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Latest revision as of 03:26, 29 June 2020

A night out with a Beast
Date of Scene: 29 June 2020
Location: Shawarma Palace - Manhattan
Synopsis: Sandy and Beast have a first date. They hold hands. <3
Cast of Characters: Sandra Billings, Beast

Sandra Billings has posed:
After texting back and forth with each other the last couple of days, Sandy and Hank have finally landed on a date and time to meet up. Ethopian will have to wait as the place had no reservations, but this was a nice second place decision. Dressed in a purple dress that hits at the knees with thin spaghetti straps at the shoulders, she is wearing a pair of black heels that matches her dark purse slung over one shoulder. She even has a hint of make-up on to give her eyes some shadow and her lips a bit of gloss.

As she waits outside, she checks herself over and over again in her camera app, messing with her hair a bit nervously. A date. She is on a date. How long has it been since she has been on one? Years? Ever? Wait, no, one time in college. It went poorly! She tries to push the thoughts away quickly with a clear of her throat, nervously looking about the sidewalk.

Beast has posed:
Hank knows how to dress to impress. The blue Beast wears a nice, dark suit with faint pinstripes on it. His shirt is a crisp, bright white and he wears a fancy blue tie that matches his fur. He comes strolling down the street from where he'd been dropped off by a hired car, looking through the crowd outside of the restaurant for his date. If one were to judge by the nervous smile on his mug they might safely assume that he's very excited.

When Sandy is spotted McCoy's smile enlarges and he focuses his sights on her, strolling quickly in her direction. As he gets closer he calls out, "Good evening, Sandy! You are stunning!"

Sandra Billings has posed:
Nearly jumping at his voice, Sandy was already lost in her own thoughts. What if he doesn't come? What if her breath smells bad? What if .. what if ... ! "Oh! Hank! Thank you. I just bought this." Her cheeks flare as her dark eyes roam over his suit. "You look incredibly handsome yourself, Doctor. I love the tie. Blue like your eyes."

She hesitates for a moment, then steps in to give him a quick hug before she slides her hand down into his, curling her fingers over his fuzzy paw. "I'm glad you came. I'll admit, I've been incredibly nervous all night. It's been awhile since I've gone out with someone." As she reaches for the door handle of the place, she gives it a tug which opens up a bit 'too' quickly. There is a loud creak of the hinges as she nearly tugs it off the frame.

She quickly composes herself, shifting the door so not to snap it off, then says, "Heh. Uh.. old door." She steps in first, almost a bit 'too' quickly as her cheeks blaze red with embarrassment.

Beast has posed:
"This old thing?" Hank asks as he reaches up to touch his tie. "I've had it forever." He pauses, "Actually, that's a lie. I picked it out special for tonight."

The brief hug is returned, McCoy not lingering any longer than Sandy. When she takes his hand he reciprocates gently. "Hopefully we can work out our nerves together. Rarely do I have the chance to spend time with such a charming person in any romantic capacity." He eyes her as the door nearly falls apart, an eyebrow lifting, though when she says that it's an old door he chuckles, "Must be."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Y-yeah. It must be." Sandy says as she clears her throat with a flush. As they are greeted and led to a table, she puts on her happy energy once more. Once she takes a seat, she eases herself in and tucks her purse against her next to the wall. Giving him a bright smile across the table, she is almost reluctant to let go of his hand, but finally withdraws to pluck the menu up.

"You really got the tie just for tonight?" She asks with a giggle. "I figured you'd have a whole wall of them. It's a handsome tie and suits you perfectly." Turning the page of the menu, she looks over the items. "How was your day? Everything go okay for you?"

Beast has posed:
As their hands leave contact Hank lets out a quiet sigh. Then he picks up the menu to start looking it over. "I do have many ties, but I wanted a special one for tonight. I thought it would fit me well and based on your reaction it seems to fit the bill," there's a gentle chuckle from the blue guy. Then he nods his head, "My day went well. Spent most of it in the lab. How about your day?"

Sandra Billings has posed:
"I spent time talking to my garden, because I was told that plants like that. I am now starting on a tomato plant, so that's neat." Sandy says as she thinks. "My day was fine. I went shopping to get the dress, then I cleaned the house up, you know.. just in case you wanted to come in for coffee after dinner."

Glancing down at the menu again, her cheeks before as she gently clears her throat. "I don't have work in the morning so I can stay up pretty late and being that I slept in, I'll be pretty wired until about three or four in the morning." Once she finishes picking out her meal, she nudges the menu to the side, placing her hands in front of her.

Beast has posed:
"Sounds like an excellent way to spend some time. Quite relaxing. I'm sure that someone in as high stress a position as yours in can use that," Hank tells his date with a smile. Then he watches her closely as she informs him that she's likely to stay up late. A smile forms, but he hides it behind his menu. "Hmm. Everything looks good here... I'm tempted to order more than one item, but I don't want to fill up before coffee."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"I do make the best coffee." Sandy says as she bobs her head. "I have one of these mid-range Keurig machines. I just put the pod in and I click start and it's like I'm a world renowned barista in thirty seconds." Her lips give a twitch upwards into a grin. Reaching for a napkin, she pulls it between her hands to twist it about in nervous habit.

