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Latest revision as of 13:35, 7 June 2020

Summer Shenanigans
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: In which Jean trolls students, alpha male tensions come to a rolling boil, and other students probably lose all faith in their teachers while simultaneously increasing their subscriber count on YouTube. Charles will be hearing of this.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Cyclops, Wolverine, Firefly (Barrows), Nightingale

Phoenix has posed:
In every workplace and every school, there's those few people who seem to just love trouble. The sun had set, but the sky was still a deep blue-green that could be seen by. The lights all along the patio and walkways helped. Just in shadow, however, is Jean Grey. She's leaning against the wall with her arms folded over her chest. Her eyes are on a trio of younger students as they whispers and creep towards the garage, no doubt to try and sneak out for a night on the town. She lets them get just mostly there and within sight of their prize when a little mental poke causes one of the lawn sprinklers near them to pop up from the ground. It's not time for it to be there, and the delinquents have no clue what's about to happen.

Their shouts of suddenly sodden surprise ring out across the lawn along with the stampede of running feet. In their wake is the mocking tck-tck-tck-tsssssk of the sprinkler. Jean just grins.

Cyclops has posed:
"Really, babe?" Scott says as he takes a sip of his lemonade, then passes it over to her. "Now they're going to track water all through the house and someone, not me, will have to mop it up." He is looking relaxed as he stands next to her, one foot propped up behind the wall. His red raybans gleam as his lips give a small, quick smile of amusement.

"If you are bored, we can always go for a drive and get stuck in traffic on the way to get some takeout." He glances down at his watch, eyeing the time. "Most of the good places is still open."

Wolverine has posed:
There is a roar of discontent coming from the tree line. "What the...?!" Its all Logan could say before three shots of water hit him in the face. It seems Jean's teenager trap worked too well. "Who left the damn sprinklers on?"

Phoenix has posed:
"I'll let them take your car next time. Greasy takeout does sound absolutely amazing right now." Jean says pleasantly aside to Scott. Is this what the teachers do when no one is watching? Troll students? Wonder where they got that habit from. "Water's harmless at the end of the day, and at least they'll stay here and be safe. ...heh." She huffs out a quiet, bittersweet laugh. "When did I turn into an old lady?"

She looks up then at the bellow from across the way and she turns a dutiful shade of ruby before wiggling her fingers rapidly to kill the sprinkler with a grimace. "Sorry, Logan!" She calls out across the lawn before glancing aside to Scott, muttering, "...I keep telling him to stop lurking in the trees."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah was moving along, book in hand as he walks to the backyard for some private reading outdoors. Seeing the teachers though makes him stop and smile, offering a wave. "Hey, Looks like I wasnt the only one thinking about coming out here." He says as he approaches Jean and Scott. "So how are things, Mr.Summers, Miss Grey?" He asks as he adjusts his suit jacket.

Cyclops has posed:
"I think you were born an old lady." Scott says as he loops his arm about her shoulders. "But I'm down for street tacos, or we can get polish dogs somewhere." As Logan gets hit by the water, his smile only brightens a bit more, immediately being put in a good mood. "Hey, Logan. Welcome home." Is all he says, though he has that shit-eating grin on his face.

When Josiah makes his appearance, he looks over at the student curiously. "Hello. Things are fine. Just enjoying a warm weekend night. Are you studying?"

Wolverine has posed:
Logan walks across the lawn soaked to the bone. He is nowhere near happy right now. As he makes his way to the mansion he's grumbling all the way.

Phoenix has posed:
"Mmm, street tacos." Jean whispers in quiet reverence. Late night roach coaches are magical places. She also lovingly elbows Scott in the side for calling her old.

"Josiah, good evening." She says to the sharp dressed student. "It's a nice night out, good to spend it outdoors in the fresh air until the proper summer humidity kicks in."

