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Latest revision as of 09:10, 12 May 2020

High Class Ice
Date of Scene: 17 July 2019
Location: Iceberg Lounge, Central Heights
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Red Robin, Spike

Pepper Potts has posed:
Gotham was always a city in need. No matter the good work that Bruce Wayne did, and a few others, there was too much poverty, too much crime, too much... City. So, a fundraiser for Gotham City School Districts has marked itself as the EVENT of the summer. Flashy women and men in cocktail wear from cities all over the various metro areas, doing their very best to save those poor children and look good while doing it.

Tony Stark had wanted to come but he also had been drowning himself in other projects as of late, so Pepper Potts is on hand representing Stark Industries in a dress of glorious, pale blue that leaves most of her back bare other than an elegant little scarf halter tied at the back of her neck. She's in a glimmering pair of silver Prada heels and would look like someone's trophy wife if she wasn't on the news so often as the second voice of Stark Industries. She's standing alone, to the side of one of the open bars, watching the room with a thoughtful green gaze and a slight frown. Her mind is clearly somewhere else.

Red Robin has posed:
It seems the night for the replacements, as the other multi-millionaire is not able to make it as well. Tim Drake drew the short straw it seems. He is wearing a very nice Tux, classic but with red accents. He walks along mingling with people here and there, but he is making his way to Pepper. Once nearby he will say "Miss Potts, a pleasure I am Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne could not make tonight's event and asked me to send his regreats... and this check." He will go to pull a check from his inside pocket.

Spike has posed:
Spike's representing the 'Vampire with no color coordination' thing tonight. Pink tie, cream shirt, lavender tux.....and he's actually wearing wing tips. And he's even....gasp....got his Billy Idol hair done to fit in....as long as Spike doesn't open his mouth too much he'll blend right in. he did after all sneak on in here.

A set of (borrowed) cufflinks complete the outfit, and Spike even has a rose in the button hole, too. See, he can be a gentleman if he likes...and he's even got his phone on silent. See. he's trying. Give the loudmouth crass vampire credit.

Spike takes in the other cocktail wear. He's feeling like he overdid it a little, he looks like what would happen if a politician had a bad hair day, got fangs, and picked the wrong suit. he even had to call Buffy, the Slayer....to ask what to do in a hair salon. At least, the plan was to call the Slayer. However, popcorn fingers and a greasy phone happened. Spike ended up calling an entirely different number. One he'd like to crawl under a rock and never, ever admit to calling. The fact he called the poor guy on the other end of the phone Buffy just....he wanted to crawl into a hole. Sadly....the Hellmouth was all the way in Bloodhaven. Plus Spike thought it'd just throw him back out for incredible stupidity. He'd ended up dialling the wrong number and instead of Buffy...he'd ended up And...worse, he had to go clothes shopping. He'd decided to buy the whitest shirt and tux possible. Problem was...it's....what he's wearing. Not white.    
Spike likes the idea of fund raising. So many rich people waiting to be 'parted' from more money than they'd ever want to spend or need, and he's out tonight to 'donate' to charity, by way of theft, pickpocketing and good old fashioned persuading and, yes, taking advantage of stupid people with open wallets. Or check books, too. Like...that woman by the open bar. Spike walks over and offers a hand. "Hi. I'm William Pratt. Nice to meet everyone here tonight" he nods, not caring to hide his fangs.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A smile ghosts across Pepper's lips as Tim approaches her. Even if he might not be quite so flashy as she is, she recognizes the man through careful research and always being aware. "Mr. Drake. Of course. From what I've heard, Wayne Industries wouldn't run without your support in various areas..." Whether she means that, or it's a line she uses with most people, who knows. But she offers her hand warmly and accepts the cheque for the ever growing fund for Gotham's children. She doesn't look at the numbers, that'd be rather too gauche. Another heartbeat or two, the air of two people who work too hard but always show up between them, and Pepper starts, "Do you ever get the feeling we could do without-"

And then, there is a... Man. Man, right? Despite fangs? And dressed like someone trying but really having no clue. Pepper cannot help but give his suit a once over to figure out what designer might have made the atrocity before she paints another, warmer smile on her perfectly stained taupe lips. It's the practiced corporate smile, not quite as genuine as what she gave Tim. "Mr. Pratt... a pleasure. Are you here to support the Gotham Public Schools? There's...several lovely *silent* raffles you could go enter..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit as he has encountered Spike twice now, once as Tim, and once in his Identity. He will do a quick subtle scan around the room, to see if Spike has brought friends. Luckily besides being an ass, the times he has encountered him, he has been mostly a good guy. He will look over to the bartender, ordering a glass of OJ knowing most bars have it, and he is pre drinking age. He waits to see what the other man says of his showing up here.

