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Everything is Better with Burritos
Date of Scene: 12 May 2020
Location: Downtown, New Troy
Synopsis: SpyderByte agrees to be part of Supergirl's team! Does three equal a team? Well, what will someday be a team.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, SpyderByte

Supergirl has posed:
Yesterday had been quite an adventure. Or just another day in Metropolis. It depended on the point of view really. Those who were jaded had seen the news broadcast about the foiled bank robbery and quickly changed channels to a movie or sports broadcast. Those who had hope still in their hearts watched with a moment of positivity that things would be getting better now. After all, Superman was back.

Nevermind it was Supergirl on their screens. Or that she was helped along by a secret person hidden somewhere behind her cell phone screen. Not literally.

She had sent him a text inviting him to meet her Downtown for lunch. It wasn't that they had the best restaurants but they did have Dos Bros Tacos food truck! Which had the best tacos in Metropolis. She assumed the burritos were good too. She just had never ordered them.

At the appointed time, she was waiting on a bench. She was Supergirl, in that she had her normal appearance going on. She just didn't have on her costume. Instead she was in a pair of jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt with "Overwatch" emblazoned across it. It had been a gift from her bestie. Her hair was in a high ponytail. A pair of oversized sunglasses hid her face partially at least.

She pulled out her phone, tapping the green spider symbol and firing off the text. <<Here now.>>

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I know. >> The message pings on her phone immediately the moment she hit enter.

Jeremy is across the street, watching her, blending in with the crowds that walk back and forth. He is leaning against a telephone pole, one hand places against the splintering wood, listening to a hundred conversations going on around him, but mostly focusing on Kara's.

<< Just trying to build some nerve up. >>

He continues to watch her, without watching her, an art he has developed by blending in and being a total nobody. He has on a gray polo shirt and a pair of black pants, worn sneakers. He is trying to look presentable, though he passes as incredibly nervous.

Supergirl has posed:
Of course with that, her head jerks up and she is looking around the area to try to spot him. Which means that she looks at everyone around. But none of them seem to be approaching her and she frowns, looking back down at the phone and seeing the last part.

"Seriously?" She shakes her head a little, grinning as she types back. <<Build it up soon. I'm hungry. Or you want me to order for us while you work on it?>> She peeks around again, not very sneakily since it's obvious she's looking, trying to guess what person in the area might be the one. She has it narrowed down to about....sixteen to be of the right age and sex. Well, if he's a he. She thinks he's a he. Great, now she has 27 options.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< No, it's okay. Sorry. I just don't know how to do this. >>

Jeremy lets out a loud sigh to himself as he stares down at his feet, stubbing his toe against the concrete. Finally, he sucks in a breath and ambles down the street until he reaches the corner so that he can use the crosswalk proper. As he makes his way across, he turns and starts down the sidewalk towards her.

It almost takes forever for him to go such a short distance. He's so slow, timid. Once he reaches her, he gives a light clear of his throat, his hands trembling as he chews on his bottom lip.

".. H.. H.. i. I.. it's.. m... me.."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl stands anyway, continuing to look around curiously. When he starts her way, she doesn't pick up on that he is coming to her until he is closer. When she realizes this is likely the one, she gets a bright smile and waves a little his direction as he continues his slow approach.

One might think she's a super villain the way he's taking his time.

When he finally gets there and stammers out that greeting, she lets out a happy little squee sound and quickly hugs him. Whether he was ready for it or not. "Thank you so much for meeting me. I so owed you dinner after your help yesterday! Dos Bros is the best in Metropolis. Don't let the truck fool you." It wasn't the classiest of trucks and had a giant fake-looking taco on the top.

SpyderByte has posed:
When he is wrapped up in her arms, Jeremy lets out a loud noise of surprise, his entire body growing stiff as a board. He was not expecting that. He feels a bit clamy to the touch, as if he was having a cold sweat. His heart races faster, his eyes widening. He doesn't even move his arms to return the gesture.

".. I.. it.. h...as... fff...ive.. stars...rrrating.. on.. Yelp.."

That's what he says. It has five stars rating on Yelp. What a way to make an introduction to one of the greatest superheroes of all time.

