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Latest revision as of 19:25, 30 June 2020

Uncovering secrets that leads to truths
Date of Scene: 30 June 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Sandy and Beast try to get coffee for a breakfast date. Sandy gets shot by a bigot. What now?
Cast of Characters: Sandra Billings, Beast

Sandra Billings has posed:
It's an early morning and Sandy and Hank agreed to snag some coffee before heading to their jobs. This is a rare day in which she isn't working an over-night after a day off, so she is enjoying the chance to meet up with him over some quick and easy breakfast. Dressed in her scrubs with her hair pulled up behind her into a loose ponytail, she is waiting at a table with a breakfast sandwich and a large coffee. Flipping through a book, she glances towards the door at times as she waits patiently.

Her bus won't be here for another hour or so, so she has plenty of time to relax, vibe, and hang out with her big blue furred crush. She even has a small gift bag waiting for himon the table with a red ribbon tied about the handles.

Beast has posed:
Sandy doesn't have to wait much longer before Hank arrives at the coffee shop, following another customer in through the entrance. Once he's spotted his spotted his date McCoy makes his way in her direction, a smile appearing on his face as he moves, "Greetings! How does this wonderful day find you?" Still grinning he says, "It's most excellent to see you again. I find myself missing your company when we're not together."

Sandra Billings has posed:
At the sight of him, Sandy brightens up visibly as she lifts a hand to catch his attention. "Good morning, Henry! How're you doing?" She nudges a large cup over to him. "I got you a coffee, but didn't put anything in it. I wasn't sure what your preference was yet. How is your day going?"

Brushing some dark hair away from her eyes that escaped her pony tail, she takes her own cup up and sips from it. "I also got you something." She says as she nods towards the small gift bag.

Beast has posed:
"Thank you very much," the blue man says as he accepts the coffee and eases himself gently into his seat. He seems a lot more interested in the woman across from him than the coffee, however. "My day is going quite well. I get to spend my morning with a wonderful person. How has your day been thus far?"

When she indicates the gift bag Hank's eyes widen slightly and he says, "For me? You shouldn't have." Though that's not going to stop him from picking up the bag and checking to see what's inside of it.

Sandra Billings has posed:
Inside the bag is a new stethoscope with bright blue earplugs. Same color as the tie he wore the other night. Sandy giggles as he opens it. "I was buying some new scrubs and masks and saw them and got the giggles. I wasn't sure if you had any with blue ear plugs but I figured it could match your tie if you were on the job." She has an amused grin on her face as she takes another sip of her coffee. "I picked up a pair for myself also."

As they talk, a group of older men steps inside to get coffee, their eyes immediately falling upon the large blue furred man and the woman. One of them lets out a loud grunt as his eyes roll upwards. To the barista, he says,

"Janet, I thought this was a respectable place to get food at. Now you're letting wild animals in? I'm going to call the SPCA later."

The barista doesn't look at all comfortable being that she is one of Sandy's friends. She glances over towards the pair, then looks back to the man. With a sour tone, she asks, "Welcome to The Coffee Bean, how can I help you?"

"You can help by getting that /mutant/ out of here." His friend says behind him, suddenly finding courage in his friend's antics.

Sandy tilts her head slightly, peering past Hank and over towards the line, pressing her lips together firmly. "Poor Janet." She says softly.

Beast has posed:
"Thank you so very much, my dear!" Hank exclaims happily as he looks the stethoscope over. With a big grin on his face he slides his new toy around his neck, chuckling as he compares the blue of the stethoscope to the blue of his fur.

As some bigots come in and start complaining about McCoy's presence, the PhD frowns faintly and says to Sandy, "I'd prefer they just address me instead of bothering bystanders." He sighs deeply and moves to stand up, turning to look at the older men, "Would me presence be less offensive to you gentlemen if I were to purchase you each a coffee and pastry as a gesture of good will?"

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Hank, it's not worth it." Sandy says softly as he rises up to greet the men. "Let's just have breakfast and go for a walk." There is a concern in her voice as she reaches out for his hand to slide hers into it.

