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(Vampires try to pick off an easy meal. They pick the wrong targets.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:57, 28 June 2020

Click Clack
Date of Scene: 27 June 2020
Location: Manhattan Subway Station
Synopsis: Vampires try to pick off an easy meal. They pick the wrong targets.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Shadowcat

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Click clack. Click clack. Click clack. The subway train is mostly empty and for good reason. It's the very start of the day for services and the trains have just started up. And with the small crowd, Nick finds it the best time to use the subway. No crowd, more seats available. No crowd. Less run ins.

Taking advantage of the large amount of seats available, Nick sits in one of the hard plastic seats. Dressed down in black jeans, a gray tee and black ballcap, the musician leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, lower arms angling to bring the hands together. Or as close together as they can be as a cup of coffee gets between them. Sitting between his legs, a backpack. Loosely packed but the shape of two sticks wrapped in cloth is readily apparent. It's going to be a long day. He can feel it.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's been waiting on this train. Sure, she could phase everywhere but, but why, when there's a nice subway network? Kitty's in jeans, a t-shirt (just your average New York branded one), and a Chicago Cubs baseball cap. A nod to where she grew up, Illinois. Sneakers complete the ensemble. Apparently, Kitty's going casual, lazing in a seat not too far from Nick, the sort of corner of Nick's eye seat picking. Lockheeed's in her lap disguised as a cat today, or, this morning, and yes, one hand holds a bag with coffee and bagels, Kitty's got her eyes closed, relaxing but on alert. She opens the bag and pulls out a bagel, fresh, hot from the oven, and cheese, and fresh brewed cofffee. Kitty needs to figure out what goes where. Two hands aren't enough...

Much to Kitty's annoyance. Don't hit a point too hard, motorman, Kitty's no desire to drench everyone in coffee...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick has no such problem. With the bookbag on the floor and the feet standing on the straps, it is more or less secure from any stray hands that are currently non-existent on this particular car.

He stifles a yawn with his free hand before the coffee holding hand lifts, allowing for him to sip quietly.

There's a flicker of light as the train passes through a tunnel before the blurred white and black rhythm of the wall tile flashes by. The train starts to slow once more, exposing a couple of similarly dressed persons waiting on the platform. Dark pants, dark shirt, no hat. Maybe they shop the same place Nick does.

There are a few dinging sounds before the doors open, allowing for people to exit and get on the train. None enter in to their particular car. But a couple do get on one car over.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty though has a Lockheed in her lap which is a problem Nick's not dealing with. See. Kitty's used to it by now. A bite of the bagel here, a sip of coffee there...and Kitty's more awake, still very much alert mind. Trouble's in all shapes and sizes mind

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick holds off on sipping his coffee until the train starts back up. He seems rather tired.

As the movement of the train gets back up to speed down the tracks, leading to a long stretch without stops a couple of figures stand over at the doorway to the previous car, a rotating platform allowing for an easy transition over to the area. One of them gives Kitty a nod of greeting before moving past, moving closer to the center of the train where they can sit in one of the sideways benches.

Sensing others sitting nearby from the power of side vision, he glances up, looking to the pair. After nods are exchanges between neutral looking parties, Nick's position adjusts, sitting up more to have a better view of the car. He gives a tired nod to Kitty as he registers her and Lockheed.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's more adventerous and sips her coffee, giving the two guys a nod as she empties the coffee and goes for the bagel/ She's watching the wall of the train car opposite her, but she's keeping the guys in her vision, out the corner of her eye sorta thing.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The men seem quiet, seemingly leaning back in their seats, glancing to the ceiling as they appear quiet. Perhaps they are tired as well. The car remains quiet save for the clack clack of the train. The soft bobbing, soothing. Nick takes a sip of his coffee.

The train passes through another station, not stopping as this location's not set to open for another hour. There's a flicker of the lights as the train goes into yet another tunnel before they go out completely.

A cup hits the floor as a surprised "U-" emits from the center of the room before the emegency lights kick on showing one of the men rolling around on the floor in a struggle with Nick. As for the second, he is rapidly moving towards Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Oh, this is not fair. Kitty sets down her bag and phases a few feet to the right. Time to defend herself, and Nick. Fine, Lockheed gets to fight...as Kitty looks highly annoyed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Kitty dodges, the figure snarls, face twisting into something much more grotesque as it turns to grab at Kitty. "GET BACK HERE."

The figure on top of Nick does as well which, upon seeing it, the musican quickly utters out something that seems nonsensical as he's trying NOT to get pinned down by the goliath of strength "Don't let the dark have final say-" He brings up a hand, pushing at the face of the revealed vampire, "Lucia's Light, show me the way!"

Upon the phrase being finished, the creature on top of Nick howls and writhes, rolling off of Nick to grab at his face while the Rocker is sporting a ... err... healthy glow? Not wanting to take the time to admire his handy work, he rolls over to the bookbag situated next to the spilt coffee, tugging out the escrima sticks. As he moves, the scar on his right forearm fades from view, appearing on the left.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's impressed for a moment. She /could/ sort of tug their hearts out but that'd be giving in to the shred of evil that's in her. Alright, fine. She'll phase and phase more, not leaving Nick on his own. Nah. Kitty is, if anything, she's in this fight to win it. And by win it...deal with these two problems. See. Nick's got holy light. Kitty's got a Lockheed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The vampire fighting Kitty snarls, moving to try and grab her each time. "STAY STILL!

