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(Cole tracks down a demonite (with help) and doesn't make a good first impression on Thomas)
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Latest revision as of 23:38, 17 May 2020

That's not a parking spot!
Date of Scene: 16 May 2020
Location: Blue Lady parking lot and surrounding streets
Synopsis: Cole tracks down a demonite (with help) and doesn't make a good first impression on Thomas
Cast of Characters: Grifter, Thomas Raith, Phantasm (Drago)

Grifter has posed:
Dusk at the Blue Lady is usually quiet. Key word. Usually...

Tonight, not usual. There's pounding footsteps and a quartet of sleek bullet bikes chasing down a figure. Hello, demonitetarget of WildCAT team's patrol. They were stupid enough to run. Okay, they ran from Beacon Hills all the way to here. There was that brief shootout in Sunnydale, the one outside Mac's that they got the pub owner angry at them with, and....ah yeah the one where Grifter nearly became sidewalk pizza.

Great, the three bullet bikes look are moving as one. Grifter and his teammates are working together to trap their target. Great. This was meant to be a simple recon mission.

Look what happened. Sheesh. Look what this turned into. On the plus side, Marlowe's going to have a lot of paperwork to go over once this is all done. "Slow down damn it" Grifter calls, the bikes chasing while not breaking any traffic laws. That was Grifter's decision. That Demonite on a Vespa-type thing's already in line to get a few hundred tickets. So why not hang back, and...oh great. Into the parking lot...this'll get very messy, very quickly

Thomas Raith has posed:
Rafael Hernandez was called Axe by everyone who knew him. His own mother called him Axe. when his fiance took him to a PTA meeting, it took her a solid 10 seconds to remember his right name to introduce him to their daughter's teacher. Raphael came by his sobriquet through a very simple method. he carried a twin pair of tomahawks at his side at nearly all times. He loved his job working the front door at the Blue Lady, as it let him interact with beautiful people many of which were very impressed with the hardware. Still he knew his limits. and as the bikes came roaring towards him he quickly got on his walkie and called "Boss we may have a problem down here."

Grifter has posed:
Latent telepathy's a gift...and a curse. Cole hears Axe and looks over getting off the bike. Alright,time to thug it up then. "Hey don't call your...wait is this the Blue Lady?" he asks. Hey, smooth tallker's a gift for Cole. "We got the guy that's been skimming from you guys. He ran off when he saw us"

It's a roll of the dice but three WildCAT members, including Cole, with guns and fists and Demonite killing as their mandate. Who cares about a little white lie or two, or ten, to get the point across really? Cole's taking the lead on this one...

"So yeah, this guy's been taking cash from clubs and businesses in the area. He picked one we look after so..." Cole says adding to the story. If he can make it sound believeable...

Thomas Raith has posed:
The Man in the White Suit, steps out of a side door, tilting his head slightly at the others words. "Well if that is true," he says calmly, "That would be a grave mistake on his part. Still I find it unlikely, I handle all accounts for my club personally and I'm fairly sure that I've never seen this person before." He shoots his cuffs slightly and regards his subordinate. "Axe, go inside I'll be in in a minute." He then turns to look from Cole to his quarry and back again. ~Of all the days for me to let Buffy sleep in...

Grifter has posed:
Cole's not giving up. Just falling quiet while he works on his next move. "Well, when he was running off, we found receipts from here that fell out of his pocket and money. So you get why he stole it" Cole offers. Sure, roll the dice, but Cole can figure out Thomas is confused and annnoyed. As are Cole and the WildCATS team too.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The intense irony here is that may a monster has met their (final) death right where Cole had lead this one. Perhaps it's fate but it happens on such a regular basis that the Blue Lady staff has protocols already in play for dealing with it. But then the guy went and lied to Thomas and that sort of annoys the Incubus. He draws a Kukri knife from behind his back and tests it's edge with his thumb. His eyes shift from sapphire blue to pale silver. "He looks from one man to the other slowly and says in a calm voice" Both of you consider your next words carefully. What. Is. Going. On?

Grifter has posed:
Cole's own eyes narrow on the Demonite. "You want me to level with you? Fine. We're here to kill this guy" he says jerking a thumb at the Demonite, one certain digit raised too. Yeah fuck you too, Demonite!

Cole grits his teeth. "So if you don't mind" Cole offers. "I've a job to do. Either bring this guy in dead, or very much dead"

Cole wants this one dead. Turns out if the guy down the block who does those sweet candies ends up dead, Cole isn't okay with that. That happened, Cole's out for revenge and blood. Preferbably both at once.

"He's an alien murderer that loves easy prey" Cole offers. It's like a briefing with a new partner or something. Great. "So either you kill him, or I do. You kill me, Halo Corporation will ask questions"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs slightly at that, the kind of sigh one makes when the child, having denied getting into the pudding for 20 minutes dispute having it smeared all over their faces, finally admits to their sin. He nods sagely and asks, in a deadly calm voice "And Why should I allow that?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick, while still living in New York, has found himself spending more and more time over in this general area. You can partially blame Buffy for that. But as for tonight well-

Someone REALLY need to talk to Rei about his shenanigans. Another lamp has apparently been sacrificed to show him the error of his ways and while Rei's soaking up the lesson, he's not playing the piano.

