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Sniffing out Bargains
Date of Scene: 13 May 2020
Location: A random thrift store
Synopsis: Mercy and Saoirse discuss the world and food boxes while thrift shopping
Cast of Characters: Saoirse Flynn, Mercy Thompson

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
In a Goodwill store in Harlem, nothing is horribly fancy. Basic things for the small cramped space that they could afford. Saoirse floats about 4 feet up from the ground, rummaging through the shelves of electronics. Nothing she really needs there, so she moves to clothing. Coming down to float a foot above the ground she puts up a 70's style green dress to admire herself in the mirror. "Hmm. Looks comfy, but my hips are too big..my boobs might strech it out a bit too..No no. Not this one." Putting it back she moves to the next thing on the rack, sliding the metal hangars from one to the next.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's not got that problem. Not yet at least given she wears coveralls most of the day and works on old cars, and oft times, bikes. Stepping over to the clothes Mercy pauses, watching Saoirse. Okay, she's floating. She is....floating. Not the strangest thing Mercy has seen this week and the Native American walker isn't floating. Her booted soles are firmly on the floor. That dress mind is interesting. Not for Mercy, but in a 'oh that is nice' way.

Growing up in Montana has that effect on Mercy really...when she grew up in the wilds hours and hours from places like Missoula or even Butte...Mercy's always pleased to find what's in fashion in the big city.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns. She picks up a red hat with white lettering. "Make America Great Again. Hmm. I can agree with that, I like a great America. Doesn't everyone? Okay, I'll get that one. Maybe I can go on one of the rollercoasters. I hope I wouldn't pee though. So scary."

Tucking the hat under her arm, she continues to browse (noisily). The staff are used to the floating girl, regarding her as harmless. She pulls out a black blouse "Oh, this would be pretty on Michelle..but she wouldn't wear it, she hates sleeveless." Pulling up next a pair of leggings, she streches them out. "Hee...strechy..strechy-strechy-strechy pants." Putting the purple leggings down to her bottom half she purses her lips as she considers. "I think they'd cover my butt..okay, we'll put that in the yes pile. Oh, red tag, on sale! 40 percent off, score!" She slings the leggings over her right shoulder.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's trying not to intrude but....

"Rollercoasters aren't that bad" she observes and picks out some sneakers, inspecting them as she turns them over and over in her hands as if appraising them. "$7.45 for both sneakers? While on sale? Sure why not" she observes and picks out a Gotham Knights jacket, putting it back after inspecting it again with a shake of her head.

"Not my thing" Mercy muses looking thoughtful, then picks out a jacket with a coyote mblem on it. "More my thing"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns. "Well..they kind of are, they go fast, and if that bar wasn't there you'd float right out! Well..I guess I would float right out. Most people wouldn't. Because most people don't float. Some do..but not that many really." She hmmns. "My shoes last quite a while. Though..that's probably because I don't really use my feet very much." She floats right on over the racks to look at what Mercy's looking at.

"You should wear like a bangle, or an anklet. Oh, an anklet would look very nice on you! Then you could say things to allure prospective mates like, check out my feet. See? They have what's the slang? Bling? They have bling. I have very sexually alluring ankles highlighted by the anklet, which brings attention to the ankles which we're highlighting for the example in this conversation. Though..I don't think they sell anklet's here."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"People float in water. Are you saying rollercoasters go in water?" Mercy asks. Oh no, Mercy. You're asking the good questions now...

She loooks over to Saoirse, or more up toward Saoirse. "It'd just get in the way of my work an given I work with old cars" Mercy muses. "Probably not going to help me find anyone, though I'm not single. God knows I have enough people ready and willing to run possible mates off if they're not good enough" Mercy muses. Oh sure. Let the big scary nasty werewolves fly in, scare somebody and make them flee the area...

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "At Great America they have some, then go up in the air, then through the water, and you wave your hands up and go whaoooooooah, as you sploosh right through the water!" She waves her hands to demonstratte, the clothing whipping about as she does so.