Having switched over, the glow dies away, leaving Nick seemingly back to normal again. Except when the vampire who was grappling with him tries grabbing at him again, his hands just pass through Nick's legs. The expression on the vampire's face changes. "Sh-"

Nick swings his arm around, swinging the stick through the attacker before letting go of the stick. Upon letting go, there's a poof of ash and the clattering of wood on train floor.

The vampire fighting Kitty halts, looking over to where his companion errupted into ash. "W-" He turns, running to the next subway car, stopping at the door to work the handle.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's phased her way to the next subway car and is waiting, in front of the door. If she can lead them on a wild Kitty chase, good job. Right back to Nick, too. She's mouthing something through the door like no, I won't stay still. Though that's open to interpretation mind, given she's mouthing through glass and a door. Point is. She's baiting the vampire.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The regular lights start flickering back on as the train starts the process of slowing down. Giving a grumble, Nick grabs his bookbag and the dropped stick. He starts to walk over towards the other vampire.

The vampire pauses, looking to Kitty, and then glancing back to the approaching, and rather pissed off, stick weilding Nick. He turns, moving to one of the side doors, shoving his hands in to start prying the door open

There's another explosion of dust errupting in the car. Stick falling down once more as the light bouncing off the walls flash in respect to the train's movement.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty phases back in looking a little ticked offf, really. Those vampires had to go and ruin a pretty clean carriage. And they mad her pick a fight and her bag down. No bagel, really. No bagel...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Threats taken care of, Nick picks up his stick and sits down in a nearby seat. While the train continues slowing, he works to arrange the sticks back in the bag, covering them up before settling. He looks over to Kitty and Lockheed-kitty, "You alright?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"I will be once I've finished my bagel and coffee" Kitty offers. "I'll be good, just gotta sit down and finish breakfast"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, giving a small smile as she confirms she's not hurt. As his eyes drift over to the remains of his coffee, the smile fades. "Well, that's ONE way to wake up." He comments, shaking his head.

The train comes to a stop, doors opening to allow any who want off or on to make their moves. No one appears to get on, nor does Nick get off.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Indeed" Kitty adds lookingg a little worried at subway riding vampires. Great, fang wearers ride the subway lines...what next. Vampires in the sewers? Kitty voices her thoughts. "You surprised by vampires on the subway?" she asks quietly/ "Or were they out for you for some reason?" she wonders, fishing out her bagel as she chomps on it, waiting on a response.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick waits for the door to close and the train to start up before he sighs, "Well, no sunlight in most of the subway areas so maybe some of them are hanging out down here." He frowns, looking to the scattering of ash further down the car. "I'm not sure if it was targeting. Possible, I guess but the odds of them getting on from another station to end up on the same train as me, much less an adjacent car...That's a lot of factors." He looks over to Kitty, "Didn't one of them go after you?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty goes 'hmm' and looks puzled. See, why would vamps target Nick. Then again he may have done something to earn the ire of said vamps, true that. Or they thought he was an easy target....and showed he wasn't...much. So Kitty's mulling over why, who, and what the vamps even wanted between bagel bites, and spreading cheese, and enjoying said bagel. Looking over to Nick she raises her hands quietly with a sigh. "No clue" sh ads between bites/ "None. None at all"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm." Nick pauses, looking to Kitty quietly for a few moments before glancing to the window. "Probably just bad timing on our parts..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks puzzled. Shaking her head again Kitty watches Nick over her bagel. Chewing on it, she looks over at Nick then to the window too and looks out of it for a moment. "Bad timing?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"If they were out looking for a quick and easy meal and we happened to be on the car they got on looking for it." Nick explains, giving a shrug. He leans back, "I'd say that's bad timing. Wouldn't you?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Running into an X-Man and somebody who can conjure light from nowhere and call on holy things?" Kitty chuckles, "Yes, bad timing"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, to be fair, the light was the holy thing so that was one bit. The stick's just wood." Nick replies, looking back to Kitty, "So, you're an X-man?"

Nick needs to get out more it seems.

Shadowcat has posed:
Way to drop that thing in, "No I'm Kitty" Kitty says, "I mean,e dealt with those vamps right?" Kitty adds, staring out the window. Better save this, Kitty. Better save this...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick pauses, thinking back to past interactions with other people over time. "...Is that a school thing?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty just carries on munching on her bagel, well aware she's put her feet in it...good job, Kitty. Good job

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician looks to the avoidant Kitty. Arching a brow as he watches the expression. "Seems to be a pattern with that school." He states, "But..." He pauses. Glancing back out the window as the train starts to slow once more. He starts to gather his belongings. "Whatever."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's not so much evasive...as eating a bagel. No, really, she's focused on eating her bagel. "Hey I was eating my bagel. Is what a school thing?" she asks. She's fully ready to deny and spin, Kitty for (class) president?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"The X-man thing." Nick supplies, "Or the mutant thing..." He doesn't go further in detail as he's looking to the platform as they enter in to the station.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Ohh, that. Just a sports team" Kitty offers. Yeah if the sport is villain ass kicking, they'll win every event. Kitty's deflecting. "Though let's be fair, it's not a fair contest. That teams so much better than anyone else" Kitty adds finishing up her bagel, licking cheese from her lips. See. Lockheed got no cheese. The world is safe, mostly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives Kitty a look. And it's not an entirely trusting one. "Riiiight..." Yeah, that's not a reassuring tone.

As the train stops, he gets up, grabbing the bar closest to the door near Kitty. "...I won't tell. But in the future, if you don't feel like the explaining part, don't mention the X-man part."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods, She's deserving this. Completely and utterlyy as she gives Nick an apologetic look. Some secrets need to be kept. Like that one/

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a shake of the head before he turns, stepping out of the car once the doors open.