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Latest revision as of 14:37, 13 October 2017

A Question of Who
Date of Scene: 13 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Crusader and Dragonfly discuss dual natures
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Dragonfly (Arazello)

Crusader has posed:
Day has fallon to night, and the sun setting out in the horizon. With the days getting longer, this would make it rather late all things considered. Since the nest has been found, the crime spree of electronic stores being robbed has dwindled considerably.

Still, one such hero as per usual, was waiting at the highest point of Flatbush. It where he began and ended his patrols and his prefferred meeting place when dealing with others. Crusader quietly strokes his beard as he rumbles out "Wonder Dragonfly is doing"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    From the sky drops a streak of black and white, moving at a speed just barely enough subsonic that theres a mild warning crack a second ahead of her sudden landing on the roof. She does that three-point landing thing, both feet on the roof, left hand as well, while her right hand extends out behind her. And this time she doesn't penetrate the roof even slightly.
    She did stop a bit short, however, and drops a few centimetres to the concrete surface, making her landing a tad wobbly.
    "Hi there, Crusader," she says, grinning. "I've been practicing."
    She stands and stretches, rubbing a shoulder. "Been doing a bit of a patrol too, and, uh, had a bit of an accidental encounter with a jet."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader turns to Dragonfly "...been practicing what exactly?" he wonders of her. The behemoth nods in approval "Well, seem your taking to the life of crime fighting if your starting to gone on patrols"
    He stands and rolls his shoulders as if to loosen up "....and what exactly happened with the jet? One is afraid to ask this" he is hoping she didn't accidently knock it out of the sky

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "That landing. When I tried it first time on you, I went through the pavement. So I've been going out to empty parking lots and practicing. Now I don't go through the ground anymore."
    She glances over to Crusader. "It looks pretty impressive, no? Like barely-contained power? That's what I'm shooting for; intimidation. I think that's key to avoiding unnecessary violence."
    She looks over the city again, shaking out her hair so it blows a bit in the breeze.
    "As for the jet ... well, uh, I kind of wound up almost hit by it, then almost sucked into its engine. Those things are HUGE! I got out of it, but it could have been really nasty if I did strike either."
    The bit about taking to crime fighting isn't addressed. Ostentatiously unaddressed. Unaddressed like the tiger off in the corner of the apartment.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader has a blank expression "....One can not tell if you are joking or not. Perhaps one is old fashion, it is flashy, sure. Impressive.... to some. One can not attest to... it effect of intimidation, as one has not... done whatever it is that is" yup he has his doubts about it "One was expecting you have perhaps practiced fighting, or being more authoritive" or he definintly remembers Dragonfly attempts at that.
    "Still, if it works for you, keep at it. Though one suggest you practice more than fancy landings" he says in a serious tone. "And.... yes, jets are very large. And very, very, tasty" he rubs his stomech in thought "Well not the actual jet, just the power they produce. Though one is glad to hear you, and the passager are unhurt"
    And then there was that tiger in the apartment. Unaddressed and unsaid. If she won't address, he will "One also take, from your lack of answer, that you are still unsure. Despite practicing intimidations and going on patrol"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I'm curious," Dragonfly says petulantly. "Do they have tact where you come from?" The words are petulant, but the facial expression is suppressed amusement. Suppressed EXASPERATED amusement.
    She faces the behemoth, hovering up a bit so she can talk face to face without craning. "I don't really want this. I still don't. But I have it. And while I have it I need to learn how to do it right, or, as you said, more people get hurt."
    She looks up at the sky.
    "Did you happen to spot the meteor shower yesterday?" she asks apropos of nothing. "I was one of the meteors. I saved the world with the help of some other guy; a guy whose name I don't even know. But I was clumsy and it came close to me instead breaking a big part of it. This can't stand."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader keeps his eyes on Dragonfly "Yes actually, however one does not see any reason for tactfullness in this matter." he promptly informs her, though his tone stays cordial in his answering.
    "Actually, that is what you said. One has simply only used your stated problem, that people get hurt when you try, as a reason for you to practice in order to hopefully overcome such an inssue" he points out.
    He crosses his arms over his chest as the wind (with difficulty) make his cape heavily sway with the wind "No. Onewas busy taking care of ones citizen life. It is good you saved the world, shame you did not get persons name." he gives pause when Dragonfly mentions being clumsy
    "Then praytell, what do you plan on doing about it?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Practice." It's only one word, but it's so final. "The landing is only part of it. I'm trying to learn accuracy and finesse. I mean ... damn, but I'm strong! I haven't really found an upper limit to that that doesn't involve the thing I'm trying against failing. Structurally. Things break before my strength gives out."
    She turns and paces. "But ... I don't know the limits and I can't match my strength to the task at hand. That's why I do three-point landings and go through the ground. That's why I punch things and they shatter instead of denting. And start chain reactions that I have to outrace to take out the piece that will blow a good chunk of the world."
    "I mean, I did it, right? We're standing here, right? But I ... don't like getting that close."
    She turns to face Crusader again. "And it's more than that. It's the whole deal. What are my limits? What can I do? What can't I do?" She gestures with her hand, raising Crusader in the air a bit, then setting him down again. "I can do that. I can even have bullets and energy beams bend away from me if I concentrate on it. But how much? When? Where does it stop?"
    Back to the pacing. "I found a limit yesterday. I can't breathe well out there." She gestures vaguely at the sky. "It started off fine, but then I felt like I was running out of air. I had to drop back to where I could breathe a couple of times. It would have been nice to know this before going into the fight, right?"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader nods as he listens. He even stays calm when lifted by Dragonfly telekiniticly. He closes his eyes and rubs his beard in deep thought. "Indeed it would be. One faces similar problem. But perhaps one may be of assistance." He places clasps his hands behind his back "We might take to a junkyard or some island, or even abandon area outside of our city and try pushing our limits. Mayhaps even fight each other. In this way we may obtain a sense of limit." ponders "Fighting each other may prove beneifical in both power training and practical" he says.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I'm... not sure I want to try a fight against you," Dragonfly says. "Especially not one where I'm finding my limits. I don't want to injure you." Her voice drops along with her eyes. "Or worse."
    Then a ghost of humour comes in. "Or the other way around, naturally."

