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(Hey folks Katsumi is legal now)
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Latest revision as of 02:09, 6 July 2020

An Opportunity Arises
Date of Scene: 05 July 2020
Location: Shaw Studios, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Hey folks Katsumi is legal now
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Bakeneko

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the lazy Sunday rolls through, today was an execellent time to get an appointment over at Shaw Studios which is perhaps why the audition Nick pulled for Katsumi ended up being today of all days. The audition itself has been finished up. And now she has been invited up to the office of Wade Shaw to discuss matters.

The office itself is pretty simple. While the furniture is of good quality, the pieces appear to be chosen based off of need. There is a desk, some chairs, and a rather comfy looking futon set up against the wall. It seems that the session musicians are not the only ones who have crashed in the building overnight. The desk is also pretty sparse. A laptop locked to the desk, a notepad, a pen cup, a newspaper and a single framed photo showing Wade and Nick with two men of similar age smiling with an older looking man backstage somewhere. The members of Silver Round, and a manager.

A blonde man, in his early 30s sporting a square jaw line steps into the office, leaving the door open as he walks behind the desk. His attire is far from formal as he's wearing a pair a of nice jeans and a designer tee. Definitely of higher quality than Nick purchases, but also very much casual.

He turns, still standing behind the desk as he awaits Katsumi "Please. Make yourself comfortable."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro doesn't really have what most would consider a 'clean' look. She's not had to interview for a job in years, and her entire brand rests on a devil-may-care sense of youthful spunk and thumbing her nose at society. She's the Punk Princess; wild independence wrapped in a disarmingly girlish package. But today, she's wearing the closest thing she has to 'business clothes' - which really aren't. It's simply the outfit that shows the least amount of skin. Sensible running shoes with warm, fluffy white socks bundled around her ankles. Some leg can be seen before disappearing beneath a sensible pleated black skirt. A white button-up covers the torso, the top couple buttons around the collar left undone with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Naturally, the shirt isn't tucked in. Overall, it's a 'delinquent' take on the classic schoolgirl uniform, breaking decorum rules without going truly scandalous. Except maybe for the fingerless gloves and black choker, centered with a single gold coin.

"Uh. Kay," she says, completely unsure about all of this. Her steps are small, abnormally timid as she crosses closer to the desk. She looks at the chair, as if unsure if she should be sitting or standing. Finally, she opts to simply mirror his posture. If he sits, she'll sit. Until he does, she won't!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Wade pauses, watching her, watching him. A few clicks going by before it registers. A hand sets upon his chair pulling it back before he sits in it. The notes that were taken during the audition by those observing were run up and already deposited upon the desk in a folder, making the transition from sitting down to opening the folder seamless. He straightens out the papers before glancing back to Katsumi. "Would you like something to drink? Water perhaps?"

Bakeneko has posed:
It's an innocent enough question, posed by a fairly unassuming position. But before she answers, she hurriedly sits in the chair across from him. Her eyes are somehow a little wider than their typical almond-shaped selves, her fingertips picking at each other in her lap.

"I'm good," she says, clipped. She's also nervous. Why, she couldn't say. Maybe it's the prospect of starting a different job. She's performed countless times before musically, sometimes for crowds, sometimes for her own entertainment. The federation she worked for had a variety of off-shoot moments - 'candids', they considered them - wherein the wrestlers were seen doing things unrelated to wrestling. Katsumi's usually was something involving music or gaming.

She nips onto her bottom lip quietly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Once he's sure Katsumi is settled, Wade smiles before glancing to the sheets, skimming through two of them before sliding them back in and closing the folder. "Alright. We've had the musical audition in the areas you've stated that you would be best suited for and I do have the basic assessments here from those listening in." He sets his palm down on the folder in indication as he mentions it. "And rather than drag it out any further. Yes. I think we can fit you in somewhere."