"I do love to garden. It's just me, the plants and some music I put on. The whole day just melts away and then I find myself on the couch with some Netflix." Once the waitress comes, she orders her meal and an interesting drink that is specific to the palace.

"I'm glad to hear you like coffee though. I can even make it iced."

Beast has posed:
"Ahh. The Keurig. One of mankind's most precious inventions." Even if they do generate a lot of trash if you're not careful with them. But Beast doesn't say that, he's trying to impress this woman.

Hank orders his own meal and a glass of water, addressing the server politely.

"That might be a nice treat on an evening such as this."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Right? I can't imagine a life without my Keurig. It's what gets me out the door every morning when I'm hauling butt to the bus stop. I own a car but it's such a hassle to try and drive it across town in traffic and sit there. So, I'd rather just sit on the bus and read a book .. or nap .. mostly nap."

Sandy clears her throat with an amused laugh. "I should just sell it. I rarely drive it. But it's a cute bright yellow Kia Soul and it's ten years old." She props her chin up again with her palm, sliding her other hand across to settle it over his for a squeeze. The napkin abandoned for now.

Beast has posed:
"I can't blame you. I rarely drive in the city, myself. Usually there are much better ways to find your way around," Hank says with a nod.

"If it makes you happy and there's no pressing need to sell it then you should hang on to it."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"I do love it. It's my little love bug." Sandy says as he gives a smile as the appetizers are brought over. Falafel and Hummus. Curiously, she asks. "You rarely drive? What type of car do you have if I can ask. I kind of imagine you in a Jeep without the rooftop. Wind and sun in your face."

Beast has posed:
"I don't own a car, actually," Hank explains. "I tend to borrow them from friends if I need them."

The big guy is not shy about digging into the appetizers, though he's careful to pace himself so that his date gets at least half. He tries to be a gentleman, after all is said and done. "Jeeps are quite fun. I find that I fit into them well, especially with the doors removed."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"You are quite a muscular man after all. I bet you could scare most linebackers on the football field." Sandy says as she tucks into the food as well, almost taking the same pace that he does with the food. She can shovel it away if she wanted, but tonight she wants to not embarrass herself by being a hummus vacuum. She loves that stuff.

"You definitely make a suit look good." She admits as she gives his large mitt another squeeze with her hand. Maybe he can feel the strength she possesses, how durable her hand is. Sure, there is flesh and bone, but for the trained eye in genetics, he'd know something is off. The density is way off.

Beast has posed:
"I was a terrific player back in school," the blue mutant confirms for his date, smiling at her.

His head inclines as he says, "Thank you. I find people will take me in a suit more seriously than when I wear one of my Hawaiian shirts. Plus, I..." As he feels his date's paw on his he catches on that something is amiss. Staring into Sandy's eyes he opens his mouth to speak, then thinks better of it and shuts up.

Sandra Billings has posed:
"You wear Hawaiian shirts?" Sandy asks with wide eyes, letting out a heavy laugh. "You shoudla wore one! I love Hawaiian shirts! My parents loved that old show. Magnum PI. Burt Reynolds is a cutie. Okay, next time we hang out, pleeeease promise me you'll wear one?"

She brushes her thumb along the top of his furred knuckles, her hand giving him another light squeeze. Perhaps he can tell that she is consciously trying not to crush his hand with how he holds it. She puts on a good show though, one who has a lot of experience of 'faking it' in public.

"I have a cute floral printed sundress I can put on. We can go for a nature walk and you can get the fur out a bit. Are you hot? Like .. more so than you normally are beacuse of the suit?"

Beast has posed:
"Very well, since you're twisting my arm I'll accommodate you," Hank tells Sandy, though he's clearly not put upon at all. "I shall be festive, colorful and quite floral."

His eyes glance down at where their hands touch and he smiles once more, enjoying the sensation. Then he looks up to make eye contact once more, "Not particularly hot. I find that the fur helps me regulate body temperature most of the time. Actually, many animals that their owners have shaved are better able to regulate heat with their full coat of fur in place."

Sandra Billings has posed:
Nodding her head, Sandy gives a smile. "Oh, I know! Poor animals that have to walk around bucknaked. My friend had a naked cat and I swear, it was like a wrinkled penis on four legs. Yuck. You should never manscape your pets." She says with a grin, sliding her other hand over on top of theirs. The motion is so natural for her as it compliments her bright smile.

"But I'm glad to hear that you don't get too overheated under all of that. I'd feel bad if we went for a walk and you passed out because of the heat. I try to not help patients on my days off." She jokes to him.

Beast has posed:
"Ah. Sphinx cat. I find their wrinkly facces to be adorable," McCoy tells Sandy, giving a brief glance to where their hands are touching before he lifts his other hand to set atop the pile of extremities. "I will refrain from becoming a heat casualty should we go for a stroll in the summer heat."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"But, we will pack plenty of water! I have one of those super jugs that keeps water cold for like a week. We can put together a proper picnic with sandwiches and cheese sticks and fresh fruit." Sandy licks her lips at the idea of a tasty thick apple. "Hm."

With their hands stacked on each other in the middle of the table, she is all smiles and red cheeks as she stares back into his blue eyes. All things considered, she has a dreamy look upon her face. "Okay, so, is there anything you want to ask about me? Um.. lemmie see.. oh! Family. What's your family life like?"