As Logan comes up into the light, she gives him a sheepish look and says, "Sorry again. Want me to go grab you a towel?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "I had hoped to spend my time outside to study. It seemed to be a pleasant day. I dont know who to thank for it: The lord, or Miss Munroe." Josiah says with a smile and he turns to Logan. "What happened Mr.Logan?" He asks seeming surprised to find the groundskeeper soaking wet. He then turns to Scott. "I was hoping you would help me with something, Mr.Summers. One of our parishioners donated...well gave us an old car but it is not in drivable condition. May I have permission to work on it here? I am willing to pay for parts." He says calmly.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan looks like a wet dog as he walks past the small group. "Stupid sprinklers" he mutters to Josiah in passing. The Canadian wild man is not happy. Even when he gets close to Jean he grumbles "I'll get one myself." as he passes and into the mansion.

Phoenix has posed:
"Yeeeeah." Jean says quietly as she looks from Logan to Josiah with a subtle wince. "That was my bad. He got caught in my sprinkler trap." She says this as if booby traps are a normal thing around here.

"Anyway! A car? That's an awesome donation and a good project." She declares with a grin. "And the lift should be back working now. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a stockpile of parts to scavenge too."

Cyclops has posed:
"Sure, as long as you are properly supervised. We can't have kids getting hurt." Scott says to Josiah as he gives a nod of his head. He watches Logan head into the mansion, his stoic expression growing amused once he is gone, chuckling. He nudges Jean with his shoulder. "You made my day, babe." He says to her softly.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah nods. "Of Course Mr. Summers. It doesnt run and what my parents did before was fix up the car and sell it but they figured I could use a car to drive." He says as watches them. He then begins to approach Scott and Jean. "I trust things are doing okay?" He asks curiously.

Nightingale has posed:
     Simple pleasures were the best ones. This was a truth for any day and age. Tonight was no exception, as the early summer evening has drawn out one of the mansion's myriad residents to enjoy the lingering warmth of day, before it too fades into a cooler evening. Shannon was padding out of the mansion, in black leggings, a long black t-shirt with a large, pink sequin heart on the front, and her daisy-toe flip flops. She's carrying a thermos with her, as well as her trusty brown leather pouch. Her hair's left long and loose, except for the little blue braid on the left side, with its silver beads.

     She stops dead in her tracks, seeing a rather soaked, highly irritated Canuck. "Ummmm... I didn't do it this time!" A little sound of sympathy escapes her, for whichever poor soul did the deed!

Phoenix has posed:
"Tsh, it wasn't on purpose just for you!" Jean hisses at Scott as she gives his shoulder a punch that doesn't look any too gentle, but the X-Men are probably used to harder swings and surely its still an affectionate gesture between very old teammates. So it's a fine time for a student to come asking if they're alright. "Everything is grand. School is safe, students are safe, and nothing is on fire with a few hours to go till midnight." She slants a glance to her watch to confirm the time. "So, knock on wood, I call the day a success."

Then the winged young girl arrives and Jean sighs in dismay at what she said, slumping slightly in her position. "It was an accident. How're you doing tonight, Shannon?"

Cyclops has posed:
Giving Jean a face at the pinch, Scott says, "You can indulge my ego once in awhile, Jean. It's bad enough that.." He trails off as he spies Shannon trying to get out of the wet cat's path. His lips give another faint twitch before he looks back to Josiah and nods. "We're doing fine. Just taking some time to enjoy the night together and talk. Breathe fresh air."

With a dip of his head, he calls over, "Good evening, Miss Lance."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah turns when he see's shannon and he nods to her. "Always a pleasure." He says as he begins to head to a place to sit and begin his studying. He opens his book and begins going through his notes. It was a history class and he was trying to cross match his notes with the book.

Nightingale has posed:
     A faint smile tugs the corners of Shannon's lips upwards, as she nods to each in turn. "Good evening, Mr. Summers... miss Grey... Josiah." A quick glance is given to her thermos--would there be enough for all of them? She did hope so. "Peppermint tea, anyone? Afraid I've only got the one cup, but if anyone cares for a bit...?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey slants Scott one of those complex female looks that somehow manages to convey apology and the threat of unpleasant conversation later. She finally peels herself off the wall where she's been loitering in order to stretch her back. "I'm good, Shannon, thank you. I plan to head in soon and start settling in for the night unless Scott still wanted to head out. It was too nice of a night to waste indoors anymore. Alas, the free hours go by too quick."

