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Latest revision as of 05:25, 24 June 2020

Creed Vs Logan FIGHT!
Date of Scene: 24 June 2020
Location: Security Center - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Logan tries to settle an old score with the X-Men's current prisoner. They still hate each other.
Cast of Characters: Sabretooth, Wolverine, Phoenix, Cyclops

Sabretooth has posed:
    A room has been set up to act as a containment cell within the Mansion. It was once a sitting room, but it has been trashed completely. Furniture has been crushed and broken. Wall fixtures have been knocked around. Lights have been shattered. There is one large open space leading into the dark room. Multiple devices have been attached to both sides of the doorframe and a soft humm can be heard coming from them along with the occasional crackle of power.

    Breathing can be heard in the dark corner of the room. If one looks closely and is paitent, perhaps you may see a bit of movemnet. For now, however, it appears as if the occupant is being quiet and withdrawn.

Wolverine has posed:
The sound of a digital code being accepted is heard just before the hydraulics of the large metal door hisses and slides open. Silhouetted by the light behind him stands Logan. No not Logan, The Wolverine.

Dressed in his brown and tan uniform the man stands there like a monument dedicated to pain. "Creed..." his voice hisses in a grumble as his hands ball into fists and his claws slide out, slowly.

Whats felt like months since the discovery, Logan has been playing the good boy, biding his time for this moment. Creed is finally his. And he's going to savor this moment. He's no Witcher, but he's going to kill a monster.

Sabretooth has posed:
    From the dark room comes a deep rumble that is part laugh and part growl. "Look who finally made it down here. Was thinking you didn't want to talk to your old friend, Runt." There is no movement within the room so for the moment it is just the voice floating in the air. "I've lost track of time. Is it your birthday already?" The voice has a dark pleasure to it, but also a rasp of having been mostly unused. Not many come down to see him besides the two goody two shoes.

Wolverine has posed:
Taking a few steps into the room, Wolverine stops and waits for the doors to close behind him. "You missed it. What a shame." he answers as the door hisses and locks. It only takes a few seconds for his eyes to adjust as the room dips back into darkness. "But I will say this is the best present. I finally get to put you down." he states as his body lowers into a posture the other man knows all too well.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Again the laughter echos in the room. "You've tried before, Runt. Never seems to take." There is a noise now of movement in the far corner of the room. It is metal against a surface. "Course, you could get me out of these shackles and give it another go. That is what I have always liked about you, Logan. You love to fail over and over again." The faint light provided by the status field on the door frame that keeps Victor inside now glints off metal as Victor comes into view. His feet and hands are bound in heavy metal boots and gloves to keep his claws in check. He has a metal mask over his mouth and nose with a few bars, similar to the Hannibal Lecter mask but much stronger.

Wolverine has posed:
Wolverine just gazes at the monster across from him. "What you call failure. I call testing the ice, bub." Ever the Canadian. With his claws still out he reaches to the wall beside him and enters a combo code with turns off the field, but not the restraints. "I think its time t' see how well the placated kitten does wearing its little mittens."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor chuckles amid the destroyed room watching Wolverine enter. "Ooo. Kitten mittens. You think that one up all by yourself or one of your precious little Frails help you with that rhyme? Was it your favorite redhead or maybe one of the younger ones you like to hang out with." Victor circles to his right as Logan enters. "Say when, Runt."

Wolverine has posed:
With a snarl, the Wolverine has taken as much this creeps bullshit as he can stomach. His blue eyes seem to gloss over as his throat releases a roar that echos throughout the facility and the floors above. It's time for the Wolverine to get to work. "Rrrawr!"

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor slams the metal gloves on the ground and drops into a crouch ready to return the attack. Metal sparks against the floor as Victor drags and beats his boots and gloves. He snarls and attempts to roar in return, but the mask keeps him from fully opening his mouth to sound off. His own amber eyes glint with pleasure and anger as the two men square off as they have done countless times before.

Phoenix has posed:
Up in her office, Jean had been having a very normal discussion with a student about life goals. Then, a light started blinking on the edge of her desk and there's an alert on her computer that the security has been disabled in a certain room. And now she's probably going to have to crack some skulls while still wearing dress pants and a button down shirt. Typical Tuesday. She shoots off a quick mental warning to Scott before calling her meeting to a close and making her way for the lift.

Cyclops has posed:
Having caught up with Jean, Scott is making his way down the hallway at a hurry, a visible frown upon his face. He's wearing a button down shirt and a pair of slacks, his tie undone and hanging about his neck. As the metallic doors swish open, the bright lights come alive to fill the room.

"LOGAN! BACK OFF. NOW!" His tone is commanding and authoritative as he reaches up to tap at his visor, widening the ruby quartz in case he needs to let out quite the blast to knock them both back.

