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(Nick's past comes back to annoy him. Duncan takes care of the ensuing headache)
(No difference)

Revision as of 00:17, 20 May 2020

Monday Madness
Date of Scene: 19 May 2020
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Nick's past comes back to annoy him. Duncan takes care of the ensuing headache
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Duncan MacLeod

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
In Hell's Kitchen, it is a Monday like any other. People go to work, people stay at home. And some people just like to linger. It's a pretty good summary of what is seen all day on these streets. Even with the passage of time there are clusters of people hanging around, chatting away.

The temperatures for the incoming evening are rather pleasant being in mid-May. Not too hot. Not too cold.

While not necessary, a knitcap would not get looked at oddly now that the daytime sun has gone away and Nick is banking on that. Exiting an apartment building, the knitcapped musician strolls, hand holding on to the strap of a loosely packed bookbag on his back as he steps quickly. He doesn't really like being in this area of town but, when your only aunt refuses to move from the area and she wants a family dinner- Well, you make do.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
It's been a while since Duncan was in New York. He may be long lived, but that doesn't make his memory perfect by any means. It is probably a wrong turn somewhere that brings him to Hell's Kitchen, but he moves through the area without too much concern. Watchful and wary of course, he immortal not stupid.
His coat blows in the light breeze and the wake of his passing. He notes the musician, but doesn't do much more than that, easing a step over so that the other can pass without incident.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick briskly walks down the street he gives the slightest nod to the immortal for the man's giving of the space. But the pace does not slow. If anything, a brief glance across the street makes his steps quicker.

But what would trigger such a reaction from the man? It's definitely not the weather. Across the street, there's a cluster of similarly dressed men, all secondhand attire. Also all rather large and oddly looking over to the musician and then to each other.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
At first it would seem that the mere exchange of nods is all there will be, but he looks at the window of a building as he passes. His gait and speed don't change just yet, but he makes note of something. Reaching the next block he turns down that street and by all appearances goes about his business as usual.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
During the period in which Duncan finds his turn around point, he'd notice that the cluster of men who had been conversing across the street. Well, they're now on his side of the street. Backs to Duncan as they seem to be following after the performer.

Well aware of the problem behind him but not wanting to push his luck with... 'it', Nick acts like he doesn't see them. Doing what he can to delay the engagement until he can get to more favorable ground.

However, one of the four does not appear to be appreciating not being noticed. "Well if it isn't little Mikey!" He states cheerfully, "Haven't seen you since January!"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
He doesn't take long, just walks out of sight. Not wanting to tip his hand too quick, he makes a steady twenty count in his mind so long as he doesn't hear a scuffle. He nods at twenty and walks back to the corner to see the group following the young man. He shakes his head and sighs. It's always something.

It is possible the four of them are just going to talk and maybe harass the other man, but it is possible they won't. Notorious for actually caring about humans and not fond any type of bully behavior, Duncan starts to walk towards the four. He slips out of his coat, fortunately for them he doesn't have any visible weapons under it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the play on his actual name, Nick stops walking and gives a sigh. He turns, giving a smile and a shake of the head. "And yet. You're still approaching. I recall it wasn't a good night for you guys."

The one who spoke last snerks as the other three start to form a half circle around Nick, seemingly not caring if he has access to the blocked off alleyway, or perhaps trying to steer him there, "Oh don't give that bull. You were lucky. You had help."

Nick takes a step back, holding up his hands, "Hey, Ok yes. I had help. And yes. The kid's not here to show up again. But, you also had help and, I see you're down two. So... How about, I just go home, you just go home and w-uRk!"

Nick ends up not finishing his sentence as he ends up leaning back quickly to dodge the very much telegraphed punch from one of the thugs to the side.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
What can you do? Morons come in all shapes and sizes. Duncan wanders to the nearest one that still has his back turned to him. A thrown punch says we are past the talking stage. He closes the distance before that one can join the fun. What he does next is a product of centuries of training.