Supergirl has posed:
"Really?" Supergirl seems surprised. Apparently she's a superhero but not one to check reviews on places she goes. "By Rao, I was right! Or everyone else is right since they agree with me."

If it seems at all odd that he didn't hug her back, she doesn't let on. Nor does she seem bothered by his nervousness and his stuttering. However, she was aware of his state of health. Keeping a careful ear on him to be sure nothing goes out of whack in there.

"I know we talked about burritos but I've never tried theirs. Just the tacos. Let's get in line." She heads that direction, making sure he is with her each step of the way. No letting him drag behind because she will travel the same pace as he does.

SpyderByte has posed:
"I.. it.. haaa..sss.. t..twel..ve.. hundred.. an.. and.. thirteen.. reviews..." Jeremy says as his eyes glance upwards and to the right for a moment, as if he was actually looking at the figure in front of him before he glances back to her, or, at least, her feet. He doesn't make eye contact with her, not once.

Ping: << I'm sorry. I'm not good at this. >> A message comes across on her phone as he shuffles after her.

Ping: << This is why I wasn't sure if we should meet. I'm a loser. >>

He doesn't even hold his phone out as the messages come through, but he has one hand in his pocket, most likely clutching it in his palm tightly to keep the connection pure. He does follow her though, step by step, slow, painful lurches as if he was afraid to make quick movements. His right shoulder also hangs a bit lower than the left.

Supergirl has posed:
As her phone pings, Supergirl reaches into her pocket to check and make sure it isn't her parents. Seeing the green spider chat, she starts to reassure him when the second ping comes through.

"Don't." A single word. Not harsh or rude, just more a request of sorts, soft and plaintive. "You are not a loser. Those who have made you believe that should be treated the way they have treated you. Get a taste of their own medicine." She stops and turns to look at him, not quite to the line yet because she doesn't want to add the embarassment of them possibly being overheard to what is already embarassing for him.

"You are doing just fine, Spyder. This is what people do. Talk. Chat. I had no idea that Dos Bros was that popular and you taught me something so how can that be 'not very good at this'?" She gives him a soft smile again.

"Seriously though. I don't bite. We're just people having lunch and chatting. If you prefer to use this way," she says, holding up her phone. "I'll respect that but I have no problem with our verbal conversation either."

SpyderByte has posed:
Ping: << It's hard for me. My brain and my body doesn't work at the same time around people. It's embarrassing. >> Jeremy lifts a hand to rub the back of his head, his hair thick and shaggy and in need of a trim. Ping: << I'll try my best. >>

Slowly tilting his chin upwards, he glances up at her face for a moment before he moves his eyes to the line, stepping in behind someone. He takes in a deep breath, then lets it out with a slow sigh.

"S..ssssoo.. what.. d..do you.. wa-want to talk.. ah.. bout?"

He squeezes his free hand up into a tight fist, frustrated at himself. ".. I. l..ike... C...chi..chicken b..b...brrr..." He sighs out louder, his face scrunching up as he if he was about to cry. "BURRITO." The word comes out 'too' loud, causing others to glance over at him for a moment.

Supergirl has posed:
When he glances up, he will find Supergirl giving him a big smile even though he's been communicating in the way he prefers. Honestly, either way is fine by her.

When he mentions his order, she does not glance at the other people. She acts like there is nothing out of the ordinary because, really, there wasn't. Just because he had some challenges didn't mean there was something 'wrong' and to be treated as such.

"Hm. I am going to be adventurous here. I blame you," she says in a teasing way. "Two chicken burritos it is. I'm gonna get a soda. You want one too?"

Once the ordering was done, she gave a shrug. "We can talk about anything. Did you get your work done last night or find something else to do instead like video games or hacking into free HBO?"

SpyderByte has posed:
"Yes." Jeremy says in regards to the soda. Simple, easy, one word sentence. He keeps his eyes on the ground, shuffling his foot against it a few more times. As the line moves forward, he chews on his bottom lip again.