And so, appearance cleaned up from the Goodwill attire to something much more presentable. Face cleanshaven ane the hair that is fighting its way back to the length of before is tied back into a nub of a ponytail. Slung against the back of the dress shirt, the same backpack he's been taking to the Magic Box for training.

Laking a car, the musician had doen a collective approach in the form of public transportation and walking, the latter being his current form of approach as he comes across the scene. His steps slow as he sees Thomas outside talking to a man wearing a -

"Shit." He murmurs, bringing up a hand to cover his face. He shifts slightly features mirroring the usual. Might want to tap into the powers, just in case.

Still looking like himself, just mirrored, he strolls forward, looking to Thomas, "Hey! What's going on?"

Grifter has posed:
"Because" Cole says, the two others in his trio on their bikes, ready to kill the Demonite with a word. "Because that guy's a danger to us all. If he lives he'll come back here and kill the folks in there. Is that what,,...a jazz strip club or something?" Cole asks. Keep running your mouth, Grifter, see where it gets you...

Watching Thomas and the blade, Cole shakes his head. "Why shouldn't you, that's the better question" he begins, catching his words before he ends up in a world of trouble. Or, more trouble

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks over as the other man arrives. "Nick, glad you could make it. Sorry about the short notice. Sasha is in here dressing room doing... Whatever it is that she does in there to make herself ready." He points with his Kukri knife and says "Also that one is a demon." he points at Cole "That one is a liar." he points back at the building "And Buffy is asleep upstairs and I don't wanna wake her. She had a rough night." he shrugs "I'm tempted to let them just rip each other apart."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick flinches a little at the mention of Buffy having a rough night. "By all means let her sleep." Nick replies back with a nod.

He glances towards the group, looking to the group, "Ok so, Red Mask is a liar. The other guy is a Demon..."

He pauses, "Good or bad?"

Grifter has posed:
Cole looks over Thomas then to Nick, the Demonite deciding while the WildCATS are distracted, to run away. Problem? Well, two. One, trying to find and in theory steal Thomas's car. Which just involves running around the parking lot...and two. Insisting on car keys to get away from the team. Yeah. Right...

Cole watches. Okay. Demonites don't win prizes for smarts. This one in particular that wants to run away with anything that looks shiny and worth stealing. Great.

Looking over to Nick, Cole can't place where he's seen him before, but...but.....what the hell.

The demonite's charging Thomas demanding car keys and his car, or he'll break in and steal it. Yeaah, bad idea

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith actually sighs in annoyance as he gets charged. He was actually leaning on being on the demonite's side a little bit. Not allot... Like 60/40, but still the thing hadn't tried to lie to him first. Then it goes and does something equally stupid. To say Thomas is inhumanlly fast is a bit unfair since that would imply a human baseline, but still. He spins casually out of the way of the charging demonite and slides the scalpel sharp blade of his Kukri through the tendons on the back of it's leeg, hamstringing it. Thomas neglegeently then flicks the blood from his blade. "Probibly bad." He answers Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head, watching the Daemonite charge towards Thomas. "Of all the stu-" He makes no move to try and stop the creature charging Thomas. He's aware that the club owner can probably handle this guy and Thomas quickly demonstrates it.

But right now he wants information. He looks over to Cole, frowning. "Okay, Bad Demon. Is the Host recoverable?"

Grifter has posed:
Cole shakes his head. "No, host was a dealer out of Sunnydale" he offers looking displeased. "As in. Can his hamstring heal? Yes. Wil he ever be the same? No" Cole mutters shaking his head. Shaking his head again Cole reaches for one of his Vulcan Arms Division PP30 particle pulse handguns...as he's aiming at the Demonite, thumb cranking up the setting on it. "So. This guy is a killer" he says. "That is worse than a liar. Now" Cole says simply. "Demonite bad. Murdering demonite worse" Cole nods

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs, "Depends on your perception. Mine is that you lied to me personally whike this thing apparently only ever killed a drug dealer. To me that makes your lie worse... However it did get it's blood on the cuff of my suit and it's nearly impossible to get blood out of white silk, and that /is/ more egregious still.. " He shakes his head slightly," What my friend here wants to know is can this thing be human again? "

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, tilting to Thomas as he rephrases his question. Yeah. What HE said. "And if so, how?" Might as well make this an essay question.

Grifter has posed:
Cole shrugs. "Some do. Some don't. That one? Well...sliced through his hamstring, so....good luck recovering. If you got the number of a good physio...call them, cart that poor guy in. And then, for an added go fuck yourselff to himm, bill him for dry cleaning" Cole shrugs and laughs. An evil, cold laugh. It's the sort of stuff Cole would do...and with that, he fires a shot toward the Demonit'es head. Aiming between the eyes and takes off on his bike.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The Incubus blinks as the demonite falls dead. His eyes narrow down as Grifter and his Allies ride offf Thomas says calmly, "I don't think I like that man." Then to Nick he says, "Go get Smash. He'll handle the body. Then get changed for your set. I'm going to go wake up Buffy.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, he kind of got a answer but kind of did not. And while Nick was listening, he didn't really realize what was about to happen until there's a spray of gore. He jumps back, Some droplets landing, while other droplets fly through him.

"Goddammit. Not again." Nick mutters, watching as the masked man rides off, "I don't either."

He turns, shirt going back to clean as he shifts back to normal. Seems the powers helped in a way. "Yeah. Sure."