Crusader has posed:
"Trust one, he was made to be.... extreamly difficult to kill" Crusader says, not seeming oddly.... conflicted? "Regardless, unless we do something, it will be difficult to test our limits. Sparring is a natural form of such a thing" he stands and looks out to th city "While landing may be teaching you control, it not teaching you outer limits"
    He looks to Dragonfly "Trust The Crusade and let us give try. We do not need to go all out, simply try and test ourselves."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    There's a long pause as Dragonfly looks at Crusade, sunglasses down, multifaceted eyes unblinking, face pokered. Finally, after a mini-eternity of the two standing, wind blowing cape and hair respectively, she nods once. Curtly, almost.
    "OK. Where?"

Crusader has posed:
"We can go north to the mountains, they have large tracks of forest and land. We could also try hempstead, one has barn and land there. Otherwise, unless you know an abandon island or some other place?" he looks to Dragonfly stareing at them bug eyes

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Barn? I'd destroy one of those, I think, just by sneezing at the wrong moment," Dragonfly says with a small giggle. "But if you've got land there away from the barn, that would be fine. The mountains would work, too, as long as we ensured nobody was there to get hurt first."
    She pauses, biting her lip as she considers. "You know, I spent so much time learning engineering I forgot about the world. And now that I can fly around it, I haven't bothered exploring. Abandoned islands? There should be plenty. But I've never even looked for one."

Crusader has posed:
"Trust me, it sturdy. Has to hold.... things" Crusader says. Though what he means by things i up in the air. "And like one said, land and barn. And aye, that is the point of this!" he says
    He chuckles "Well for now, let go with barn and land. We can scout for island or reasonble spot in mountains for next time." he glances down ".....one does not mind giving lift?" he asks... despite claiming he can fly, seems he was hoping Dragonfly will give him a ride

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Ugh. You're pretty heavy. I mean I'm strong and all that, but ... doesn't mean I like it!" Dragonfly grins. "Yeah, I can give you a lift, if you give directions. Just have to get used to exerting myself over the long haul I guess."
    She pauses and considers, "I wonder, can I do the mind thing and fly at the same time?" She gives a tentative lift of Crusader then hovers. "Yes. Yes I can. But I think it'd be better to hold on."
    She stretches out a hand for Crusader to take.

