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Latest revision as of 14:00, 13 October 2017

Date of Scene: 11 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Holly and Bjorn discuss the attack in the park.
Cast of Characters: Crusader, 64

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn is just finishing the last deal of the day with a customer. The store was in it's usual state of disarray that somehow works. Parts scattered, things disorganized. really it may as well be a workshop than a repair shop! But still it worked

Bjorn gets out a big old box of chocolate, with Borgi napping in a dog bed nearby. He was wondering how to even approach Holly. He barely got to talk to her, and barely knew the kid. He sighs and takes a bite of chocolate "Well, guess jumping in should be best"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly has been out for a good chunk of the day. She's not been seen since lunch to be honest and who could blame her given the state she was in the day before. What with mutant hunters after her? Still to vanish? It's a bit strange. Quietly though she enters into the shop having gotten a ride back from where she was.

"Oh umm Hi, Mr. Bjorn." She quietly walks in and takes a seat. She seems rather calm actually. Calm enough to not be causing a whole lot of weather chaos.

Crusader has posed:
"Holly!" Bjorn exclaims happily "Bjorn is glad to see you back. Had mehalf worried you did! Tell Bjorn, how was day?" he asks happily with a wide grin that showed off his large canines

Borgi popped up wide awake and happily ran over to sniff and jump at Holly. His fluffy tail wagging furisouly in anticipation of what was to come

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles a little, "Oh umm Sorry. I was sorta freaking out a little and was turning my room into an igloo. SOmeone came to visit. They were from a special school. They were looking for me. They're a Mutant like me and can manipulate the weather! Not just the winter weather but all the weather! I couldn't believe it at first. I mean come on, a school for mutants? Anyway she took me there to check it out and I'm allowed to join if I want!"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn blinks several times "A school for mutants! Well now, mutants have certainly made alot of progress since Bjorns days!" he exclaims. His grins widens considerably "But this is good thing! Mabey they teach you to have the better control yes? What is required of the school, did this person say? And why were you doing the freaking of the out?"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles, "Its a really upscale school! I mean the place is a Mansion! They already started teaching me better control. My emotions are sorta linked to the weather. So is I get upset, it gets nasty. So Ms. Munroe or umm. Storm taught me a trick to calm myself down so I don't wind up upsetting weather patterns.

She hmms. "Oh umm. It was because I couldn't shake seeing that hunter guy get killed right in front of me. It was freaky! I never seen anyone die like that. When Storm came to find me I thought she was a mutant hunter too."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn once jovial expression turns into a fierce frown "Yes.... Bjorn must talk to Koriand'r about that" oh he was /not/ happy. He takes a deep breath "Bjorn has seen worse, but it is best if folks do not have to go through such things. Mutant hunters are.... very dangerous. Especialy when they were legal" he gently puts a hand on Holly shoulder, his hand is significantly heavier than one would expect "But Bjorn glad you are safe"

Another moment passes and his smile returns "Anyways, Bjorn hopes to meet this Monroe... or this Storm as you say. Did she mention what would be needed for enrollment? It is good you got lessons, but a school is still a school. Surely they must require some things"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles a little, "I was told that if one of the Teachers has to come and find you that you are pretty much covered as far as enrollment costs and everything. Thats what happened with me. She sorta sensed the trouble I was causing. I mean I wasn't trying to. It just... It just happened." She frowns a little. "Still I will invite her to meet you. I have contacted my parents. They are all for it. They seemed a little scared of me!"

Crusader has posed:
"Oh, though Bjorn would have been glad to help pay for the enrollment cost. Private schools are expensive. But now you get good education. And trust Bjorn, he was good for it!" He may be a small time buisness owner, but he had some cash floating about. "Bjorn is glad you contact your parents. Hopefully they come see school, see how you grow and perhaps not be so scared! Bjorn knows how that can be, having your folks scared of you" rubs the back of his head "Course, very different circumstances. but still!"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles, "Storm is really kinda cool. She was a thief! She stole my wallet right off me and I didn't even know it. She gave it back of course. She lived in Africa and she got worshiped as tribal rain goddess which must have been really awkward." She laughs a little. "Anyway she taught me how to focus and calm myself down so I don't freeze things all the time."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn raises his bushy brows "A theif?" he peers at Holly "And a goddess? What kind of instiution is this?" he asks, clearly finding the idea of someone being both these things... and teaching at a school an odd combination. "Eitherway Bjorn is glad of those. Come, show Bjorn what you learnt from this goddly theif" he says with a low rumbling chuckle

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles, "She was orphaned as a child. She wound up in Egypt and learned to pickpocket to survive. Then she wound up as a tribal goddess. She was then taken to this school where she learned how to better control her powers. She's now the Earth Sciences teacher." She smiles a little. "OH umm... Well. She used something I'm familiar with. That is special to me. In my case a snowflake. She had me imagine it and just watch it fall. Not a bunch of snow flakes. Just one. A bunch of snowflakes brings disaster. ONe is just pretty."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn rubs his beard in thought and nods in acceptance "Sounds reasonble, all things considered!" and than he smiles wide "Ahhh, the single snowflake. You do seem to have a knack for them! Bjorn wonders what else you will learn at this institution!" he says excited. But than he seems more serious "But... Holly, how are you doing? You know, with... everything." his eyes lock onto hers...almost looking into her

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters sighs and rubs her head. "Well, things are a little rough when one rough day can cause weather men to freak out. Its kinda scary. I mean I cause a chunk of my school to collapse. Then... those guys yesterday. Its still playing on me hard. I barely slept last night half expecting them to come breaking in.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn frowns deeply "Those were not men. They were cowards and rakes and lord knows devil will be dancing on their graves" he says with obviouse anger towards them. ANd than he cracks his knuckles "By the cosmos, if they thought of setting one foot in this establishment, they would see what Bjorn could really do" and to date, Bjorn hasn't actually shown what exactly make him a mutant as opposed to a regular human, despite alluding to being one. "Trust Bjorn, they would not have been able to successfully break in."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters frowns, "Ummm. If they would have tried to come into my room, odds are they wouldn't have lasted very long. I was upset and it got really cold. There were icicles on everything. I'm pretty sure if someone would have come in they wouldn't have gone long without getting hypothermia."

Crusader has posed:
"Odd are, they would not even get the chance to even try getting into your room is what Bjorn is saying" not that there were many rooms as it was primarily a store. Bjorn had turn his room and the guest room into Holly and Koriand'r rooms at the moment."...Bjorn may need to consider getting actual apartment" he looks to Holly and laughs "Well Hypothermia is not good! But it would have been well deserved anyways"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters nods, "Yes I know. Its not something I could have helped. Oh!!! This school, Its up north a ways. So I might wind up staying there. They have boarding and stuff. That would free up some space here. I would still come and visit!" She smiles. "Its a really nice place. Apparently the headmaster of the school is psychic."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn laughs "Bjorn not need much space! But if you wish to board, then Bjorn will be right behind you." But than Holly mentions that the headmaster is...psychic. He soon develops that fierce frown of his "Psychic you say?" eyes narrow "This headmaster not be poking around folks brain, aye?"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters shrugs, "I've not met him. I know Storm met him when she tried to pick pocket him. Apparently pickpocketing doesn't work really well on psychics!" She smiles. "All I know is that He is the one who created the school to give mutants a safe place to learn about their powers and to get a solid education."