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(Nick gets Duncan a drink as a thank you for bailing him out in a fight. The pair meet Bobby)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 04:23, 20 May 2020

Post Fight Refreshments
Date of Scene: 18 May 2020
Location: Birdland Jazz Club, Midtown
Synopsis: Nick gets Duncan a drink as a thank you for bailing him out in a fight. The pair meet Bobby
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Duncan MacLeod, Iceman

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the evening skirmish in Clinton over and Nick having acquired a new friend in the process, it seemed like a good time to have a beer to relax. However, Chelsea's offerings for a bar was a little lax so the musician and Duncan have instead found themselves at the front of the Birdland Jazz Club. "Well," Nick states with a sigh, giving a half apologetic smile to Duncan, "At least I have less of a distance to stagger home if we lose track of time. And the music's going to be a bit better."

With that, he opens the door for Duncan, allowing the Highlander the first glance into the club, and the first blast of recorded jazz music playing on the speakers. While there are some persons dressed up inside, seated at the tables, some more casually dressed persons are seated at the bar. Over on the stage, it looks like some equipment is being set up for a later show.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
"There's something to be said for that." Duncan agrees and walks into the club when the door is opened. He scans the room with a casual glance, taking it all in and not seeming too concerned about those gathered for the time being.

Once inside he considers the music playing and nods mostly to whatever he is thinking. Glancing back towards Nick he indicates the bar with a shrug and starts that way unless he wants to sit elsewhere.

Iceman has posed:
If he's going to be honest, Bobby would have to admit he doesn't much care for jazz. Not that he hates it or anything, it's fine, just... he's never understood what the big deal about it is. It doesn't really do anything for him, and never has.
    So why is he here, at a famous jazz club, awkwardly sipping a glass of Coke at the bar and pretending it's a real drink, looking around at pictures of past performers he's at best vaguely heard of and trying to look interested? Well, it's a long story, but the short answer is he was invited by some college friends who thus far haven't showed up.
    Bobby looks over his shoulder eagerly as the door opens, hoping his friends have finally arrived, and is disappointed to see two strange faces... though one of them, on second glance, isn't as strange as all that.
    As Nick Drago approaches the bar with his friend, Bobby stands up to greet him. "Hey... sorry to interrupt, but... aren't you Nick Drago?" he asks excitedly. "Sorry, I'm not usually a fanboy, but 'Private Hell' got me through a pretty bad breakup, so... anyway, it's an honor to meet you."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Duncan and upon the unspoken cue, he returns the nod before following after the (much) older man. As the pair approaches the bar and someone calls him by his new name, he turns, looking over to Bobby.

His smile goes from half to full as he gives nod in confirmation. "Well thanks." He replies, offering a hand to Bobby, "Making that album helped me through a few things too so it's nice to hear that it has a positive ripple effect."

He glances to the seat Bobby got up from and then glances to Duncan, nodding to the two seats next to Bobby's. "Mind if we sit next to you?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
Contemporary music probably doesn't find its way into Duncan's music shuffle, but it is hard to be sure. Regardless he didn't seem to recognize Nick earlier so he doesn't comment on it. The other two are talking anyway so he looks at the seat instead of the bar stool. A nod of approval, but he waits for Bobby to accept or not.

Iceman has posed:
"Mind? I'd be honored. My name's Bobby, by the way... Bobby Drake." Bobby shakes Nick's hand firmly and not _too_ overenthusiastically, though he can't resist smiling blissfully. This night wasn't a total loss after all! He offers Duncan a friendly handshake as well. "Sorry if you're famous also... I don't really get out all that much, honestly. Nice to meet you either way though. So," he continues, turning back to the singer, "any cool projects lined up?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Much obliged, Bobby." Nick replies with a nod bfore taking the seat between the pair. "As you've gathered, I'm Nick and the tall guy next to me would be Duncan."

Upon sitting down, The musician catches the bartender's attention. "Guinness for me and-" He gestures towards Duncan, "Whatever he wants."