Cyclops has posed:
"Of course I want to head out. Street Tacos are calling to me." Scott says as he shifts off the wall as well, glancing back to Jean as his brows lift up above the red visor he wears. He glances off after Josiah as he goes to study, nodding after him before he turns his attention to Shannon. "No thank you, Miss Lance. But I appreciate the offer. Now that curfew has been lifted, I trust you are getting out and stretching your wings so to speak? Are you working at Mister Guthrie's club again?"

Wolverine has posed:
It's some time before Logan returns. And when he does its a sight. As he exits the mansion everyone will be shocked to see all he's wearing is his boots, his hat on his head, and a towel wrapped around his waist. And then there's the hair, my God all that hair. "Now that's better!" Logan says as he adjusts his wet cowboy hat. "I will admit Slim. I thought you were crazy, but these Egyptian cotton towels were well worth the buy." Logan smirks as he smooths out the towel before striding past the two staff members and kids.

Upon reaching the stairs he takes a few steps down, stops, and turns. "Oh and I'm sorry t' say, I was really wet. So the rest of your towels are on your bed." He then chuckles, which is creepy in itself. But once he's outta sigh the towel that was once wrapped around his waist comes flying through the air and hits the patio with a wet slap.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    josiah just blinks as he looks to the towel. He goes to say something but he just closes his mind. "Now I know what the eleventh plague of egypt looks like. Dear god, why have you forsaken me?" He asks the heavens as he turns to the others and he looks to Shannon. "So I got the remains of an old car, which was donated to the church. My parents gave it to me so I can fix it up and have something to drive instead of flying." He says to the teen.

Cyclops has posed:
As the wet towel hits the patio, there is a noticeable twitch behind Scott's shades. He looks aggravated. He takes in a deep breath, then glances over towards Jean. "I'm going to pull the security cameras and then have Bobby photoshop it. I don't care what he does with it. As long as it's embarrassing." He pinches his brows together with his thumb and index finger.

"This is a school, Logan! We have CHILDREN here!" He's pretty sure that this is illegal also. Exposing one self to minors. Some of these kids have nightvision!

".. Can we please go and get food now?" He asks with a dismayed look towards the towel again. So much .. hair ..

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh... my." That is all Shannon manages to say as the towel thwaps the ground. She covers her eyes as if to shield her mind as well, shaking her head in dismay. "Please tell me he had something else on?"

     Oh yes, this is an opportune moment for a change of subject! "Oh, a car? Nice. Kind of hoped to work on my Vespa, but maybe it wasn't a great project for a beginner anyways. Can't wait to see how yours turns out!" A quick glance is offered to Mr. Summers, and she cracks a small smile, her face still flaming from the discarded towel. "Will there be any upcoming projects for shop class, maybe?"

Phoenix has posed:
As Jean sees Logan come outside, one can see every drop of color drain right out of her. Well, this is it. It's been a good run, Jean, you tried your best to run the school you grew up in. Some of this is undoubtedly your fault. Scratch that, most of it. Has to be. Any second now, Charles was going to be ringing the brain phone and saying in that irritatingly calm, grave tone that we to talk, Jean.

She's well aware there's a gathering hoard of students in the windows above with their grubby faces against the glass as word went around of a wild Canadian having been spotted roving the halls. Cameras have to be out, because this way just too good. Did he really come out of Scott's room? Why was he in just a towel? Was there going to be a fight?

Jean's brain just can't right then. Her eyes slowly move from Logan to Shannon, then Josiah and finally Scott in a slow turn of the sundial as she simultaneously processes this and everyone's reactions. But that just seems to break her. As the sound of the towel smacks against the stone like a soggy ham, the Headmistress gives a faint jerking twitch. She sucks in a slow, deep breath and then says a single word to Scott after all that he says. "Tequila." And then she's going for the door.