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(Muggers chose poorly. Babs and Nick get to kick butt)
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Latest revision as of 17:44, 25 May 2020

Sometimes Karma Runs Late
Date of Scene: 25 May 2020
Location: Colgate Heights, Burnley
Synopsis: Muggers chose poorly. Babs and Nick get to kick butt
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Oracle

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As night begins to fall and the lights from building start to become the primary source of illuination. A new world emerges in Gotham. The Memorial Day Holiday has led to a lot of extra free time for many residents, leading to a little bit more of people seeking special forms of entertainment. Namely the theatre area is packed. And where does that leave those that might prey upon the innocent? Well. They go where the people are!

While carrying a guitar case, Nick is not heading to any theaters for work. No, the knitcapped musician has just completed a Make A Wish visitation over at Gotham General. The recipient of the wish has long since gone to sleep but he had ended up killing time talking to some of the staff that was treating her. As a consequence. Its dark when he leaves. And being he has no car. Public transport it is.

Oracle has posed:
Babs is on patrol. So what if it's Memorial Day? Babs has to patrol since criminals don't rest...nope. They don't rest so Babs is out on patrol. Currently she's hiding in the dark, waiting, watching, and just glad things are quiet for now. Hey, there's a guitarist. Babs looks over and watches Nick for a moment or two, then looks up and down the street

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Babs's perusal of the street indicates few people walking along the sidewalk. A few dressed up persons are walking along on the opposite side of the street about half a block ahead. Most appear to be concentrated closer to the theatre. But it's reasonably well lit and the option to choose this throughfare is not a bad one.

But the drawback comes in the form of the adjacent alleyways. In particular one with a dividing fence cutting off access to the other half of the alleyway where a trio of figures linger. As far as actual offenses are concerned? None so far. Unless Loitering is a problem.

Oracle has posed:
Loitering isn't a problem. Nope, Babs is cautiously lurking around mind. She looks over the street again, noticing the trio as she looks uneasy at where this could go...all sorts of ideas flash through her head. Robberym muggings, all tjhe way up to murder...great.

Babs is here to deal with that. Stepping down the street once more, she's tracking Nick's movements, and keeping a watching eye on the trio every so often.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It does appear to be an incerception waiting to happen. They're still not technically doing anything to merit intervention But with their positioning in the alleyway, the musician is not going to see them until the last second which is a disadvantage.

And then it happens. As Nick's first step brings his shoulder in the line of sight into an alleyway, a hand snakes out, hooking Nick to pull him off the street.

Eyes narrowing and not really taking the time to read the situation, the feet pivot to cause for him to spin on his feet. Combinined the thug introduced pull with the newly introduced momentum of the spin, Nick lifts the guitar swinging the reinforced hard plastic case into the chest of the man who tugged him into the alleyway.

The other two thugs jump in, trying to pull Nick away from their friend.

Oracle has posed:
Babs is off and running. She's got her baton in hands, and she's running on in. Babs is silent as she has taken to runnning in via the rooftops. and dropping down od straight into the fight. Babs just steps off the roof and braces herself for the fight. Oh, they asked for this...

Babs is going baton first for a fight,..which is a good thing, though her fists and feet are flying too, a neat, clinical style of fighting.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the pair latching on to his arms, Nick lets go of the case and uses the newfound support to lift up both feet to effectively launch himself off the chest of the first offender to shove the other two off balance as a result.

There's no banter coming from Nick as he's just focusing on the fight right now, As they stumble back, Nick digs his fingers into what bits of loose flesh he can dig them into. He's not picky. But it'd be a lie not to say the howl he gets from one of them wasn't on some level satisfying.

Oracle has posed:
Babs lands on the asphalt on the alley, watching the fight, she's swinging her baton, lunging into the fight. Bring it, punks. Bring it. Nick needs help.

So into a fight Babs goes, swinging fists, feet and baton. Babs isn't being too nice to the would-be muggers...seeshe can just help Nick out. Watching the four fight, Babs is swinging her fists and baton, and feet too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick is being held on by two guys, one of which who is starting to buckle in pain from the unexpected, and likely unsportsman-like, grab, the one who got hit with the case catches his breath, turning his head as he sees the costumed figure land in the alley way. "Shit."

Freed up, he's the first to turn towards Batgirl, fists raised, swinging wildly which ends up being a poor decision against the trained fighter.

As Collapsey ends up letting go of Nick's arm to tend to *ahem* more pressing matters, the musician turns his attention to the other guy, twisting his body to bring his freed hand over to jab the man's eyes. He ends up getting dropped unceremoniously in the process.

Oracle has posed:
Babs isn't exactly playing fair either. She's going for the, um,crown jewels of the three thugs, about ready to end this fight now. Looking over to Nick then the thugs, Babs is ready to grab and twist, too and clap both hands there too...yowch. Looking over the thugs, Babs isn't exactly playing nice either. If anything....no, she's not killing, she's just giving the hospital workers jobs to do. Which is her way of giving back...

And she's keeping an eye on Nick, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the smacks, the kicks, the pinches, the strikes, reinforced by more kicks, strikes, and twists, eventually the trio that were causing the trouble in the first place are on the ground. Groaning in their various states of pain.

Rubbing his arm, Nick gets up off the ground, looking to the three and then towards the hooded figure and the green bat-symbol. "...Thanks." He brings a hand up, brushing his hair and glances down, looking for the knit cap that apparently got dislodged from the fight. "Dammit."

Oracle has posed:
Babs notes the lack of knitcap too. It must have been knocked off in the fight, and she sets about finding it. Or, no, looking in the immediate area of the fight for it, that is. She could just pull up a scan and look over photos of the area but where's the fun in that exactly?

So she's pacing the alley, watching out for a knitcap and, yes, looking carefully for said knitcap.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Spotting it peeking out from one of the groaning thugs, Nick walks over, using a foot to shove the man over before reaching down to pick up his cap. "Found it!"

Picking it up, he puts it back on and tucks his hair back in.

"Thanks again." He turns to go grab his guitar case.

Oracle has posed:
Babs looks over to Nick and just nods silently, watching him and the knitcap, poking at the thugs with a boot. Watching them all, Nick gets a nod as Babs isn't saying a word yet. Instead she just turns and heads for the mouth of the alley, walking with a purpose as she shakes her head at the thugs, as if saying don't try anything.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Picking up his case, Nick looks to the fallen thugs and considers for a moment before moving to walk out of the alleyway. He's not really in a mood to wait alongside his attackers.