He turns back to Bobby, "Well, I just finished filming for a mini-series. Most of the scenes were shot in the Yukon so right now my current project is defrosting and some club work. I'm always working on music so when I have enough I'm happy with to release another album, that's when I'll do it."

He looks over to Duncan, "Thanks again for earlier by the way."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
Duncan takes the offered hand and shakes with a firm, but not overly tight grip. After a few shakes he nods,"Pleasure." Once the other two find a seat he does as well. Considering the bartender he replies,"Scotch."

His attention back to the table he shrugs in response to Nick's comment,"I have a problem with four on one. My last girlfriend would say it brings out my....more colorful side." He laughs at himself softly and adds,"Think nothing of it. It was a good workout."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby chuckles, as though at a private joke. "Yeah, defrosting can be a full-time job sometimes. I've spent a little time in the Yukon, it's beautiful terrain... hope they didn't keep you too busy to enjoy it. What were you filming?" He tilts his head at Duncan's comment, then looks suddenly serious. "Were you attacked again?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yeah, I do appreciate not having to pull o-." He pauses as Bobby poses his question noting the 'again' part. "Ah... So you followed that too."

He brings a hand back rubbing the back of his head as he thinks to the fight. "It wasn't that bad. It's kind of a longstanding grudge on their side I haven't really figured out. Its just something to watch out for when visiting. I moved out of that area awhile ago."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
"Sometimes people are slow to learn." Duncan offers in response to the comment about the long standing grudge. He considers Nick for a moment and he comments,"I have to admit I didn't know you were a celebrity. I don't keep up with that sort of thing really." He doesn't sound anything other than sincere about that statement.

He looks around the room and thanks the waitress who brings the order to the table. He takes the glass and swirls it a few times, watching the liquid roll. He considers and ever the peacemaker he asks,"Is there anything or way that you can figure to bury the hatchet? Granted tonight it probably only added fuel to the fire."

Iceman has posed:
"So, I have to admit I haven't followed it _that_ closely," Bobby adds. "Fan yes, stalker no. So I have no idea who this 'they' with the grudge is. I take it they weren't after an autograph?" His manner changes when the topic does, and one might get the impression that he feels a certain impulse to get involved when people are in danger.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I was bullied a lot as a kid." Nick explains to Bobby, "Usually older and larger types. I eventually learned to fight back. These guys were some of the bullies that didn't seem to like the change in circumstances. And I just happened to be revisiting the area. And no autographs were being sought."

Nick glances over to Duncan, smiling again, "You're more than welcome to not recognize me. The more people like you the easier, it is for me to go out and get a coffee in my free time without a camera shoved in my face. Also, I'm not really dressed the way I'd normally be on stage and I generally do different mannerisms when working. So th-"

He looks over to Bobby, "You know, you've got an eye for detail."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
"The curse of fame I take it?" Duncan offers and takes a shallow drink, savoring the heat of the liquid. He nods in approval and sets the glass down for the moment,"My cousin got involved with a famous author. That was as close as I ever wanted to get."

He consider Bobby and asks,"Out of curiosity what do you do?" Not realy pushing anything, just trying to not to neglect conversation with the other man as well.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby shrugs easily. "I'm an accountant. We're trained to notice details."
    Of course, his X-Man training had more to do with that than his accountancy classes, but he wasn't about to mention that. Still, this wasn't the first time his adventurer mindset (he avoided the term "superhero", as he felt it made him sound like a teenager, even in his own head) and physique had caused people to take notice of him in ways he didn't mean for them to, and he wondered -- not for the first time -- whether he ought to make up some kind of backstory to account for it. Short stint in the Army, maybe? He could even sign up for the National Guard for real, if they didn't do X-gene checks... he'd have to look into that.
    For now, though, he was just going to have to fast-talk his way through it. "How about you, Duncan? Not many people would get involved in a four-on-one streetfight... are you available for bodyguard work?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yeah, that curse gets blame for that." Nick agrees, looking to Bobby as he explains the observational skill. When Bobby lobs the attention back towards Duncan, his head turns back, looking over to Duncan curiously.

