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Latest revision as of 09:11, 12 May 2020

Meeting in Trillium park!
Date of Scene: 11 July 2019
Location: Trillium Park, Central Heights
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Kaydin LeGraize

Winter Soldier has posed:
It's a lovely summer afternoon. And he's wandered far, far abroad from his usual haunts, has Bucky. Did he ever make to Gotham as a kid? Likely not, considering - Manhattan was about the extent of his ambitions, when he had Steve to take care of.

Most of his time as a free man has been spent lurking in New York....and barely even that, confining himself to the Triskelion. But now he's just rambling through the park. At his side is a big German Shepherd in a service dog's vest, her leash held in his left hand. The left arm's got a flesh-colored sleeve over it; it won't fool close examination, but it's better than the bright, bare metal of the prosthesis itself.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    A blur passes through the park, blue lightning arcing about the area. It is a second pass does the blur slow down long enough to be seen across from the park, looking at the man with the dog. "You may hear this all the time, but you look alot like the Winter Soldier...." He says to the man as he studies the man's arm, but see's the flesh covered glove and doesnt realize it could be a fake.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Great. One of the few people in the world who did see his wanted posters, back when. "Yeah?" says Buck, tone bored. He hasn't tensed - no reason to react as if this were a genuine threat.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Well to be honest you look alot like Bucky barnes. First thing I did when coming to new york is visit the captain america museum. Thing is though he supposedly died a long time ago." Kaydin says as he watches the man. "Maybe you are one of bucky's grandkids." He says with a shrug as he shows a picture of the bucky barnes exhibit to him.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Gravely, he looks at the picture, as the dog leans against his leg. "Maybe he's a relative," he agrees, mildly. "Did he get married and have kids? Did the exhibit say?" By Buck's expression, he doesn't know at all what he thinks about this.....maybe even inclined to laugh.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "The exhibit says he dies in the frozen north. About the same time that captain america goes missing." Kaydin says as he shrugs. "Still you look alot like bucky barnes, so either you are him or he is a ancestor." He says as he watches the man and then moves to pet the dog.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Nah, man, she's a service dog," he says, though his tone is still mild. "Generally, you don't wanna pet 'em." The blue eyes have gone a little distant, however. An exhibit. He and Steve are exhibits in museums, now. Pieces of history. "You a big fan of the Captain's?" he wonders, as he lets his human hand fall to the dog's ears.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Big fan. I just finished a captain america street art on a building when I got hit by lightning and got my powers." Kaydin says as he stops trying to pet the dog and watches the man. "Always wanted to be a hero and help out. When your fast enough to stop bullets and catch them it makes stopping badguys easy until someone hits you with superhuman strength." He says with a smirk as he watches the man. "Got a name? I am Kaydin." He says as he offers his hand.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"You have good taste in heroes, then," Buck congratulates him. "You're a speedster, eh? You sign on with any particular team, or just....kind of out there doin' your own thing?" He takes the offered hand with his one, the ordinary one, shakes it. "I'm James," he says, simply.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Just doing my own thing for now. Havent been able to join any teams as of yet. Wouldnt mind joining a few you know? Hear being an avenger has great dental." Kaydin says with a playful tone as he nods. "Nice to meetcha James. So what do you do for a living?" He asks curiously.