Crusader has posed:
"One used to weigh 10 tons. Be glad one has decided to cut down!" Crusader says with a straight face. It difficult to know if he is being serious or not. Regardless he takes Nancy hand
    "One will give direction. Hopefully you fly better than you give orders" he says with a -bit- of humor.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Hey! I give orders just fine!" Dragonfly protests as the pair takes to the air. She may talk about strain, but she's not showing it in lifting the behemoth in the air. "I just do it in my usual environment: office management."
    Following his directions over the rush of air -- she mercifully does not crack the sound barrier -- they find themselves standing on a patch of land overseeing a barn. She peers about curiously. "Nice place," she offers. "Your sanctum sanctorum is it?"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader gives her a doubtful look when Dragonfly mentions giving order just fine. But otherwise stays silent about the matter
    Once landed he stretches "Thank you. Though, no" to be fair....the place looked pretty run down. Standing, yes, taken care of.... well the barn can certainly use a paintjob and the weeds a trimming. Seems he spends very little time here
    "One could say that. But the same can be said for my base back in Brooklyn" he says. Turning to Nancy he says "Alright, let start small. Hit me" he orders.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I'll just go through you," Dragonfly complains, frowning. "You flow like water. I'll fall over from lack of actual contact." She winds up, telegraphing every move, and throws a punch with blinding speed. And heavy impact. Despite her face hinting that she's holding back."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader states as Dragonfly winds up "Before you were worried about hurting me, and now your complaining about not? Indecisive are we" he states with a deep chuckle
    As the the punch goes forward, he can tell she was holding back. Punching Crusader was essentialy punching a solid wall of metal, and would feel as such. Depending on how hard Dragonfly actually hit him, she may see anything from seemingly no impact to what seems to be a rather decent dent.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Crusader's quip ticks Dragonfly off enough that she holds back just a little less. The clashing sound is immense and leaves, indeed, a decent sized dent in his surface.
    "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" she says, instantly contrite, holding her face in her hands and staring at the dent in shock. "Are you alright?"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader very calmly looks at said dent "Well, as good as a man can be, getting punched in the brain, eye and body simutaniously" he states. He keeps his hands clasped behind himself "Like you said, one essentialy flows like water... as such"
    The dent seems to simply fill itself back out, reforming perfectly as if it was never touched. He rubs the spot as if checking it "....systems have stayed optimal. Energy reserves have not been depleted, intergration has not been compromised. All good"
    He looks to her... and for once offers a smile of approval "Very good. Now, one suggest you brace yourself" and he cracks his knuckles. Something about the behemoth says his size was not just for show.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly's eyes would widen if they could widen in the same way as human eyes. Something in the rest of her expression suggests she's widening them, however. And is strongly intimidated. She stands her ground, however, to her credit. Squarely before him, feet firmly planted a shoulder's width apart. Fists on hips. She gulps.
    "Do your worst?" She's trying to sound tough and unafraid, but the rising pitch of her voice and the little falter at "worst" blow the impression apart. "I've been tested for damage tolerance, so I don't think you'll do anything."
    And yet she still seems intimidated, almost cowed.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader gives her a look as if to say 'really'. But he dosn't voice as such. He wasn't afraid to turn up the intimidation factor either. He cracks his 'knuckles' making it sound like metal was snapping "Of course one will not, one is testing limits, not trying to kill you"
    And with that, he throws his weight behind his fist in an uppercut punch! Though it clear either from bodylanguage... or perhaps just somehow knowing he is not using his full strength... not yet. Perhaps enough to send a car flying upwards.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    And Dragonfly is thrown upwards indeed. And being soemthing that weighs far less than a car, she goes flying commensurately higher. Like a pop fly at a baseball game, only a pop fly made of flesh and whatever her outfit is made from.
    "That was your worst?" she calls down, now far less intimidated, grinning happily, almost as if relieved. She swoops down and lands. "That didn't even hurt. The industrial cutting lasers at least stung a bit," she says, her grin continuing.
    This would be the time for the sunglass removal and the scream from that song by The Who, but Roger Daltry is nowhere to be seen and the glasses are already in her hand, so...
    "OK, so we both held back. Shall we try again?" She pauses and frowns. "I really need to figure out a way to stop being tossed around like a rag doll when hit, though."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader notes the lack of intimidation. But first he says "Yes, trying again may not be a bad idea. One would sugges bracing yourself, as so" he takes a postion, one leg infront, one leg in back as if braced to take something from the front "It will at least help you not to go as far. One may also try and... flow with the hits" he says
    He moves to Dragonfly side "If a punch is comming from the right, allow your head to move in the direction the punch would send it. It gives you slight bit more control... perhaps allowing one to spin in place instead of being swatted aside"
    He stands fully in front of Dragonfly "One more thing, one suggest you always give proper respect to your opponents. You never know what they might be hiding." he makes the come at me gesture "Alright, hit harder this time!"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "How hard?" Dragonfly asks. "Just a punch, or all-out? 'Cause the punch is hard, but ... I can make it harder if I cheat."