With the attention off him, he uses the opportunity to down quite a bit of Guinness in a Rock-Star sized 'sip'.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
There is a nod when Bobby talks about what he does, accepting it a face value for what it is. He takes another easy sip of the scotch and shakes his head,"No bodyguard work for me. I just can't stomach four on one odds. I wouldn't tolerate it if it happened to a stranger or really even someone I dislike."

"I deal in antiquites. Anything from ancient weapons to ceramics. Precious metals and gemstones aren't unheard of if they pass by at the right time." he replies to the job description. Bobby is trained enough to know there is more to him than that and it is impossible for Nick to have missed it,"I also teach self defense. It's more something I do on the side."

Iceman has posed:
"Yes, but on _whose_ side?" Bobby quips. Or, well, he meant it as a joke, though the conversation has gotten weird enough that it might be understood seriously. "Just kidding," he adds hastily, "anyone who'll help a friend out of a scuffle when the odds are against him is OK in my book."
     Antiquities, huh?" he echoes, curiously. In his experience "antiquities" is way too often a polite euphemism for occult artifacts that summon demons to destroy the world or something equally unpleasant, but he's willing to admit his experience is more than a little atypical. That's a big part of why he's hanging out in the city more, and at the school less, than he used to... say what you will about Xavier's, it is _not_ a representative sampling of modern American life.
    That said, something about Duncan makes him suspect that the man isn't exactly typical, either. "So, bought or sold anything interesting lately? I promise, I'm not a spy for the IRS or anything... just curious. I have a part-time teaching gig at a school up in Westchester, private school out of some millionaire's mansion... there's a lot of really nice artwork and stuff there."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick perks up at the mention of ancient weapons and teaching self defense. "Really?" He asks, ignoring the drink for now, at the prospect of gaining some extra knowledge, "You got a card?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
Duncan reaches into an inner pocket and retrieves a business card. The shop is called 'The Antique' and it has several contact numbers for Duncan MacLeod and Tessa Noel. He considers and hands the card to Nick,"This will reach the shop and my cell phone. Disregard Tessa's numbers she..."

There is a momentary pause and he finishes the scotch before he says,"...doesn't work with me anymore. She moved on." Cryptic much? He forces a hint of a smile and tells Nick,"If you want to train some I'd be glad to teach you some Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I'll be in the city for a while for an extended stay."

He turns his attention to Bobby and smirks a little,"I have picked up a few things since I came to town. Mostly some museum pieces for a friend of mine to add to his collection, but I did get a rapier that had some history to it."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby smiles sympathetically. "Bad breakup, huh? We've all been there." He claps his hand over the man's shoulder in a friendly gesture, and gives a casually interested look when he mentions the rapier. "Oh? What history?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, taking the card and looking to it.

At the pause, Nick glances up, watching the expression change as he mentions Tessa and the forced smile. A move he's very much familiar with. He's quiet for a few moments, watching Duncan's expression as he lists the styles. The expression in his eyes darkening in empathy.

As Bobby speaks up, he blinks, the expression lightens

"Thanks for the card. I also know of someone who might be interested in antiques I'll be sure to let them know about you."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
Duncan forces a smile, appreciation for each of their empathy. His phone buzzes and he reaches for it as he replies,"It's a piece from 1622, I authenticated as the weapon of an early Musketeer, King Louis XIII's personal guards."

He studies the phone a moment and nods,"It appears I have another potential seller." He slides out of his seat and rolls his shoulders a few times,"Gentlemen. It was a pleasure." A look to Nick specific and he replies,"Call me and we'll get some training in. Give them my cell number and have them call me." He nods again and then starts thumbing a message back to whoever is texting him.