Though not normally an excessively violent man, four on two still aren't great odds and three on two is only marginally better. Training in ninjitsu causes his to walk without a sound and both palms crash the unsuspecting man's ear drums. His fingers extend to just poke the man's eyes. Last, but not least, he twists the man's neck not to break, but to cause him to over rotate and crash to the ground. The advantage of surprise likely gone so he takes one step back to make sure he can see the other three.

It seems he should have taken that left turn in Albequerque.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Stepping back to catch his momentum from the dodge, Nick's feet pivot, spinning him, and his bookbag around. Grabbing the strap tail, he ends up slinging it off in an attempt to smack someone with it. The bad news is that the weight is off from the last time he successfully did this but the good news is, there's a lot more targets in the immediate area so while the guy he was aiming for is missed. The next one over ends up with a back pack slinging around his neck with the heavy wood of the escrima sticks inside smacking his face. Ok. Not the most ideal of moves but he'll take it.

Nick's attack is not as graceful as Duncan's, and honestly not as effective because unlike Duncan's prey who ends up falling to the ground like a chopped down redwood, bookbag to the face man was still standing. Until the illegal kick between the legs happened. It appears two different schools of fighting are being exhibited here.

"Dammit. EVERYTIME with you guys." Nick snaps, tugging the bag away from groin kick guy, "Get a life!"

Now aware of the second man adding in to the fight, the other non speaker turns, bringing up his arms as he charges at Duncan with the intent to tackle him.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
This really isn't the way he planned to spend an evening, but sometimes plans change. Noting the one on the charge, Duncan takes a deep breath and sighs softly waiting. When the man commits to the tackle he sidesteps the attempt and once the man has sailed by on the air he waits until he crashes to the ground.

He's a talented fighter of many years experience, but the odds say don't let this one up fast. He stomps on the man's tailbone, again nothing fatal, but it will shock both his legs and standing up will be tricky for a time. He spins on one foot and connect an inward kick into the man's ribs likely cracking them if not out right breaking them.

Again he turns towards the conflict, hoping he didn't take his eye off the other two or their would be victim for too long. That's the risk of taking one out hard and fast.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There is a series of yelps emitting from the man Duncan is turning his attention to, with each step and kick it's a reminder not to continue on with the task at hand. It's a very compelling argument to which the man listens.

Three men down now, the talkative one who seemed to have started the issue by calling Nick out is the only one left.

The epression on the musician's face has transitioned. No longer talking, No longer trying to reason with the guy. But eyes narrowed as he watches the charge, spinning on his feet to rotate around the stubborn man causing problems, bringing a fist to the back side of the man's face hard.

Nick watches the man. Oh is he going to say something?

Nope. He's still watching the other man.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
One on one is fair enough anyway. Duncan looks back to the others that have been taken down. They might be stirring, but so long as they remain unaggressive they will manage to not edure more pain. His gaze turns back to Nick and then reaches over his coat that he left nearby.

There is a nod your direction and he waits to see if the last one causes any real trouble. There's no need for words on either side as he scans the wreckage once more and then back to the young musician.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
When the talkative one turns, lifting up his fist once more, charging once again, Nick turns again, getting behind the man to assist him with his forward momentum with a hard push into a wall. Once the satisfying thunk reaches his ears, the musician watches him quietly for a few more seconds before the expression lightens up.

He steps away from the thugs, glancing over to Duncan, giving a half smile. "Thanks." He steps back a bit more, slinging the backpack onto his shoulder once more. "Want a beer? My treat."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
Pulling the long coat over his arms again Duncan offers a nod to you in return,"A pleasure." he replies to your offer of thanks,"My cousin would say the trip has been too uneventful as it is." He considers a moment and finally nods,"A beer sounds good. You know a place that is close..." he looks at the crash of bodies on the ground,"...maybe not too close."

Walking towards you and stepping on the hand of one of the men trying to get up he tells you,"I'm Duncan." He has to wait until after the man quits hollering of course, he really is loud.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick grins at the suggestion of not too close. "Fighter AND a mind reader. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" He turns as Duncan reaches him and walks alongside him. A hand is offered in return. "I go by Nick. Alright. Lets try Chelsea. It's nicer over there."