"Victor, back off as well! God, dammit, Logan. One simple rule. Don't come in here!" The last couple of weeks of therapy has been rough. Raw steaks. Telepathic seminars. Trying to unwind the tangles of the feral state of Creed's mind.

"Jean, I swear, if they go at it, pull them apart before I kill one of them."

Wolverine has posed:
In the short time since the alert was sounded, it was more than enough time for the two primal forces to clash. And clash they did. As the doors open anyone who walks in is greeted by a room covered in blood and chunks of flesh that were cut or bludgeoned off.

On one wall Wolverine stands breathing heavily, his uniform nearly destroyed, and his arm hanging as limp as a sock dangling from a foot. His bones are indestructible but get your muscles mashed by a large metal glove over and over, Yeah it will take a moment for the healing factor to kick in.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor has blood up and down what remains of his tshirt and frayed jeans. The claw marks are obvious against the clothes although the cuts are beginning to heal on his skin. He is breathing heavily as he has pulled back waiting for another round. There are scratches on the chains and gloves as Victor had tried to get them cut off during the fight, but couldn't quite get the angle right. He snarls as Scott barks out orders as the pair enter the room, but he doesn't rush at Logan either.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey is just a step behind Scott as they enter the room, only to find it like the floor of a slaughterhouse. And this was with one of them partly restrained. She throws up her arms in sheer exasperation and sidesteps something she'd rather not attempt to identify. "Cats and dogs, I swear. Well, do you two feel better now?"

She crosses her arms across her chest, with one hand coming up to rub at the side of her side. "I am not cleaning this up. So before I have you both strapped to chairs that are upside down from the ceiling, could everyone just have a se-- nevermind, there are no chairs. Stand here and talk civilly then."

Cyclops has posed:
Sighing loudly, Scott pinches his brows together with a pair of fingers. He looks frustrated and angry. That's a mess he is not going to clean up. Then again, he can't just send a staffer down here with a mop and a bucket.

"Christ." He grunts out to himself, giving a glance over to Jean. "I'm sure they feel full of themselves. Logan, we made it clear. Crystal clear. Don't come in here. Don't pick a fight. This is not good for his therapy and for us to try and find a path to resolution. But hey, let's send back weeks of work so you can settle an old score."

He gives a look at the wreckage, then shakes his head. Pointing, he says, "Out, Logan. From the cell. So that we can lock it down and change the codes .. again."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan looks out of it. His eyes are dilated leaving almost no blue, as he stares in Creed's direction. He seems to be having a hard time focusing on the man. "Hab tuh finnis it." he mutters incoherently almost like he's drunk. "Fuh Silver Fox." he adds as he scans to Scott and Jean before he stumbles out of the cell and faceplants into the floor.

Sabretooth has posed:
    At the name Siver Fox, Victor almost lets out a howl of laughter. "That is a name I haven't heard in so long, Runt." He almost looks like he wants to lick his wounds, but he can't through the mask. So he stays tight in a ball in the corner even as he laughs. "She was always so sweet on you. I think she was my first birthday present to you. Ahh, the old days."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey releases a long, slow breath as she looks to Logan on the floor. Wordlessly, she stretches out a hand to enrobe him in rose light and carefully hoist him off the floor to set him down gently against the far wall, sitting upright to at least afford him that much dignity. "Revenge is a cycle that never ends." She says quietly, "It only gives someone a reason to seek it on you."

She turns to look towards Victor then as she moves to stand in front of the cell. "So you took from him what no one seems to give you. You can't have the toy, so you make sure no one else can either. No one gives you love, so no one else can have it. Is that it?"

Wolverine has posed:
It takes Logan a little longer to heal. His brain was bounced around quite a bit inside the adamantium skull. As his eyes return to normal he gazes at Creed as he attempts to stand. "Who the hell is Silver Fox?" he grumbles himself.

Cyclops has posed:
Tapping away at a text message, Scott is sending something to Hank. Bleach. Lots of bleach. Once Logan exits the cell, he reaches out and turns it back on to keep Creed locked in. He frowns at him and shakes his head. "You agreed to this treatment, Victor. Don't antagonize him. We can just turn you over to Nick Fury you know."

Giving a glance to Jean, he sighs. "I'm going to get some cleaning supplies to fix this. Then probably go to bed."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor looks to Jean and gives her a slight shrug while not coming out of the protective ball. "Maybe. Maybe he is just a mouse and this cat wants to play. I just like to play for keeps." At Logan's words, however, his head snaps back and his eyes glint. "You don't remember?" He laughs as much as the mask will allow. "Oh, that is just too much fun. Runt, I didn't think you could suprise me any more." He finally looks to Scott. "He came in here, remember? Your little pet can't roam the halls after all." He snarls and settles back on his legs. "Fury would just let the beast out, you know. Just take the leash off and point me in a direction. Worse things."