Iceman has posed:
"So is he an old friend," Bobby asks Nick curiously after making ther goodbyes, "or did you meet when he helped you out?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick watches as Duncan heads out. Smile fading as he considers the expression on the man's face prior to his departure. That was not a break up look.

He blinks, looking over to Bobby. "Ah- Newest of the New." He answers, "Just met him. Fight was not that long ago."

He turns his upper body back to face towards the beer while his head remains turned to Bobby, "But, when you fight alongside someone it kind of negates the time requirement, doesn't it?"

Iceman has posed:
Bobby nods. "Got that right." Then, too hastily: "Um. I mean, I assume. I don't do a lot of fighting, myself. I'd say I'm more a lover than a fighter, but honestly I don't do a lot of _that_ either." Silently Bobby kicked himself for saying that out loud, but, well, at least it was _true_, unlike the fighter thing. "Mostly I'm a student, honestly. But yeah, I know what you mean about making friends fast in a crisis."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick arcs an eyebrow at Bobby's abrupt back pedal from his agreement but he doesn't call him on it. He's fallen prey to Foot In Mouth enough times to know not rub it in when it happens to others.

He smirks, lifting up his beer glass in a mock toast, "To fast friends."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby grins. "And slow enemies." He downs the rest of his Coke, then looks more solemn. "Seriously, though, if those guys are making trouble for you... I mean, couldn't you get a bodyguard or call the police or something?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head, taking a long sip of his beer. Considering his response before setting the glass down.

"I learned long ago that the police only helps who they want to help. And honestly, I've encountered worse."

He shrugs, lifting up the glass, "Also, spending your life hiding behind others is not a life I want to live."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby nods slowly. "Yeah, I can respect that. Still... hiding behind people is one thing, and asking friends for help is another, you know what I mean?" He picks up his glass and realizes it's empty, waves down the bartender for another. "Can I get you a refill?" he asks Nick, pointing to his beer.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No, I think the one will be enough for tonight." Nick replies, giving a polite refusal as he starts to fish out the cash for both his and Duncan's drinks.

"I don't refuse help if that's what you're thinking." The musician clarifies, setting the bills out on the counter between the glasses. "It's just sometimes shit happens when they're not around. And trouble is not going to just wait for me to phone a friend. You know"

He tilts his head back, finishing off his drink before setting the glass down.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby grins again. "Well, _that_ depends entirely on how fast your friends can move. But, yeah, I get your point. Just... take care of yourself, OK? I'm not done seeing you in concert yet." He accepts another soda and pays for it right then... his life has involved way too many emergency departures to make running a tab practical. "Speaking of which... you going on tour any time soon?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Not SOON soon." Nick answers, watching as the glasses get taken away, along with the payment, "I have a few more songs to work on. Plus a bit of a passion project on the side. But, once I release my next album, or I get asked to fill in for someone, I'll be on the road again."

He bends down, taking up the bookbag he had wedged between his legs and the bar. "And speaking of road, I should probably be hitting it."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby nods. "Sure. Nice meeting you. Hey, would you..." he looks sheepish for a moment, looks down at the floor, then looks back up. "I know you must be really tired of this sort of thing, but would you mind if I took a picture with you? My friends are not gonna believe what they missed tonight."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, giving a bit of a grin, "Sure thing. Sitting or Standing?" He paues, reaching into his pocket to pull out a pen. glancing around before grabbbing an unused napkin to sign. "And to add to the story..."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby moves over to stand next to Nick, drapes a friendly arm around his shoulder, and holds out his phone with his other arm to take a selfie, grinning from ear to ear as he does so. "Thanks man," he says, looking at the image proudly before putting his phone away. "I mean, I hate to be that guy, but, well," he shrugs, "I'm totally that guy. And thanks!" he adds as Nick gives him an unasked-for autograph, which he tucks carefully into his wallet. "I suppose I should be getting home, also... doesn't look like my friends are showing. It was _really_ nice meeting you," he adds feelingly.