"Yes." He says again in regards to getting his homework done. "Wasss... up.. late." He says, moving the words slowly out of his mouth. "Texting." They finally reach the window and he peers up at the portly latino man, waiting for their order. He gives a glance to Kara, then back to him. He lets her order, his cheeks flushing a bit in embarrassment. Isn't that a guy's job to do? His father always drilled that into his head.

"I.. I.. w..wuh... was.. watching th... the.. news."

Supergirl has posed:
As they get to the truck, Supergirl gives their order and pays over the food. She glances over as they step to the side to wait for their meals to be completed and passed to them. The flush is noticed and she tries to figure out why. Maybe just his discomfort in general at having to deal with the world when he preferred to hide behind his tech.

"News huh? Did you see us?" Us meaning her and her phone. There had been a soundbite they shared with her saying "I couldn't have done it if not for the assistance of another hero."

"Texting huh? That is not the way to make sure you keep your nose to the books. Or grindstone. Or...something like that." She giggles. "My parents used to say stuff like that all the time to me."

SpyderByte has posed:
"Homework is easy." Jeremy says a bit more straight forward as he stares at his feet. "I d-don't need t-to resssearch.. mmmuch." He lifts a hand up and touches the side of his head a few times. Tap. Tap. "Cheat."

When the burritos are handed over and he takes his, he unwraps it carefully, keeping the foil hugging it halfway up so not to burn himself or dribble.

"W..as... s..sssspying.. o.. on.. uh.." He trails off for a moment. ".. P.. ola..nd..." He trails that word off slowly.

"Sssssaw something in the air. T.. tugged on a string and f-ffffound.. bad.. sssstuff."

Supergirl has posed:
As he unwraps his burrito, she watches carefully and copies his movements. Then she takes a big bite, letting out a low moan of approval as she chews. When she swallowed, she had to say, "This is like a gift from Rao. So good."

She heads back for the bench they had started from, so they can sit and talk while they eat. She frowns a little at his revelation. "Tugged a string? What kind of bad stuff? Is it something we need to act on?" We. Not I.

SpyderByte has posed:
As he settles down next to her, Jeremy takes out his phone and stares at the screen, then glances over to her.

There is a ping on her screen. << I went into the deeper part of the dark web and found a video captured on a cell phone of a Russian terrorist named Boris 'The Clench' Yugolaski. He kidnapped a family of six and chopped their heads off in the middle of the night. He plans on using it as a way to cause fear in Warsaw. I stole his text messages and translated them to discover that he was hired by a general of the Polish land forces so that they can use the attack as leverage to obtain more funding towards their military and then use it to apply pressure on Russia who recently buffed their border defenses. >>

He takes a few bites of his burrito as the phone goes off, seemingly able to text and eat at the same time.

Ping: << The video is horrific. I could not sleep afterwards. >>

Supergirl has posed:
As he explains, Supergirl is eating. Until he goes into the details. Cutting off heads of a family is bad enough but to find it out was done just as a political maneuver has her looking at him sharply with a bit of a scowl.

There was video. And he saw it. She winces, not even wanting to imagine it. "Well capturing the guy would be something I can do. But I don't know how to prove what he did was paid for by Poland." She chews thoughtfully a moment. "Well, not Poland. One general apparently. Was he backed by his government? If they knew what he did, he probably would be booted." She likes to think. She's also a bit naive at times.

SpyderByte has posed:
There is another ping on her phone. << There is all the information you need. Video also. Encrypted with password: 523f$#5w2Sdf2!56432e2JLKLM21## >>

<< I don't know what the protocol is with superheroes going into International countries and getting involved. Usually I make the information public on a global scale. No secerts in band camp. >>

He takes another bigger bite of the burrito, chewing on it. << And I do it with no digital footprint. I would not want the reprecussions if I was to get caught. >>

Supergirl has posed:
"Huh. You don't get those warnings that your password isn't strong enough ever, do you? I mean, I use my cat's name. I feel inadequate now." She doesn't want to giggle but the difference in that password and what she uses is pretty humorous.

Supergirl focuses again on the topic at hand. "Not sure there is a protocol. If we are needed, we go. Even here, technically we can be considered vigilantes if we cross the line on things." She shrugs a little. "I never really think about that though. I just do what I can."