Crusader has posed:
"Your best" is all Crusader says as his answer "And there is no such thing as cheating in this case. There were no pre-established rules"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly vanishes in a clap of sound, only a blur skyward revealing where she went. The rumble of a sonic boom passes over Crusader. Without warning she strikes him from the opposing side, a human weight moving at Mach 4 hitting him with a fist extended, force at point of contact sufficient to tear through reinforced concrete. The sonic boom paired with her strike arrives lazily, long after the strike and its consequences.

Crusader has posed:
Two tons or not, that was /alot/ of force to deal with. Crusader quite appropiatly goes FLYING forward from the speedy punch, seeming to not have expected that kind of force. He skids along the dirt ground, leaving crators as he rolls and stumbles to a stop, similar to a car crashing.
    As for Dragonfly, she may find that she actually appears to have what looks like blood on her fist. There were a few skid marks of the stuff on the ground as well.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Oh, shit!" Dragonfly stands in shock as she sees what she's done. She drops to the ground, stumbling in shock, then flashing brightly as she turns into Nancy. Not a well-thought out action since her subsequent action, running toward Crusader to see if she can render aid, would be faster in Dragonfly form. "Are you alright?!" she calls out in panic as she runs. "Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit!!!"
    It turns out heels, even low ones, aren't really good for running across a field scarred by two tons of metal being tossed like a rag doll.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader rumbles out from the rubble of dirt and rocks he ended up in. Bright red was on his armor and cape. A large dent that looks torn open reveals what looks like actual human skin. Slowly the metal was begining to cover it up
    "Analasys. Critial damage to heart, spine, lungs and their surrounding tissues. Major blood loss detected. Intergrated Host in critical condition, stabalizing now.". His voice was devoid of emotion monotone and cold.
    . A few minuts past before he begins moving again. He gingerly touches his back, the metal still not fully closing over, as if it was concentrating on his wounds instead. His voice, judging by the tone of his voice sounds a mix of utter terror mixed with cold unfeeling analysis, as if two people were talking "Full assimilation of Host being is best course of action"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy stops in place, staring in horror. "What did I do? Tell me, please, are you OK? Do you need help? I can get you to a hospital... or ... a welding shop or whatever." Tears flow down her cheeks as she sees her handiwork in action. "You'll be alright. You'll be alright."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader calmly as ever sits on a rock, he was shaken... but not because of the injury. But he none the less stays calm "Be calm. One shall live, heal and be as good as new. Better even. Possibly, if one co-operates."
    Crusader looks at Nancy and says in a strict tone "Breath. Stay calm and analyze situation... like one would an engineering problem" he says hoping to get Nancy to calm down.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Cooperates?" Nancy asks, trying to pull herself together, somewhat relieved that Crusader was still moving and talking. "What kind of cooperation do you need? Should I get you some medicine or something?"
    She looks at her hand, then shakes her head. The blood is gone. No blood on her hands, symbolically speaking.
    Tears are still flowing freely, but her demeanour is more calm. "What's this about hosts and assimilation?" She takes a step backward. "You're not going to try to assimilate me are you?"

Crusader has posed:
"Co-operation between the Host and The Crusade" Crusader responds back when she asks the first question. "No medicine is needed"
    And he jumps to the third question "No. The Crusade will not forcefully assimilate unwilling beings.... except for perhaps one. But that one is well intergrated into ones being"
    And that when he turns his head to look at her "As for what all this is about.... one never did tell you how one came to being... has he?" he sounded a bit far off as if trying to get everything straight in his head. The features of his armor are much less defined at this point

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy still watches with caution, calming a bit, eyes narrowing as she watches Crusader's' form change. Her eyes dry, though cheeks are still freshly wet. "N-n-no," she stutters briefly. "You didn't tell me your story nor much of anything. In fact you scolded me when I showed you ... well ... me."