He turns, pulling open a desk drawer, to flip through another folder before pulling out a two sheets stapled together. "We just need you to fill out some information so we can best match you to the right gigs based off your stated preferences and the assessments from the audition. You don't have to fill the information in right now. But we won't do any scheduling with you until you return this information. It's basically to let us know what type of work you are open to, Session work. Live performances... Or if there's a stage or session name we need to use for you."

Bakeneko has posed:
It's all so official. Like when she first signed with the federation. As if giving away her autonomy. But the difference is that she was /so excited/ for it; going from daydreaming about that life to diving into it, in reality. It consumed so much of her so quickly. Is that what's going to happen here? Will she have a chance to go back to doing what she loves? Is it fair to take something like this with the expectation to drop it as soon as her life's passion is willing to love her back again?

There's a lump in her throat. They had asked her the same thing then, too. If she had a special name she wanted to try out. A 'stage name'. She didn't want there to be any distinction between who she was on-screen, and who she was on the street. It was just her. Katsumi Oshiro.


Magenta eyes flick down to her lap, then back up to the blond man across from her.

"Look, I-.. I'm gonna be super honest with you, okay? I'm a little freaked out. I dunno if that's normal. Like- just, gimme a second to deal?"

Without waiting for permission, she looks down at her knees, focusing. She's thinking too much about everything outside of the immediate. She /needs/ a job to stay in the country. This is a job doing something she loves. Not her heart's passion, no, but no one watching would be able to tell the difference. She takes steep inhale, narrow shoulders lifting, before her head raises again.

"Okay. Um, sorry. That's weird. I'm Katsumi." He knows that already. "I mean, that's what I've always gone by."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Wade pauses as Katsumi speaks up. Growing quiet as he sets the paper down on his desk. He gives a nod. "Take your time." When eyes lift up, the elder musician gives what he hopes to be a reassuring smile. "People take the news in different ways so there's not really a 'normal' way to react. And not everyone opts for a stage name. That's perfectly fine."

He lifts up the form he referenced earlier, holding it towards Katsumi. "The point of this form is to make sure we're not booking you for something you can't do or putting too much on your plate. We don't need reasons for why you can't do things..." He shrugs, "If you can't, you can't. We just go down the list and see who else matches up. Now, if you do accept a job, we expect you to do your best at the job. By putting you on the list we're vouching for you. Please don't make us look bad."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is deliberately breathing slowly to force herself to relax. This is nothing to get bent out of shape about. See? It's an 'as-available' thing. If she were to be hired back on to fight, she'd just schedule around it. No fuss!

The form is taken to look over, and her bottom lip goes right back between her front teeth. It's almost certainly a nervous habit. "Mm'yeah," the lip is released and she glances back to Wade, eyes uplidding slightly. "You're not the first to say that..."

Her adoptive parents. The general manager of the federation repeatedly. Now this guy. Have any of them actually looked into her prior behavior? But she isn't going to talk herself out of a job.

Speaking of! "Awkward question. Will this," she raises the form, waving it with a wrist rotation, "keep me from getting deported?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Wade blinks, before shaking his head. "No. Not that one. That's more a survey to serve you. But- We do have someone on staff who is a master with those forms."

He pushes his chair back, "How about we get that taken care of first?"

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro straightens her posture as he pushes his chair back, expecting that this means he's going to be standing. She's at the ready to do the same!

"Yeah, I hate to be /that/ chick, but it's a concern, you know? Cards on the table and everything."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"You're not the first. We'll get it taken care of." Wade replies, standing up, gesturing towards the door. "Just turn to your left exiting from here." Is it rudeness? No. It's just there's only so much space to work with and it's easier if Katsumi steps out of the office first.

Bakeneko has posed:
And up she goes!

Katsumi haltingly turns to the door. "Okay. I'll keep the paper," she announces. It's intended to be more of a question, but comes out as a declarative statement. Nerves are a Hell of a thing. But at least progress is being made. So she heads for the door to resolve what has been a profound source of anxiety for her over the past month. One foot in front of the other.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"We'll work on the other details later." Wade assures, following Katsumi out of the office before taking the lead over to another office.