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(Cole and Nick run into each other at the Goodwill)
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Latest revision as of 23:37, 17 May 2020

A time of Goodwill
Date of Scene: 16 May 2020
Location: Goodwill NYNJ Store and Donation Center - Chelsea
Synopsis: Cole and Nick run into each other at the Goodwill
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Grifter

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the temperatures start to progress further and further on up into the 70s during the afternoona. A lot of people are choosing to favor the ligher clothes. Tshirts, shorts, and sandals. All of that stuff is getting snatched up by many. But what does that really mean?

Winter and Fall clothes are heavily discounted. That's what. And there is one particular rocker who is banking on that as he scours the CLEARANCE clearance section of the Goodwill. It is orange tag day where anything with an orange tag is $2 or LESS. How the heck do you not look?!

Despite the sale, the store is pretty barren of people. Other than the cashier and the other store attendant putting clothes on the rack, Nick hasn't seen another soul. That combined with it still being morning and in the cooler temperatures, it is a perfect time for the knitcapped man to check out the cool weather accessories and right now, he's in the market for getting a few backup caps. He seems to have a knack for losing them.

Grifter has posed:
Cole's not one of those banking on knitcaps. He is however, without his mask. It's easily to hand, true. But he's been steadily scoping out the joint. Oh no no he won't steal the $2 stuff. That goes on expenses. He'll explain that one come report time. As of right now however? He's in here, looking for clothes. The more that fit his style, the better.

"Huh" he says and digs through a pile of orange tagged sweaters. Those'll come in handy for winter, or fall, or regifting his teammates. He'll only try that once mind.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With Cole sans mask, there's little to draw Nick's attention to the other man as his perusal of one of the upper rack shelves rounds the corner, placing him into the same aisle as Cole. Alright, so there was another patron that he hadn't noticed before.

Huh. Oh well. It's not like this is the first time he's missed key details.

He picks up a knit cap, turning it inside out to check the stitching.

Grifter has posed:
Okay, now, what, why, and...who would ever, ever willingly buy the sweater Cole has as he holds it up. Reindeer, snow, sleighs, a Santa and....oh no just....no

It's hideous and thick and....Cole's holding it up to show off how awful it is. "I get why this is orange tagged" Cole muses and goes to set it back again, hiding the awful, awful sweater hiding away. Looking over to Nick. Cole doesn't say a word. He's just....he's just....

Why. Why at the sweater.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the commentary, Nick turns his head curiously to look over to Cole. Well, more importantly the hideously composed Christmas Sweater design. OH GOD.

"That was specifically designed for an Ugly Christmas Sweater party." Nick assesses, pointing an accusing finger towards it while the pinky ,ring, and middle finger secure the knitcap he had been inspecting, "There is NO way that was worn seriously."

Grifter has posed:
"No shit" Cole says dryly. "It's the sort of stuff a blind grandma would get for her frat kid ain't it?" he asks with a grin. "So" he nods. "I was just looking for sweaters. My favored one at work got ruined. It's a long story"

Yeah, it got ruined by coffee got spilled over it. Looking over at Nick again, Cole shakes his head, all but pawing through the orange tagged items. It's slowly. Slowly getting better item wise.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the pile and nods. "I'm just shopping for a couple backup knit caps." He responds in kind. Not really conversation material but being Cole was forthcoming with his shopping list. "Good luck with the sweater thing." He turns back to look to the knit caps, pausing once more to glance towards Cole again. Trying to remember where he's seen him before.

Grifter has posed:
Cole smiles. "Knitcaps are good" he says, sliding out a set of jeans to check the tags. "Okay, these'll do" he muses with a look over the jeans and watching everything going on. He's quiet, just not giving away where he's run into Nick. If Cole had his mask on, it'd be easy to place him, but...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances back to the knitcap, turning it right side out upon it passing inspection. But the nagging feeling is still there. "Do you shop here a lot?"

Grifter has posed:
Cole shakes his head looking ovee at Nick. "You're....hm" he offers. "I swear I saw you somewhere before though but I can't place where...wait a minute" he says clicking his fingers, "I thought I saw you in a coffee shop or something?" he asks, folding jeans into a pile in his arms. Nope, no guns. Just jeans.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The suggestion seems to be sufficient to jog the memory of the rocker. "Coffee-" His eyes close in a moment of recollection. "...Ah- yes! You were asking about something being on the menu and ended up not getting it."

Mystery solved, Nick nods, looking back to the shelf to pick through the rest of the assortment. He holds on to the one that passed inspection. "Small world."

Grifter has posed:
"Then had to put up with airplane coffee. Which is water over sludge, yes" he admits. "Give me coffee shop coffee any day" he adds and digs through the Christmas sweaters. "Got a friend this'd be perfect for" he admits. Oh yes. Give the exotic dancer the sweater. She who does psionic blasts. It's a game of 'how far can he run away before she clubs him with psionic blasts' really. At least in his head.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Tip. Before you order airplane coffee again, ask yourself. Where do they get the water for the coffee?" Nick warns, turning another cap inside out to check the stitching. "I'll give you a hint. It sure as hell isn't bottled."

He glances over as Grifter holds up another sweater. A brow arches in assessment. "Hope the friend has a sense of humor."

Grifter has posed:
There's a gagging sound from Grifter. "Not funny, dick. I was flying economy class too" he shudders. "On one of those cheap we took the seats out to save money, airlines. I make good money but have to fly cattle class? The hell?" he asks, not a happy bunny with Marlowe's stipulations on business class travel. He should just take Voodoo's lead and live in the area permanently. Yeah no. He has a lot of frequent flyer miles...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It wasn't meant to be funny," Nick points out, and yet he's smirking at Cole's reaction, "Just from one traveler to another. Don't get the coffee, don't use the ice, and don't put your food directly on the table on the back of the seat."

Grifter has posed:
"Three commandments of flying" Cole adds and pretends to cross himself. "Thou shalt not use thy holy table for Satan has shit on it. Thou shalt not drink five beers and sit in an exit row at altitude. Thou shalt inspect the coffeee thoroughly before sipping it..." he grins. "Need I go on?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick snerks as Cole goes through the airline commandments, shaking his head as he turns the second knitcap rightside out and chucks it onto the shelf again. Well, it's looking like it'll just be one knitcap today. "I think we got them covered."

He lifts up the knitcap. "Looks like it is just the one for today. Have fun looking through the Seasonal Slander Sweaters."

Grifter has posed:
"One knitcap more than me" Cole offers. "I'm just buying up all the tagged pants. If my work wants a dress code then I'll go cheap...and put the money toward good plane tickets" he says and grimaces a little. "As in, not coach class. No. Just no"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick chuckles, lifting up a free hand to give a slight wave in farewell before heading to the register area to make his purchase.