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Latest revision as of 23:32, 26 May 2020

Pixie calling earth..
Date of Scene: 25 May 2020
Location: Megan's Room
Synopsis: Megan contacts Conner to send a message to Morgana.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy

Pixie has posed:
How many weeks had she been shut up in the X-mansion now? Honestly Megan has lost track. She longed to stretch her wings, to fly without fear of another attack and most of all, to keep in touch with her non x-friends. However, it seemed that things would remain too dangerous a little longer.

So here she is, laying on the bed in her room, staring longingly out the window, phone in hand. She didn't want to bother Conner, with his super heroics, he was probably pretty busy..But at the same time, she kind of missed him, even if her heart had been toyed with lately, making her a bit wary of boys in general, but..

She draws a deep breath, fingers brushing over her contacts list. And before she can stop herself, she dials his number, wondering if he'll pick up..

Superboy has posed:
Conner keeps busy, but he has texted Megan a few times to see how was she doing. His busy life is made easier by the fact he doesn't need as much sleep as a normal human. So, he usually has time. Actually, he always has time for friends.

And since he is actually -very- interested in Megan, he picks up the phone by the second ring. "Hey, baby. How are you feeling today?" He starts.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles a bit at the pet name, smiling. "I'm actually doing really well. I got a..A specialist to get the hypnotic suggestion out of my head so I'm not attacking people or thinking dark thoughts..So that's good!" her usual cheerfulness is almost back to normal.

"Although my..My guardians want me to stay home until the danger has passed, but I'm getting close to figuring out what's happened to my dagger. How have you been?"

Superboy has posed:
"So it was some kind of hypnosis, okay," Conner can believe magic is like hypnosis, at least sometimes. Or maybe it always is? The hell he knows.

"I think it is a good idea to stay at home. But I miss you, so I hope this ends soon," he hrms at the comment he is figuring out about her dagger. "So your, ah, guardians are going to do anything about it? Because if you tell me where it is, I can go for it."

Pixie has posed:
"Something like that.." she sighs, "I missed you too, Conner. I hope I can see you again. Actually, I think my..My guardians and a couple of allies will be storming the Goblin Prince's army soon as I can figure out where he is.."she frowns a bit, wondering how much she can tell him, but she does trust him, so maybe..

"Alright, this is what I know..Looks like this Goblin prince who goes by the name of N'asroth, well, he's creating a super powerful weapon containing the magical essence of hundreds of pixies, plus the magic negating ability of my soul dagger.." she draws a breath, letting that all sink in.

"Only thing is, I'm not entirely sure who he is planning on killing exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's a faerie Queen..Either the queen of those pixies who fled to the..Um..Place where I live for protection, or the queen of Avalon..Morgana.."

Her voice falters on that last name, clearly she is greatly worried about her fae friend.

Superboy has posed:
"Murder is murder, so yeah. We stop that thing, and put prince McLegolas Pointyears in jail, too," replies Conner, and Megan can almost see him grinning. "So, you know I can get Red Robin and maybe a couple more guys for this if you need help. Just let me know when you need me, I will be there in a flash." Well, except for the small detail she lives in some secret place for magicians.


Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods. "I need to talk to Lyra, that Pixie that Shannon rescued. I think she can give us more back story in what happened to her people. I was under the impression that her queen was already killed..Which means that Morgana May be in danger."

She pauses, considering, "Conner, can I ask you a favour? Morgana has been a good friend to me, but I may have scared her away when I got a bit agressive. She nearly attacked a friend of mine over a misunderstanding but I haven't seen her since. Do you think you can visit her and warn her of N'asroth's plans? I haven't seen her in a long time and I'm really worried about her.."

Superboy has posed:
"Oh yeah, let me get a pen," shuffling sounds can he heard. Then Conner speaks again, "where does she live. Or... does she have a phone number or email?" Because really, even wizards should have those nowadays.

All he remembers of Morgana is he had to fly her to Doctor Strange's house because she was knocked out trying to do some magic. He hopes he is not misremembering the girl. It happens sometimes.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs a bit. "Hmmm that's the tricky part, she kinda..Lives in a different dimension. Ever heard of Avalon? Like where King Arthur lives?" she frowns a bit, okay this could get complicated but, "Sooo Shes Kinda the same Morgana le Fay from Arthur Lore. My friends think she's evil, but I still trust her, I know there is some good in her."

She swallows, pondering what she might be getting into, but..."Okay, remember when I was attacked on that hiking trail? Well there was a fairy we rescued that day, or two. They've been hanging out in the gardens here. I'll send one of them to meet you, she should be able to lead you to Morgana, and with the fairy, she'll be more likely to trust you."

Superboy has posed:
"Another dimension, I see," that certainly complicate things, but Conner said he would help. "Alright. You know, you can write a letter for her. With paper, like old style letter. And I can take it to her. That will make more likely she believes anything I tell her. Because super-villains tend to be cranky about those things. And they don't like people like me."

Pixie has posed:
"Right, I'll work on it right away and call you when it's ready. And don't worry, she won't hurt you, especially if she knows you've got a message from me. I really appreciate all you're doing for me Conner.." she sighs, "I wish there were some way I could pay you back for all of the trouble I'm putting you through.." she pouts a bit, already feeling guilty.

Superboy has posed:
"Diner and a movie as soon as you are back to normal," offers Conner. Unclear if it is a bribe or a payment for him or for her. But that is what he wants. "Don't worry, I got this," he adds, very reassuring. "Send me a text as soon as you have the details nailed, I will be waiting. Take care."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is silent a few moments, pondering some things. She's already trying to figure out how to write this letter, hopefully the pixie an deliver it to her. She can feel her cheeks blushing at the offer though, and smiles. "Dinner and a movie huh.." she smiles, "I can do that, if you can wait for me. I'll contact you soon as I figure out what's going on. Thanks again fir all your help, you Realky are sweet. Please stay safe okay?"