"So..Oh! If you already have a romantic partner in your life, good for you! I don't. I used to, her name was Sierra. She could make her hands be really hot and she'd melt marshmallows in her hands, and we'd eat them till we were a gooey yummy mess! So tasty!"

Taking a moment to relish the delightful thought, she flips upside down so she's more face to face (but inverted) with Mercy. Though her hair flows as normal, instead of down towards the floor. "If you found the person you like to hug, and kiss, and have orgasms and stuff with, then good for you! That really saves on the fees for things like eharmony, and bars. Oh! I know! If you have all these suitors coming after you because they are attracted to your attractiveness..you know, because your a sexually attractive or alluring woman, and you don't need that many since it sounds like you have them to spare, can you send some towards my sister? It seems like she could use a companion. It will either be less grumpy because she would being having adult activities, or it could make her grumpier. Hmm. It is a risk. I'll have to do a risk assessment. I suppose those assessment materials would probably be cosmopolitan."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks thoughtful, then over to Saoirse and looks more thoughtful. "Cosmopolitan is risk assessment? Really? For me, car manuals are. So" she says and looks over to Saoirse and pulls out a leprechaun t-shirt. If anything she puts it back for a moment then digs through it. "What about....hmm" she offers listening tg to Saoirse again. "Marshmallows huh and gooey things and stuff? And...wait....you want my family to give your sister companionship?" she asks looking a little lost. "I....they aren't the nicest people, territorial, pushy, angry a bit, they are, honestly...they're out in the middle of nowhere up in Montana so if your sister wants to pay air fare...then sure, I guess?I could call them?" Mercy asks.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse blinks "Family? Well no, it sounded like you were saying that you had people that chase away all the romantic interests you have? They sound kind of like Michelle..she doesn't need airfare though, she can fly. And she has access to helicopters and military transports. She gets to fly for free to places. I get free marshmallows from an endorsement deal she did. Hee..I think I got the better benefit." She reaches into her pocket, and after a moment of obvious plastic rustling she pulls out a marshmallow, but reaches down to stick it into Mercy's hair if she can pull it off, and pretends to rustle through it. "Look at that, I see..something...oh look!" She pulls out the large-sized campire marshmallow. "It's an UltraPuff Marshmallow, what was /that/ doing in there? Here, it's from you, so you should totally eat it!" Yup, there's no magic there, Mercy's able to see her pull out the marshmallow, from a bag that's tucked in her pocket and still kind of hanging out.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Ever made s'mores?" Mercy asks seriously and nods. "It's all good, all chocolate, marshmallow and cracker. Just need a campfire and you're sorted" Mercy adds with a gleam in her eye. "Or hot dogs on a fork, or, or, you know...what about, hmm" Mercy says tapping her nose. "What about, hmm....what about...let's see, what about campfire food as a whole?" she asks and nods.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods softly "Mmmhmmn. Though..um...I don't think there's chocolate, or graham crackers, or fire in your hair there. I'm pretty sure there's only so much room..for the marshmallows." She reaches down to put the marshmallow into Mercy's mouth and try to tuck it in there with the tip of a finger. "I've never had hotdog on a stick but I've had other things. Sometimes Michelle goes on camping trips with people from the military. They usually don't bring me along, but sometimes I get to go. When I do I get to move the equipment because it's pretty easy for me. I also get to eat donuts, and things with bacon, sometimes there's fish. They drink beer, but that's pretty gross to me. I prefer diet Snapple. The raspberry or the mango are really good flavors."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
It's hard to talk with a marshmallow in her mouth. Instead, chomp chomp chomp lick chomp...or something like thaat as she's getting her thoughts in order and food eaten. By 'food', sudden free marshmallow gift. All she can do is nod along at Saoirse's points and look interested given her mouth's full of marshmalllow.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse picks up a pair of jeans and holds them up to herself (as she's upside down and all now) "Hmm..not enough hips..they wouldn't fit." Then puts them down. "Let's see..big-butt jeans..big butt...maybe these? If I wear a snug belt that might work" She puts over her arm. She offers to Mercy "I'm Saoirse! Don't worry, I'm not going to chase after you romantically, so you don't have to send anyone to chase me off okay?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods and laughs, "They'll probably assume you're my assistant or something so" Mercy shrugs. Calling the pack may or may not be a good idea. Well, depending on how much trouble Mercy wants to drop herself into mind. Hey at least she can speak now with no marshmallow in her mouth

