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Latest revision as of 17:41, 27 June 2020

Another walk in another park.
Date of Scene: 21 June 2020
Location: Masonic Cemetery, Sunnydale (TBD)
Synopsis: Buffy battles werewolves and saves a mysterious cat.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Ivory

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's late at night and Buffy is (once again) patrolling. She's grown quite used to her lone patrols, with the other Scoobies otherwise preoccupied. But then again, Buffy is used to the lone gig. Afterall this is how it started isn't it? Still it's hard to get back into old roles, but Buffy doesn't have Ugh time to think about such things right now as she stalks a spooky cemetary, stake at the ready..

Ivory has posed:
    What brings a small designer from Maine to Sunnydale? Actually the better question is, what rings a white persian cat that happens to be the the other for of a designer that comes from Maine and works in New York to a graveyard in Sunnydale? Well, it's complicate... or rather simple: Boredom. They just were bored, drove their VW Bus out to some place somewhere - which happened to be Sunnydale - and then took a walk... and a little nap on one of the Gravestones. As a cat, resting on the outstretched arm of an angel that lost his sword years ago. Just a simple afternoon nap, riiiight? Well, turned out the nap had turned into one well into the night, and now the white cat remained sitting on the statue, blue eyes staring out to the ways as the ears were swiveling around to try to place things... were those footsteps?!

Buffy Summers has posed:
There is a full moon out tonight and it hangs behind the angel statue eerily in the sky..Wait, was that a howl or two? It sounds nearer by the second, and then suddenly there they are, three large furry dog shaped creatures, each one easily the size of a well fed tiger. One steps right up behind the Angel statue, hungrily eyeing the kitty that rests there, letting out a low growl as it wipes out a claw at Kitty.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory's ears perk up at the sound, the eyes darting over to where the sound starts to come from. They jump, barely evading the claws, some white hairs getting shredded and leaving a small cloud in the air before the claws hit the statue and create sparks. There's a sharp hiss as they dart and try to get somewhere to safety, running down the path...

Buffy Summers has posed:
The werewolf is pretty quick and as the cat tries to dart to safety, it follows with an angry snarl. Hey, even werewolves like chasing kitties! Fortunately the kitty is not alone tonight, and before the wolf can pounce again, it suddenly lets out a screech of pain as it's hind flank is hit, causing it to stumble and fall.

The slayer steps out of the shadows, crossbow on her forearm, reloading it and aiming it at the wolf. it doesn't take it long to climb to its feet, glancing around for kitty and with a snarl, turns and leaps at the Slayer instead.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory isn't exactly armed with anything but a quadruple of cat lengh cat strength cat claws as the slayer picks the werewolf off their ass. They dart away into the underbush, trying to get into some hidden place, eyes following the werewolf fighting the slayer.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is a bit busy at the moment, tackling the werewolf, reloading her crossbow again, this time with a tranquilizer dart. She'd rather not kill the wolf if she can help it. But while she wrestles with her wolf, another werewolf leaps from the shrubbery, and starts chasing Ivory around the park with a hungry snarl!

Ivory has posed:
Ivory follows the fight as they waner over the graveyard, trying to tay out of the dangerzone but keep an eye on them. Because... what is going on there?!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers finally tranquilizes the first wolf, wrapping a chain around its body and pulls it behind her as she peers around, "Nice doggy. I don't want to hurt you, but I can't let you hurt anymore people." she does her best to tie up the werewolf before spying the second wild that's chasing that darned cat again.

"Heey, have we met before?" she peers at the familiar looking cat before taking aim and firing at the second werewolf. She has to shoot twice before it goes down and she bushes herself tying wolf no. 2 up, hiding both of then under some brush where they won't be disturbed by vamps at least til the tranqs wear off...

Whicg leaves one more wolf..Now where did it go?

Ivory has posed:
Ivory blinks as Buffy peers at them, pretty much staring at her despite the distance and darkness... But then again there is moonlight and they are white. Perking the ears, they turn around the head, looking into a different direction than Buffy, but then start to dash towards the slayer, the last werewolf in tow. Must have picked up the sound of the beast...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers around, aiming her crossbow at the darkness, but looks like she scared the third wolf away. "Oh well.." she sighs, "Two out of three ain't bad. cmon kitty, come on out, it's safe now. Don't worry about those werewolves. They'll be out of it for a while.." she clicks her tongue, leaning down a bit and peers around for kitty, one open palm offered up to it.

...And then there it is, the little Persian kitty , the wolf hot on its tail! Eyes narrow, aiming another bolt at it and it screeches, leaping to avoid the hit. Unfortunately it's now trying to pounce on Ivory. "Kitty look out!"

Ivory has posed:
Ivory scrambles and tries to turn a harsh hook, dodging to behing the slayer, hissing angrily at theiea of having to flee. Because there's no way that they can fight and win against a being about a dozen times as large...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins, cocking her finger at the wolf once kitty is clear, "Cmon then, let's dance!" and the wolf tackles her to the ground and the two roll and wrestle for a bit, claws and nails flying as they exchange blows. Unfortunately her crossbow bolt comes loose and she scrambles for her stake. "I didn't want to kill you, but...!"

A pained shriek later and the wolf goes down, a bolt driven hard with a powerful kick into its chest. With any luck, it'll just put him out and not kill him. Taking a few deep breaths, she pushes the wolf off herself, wiping blood off her shirt as she glances around for the cat.