Crusader has posed:
"Still stand by that. One should have a rather good reason to share an identity with a total stranger. Especially one that they did not initially trust" Crusader says.
    The metal like substance seems to liquidate and flow off him mostly. It revealed a man about a foot smaller, clearly human, but a still rather beefy fella. Several cables of tendrills-like metal goo seem to connect with his spine and where his nerves would be.. making the connected nerves glow somewhat blue. The gash Nancy made was not visible as metal goo seemed to be woven in their now. One might recognize the man as Bjorn from the local electronic store in Flatbush
    His voice now was completly human "If you listen, can tell story"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Wha...?" Nancy sits down heavily. In the middle of the field. In a yellow skirt. Now with a brown stain getting ground in.
    "You're the guy that sold me my receiver aren't you?" she asks incredulously. "About a year and a half ago? Right around the corner from me?"
    She blinks repeatedly, like she's stuck in a loop in a bad program. She shakes her head out of it. "I'm. All. Ears."

Crusader has posed:
"Bjorn Artursson, at your service" and he gives a two finger salute with that famouse friendly smile of his.
    He drops his hand the goo making a cloak on his shoulder as it seems to work on repairing him "But aye. This...happened mabey a month ago? Bjorn is not to sure. One day strange metal ball crashed in through window. Bjorn goes to pick it up... and it became well this stuff " gestures to the goo "And...it enveloped me."
    His eyes become half lidded as if asleep, and his tone changes as if reflecting another being "Indeed, and his mind was intergrated into The Crusade. A collective conciouse. His mind makes The Crusade whole. In someway he is a prisonor... in otherways a leader. Things get.... complex in a collective conciouse"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy struggles to smile. The result isn't pretty, particularly when mixed with streaked makeup. Like, Heath Ledger Joker-grade not pretty. "So ... I see what you mean about being unwilling like me," she says. A desperate laugh bubbles out of her, seemingly unnoticed by her. "But you seem to know what to do with your 'gift'. I still don't know anything. And I hurt people, even when they're ready for me to try."
    She pounds the ground with her hand. "Here, now? I hurt my hand. Dragonfly? Goes through it like paper and she falls over on her side because she's not expecting that. I'm useless either way."

Crusader has posed:
"That because it is collective conciouse. Bjorn is...more than one person while only being one person?" he ponders "In otherwords, it came with intructions" ha! A powerset that comes with instructions, wouldn't you know it
    "Bjorn... though is afraid that... if he let The Crusade fully assimilate him... he will dissappear"
    Another change of tone "In essence, the oldhim will...dissappear. As his mind becomes fully one with The Crusade, and thus vastly improved. It is the best choice logicly. Espeiclay considering your current injuries"
    Bjorn shivers seeming unsure, scared even. He looks to Nancy "No one is useless! Bjorn been through lot in life." the man was 66 even if he didn't look it "Your kind, and friendly. You like to help people. You do help people. Which is never useless!"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "How did I help you, Bjorn?" Nancy asks quietly. "I thought you were metal through and through. And I wanted to teach you a lesson about making assumptions. When I thought you were metal I ... I ... I wanted to hurt you. Just a little." Tears threaten again. "And you aren't metal. You're a person underneath the metal. Like I'm a person behind that body I wear. And I hurt that person. It's like that's all I can do."

Crusader has posed:
"When did Bjorn make assumption?" he asks confused blinking. The man was never known to be very smart... and considering how vastly different Bjorn can be from Crusader... one can wonder.
    Bjorn reaches out and pats Nancy back "Now now, no cry! Trust Bjorn, this is not so bad. One time, lost entire arm and leg! A healer mutant got them back for me" he says "And well.... you help us take out that nasty nest of criminals. And you help save world from metors! That is big help!"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "The meteors weren't the threat. They were what was left of the threat after I smashed it to shit," Nancy corrects, sniffling still. "I'm good at that at least. Point me at what to smash and I'll smash it. Poof! Cloud of constituent particles. Nothing left to use. People? Yeah. Not so good at that."
    She peeks up. "I'm really sorry I hurt you, Bjorn. I made my own assumptions. And I should have known better. I can do the math. Mass times Mach 4 squared. It was irresponsible for me to go that fast in a spar."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smiles easy, a warm soul as any "Well, still happy to have home here! And really it is no problem. We live, learn, grow!" he says. His eyes again become half lidded
    As this happens, tendrillsof goo wrap around his arms and strands branch out almost like webbing. But it dosn't incase him... but it seems like it was preparing. "The Crusade cannot, willnot, let this one go. He, and therefor the collective can be argumented, by a full assimilation. We would...apprecaite if you can convince this component of our conciouse to accept fate, and let courage triumph over fear, to let himself become one with The Crusade". When Bjorn looks to Nancy... his expression was that of the Crusader "it would be apprecaited"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy gapes at Bjorn/Crusader. "Let me get this straight," she says. "You want me, a neurotic coward, who doesn't even want to be here doing this, to convince Bjorn, who bravely faces dangers, of something that requires courage to do?"
    She shakes her head. "You'll have to find someone better than me to persuade him, I'm afraid. I'm just too timid."