She glances at him again as she takes a sip of her drink before setting it back down on the seat beside her. "Maybe that would be the best way. Just throw it out there publicly. Let everyone see what they did and then the government can deal with that General their own way."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I don't use the same password for anything. I have a random generator. >> Jeremy's next message comes across the screen. << But I always add more characters on to the end of it. It's not perfect but better than most. >>

<< I could do that. Put it out in public. Is there anything that you want me to look for in general? >>

That's his way of asking for a mission. He finishes the burrito and crinkles the foil into a ball, then goes about sipping away at his soda as he places the foil next to him on the bench.

Supergirl has posed:
"That's a good question. I don't even know where to start. I guess something I can punch." Supergirl giggles. "I mean, that's what I do really when you boil it all down. Not very nice but it's my gift."

She finishes off her own burrito and sets the wrapper next to her drink. "Oh! I have an idea. Maybe keep an eye out for reports about vigilantes or heroes? Like new ones on the scene, not the ones who have been doing this forever like Batman and Superman. They don't need a team to help them learn how to do it all the right way."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Most of that comes out of New York City. Home of the Superheroes it seems. There is one in Gotham that stands out. She is called The Beacon. >> Jeremy blinks a message towards her phone.

<< Light based powers. *inserts a few shots of her from city cameras with low light* Very young. Patrols the poor parts of Gotham. >>

His eyes finally lift from somewhere other than his feet, glancing over at her for a moment, then rubs the back of his neck.

Supergirl has posed:
"Interesting. Wonder how old she is," Supergirl muses as she looks at the images on the screen. "I don't want to go too young. I mean, this isn't about putting kids in danger." Spoken from the ancient age of 19! "But she might be a possibility. Considering the team so far consists of a witch, you and me."

See how she did that? He's part of the team in her head, even though he declined yesterday.

"I can reach out to some of the Gotham heroes and see if they've dealt with her. Red Robin, Nightwing." She doesn't suggest Batman. "Though technically Nightwing is in Bludhaven anymore but they are practically the same city."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Older than me I think. You have a witch? >> There is a raise of Jeremy's brows as he spins his phone about in his hands slowly.

<< I still don't know if I would make a good teammate. Maybe a contractor for specialty jobs. Think it would be weird having a teammate who can't talk and stays home all day. >> His lips give a bit of a twitch. << I don't even have a costume, or a cape. >>

Supergirl has posed:
"Like I said, not all heroes have capes. We have heroes that spend time doing what you do too. I know that there is one that helps the Justice League sometimes. Even Batman's crew. So it makes sense to have someone like you. And theirs doesn't even have your abilities. Makes you even better. You would be safe, away from the fighting, unless you wanted to be otherwise."

She grins a little. "I mean unless you want a costume. I'm sure we can figure something out. And yes, we have a witch. She's around my age. Maybe a little older. Was an apprentice to a wizard but she wants to learn more, be able to do more just like me. Someday she might need to take Zatanna's place on the League, after all!"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I guess I can join your team. Would be nice to have friends. >> Jeremy relents as he taps his fingers together before he glances down at his phone again. He hesitates, then looks up at her, his voice coming out raspy and stuttery.

"I.. I'mmm.. J.. uh.. eremy. Jeremy."

He squeezes his phone a bit tighter in his hands, exhaling a breath.

Supergirl has posed:
That earns one of her brightest smiles. "It's nice to meet you, Jeremy. Good name."

Then she has to make a decision. He could have found out at any time. Her phone has her parents and her sister in it. Not difficult to figure out who she is were he to follow the trail. Kal would be upset with her but considering he had friends who knew his secret, even if the lady he liked didn't, he really didn't have a leg to stand on. She offered her hand.

"I'm Kara."

SpyderByte has posed:
Reaching out to take her hand, Jeremy gives it a weak squeeze. He's trembling a bit in nervous energy.

"H.. hello.. K...K-ara." He says the words so softly, just an octave above a whisper.

His lips give a twitch into a small smile, finally, a bit relieved. He tries to force himself to relax, even if he's going back to staring at the ground once more.