Spike has posed:
Spike gestures to himself. "I'm here to support the public schools and universities, yes" he says. There's a label sticking out of the hip fabric of the pants. It's....a designer. It's one nobody's heard of. probably, Spike is realizing, for good reason. He nods to Tim with a smile. "Good to see you here" he says, for all his faults Spike hasn't tried to kill Tim yet. Not that he wants to. There's something about Tim that Spike...in a way admires. Plus Spike enjoys keeping people onn their toes. "I could enter a...." he pauses for effect, "Silent raffle, yes" he says then nods to the bartender. "I'll take a vodka martini" he nods. Spike's a few hundred years past being carded.Thankfully. Still he smiles, and brushes his suit. "I thought it was a different color" he says apologetically. "It was.....different when I saw it in the store. I got it home, it's this color"

Looking over the crowd again, Spike looks around seeing who else is here then sips his drink thoughtfully, finding a place to sit nearby. Sure, he'll do the whole 'get up and mingle' thing....later. Like...when people are drunk and easier to swindle. Spike's here for a reason....well....a few reasons. he's genuinely supporting the public education system. Because he had to go to school, so should others. And university is always a good thing too.

Pepper Potts has posed:
That smile is kept firmly in place, Pepper not wanting to scare off someone who maybe, just maybe, is new rich and could do some really excellent charitable work, just has no clue how to hob nob among the elite of the cities. "Well, Mr. Pratt... Enjoy yourself, get some food, drinks... If you need anything, my name is Virginia Potts and I'm helping host on behalf of Stark Industries. I'll be about the whole night." She gives his hand a little squeeze before letting go, not asking him to linger, though her green eyes follow him as he makes his way to the bar and some other areas. The suit thing was... Odd.

"Mr. Drake... you don't... know that man, do you? I don't recall him on the guest list but then I don't memorize every face that RSVPs to these things. He just... He seemed a bit off." Pepper admits gently, her voice on the edge of being worried but also doing her very best to be painfully polite about it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "I believe I have seen him in passing, but never at an event like this. Sadly I don't know much that might be of any use about him." He will say as he watches Spike go. There is something else I would like to speak to you about if you have a few moments tonight at some point.

Spike has posed:
Spike nods, "Oh we've....sort of met" he nods again and sits and relaxes. more. he's not as rich as Gotham's elite. But he's got his ways of getting money...that's for sure. He's just....not totally law abiding. "I came in with a group" Spike bluffs. "So I got looked over, but I fit in here don't I?" he asks with a smile. A smile that's....genuine, and a little bit like saying I'm sticking it to the rich. Which....Spike is. He looks amused and sips his cocktail, chewing on the olive for a moment then looks to Tim then back to the bar and the woman. "Thank you" Spike smiles. "I'll be sure to let you know if there's anything I need" he says graciously. See. Spike is doing his best. That ought to count for something, right? Right?

Spike looks over the crowd again, as if taking in the guests tonight. Still, he's enjoying himself....and tonight's only just started. This, Spike reasons, will be fun. If only he could ditch the horrific shoes and awful tux. Though he'd rather not kill anyone tonight or get arrested thanks...he'd never, ever hear the end of it from his friends.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Of course..." Pepper echoes, as Spike looks back to the crowd and his own world. She then gazes back to Tim, a cross of slight concern and curiosity through green eyes. She steps a bit closer to him, letting her voice lower in a way that means hopefully her response is meant for just them as she does want to respect his privacy. "Mr. Drake, ask away. I don't have anyone else asking for attention now and as long as we stay in view, I certainly don't mind having an actual conversation instead of just making... Niceties as you do on nights like this."