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's that funny little smile again. "Enh, just government work, mostly. Usedta be in the Army, and that's a good route to law enforcement. You know where the Avengers are located, right? Ever thought about applying directly?" God only knows which Avenger this kid would get answering the door.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "If I had a chance I would apply directly. Trying to save up my money to go to college. I do deliveries, run packages all over the states. I can circle the globe in about thirty minutes. It isnt flash fast but still faster then most machines." He says as he nods. "My older brother is a sheriff back in my hometown. Its a reservation outside of Seattle. I am his favorite sibling, because I like to vandalize things for art reasons." He says with a smirk.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Why don't'cha?" Buck wonders, lazily, ruffling the dog's ears. "I mean, New York isn't all that far...You never know what you might get. And how'd you end up this far East, if you're from Washington?" He's found himself a bench, settles on it gratefully.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "When my powers first manifested I had decided to go to the captain america museum in new york city. Got recruited into Xavier's school for gifted youngsters to continue my highschool education. Been going back and forth everyday. Company I work as a delivery guy is New York based and recruited mutants to give more mutants jobs. Truthfully I am a metahuman with my speed but still folks saw my potential and gave me a job." He says watches him. "Think the avengers would recruit me?" He asks, watching Bucky.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier spreads his hands. "Couldn't hurt to throw your hat in the ring. But...I imagine Xavier's is a good place for someone who's had those abilities from the get go. How far are you from finishing high school?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Finished this year. Looking at college courses right now. Probably be kicked out by the end of the month." Kaydin says as he nods to Bucky. "Wouldnt mind joining the army or navy, just a little unsure what to do. I dont mind serving my country, but I just dont know how to go about doing it." Kaydin says as he looks to the man. "Are you doing what you always wanted to do? Government work?" He asks curiously.

Winter Soldier has posed:
How to tell this kid....that what he originally hoped to be was an artist. An illustrator. "Military's often a good choice," Buck says, softly. "But I dunno how they treat folks with metahuman abilities. Me....close enough. I like my job. I work with good people." He slouches back on the bench, lazily.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I wager most metahuman folks join something like SHIELD. SHIELD isnt that bad but I grew up with a biker for a dad. My grandpa on my mother's side served in world war 2 and was a windtalker during vietnam. He died a year before I got my powers. He is probably the only one who encouraged me to try an art career." He says softly.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Is art what you want? I mean, beyond grafitti. There are still places you can get a scholarship....or hell, if you do manage to stick it out in the military, there's still something left of the GI Bill," Buck says, leaning forward a little. "And I dunno. D'you think SHIELD recruits metas?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "No idea. As I said, I grew up on a reservation, Mom's native american. Not alot of love for the government. Only reason why my grandpa stuck it out was because he wanted to send a message." Kaydin says as he watches the man. "Do you know the avengers?" He asks curiously.

Winter Soldier has posed:
At that, he looks a bit cagey. "Maybe one or two to talk to," he says, finally. "I'm not one, I don't really work with 'em. They do talk to SHIELD, now and again..."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I see so you work with SHIELD. And you look identical to Bucky barnes." Kaydin says as he shrugs. "Big coincidence." He says as he looks around. "I guess I can always run to their mansion and knock on the front door. That is if SHIELD doesnt shoot me down first for being a rabid fan." He says with a playful smirk.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Big coincidence," Buck agrees, with a little, curling smile. "And yeah, you could knock on the door. Like I said, couldn't hurt. I don't know what kinna real security the mansion has on it, but I bet it's plenty good."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Lets see its backed by a super soldier, A billionaire with a pricey robot suit, a hulk, a norse god and Lord know who else." Kaydin says with a chuckle. "I got to meet tony. He was doing something for the school and works with Xavier." Kaydin says as he shrugs. "Anyway does SHIELD recruit metas?" He asks curiously.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I think so," Buck offers, as the Shepherd decides that what she wants to do is clamber up onto the bench and lay her head in his lap. "Might ask. Doesn't look as if you're hiding what you can do.."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I could lie and say that I desire to be normal, but I like my powers way too much to do that. I can dodge bullets, pluck them out of mid air. I got a collection of them actually." Kaydin says with a smile. "My grandpa always said to be you. When your not you, then you lose." He says as he watches the man.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I don't know that there really is a normal to be," Buck says, quietly, as he scritches under the dog's chin. "But it was good to meet you, Kaydin. I wish you luck." With that, he's heaving himself up from the bench, having urged the Shepherd back to her own four paws.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "It was good to meet you too James. If no one ever tells you, I appreciate the work SHIELD does to keep us safe. Too many people are too busy with old grudges to let people help them out." Kaydins says. Blue lightning arcs around him and he vanishes in a blur of motion, lightning arcing the air as he speeds off.