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse picks out a black torn pair of leggings. "Oooh, I can be an assistant? What would I assist with?" She goes towards the floor, reaching out to hold the leggings against Mercy's legs. "How about these? These strechy pants wold look good on you, some people like the rippy look, I think they would look good on you with the rips. And as long as you wear underwear, you don't really have to worry about how many times people tooted in the pants, or anything like that."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to the leggings. "I'm a mechanic by trade. I wear overalls for work and construction boots" she explains and looks pleased, "What about you? I mean, I could use an assistant who is good with cars and wrenches" she offers and looks glad.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse shakes her head "I'm not really good with cars, or wrenches. I don't walk very well, and I haven't driven. I haven't really needed to though, I usually just float where I need to go."

She mmns. "Well, there isn't any reason you cant wear strechies? Some people look sexy, sometimes I feel sexy in them, sometimes I feel like I have a fat butt. It's more fat butt if it's the only bottoms I'm wearing, that's more for curling up and watching a scary movie like Ghostbusters at home. But I do like wearing them with a dress. The secret is if you wear something over them like a skirt, they it hides the buldge of your butt. So if you have a fat butt, a skinny butt, a toned butt, a bouncy butt, a wiggly-jiggly butt, it keeps the but pretty well in place, you get the good feeling of snuggy-support, you now for your butt, yet you don't have to deal with having all those curvy-curves being stared at. It really cuts down on the self-conciousness of wearing them."

She holds the leggings out to Mercy "Wanna give them a try, since they're ripped they're 50 percent off!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy laughs taking the leggigns. "Sure, I'll fly to Montana in those and get all my family asking if I dumpster dived. I can hear it now. Do I care? Nah" Mercy chuckles a little and adds it to her pile of things. All...two items.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse blinks "Oh? Can you fly?" She smiles brightly moving back up to float right-side-up about a foot from the floor. "Flying is pretty nice, It takes some finesse but once you do it's pretty useful! If your going to visit your family you should take them a gift from new york! What do we have here? Let's see..we have rats..but noone wants a rat. We have pizza, but it wouldn't be very good by then. We have crime..but noone likes crime. And you can't really take that with you. How about a snowglobe? It would travel well, and everyone likes when it snows right?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"No I just walk or drive" Mercy says cheerily, "Okay let's see....what've we got here in New York....aside from what you mentioned. We got history, brownstones, we got attitude here. Iff I bring any of that I'll get thrown right back East and with a lecture, a 'Now Mercy you sit and pay attention'" she says doing the air quotes thing with her hands. Shaking her head Mercy ponders and tilts her head a little. "Hmm, we got taxis, I could get one and have it shipped over. yeah like they'll enjoy that" she nods. "And no, nobody likes crime. I know I don't"

Mercy pulls out a pair of socks with a reindeer design on them.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse purses her lips a little "Well, they have taxi's all over, and now ubers and things too. I'm not sure about attitude..isn't that what you make of it? You could have a really good personality, or a poor one, and your circumstances will reflect often what knd of attitude you have."

Saoirse hmmns. "Oh, I know, you could take them a food kit from here! One of those little boxes with all the food in it, and it's themed from new york, and then they could have a tasty snack?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh, I like that. I could put together something from the deli and take it with me. Or do that and the food box" Mercy offers. "I could ask around and get a box made for the food yes?" she asks with a grin tapping her nose. Oh she's getting ideas now...which is both good and terrifying...very much so.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse peers for a moment at the nose tapping, then reaching over she tries to squeeze Mercy's nose lightly as she isn't quite sure what she is doing there, but adds a soft "Heeeee....".

