you where if you want"

Blurr has posed:
    "Okay." The teen says, nodding. He takes it to the top of the pile where the car is, making a point to shift his armor plating around to create what looks like a normal spot for a license plate according to other vehicles he's seen, -before- she gets close enough to see that happen. "So, who are you, anyway? Besides a mechanic, I mean."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy smiles, watching. "I'm nobody special. I'm just a mechanic" she shrugs, "Nobody too special. So" she adds and looks quietly settling back down again. "So what's up with you?" she asks, curiosity getting the better of her.

Blurr has posed:
    "Nobody?" A brow is arched at her. "Is that really your name?" He shrugs. "Well I guess different people are different." The plate is stuck in the typical spot on the back, and as he does so a metal frame of sorts shifts into position around it, locking it in place with a series of whirrs and clicks. Now it looks like it had always been there.

    "Uh, nothing." he answers to the latter question. "Just doing what I said I was doing. Looking for parts."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks approvingly on as she isn't asking too many questions...yet. She does though point out that kid knows what he's up to, but she won't pry. Instead, she just watches on, approvingly. Instead, she looks impressed. "You did really good" Mercy says with a nod. "You did great. You need any help with anything?" she asks with a gentle tone as Mercy looks over then watches for a moment. She's totally got sidetracked with getting old parts. That's....actually not her fault this time really. Pretty car, somebody talking to her. Mercy's definitely not guilty now.

Blurr has posed:
    Right, he'll take that for a 'yes', then. Once the job is done, he seems to take a step back and take a look, nodding. Yeah, that'll do. Hopefully that will at least give the -appearance- of doing what everyone else is supposed to do. "Well, thanks for offering to help and stuff, Miss Special. I appreciate it. I hope you find what you're looking for." He then starts to get into the car.