As the man in the front of line takes out his wallet, he flips some bills on to the table, letting out a snort. "What I would prefer, if you mutie fucking freaks get the hell out of my coffee shop so us regular folk can eat in peace. Sides, I'm allergic to dogs."

"Technically Roger, I think he's a cat."

"Then I'm allergic to cats too. Janet here has to sweep up that fur later."

".. Actually.. I don't think he sheds... he comes here all the time." Janet says as she starts to make the coffee with a loud sigh in her throat.

"Listen, Fido. Just get your shit and get out. Take your girlfriend with yah. I thought banging animals was banned in New York."

Sandy's eyes widen as she gives another tug on Hank's hand. "Come on, let's just go."

Beast has posed:
Hank's not the sort to back down from a confrontation, but with Sandy present he nods his head to the woman and offer her his hand. "That sounds like an excellent plan. I'd rather not spend much time with certain company." The fur on the back of his neck may be bristling, but it's so short as to be nearly impossible to determine if that's actually happening. The bigots are given a look again, Dr. McCoy looking more sad than angry at the situation. This is neither the time nor the place to address it, however. Not with Sandy present.

Sandra Billings has posed:
"I'll see you later, Janet." Sandy calls over to the barista who is looking rather distressed and flustered as she works the order. She gives an upwards nod of her chin to her friend, offering an apoloetic smile to Hank. She didn't have an issue with him of course. 'Call me.' She mouths to Sandy.

"Maybe you shouldn't come back here ever again." Roger says to Sandy with a sneer as they pass by. "Freaking mutie lover. Get a dog if you need a pet so bad."

"Man, go fuck yourself." Sandy finally pipes up as she whirls upon the man. "I'd rather fuck a dog than roll around in the sheets with a limp dicked redneck like yourself. Take a shower."

"The fuck you say to me?" Roger says as he whirls around now to face them. "You better get the hell outta here." He says, patting his hip to show a small hand gun tucked away. A conceal carry.

Furrowing her brows, she shakes her head and mutters, giving antoher tug of his hand as they head for the door.

Beast has posed:
As they head for the door Hank waves a hand at the barista and shows her a kind smile, "Take care of yourself."

When Sandy speaks up Hank closely watches the exchange between her and the bully man, frowning. That frown deepens further when he sees the guy's gun.

McCoy is clearly considering something when Sandy begins to pull him towards the door. Wrong time, wrong place. Even though he's certain he could take the group there's too much of a chance of an innocent being injured.

Sandra Billings has posed:
Once they step outside, Sandy lets out the breath she was holding. Her face scrunches up, looking as if she may start to cry. Reaching up with her free hand, she knuckles at one of her eyes. ".. Sorry." She mutters to him as she leans into his arm. "I just.. I got tired of listening to that. No one else was speaking up for you."

Giving a visible 'snuff', she squeezes his hand tightly. "I'm just so over people like that. It's twenty-twenty-eight. I don't get it. I don't care if you got blue fur."

As she leans in to give him a strong hug, her arms wrap about him, resting her cheek in against his chest. "Poor Janet. She doesn't get paid enough to take this kinda crap either. I like going here too." She says with a sigh.

Beast has posed:
"I greatly appreciate you standing up for me like that," Beast tells his date as he returns her hug with one of his own, squeezing tightly. "If it hadn't been such a public venue I would have been hard pressed to avoid a debate with them. Some people are stuck in a dark past or haven't been exposed to people different from them enough to learn that humans tend to share more similarities than is readily apparent."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"People like that don't change either." Sandy says with a loud sigh. "That of they're too scared to change and they just refuse to accept it. I don't know. I don't get it."

Tilting her head upwards at him, Sandy gives him a smile as she reaches up to brush her fingers along his furry cheek. "I like you, Hank. For who you are. I think you're handsome. Nothing is gonna change that."

As she leans up on her tip toes, Sandy aims to place a kiss against his lips, giving him an encouraging smile. Moments before her mouth can brush his, she hears a voice from behind.