Crusader has posed:
The entity chuckles "And yet here you are. Bravery is not a lack of being timid.... it is the courage to face something, inspite of being timid or afraid. Like how you took ones punch, how you went to space...how you regained your composer after getting sick to see if other needed help" he says
    "One way or another, Bjorn as he know himself is going to dissappear. Everyday, it becomes harder for him to discern between who he is, and what we are becomming. Slowly being...reprogrammed to suit our needs, for our best interest"
    His eyes lock onto Nancy, as if peering into her "And one would prefer not to...resent his existance. If nothing else..." and with that he wasn't sure what to say.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dawning horror spreads over Nancy's face. "You ... you're taking him over whether he wants to or not? ... Why?" Her voice strengthens as she stands up. "Why not just ... leave him if he doesn't want to be part of you?" More strength. More vitality. A flash of light and heat and electricity. "What kind of monster are you that you're forcing him into this?!" Dragonfly continues, voice strong and resonant. "And what the everloving Hell would make you think I'd be a party to it?!"

Crusader has posed:
As always... he was calm. "Because, without him, one is not alive. One would be more akin to a....plant you can say. No mind, no purpuse. Just pure preprogrammed instinct"
    "Well the crusade could let him go" and his eyes look to Dragonfly "But see. Here is the problem, with our pure preprogrammed instinct. The Crusade was designed to.... assimilate entire worlds. It is thanks to... his influence that our preprogrammed diretive has been overwritten... but it can only stay that way if we are whole"

The entity gives Dragonfly a moment to process this "In other words. Lose Bjorn, lose sentience and more or less assimilate the entire planet. Or, meld with Bjorn, keep sentience and not assimilate the entire planent." in otherwords Bjorn was more or less the entities moral compass, as well as what makes the crusade collective conciouse whole

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Does it ..." Dragonfly gulps. "Does it have to be Bjorn? Can it be someone else? A volunteer?" She's the opposite of calm. She's obviously shaken to her core at the dilemma facing her. "Or is there something about Bjorn in specific?"
    The mind of an engineer in action: looking to balance conflicting forces to work along the knife's edge between disaster and horror.
    "Could ... I..." she hastily emphasizes "...just as an example..." she continues "...do the job you need?"

Crusader has posed:
The entity is quiet a long moment. "Potentially. Much of Bjorn personlity already lines up with what our pregenators want.... world assimilation aside. Which is what made him so easily....slot in and complet the circuit you can say. In someways... he is talking to you and is not." he says "As a collective conciousness.... the mental make up is complex. In the way The Crusade has formed.... we are not one person nor are we multiple people." he looks to the sky "How to explain." the tendrills spread more. "Guess one can say Bjorn became an essential component of The Crusades infrastrcuture. Changing it...could lead to alot of other changes"
    It looks to Dragonfly "And additional assimilation only serves to...improve upon the infrastructure. You COULD possibly serve the job needed. But you could also serve to make us a completly differnt person if you are instead part of the infrastructure"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Well it'd be a given I'd be sexier," Dragonfly mutters, mostly to herself. She shakes her head. "That's heavier than I can lift right now," she decides. "I can't make any promises, sorry. I have a lot to think about. This isn't an easy thing to work through."
    She turns her back a moment and takes a few steps. She turns around again. "I need to talk to Bjorn. Just Bjorn. As much as possible."

Crusader has posed:
The entity nods "Heh. One is not too sure" says, using Bjorn body to flex "One is quite... satisfied" well even alien creatures can have some sense of ego
    Still Bjorn eyes ficker as the metal like goo seem to gently envelope the man arms and shoulders, much like a blanket resting. It still ungulated and moved as if alive...but soon enough Bjorn was blinking
    He looks around as if confused...his eye wide and wild, seems the goo was keeping him in place. A few moments latter he seems to calm "....Nancy?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Yes." Dragonfly sighs. "Well, Dragonfly. I'm ... after ..." She pauses, arranging her thoughts. "After talking to the other you," she says, "I'm wondering if Nancy and Dragonfly are the same person or not too. I think we are, but ... then I would, wouldn't I?" She shakes her head. "We have to talk Bjorn. Sometime. Sometime soon, I think. I've heard ... this 'Crusade' critter's side of things. I need to hear yours."