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Latest revision as of 03:22, 24 June 2020

Off The Leash
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Riana and Kitty meet and greet--and so do their animal companions.
Cast of Characters: Wild Rose, Shadowcat

Wild Rose has posed:
     It was just your typical local greasy spoon diner. There was your usual assortment of customers in all genders, shapes, and sizes. Here there was a rough-looking sort of fellow. There was what looked like a mother there with her children, enjoying a meal together. There by the window were two teenagers who only seemed to have eyes for each other, making it difficult for the waitress to capture their attention.

     And then there was a fiery redhead, with a scruffy-looking, one-eyed dog on a leash, perched on one of the stools by the counter, sharing a burger with said dog. Every so often, she'd pick a piece of the meat from out of the bun, and hold it out to the little dog, who was only too happy to receive the meaty treat. She was dressed in an old, stonewashed pair of jeans, black sneakers, and an old gray t-shirt. And those freckles. Good god.

Shadowcat has posed:
Oh Kitty's not the only one with a companion, really. Kiitty's got Lockheed trotting by her feet, the (today a) cat sticking to her like glue as Kitty slies into a booth. Ah, Mutant Town. Kity's a mutant but she lives quite well and away from the big city. Today she's wearing herr summer gear and looks relaxed and at ease. Kitty can handle herself, and she's out for lunch. Which means, here, currently, and perusing the menu, no idea what to order.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Arf arf arf arf arf arf!" The scruffy-looking one-eyed dog starts yapping at Lockheed, tugging on his leash. Something was not right about this kitty. Or any kitty, really--at least of the two-legged variety. This creature didn't smell like a kitty. So of course, the dog just /had/ to investigate, maybe make a new friend.

     This commotion did not sit well with his human, who rolls her sage green eyes and pulls back gently on the leash. "Jack! SIT!" She offers a sheepish smile to Kitty. "I'm sorry about that, ma'am."

Shadowcat has posed:
Oh, great. Dog met Lockheed. Great, no,Lockheed's nott a cat, he just looks like one. He in turn goes to befriend the dog by sniffing it as Kitty gives an apologetic look, and reaches down turning off the holo inducer to show Lockheed's true form. Lockheed stares at the cat for a moment as Kitty motions to him, then goes back to perusing the menu, "Is he always this excited to meet folks?" Kitty asks with a glance to the dog.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana's grin is one of those impish, lopsided ones, the ones that make it impossible not to smile back. She reaches down to scratch her dog's ears, and nods. "He's not too big on the brain box, but when it comes to heart smarts, he's a genius."

     With a gentle tug upwards on the leash, and a low-voiced command, the dog finally gets the idea and settles back on his haunches. It looks like his back end is fit to wag the dog instead of the other way around! "His name's Jack, and I'm Riana. My beau brought him to me for Christmas." She smiles and offers her free hand, after wiping off some of the grease from her burger on a napkin.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes it and grins. "I'm Kitty and this is Lockheed" she adds with a nod, "He seriously wants to befriend Lock? I'm not saying no, I'm saying be careful" Kitty grins back and decides to enquire if they got any kosher food for her, as she lazes in her seat scribblign on a a napkin.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana laughs and nods, keeping a careful eye on the interactions between animal companions. "He befriended me right from the moment Remy got me to open up his crate under the Christmas tree. So I guess I'm not too surprised." Jack seems to be calming down, hunkering down with his front end down on the ground, his head on his forepaws, and his tongue hanging out in a goofy doggy grin. And that tail is still wagging the dog!

     "I can't believe that's a... a dragon! How'd you find him? Or is it a her?" Pause. "Do dragons even have gender?" For all her friendliness, though, Riana still moves with a considerable amount of restraint, careful with the world around her.

Shadowcat has posed:
"How many presents were chewed up?" Kitty asks with a laugh. "I found him on an adventure and he kind of just stuck with me, didn't you?" Kitty adds as she smiles down to Lockheed. "See, he's sentient, he's mischief and he's pretty much not a pet, more he decided to see what life stuck by me had to offer" Kitty muses and nods, ordering a bagel and settling back. "I'm curious though, and RRianna's a pretty name" Kitty adds with a nod looking pleased.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana laughs, and pats Jack affectionately on that scruffy little head. With that one-eyed glance, the dog resembled nothing less than the 'jack' suit card in a playing deck. "Mostly his toys, and I lost a few good pairs of sneakers before I could train it out of him. What amazes me, though, is this dog's got a cast-iron stomach." Oh yes, there is a very distinct eye roll from the titian-haired woman, and a very sheepish look. "I can't cook worth a damn but I keep trying. So whenever Remy calls me up, it usually starts with 'What are you feeding Jack tonight', and then he winds up cooking."

     The compliment to her name doesn't go unnoticed, and is met with a smile. "Thanks. So's 'Kitty'. Short for something?" As Kitty's bagel and cream cheese arrive, she herself tucks into her burger, savoring every bite in companionable silence for a few minutes. "So what is it you do for a living, Kitty?" comes the inquiry. Friendly enough, yes? Yes.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks amused then ponders how to reply. "Okay, I'm a guidance counselor at an elite school" Kitty says and nods, "I help people and it's rewarding really. What about yourself?" Kitty adds and smiles. "Or is it just a readheaded girl in Bushwick and her dog?" Kitty adds with a grin, "I kind of like that, see, see, "she nods. "I got Lockheed on an adventurre. he stuck by me" Kitty nods, reaching down to scritch Lockhed, "You don't gt any bagels. No" she says wagging a finger as she grins.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana smiles, and shrugs. "My day job is working at the Bed, Bath, and Beyond in the mall over in Salem Center. But between you and me, I'd love to open my own dojo someday. Just haven't found the right spot yet." The rest of her burger boldly goes where the rest of it has gone before, disappearing down her gullet in short order, and chased by a healthy swig of Dr. Pepper. "Tang Soo Do style. You don't see a lot of that around here. Hell, if I don't find a spot soon, I may see if there's a community center that'll let me teach a few classes to kids, for a small donation towards upkeep. It'd be better than nothing."