"Toldja she's a dog fucker!" She looks over her shoulder to find Roger, his gun pulled. He is shaking angrily, still filled with adrenaline from the confrontation earlier. "Go to hell, you freak!"


The gun goes off, shooting Sandy right in the back as she gives a loud yelp as she stumbles forward into Hank's arms. There is no blood though, just the 'clink' of a bullet hitting the ground, flattened.

Beast has posed:
"I like to believe that anyone can change, given the right education," Hank says to his date. When she touches his cheek he smiles at her. When she moves towards kissing him he begins to lean in himself... Then things go to hell.

As Sandy is struck by a round Hank's more primitive instincts take over. Bearing his teeth he lets out a loud, intimidating growl. Sandy isn't forgotten, more like put aside, as McCoy moves to bounce to her side, then bends his knees deeply and springs towards Roger, claws extended.

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Hank, wait!" Sandy calls out as she whirls around, watching him leap for Roger. "I'm fine!"

How can she even explain that to him? At least in public.

Roger stumbles back quickly, finding himself tackled by the large, faster moving mutant as his gun clatters to the ground. There is true fear in his eyes now. His friends are staring and mutliple people are holding phones up to record the event.

"Hank!" Sandy calls out again with emotion in her voice. Janet, call the cops!" She hollers in. By now, a crowd is forming.

Beast has posed:
Instincts in overdrive thanks to the sudden loud noise and perceived injury to someone he cares about, it's all Hank can do to not hurt Roger. Instead, he keeps him pinned to the ground and forces his face back into a semblance of normalcy, "How dare you?" But Sandy's talking and she seems okay. The blue mutant looks towards his date to make sure that she's actually alright and not just in shock. "Sandy?"

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Hank, please don't hurt him." Sandy says as she hurries over to them. The rest of Roger's friends apperas to not want any of what Hank is dishing out as they duck back into the coffee shop.

Roger is pushing upwards at Hank's chest, fear and panic in his face. "G-Get off me you freak! GET OFFA ME! Don't eat me!"

Reaching out, Sandy grabs Hank by the arm, pulling on it. She's strong. /Real/ strong. "Come on. Let's just go. I'm fine. I'm not hurt. He.. missed me."

She says as she eyes the man down below. "And he's lucky he did."

Beast has posed:
As Sandy pulls him up Hank releases his foe and pushes smoothly to his feet. Standing up at his full height he looks down at Roger and says, "I hope prison teaches you to be accepting of others differences and that violence should only be used to respond to violence." Dusting himself off he looks closely at his date, making sure that she looks alright, "Are you okay?" He moves towards the gun on he ground, making sure he's between it and anyone else, in the event they decide to go for it.

Sandra Billings has posed:
"I'm fine, really." Sandy assures him as she gives him a quick, half-guarded smile. Roger is staring at the pair as he scrambles to his feet, just to be grabbed by an officer who has arrived on the scene. As the man is read his rights, she gives him a nudge and starts down the sidewalk, sliding her hand into his. "Can .. we go back to my place?" She asks as she lets out a heavy sigh.

"I think I'm gonna call off from work." Which is something she hasn't done in years. Now that she's away from the scene, she is trembling, followed by a sniff. ".. Okay so that was scary."

Beast has posed:
"We can go wherever you'd like to," says Hank as he finishes fully regaining control of himself. "Are you sure we shouldn't stay to give statements..." but they're already walking. The blue PhD goes along with it for now. He knows he's not hard for law enforcement to track down, after all.

"It's probably for the best if you spend today relaxing and recovering. It's important to give your body and mind a chance to recover from a traumatic situation like the one just experienced."

Sandra Billings has posed:
Letting out a sigh, Sandy glances over her shoulder. "I don't want to stick around and give statements. I talk to cops every day. They know where to find me." She gives him another firm squeeze of the hand, then reaches into her scrub pockets to pull out her phone. She has a quick conversation with her boss, her voice shaky and breaking as she explains she was just shot at. No, no. She's fine. The bullet missed.

Though maybe Hank can see a hole in the back of her scrubs, right between the shoulders. Did he miss?