Sandra Billings
Sandra Billings (Scenesys ID: 9635) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Hey, hold still! If you keep moving like that, you'll bleed out. I got you, okay? Just look into my eyes, breathe and hold my hand. Give me a good squeeze. I /got/ this. You're going to be fine." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Sandra Billings | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Occupation: | ER/Trauma Nurse | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | NYC | ||
Education: | MS Biology. RN Certifications. | ||
Status: | Shelved | ||
Groups: | |||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 28 | Actual Age: | 28 |
Date of Birth | 01 01 2000 | Actor: | Sara Rue (younger) |
Height: | 167 cm (5'6") | Weight: | 90 kg (200 lb) |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Brown |
Theme Song: |
Sandra Billings is a Trauma ER Nurse at the Lenox Hill Emergency Room in New York City. She is an upbeat, optimistic and happy woman while on duty. Highly intelligent and witty. She could be mistaken for a librarian for her love of books. She frequents cafes in the early mornings before her 14 hour shifts.
Current Player Approved: N/A
Sandra was born and raised in New York. The Bronx, specifically. Both of her parents are in the medical field. Her father is a surgeon and her mother is a registered nurse. Growing up a single child with two parents who were constantly at work, she spent most of her time studying in the company of a babysitter, waiting anxiously for her family to come home. Her childhood went by in a blur and she didn't keep a single friend from those days, and junior high was a nightmare.
As she hit puberty, her weight started to creep up on her, and so did the bullying and teasing. What she didn't know what that it was linked to a suddenly active x-gene that was causing her to body to become more denser and durable. It wasn't as if she ever got hurt or injured much as it is. She just thought it was an addiction to sweets. It wasn't until high school when she realized what was happening, especially when it came to her super strength. She had a bad day at school and slammed her locker door a bit too hard and the door was yanked off the hinges.
History 2:
With mutant hysteria starting to become loud both in the real world and online, Sandra hid her new talents from even her parents. She kept to herself, isolating away from any of her friends and burying herself in her books and homework. It was at that point she wanted to study genetics, biology and mutation mapping. Maybe one day she will find a cure! Maybe she can find a vaccine to cure this. She went through the stages of self-loathing, all the while continuing to struggle with the emotions of gaining weight and hating this new person she would look at in the mirror. Graduating with high honors and having an easy picking of schools to study at, Sandra went to a local Medical college on the few scholarships that she was awarded, completing a bachelor in both biology and nursing.
As she found success in her academics and surrounded by like minded people, Sandra started to find the joy she once held and became a bit more open and outgoing. She made college into a new life for herself, leaving behind the bad days of high school and the angst of being a mutant and traded it for late night coffee shop jams with study groups.
History 3:
Sandra is nearly invulnerable with a denser body weight that makes her heavier than she appears. Her center of gravity has a natural anchor that makes it difficult to knock her off her feet. Normal revolver rounds will bounce off her, knives will not penetrate her skin. She is not invincible though, as she can still feel the pain of being shot, being burned, being stabbed. A shotgun blast can definitely damage her body, even if she absorbs most of it. Being hit by someone much more powerful than her will rock her and most likely break the bones of her body. If she takes a full hit by a car traveling at a quick velocity, she may be able to stand her ground due to her natural anchor, but she is not going to walk away pretty either. Sandra's body can be damaged with high intensity lasers that are designed to melt or puncture through thick surfaces, high impact weapons that could be made with diamonds, and, adamantium based weapons.
Just because Sandra is a walking tank of a bubbly upbeat nurse, doesn't mean she is without her flaws. She can be suffocated, drowned and poisoned normally as anyone else. She just has nigh-impervious skin that can take a beating. Due to this, it will make it impossible to operate on her if she was to become damaged internally. It is one of the many reasons why she shys away from conflict.
Super Strength:
Sandra has high empathy and can pick out a person's emotions easily, as well as navigate them through alignment and assurance. As a nurse, she needs to know how to de-escalate emotions, calm people down and create order.
Sandra is a fully certified Registered Nurse in New York City. She works in an ER so she understands the in and outs of stabilizing patients, delivering medication, utilizing medical equipment, etc. She understands the basics of CPR all the way up to setting bones, stitching people together, diagnosing and creating quick decisions to sustain / save a life.
Perfect Memory:
Sandra lives in a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment in the BOHO district of New York City. It has a covered garage for her vehicle so it won't be stolen off the street at night.
Sandra makes an annual salary as an ER nurse of $90,000 a year. That is the New York City average salary of a tenured RN (plus a few years of annual bonus applied from years worked)
Sandra has an addiction to Amphetamine pills . She started popping them in college to try and keep up with her studies and now that it's carried over into her career where she has long, very long nights and weeks, she has come to depend on them to keep her going. She gets the jitters often and if she tries to go cold turkey she has terrible mood swings and withdrawl.