She rembmers "Oh, they make hot/cold coolers too! You plug them in and they get hot or cold. But not really both, it should help your meal design reach it's destination and still remain as fresh as possible!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods and looks pleased. "They do, and I'm getting more ideas. hey hey, hands off my nose. I need that!" she adds and looks deep in thought. "So basically tour delis and get a bit of food from each one, and...then send it to Montana. I'll probably get...I dunno, a deer or something in return. Knowing my people...probably" she obbservs dryly with a smirk.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse retracts after the nose pinch. "Oh, I thought you saying to do something with your nose, well not with your words but your fingers."

Saoirse shakes her head "Oh, I don't think you should have a deer here, it's very city oriented and deer need space to run. And I'm not sure it's so easy to get deer food here. What if you run out? There's not really much grass for it to eat, it would also be very difficult to walk in a park too."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"All good points" Mercy admits. "Though there's a park near my shop mind but....again, not much grass" she says sounding a little defeated. "Though let's see...Central Park, all that grass but really, a deer wouldn't work in the city, would it?" Mercy adds with a smile. "I mean. not like having a dog or a cat, nah"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "It wouldn't, there's a lot of people, and a lot of homeless like to sleep on the ground in the day, and you would have to pick up the poo, so..well. I think it would be a pretty big challenge."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"See. See this is why I'd much stick to cats or dogs" Mercy nods looking relieved. "See, deer are beautiful however though..." she offers watching Saoirse with a nod. "Same for horses, really. Cats, too" she says sounding thoughtful and pleased at the idea of having a cat or a dog too. Se, Mercy's smart. Andd can turn into a coyote at will.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse can turn into...a...Saoirse. Okay maybe she can't transform. "I like cats, you can pet them if they want to be petted. Dogs kind of seem like a lot to take care of. I've never seen a horse that up close before. I float so I don't really need to ride anywhere. On a horse."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is listening all the while figuring out what she wantts to grab that's on sale. Watching Saoirse Mercy laughs. "Horses are good, but no room for them here I'm afraid. Though you got a good idea with the food boxes. I do need to check in on my garage mind....though what else would work for food gifts?" she wonders.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns. "Well..." she looks thoughtful. "You could do chocolates that are made in the city, or caramel apples, or wine, or different food things from the specialty farms outside of the city more towards New Jersy, you could do beef jerky, or bacon jerky, or all kinds of different things really."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"That's a big big list" Mercy offers and nods, making mental notes. "But...but...can you ever have enough chocolate?" she asks with a glint in her eye. "I like that list mind, but...."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns putting a finger to her cheek. "Well. You didn't ask for a specific list, or any kind of requirements for the query so there's a lot more possibilities. You could probably come up with a variety of things, like 484,264 differnt items that could could take or ship that have a variety of influences with New York, either city or state that are food related. That's just the ones I can really forsee without having a computer or anything."

She hmmns. "You know, you should also go to an event like a music festival or something and have someone take a picture of you having fun and send it, so they know your doing well and having fun! It's like a fun hug, showing your okay and thinking of them!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy just opens her mouth and closes it again. "Okay, that's....that's a lot really" Mercy muses with a look, "284 thousand? Okay I've not got that much space on my list, okay okay" Mercy admits making a little pile of her stuff that she wants.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "Yeah, it kind of is a lot, though I do love labeling things." She hmmns. "You know, you said you were romantically involved, maybe you should try making some food, or some treats for your romantic someone! If it's a boy, they like bacon, and meats, and if it's a girl they like chocolates, and flowers, and beef jerkys. If it's something else..well, I don't know, those gender roles are not very well defined. So how aout it? Oh oh, you could get a little burner, put it on a table, a non-wooden table, and make micro-smores! Men, Women, and Others should all like that!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh, oh, I could" Mercy nods and checks her watch with a wry grin. "Though I could, but I do need to head back to my garage however. I could justt see if I can get one for cheap, or shutter up my shop and see about this food box thing is easy to do" Mercy nods as she nods heading for the counter to pay.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods waving "Okay, well good lucky with your food and romance adventures! Make sure to cook all food thorughly because undercooked meat carries a higher potential for foodbourne illness!"