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Latest revision as of 03:25, 24 June 2020

Justice Leisure
Date of Scene: 03 June 2020
Location: Justice League HQ
Synopsis: Dinah and Hal decompress a bit on monitor duty
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Black Canary

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan has been on sentry duty for the last twelve hours, keeping an eye out for worldwide threats (and extraterrestrial ones). Mostly, that means just hanging around the monitor systems, drinking a lot of coffee and trying not to be entirely bored.

Hal's about to sign over to Dinah, checking out on the elaborate systems Batman has set up, "Why do I have to confirm my ID three times?" he sighs. He's not really one for crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's. He's wearing his GL uniform, leaning over the control board.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary is up in the Watchtower too, in her usual Canary outfit. "You know how... he... is," she mutters, drawing a bat symbol in the air with her finger. "Paranoid to the last. We should just get J'onn to make some kind of telepathic thing so we barely have to think about it." She shrugs, clicking her tongue. "Sometimes I get so frustrated I want to just scream. Then I remember that we're in space."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan turns and sits near the edge of the console, his green ring emanating energy to conjure up a comfortable brace for him to lean against. Tres casual. Totes cool.

"He'd just insist it wasn't thorough enough. Unless he does it and he approves it, it's not good enough. Just the way it is. Easier to let him have his way. But at least I can still bitch about it," he says. "And hey, if anyone's got a chance of screaming in space, it's probably you and your famous...uh...throat."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary smiles faintly. "Yeah - let's just say that I'm not sure how strong the windows are and have little interest in finding out." She shrugs. "If I've had to replace the windows in my house once, I've had to do it five times now." She sighs softly as she pulls up a chair and plops on it. "So - how have you been, Hal?" she asks

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan nods, "I could temp replace them in an emergency. I bet Supes could fix 'em if we got some sand and, like, let him melt it and then blow on it. That's how science works, right?" he says.

He shrugs, "Well enough. I've been off-world for most of the last bit, just got back a few days ago. Trying to get back in the routine of being an ordinary Earthman again. Well, as ordinary as I ever was," he says with a cocky grin. "How about you?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Going alright. Have a concert scheduled pretty soon. My rock band's been doing well lately. We're getting ready to put out a new single soon." She hmmmms softly. "Haven't heard from Ollie much. Probably off in Nanda Parbat again."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan shakes his head, "I usually end up in a place called Oa, so I can't criticize. Not sure how Carol's been taking my long absences. I should keep better contact but I...y'know, don't," he sighs. "Guess that's part of the superhero lifestyle, too. I'll have to try to make one of your concerts, though. Half the audience will think I'm somebody's dad trying to pick them up on a school night."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary snorts. "Probably. Du try not to pick up any schoolgirls," she muses, giggling at the thought. "You probably won't even recongize my voice if you go to it. I use a different voice when in civilian guise. I've practiced long and hard about it."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan does his best neutral voice, "I would never pick up a schoolgirl. Me? Perish the thought. I am a grown man who only prefers the company of grown ladies!" he says with a hint of a grin. "I bet I could still pick you out, but I'm pretty observant. Could've been a detective if I hadn't had the yen to fly. Don't tell Batman, though, he'll get me in a pair of green shorts and try to make me learn to swing on a rope."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods as she moves behind Hal, and in a perfect imitation of Batman's voice growls, "I'm Batman." She tries to hold her composure, but starts to giggle a bit - she does so enjoy doing that.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan hugs himself, "Oh god, don't do that, you could give a man a heart attack. But you should definitely do it to Ollie right when he's getting romantic. And send me pictures of his reaction," he grins.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary blinks. "I'd rather not get an arrow in me, thanks," she states. "Ollie's most DEFINITELY the type to hold a grudge." She shivers softly. "You know what I mean?" she asks. "So - never gonna happen."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan frowns, "He shouldn't hold a grudge against you. You've got to be able to trust your partner. That goes for heroing and life, juist the same," he says. Ollie's his friend and he doesn't like the idea that he isn't always the best boyfriend, even though he knows that's probably true. Ollie's always had a roving eye. Hell, Hal has, too, on occasion, but that doesn't mean he's proud of it.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary shrugs. "If you scared Carol like that during intimate times, would she be so easily understanding? I mean, there is a time and place. That's not one of them for practicla jokes like that."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan nods, "I guess that's true. I suppose I"m just not quite so easily frightened as that. But point taken," he sighs. "I'm not always the most sensitive person. She's been trying to help me be better about that."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Yeah. Though I'm the sensitive one in our relationship - I try to share it with Ollie - I think instead I got some of his ruthlessness." She shrugs. "Anyway. Can you do a trick with your ring?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan nods, "A bit of give and take is pretty natural in a relationship, I think. You end up absorbing bits of one another in a strange way," he says. He raises an eyebrow, "A trick? Probably. I mean, it is the most powerful weapon in the universe, I better be able to do tricks with it!"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Well, I did a trick for you," she states, referring to her earlier 'I'm Batman' voice. She just waits to see what you have in store.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan considers for a moment and then makes a bat-symbol on the ceiling with his ring, concentrating for a moment to tilt the colors to be something other than green. He can do it, it just takes work and some prismatic consideration, "I think abusing this might be irresponsible, but I still wanna make him run to get a kitty out of a tree with this sometime."