Can't Swim:
Due to Sandy's thick density of her skin, she is not able to 'float' properly in water or hold herself above the surface. She would sink like a rock after a violent struggle of trying to stay afloat.
Forged Paperwork:
Due to Sandy's durability, she was not able to deliver bloodsamples for legal paperwork and processing. She had to use a friend to 'donate' her bloodtype and she swapped out the samples. This is her lowest moment in life in her opinion but she could not run the risk of being found out about being a mutant, not after all of her hard work.
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Another Day, another Charity | May 19th, 2021 | Saki meets Sandra at a blood drive during a charity for mutant health care |
Casualties | May 18th, 2021 | Shang-Chi brings some injured thugs to Sandy in the emergency room |
Club Lux - Safety dance | May 9th, 2021 | Date night at Lux. Yep. 'Nuff said. |
Rogue's Birthday Disappearance | May 5th, 2021 | Rogue's coerced into a birthday celebration where presents abound - all on Beast's dime! |
The Gravitas of the situation | May 2nd, 2021 | It started out with attempting to assess Rosie's talents and ended up with a Shower cubicle o' dewm and discussions on mutations. That is until Deadpool. Car surgery concludes. |
A day in Mutant town | April 24th, 2021 | A date in mutant town ends with crispy aromatic duck and some absolutely terrible ties. |
Peacemaking | April 17th, 2021 | Juggernaut makes a mess - and gets cussed out for it?! |
Catching up with Hank | April 5th, 2021 | Sandy and Hank reconnect now that he is gaining his memories back. They are still very much in love. |
The Mutant Cure: Staring Into The Fire | January 6th, 2021 | Sandy and Hank butt heads over the mutant cure and who's fault it is. |
Birds Of Prey: Touchbase | December 14th, 2020 | Sandy meets Babs face to face. |
Yule Regret It, Beast | December 14th, 2020 | Sandy and Hank get into an argument, which turns into a very revealing phone call. |
Going for a Ride | November 13th, 2020 | Zinda picks up Sandy |
I need a superhero name now. | October 11th, 2020 | Sandy finally introduces Hank to her best friend Jane. |
The Cure: Burning Man | September 26th, 2020 | Metaforce sets fire to anti mutant HQ, and comes up against resistance in the form of numerous heroes! |
Nurses: Catching up and checking in | September 24th, 2020 | Sandy comes to visit Claire and have dinner. Secrets are shared. |
Just a Quick Stop | September 22nd, 2020 | Zinda, Sandy, and June head to an upstate crook's farmhouse to get some info. It goes mostly well. |
Visiting Bellevue | September 22nd, 2020 | Matt meets a friend of Claire's for some information on criminal activity. And to receive a quick threat. |
Nurse Night Out | September 21st, 2020 | Nurses hang out and get drinks from Lester. |
Just another night in the ER | September 11th, 2020 | Zinda meets Sandy in the E.R. |
Back to the Big Apple | September 1st, 2020 | Jane returns to NYC and makes a surprising discovery about her new work bestie. Welcome back? |
Raptors' Nest | August 25th, 2020 | A chance encounter may just start fleshing out a flock of Birds. |
Coffee Date | August 20th, 2020 | Hank and Sandy meet for breakfast. |
Missed phone calls | August 4th, 2020 | Hank gets back to Sandy to find out about the attack. She's a wreck. But as usual, he cheers her up. |
Attempting Murder | August 3rd, 2020 | Grant tries to kill someone at Sandy's hospital. Things do not go as planned. |
Beaches and Boardwalks | July 21st, 2020 | Hank and Sandy go to the beach! |
Coffee and Conversations | July 14th, 2020 | Hank and Sandy have a nice date and make some weekend plans. |
Dance Dance Evolution! | July 9th, 2020 | Hank and Sandy go on a date. Alice and Shannon are at the same club. Things end up going strangely. |
Pleasant Introductions | July 5th, 2020 | Hank introduces his friends to his new paramour, Sandy! It goes well. Dinosaurs aren't mentioned by name. |
Introductions and Indigestion | July 4th, 2020 | X-Folks have a great get together |
Truth Revealed | July 1st, 2020 | Sandy comes clean to Hank about being a mutant. They acted cute and went off to see a movie afterwards. |
Uncovering secrets that leads to truths | June 30th, 2020 | Sandy and Beast try to get coffee for a breakfast date. Sandy gets shot by a bigot. What now? |
An Octopus in need | June 30th, 2020 | Doctor Octopus, on the run from Foot soldiers after an attack, gets emergency treatment from an unlikely source, and ends up pointing Beast in the right direction to learn about the shadowy war going on in New York |
A night out with a Beast | June 29th, 2020 | Sandy and Beast have a first date. They hold hands. <3 |
Delicious Discussions | June 28th, 2020 | Hank McCoy and Sandy Billings meet while on separate quests for sweet delights! |
Coffee and what now | June 27th, 2020 | Everyone wandered through, but distractions managed to prevent much in the way of interactions. |
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