Pepper's careful gaze remains on the room, but keeps returning to that strange suited man, an almost protective overwatch visually even as most of her mental attention is now fully on the young man beside her. She takes no drink or food, she's on pure hostess mode but also quite good a multitasking.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake offers her a smile and says "Well this is more something for myself, but also something that might be helpful to others as well. I have been taking interest in super heroes of late, and have been a bit of a collector of their memorabilia. I was wondering if you might be able to get me something that would represent Mr. Stark as Ironman. Also, I am looking about setting up a charity auction as well, with superhero memorabilia and wondered if you might see if Mr Stark and through him perhaps the other Avengers might be be willing to donate items.

Spike has posed:
Spike watches the crowd then gives the hostess a smile. Seeming to come back to himself, Spike takes a canape and pops it into his mouth, he settles back down and sips his cocktail again while chewing. He's not about to off himself with a toothpick. One, it's not a stake....and two, Spike's not in that mindset. He's spied those little entrees. Yes, he'll have one and he takes a plate, putting food delicately on it. "So" he says once his mouth's empty. "I do have a question" he nods. "Would you mind telling me where you got your entree dishes? They are great" Spike says. It's....not even a ruse. He's now debating keeping canapes and things for snacking on while watching TV.

Nah, he's not really a sophisticated vampire. Except tonight that is. "I am never ever ever wearing this tuxedo again. I....will burn it" Spike huffs, and glances over again. "So. These raffles and donation drive, where do I start?" he asks.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Of *course*, Mr. Drake. I...have a few items which might serve. Give me a call this week and I'll get something to you." As if seemingly out of nowhere, Pepper pulls a little clutch and one of her business cards, handing it off to the young man before she lets him weave into the crowd to mingle more. She's left at her own sorts again, eyes coming back to the slightly off-kilter toned Spike. And he's smiling at her. That smile is returned quietly with a slight tilt of her head, ever polite.

Then he's speaking to her again, as the catering order was nomiminally under her perview. She steps a few feet closer, so they're not calling over a crowd, and allows that easy smile to return to her mouth. "...Ah...I think it's B&H Catering, I'd have to check with my events' manager. I just sign most of the checks." Pepper only half teases. How far she's come from being a secretary. Her eyes then scoop down the line of his suit again and she gives a little laugh, "Ah... I... would absolutely recommend that, yes. I don't know who your tailor is, or if you have one, but they have a strange sense of humor or taste. I cannot tell which." As he inquires about charity, her smile actually grows a bit more genuine. It even touches on her eyes. The strawberry blonde might actually care about this charity. "...Well... it's 25 dollars a raffle ticket for anything on that corner. If you're not looking to donate a LOT of money, but want contribute, that's the way to go. The silent auctions generally go between 1,000 and 5,000 dollars depending on the item... "

Spike has posed:
Spike nods. "I think the raffle's a good place to start" he says with a certain conviction to his voice, a truth. Looking g toward it...he nods. $25 it is. I don't have to stand up and do anything, just buy raffle tickets and win things....and donate money Spike nods. Oh he has money...and....it's not stolen. "One to fivde grand, you say? I'll put my proverbial hat into the ring" Spike nods. he's got a few grand in cash.

Well.....minus a $25 payment or two.....but still, Spike wants to help out. Whatevr happened to the evil,absolutely evil and homicidal spike? This chip has really got him thrown for a loopp. Well then....Spike's certainly different. No denying that. Even his friends would agree....as Spike slowly gets up, making his way toward the raffle table. He's quite happy to buy a ticket or two. All for a good cause.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Something sets and relaxes about Pepper's shoulders as he actually starts donating. Maybe her initial assessment was wrong, and this is just a good lesson in judging books by covers. She follows after him, considering the raffles for a moment and murmuring some encouragements to a few other entrants. Pepper weaves through the crowd and the donations like some elegant angel fish in tropical waters, clearly at home among the flashing, lovely throng. But somehow still more down to earth as well, not the drunk, giggling, arrogant, never worked for it elite. She's worked every day of her life.

"...So, Mr. Pratt...you said you came with a group? Which group? How did you hear about us? I....I'm just curious. I feel like I know everyone in charitable society and I don't know you." And there was still something Pepper was missing, she was certain of it.