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Latest revision as of 04:12, 7 July 2020

Bear Claws. And not the pastries.
Date of Scene: 03 July 2020
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Hank patches up Shannon and the two have a wonderful conversation. Friendship is awesome.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Nightingale

Beast has posed:
Having gotten word that there was an injured person coming to the mansion, Doctor McCoy prepared the medical lab to receive them. There he waits, wearing his lab coat with a blue ear pieced stethoscope around his neck. He is ready to treat a patient.

There's a bunch of other stuff prepared on a tray stand next to one of the exam tables, too. A couple of suture kits, a couple of syringes, needles, hemos, bandages and other things, like gauze. The computer on the wheeled desk has someone's medical records pulled up. That's where the good doctor is looking right now, trying to familiarize himsel with the patient's medical records before they arrive. It always pays to be prepared, after all.

Nightingale has posed:
     It would be a surprise if Mr. McCoy wasn't already familiar with said person's medical records, as they had become somewhat familiar with the medbay on the receiving end of matters. Shannon's wrinkling her nose a bit as she ambles into the room, pretty well prepared for a tongue-lashing for the use of her gifts yet again. What could have gone wrong this time, though? Things had been going so well, she hadn't been in here for a little while.

     Well, perhaps things couldn't be all bad. She did smile when she saw Mr. McCoy, hopping up on one of the tables. He was one she'd always had a soft spot for. If it hadn't been for her family spotting him on the news almost a year ago now, she wouldn't have even had hope that there was someone else out there, someone who could help. She might never have known about the school, or found a welcome place here.

     For that, she would always be grateful, and hold him dear, alongside miss Munroe.

     "Hi there," she calls out, letting out a soft 'oof' as she clambers up on the table. Her shirt is in one piece, but oddly enough, the left shoulder is stained bright red. No tears, no frayed threads, nothing. What the heck could have happened?

Beast has posed:
"Good day, Shannon," Hank says to the student rather warmly as he looks her over, his glasses perched on the end of his bestial snout. "I was told to expect you. Again. Is there anything new in your medical records? Any allergies to drugs or medication?" The blue man moves to get a better look at his pupil, not frowning yet despite seeing the blood stained shirt. "No rips in your attire. Either you got changed before coming here, which I would recommend against as that's a good way to ruin two shirts, or..." His big, blue eyes move to meet the young woman's, trying to let his look do the talking for him.

Doctor McCoy moves to put on his gloves, being very careful to make sure he doesn't accidentally claw through them. "How did you sustain your injury?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "No new allergies, nothing new in the records. And just gotta stay away from penicillin," Shannon adds, wrinkling her nose. Yeah, no. That was one childhood incident she'd rather not remember any more than she had to. She wrinkles her nose slightly, and moves to ease her left arm and wing out of her shirt as gently as possible. However, when one is dealing with a nice little gash, 'gently' becomes a matter of degree. When the back of her shirt is eased up--with the front left down for modesty's sake, of course--the gash from the bear claw is painfully apparent.

     "Oof. Wasn't my injury to begin with," she replies. "Kitty, Jeremy, and I were out at the zoo. You'd think I'd know that a field trip never goes according to plan by now." A wry smile curls her lips upwards, despite the pain; she'd learned to weather much worse. "Don't know how, but someone was mind-controlling some bears, and well... it was a real bear out there. Someone I recognized from having helped me out in Salem Center last week was there, and he took a pretty nasty gash to the shoulder. Figured I owed him a solid this time." Her smile widens a little bit. "Wish more folks out there were willing to step up like that."

Beast has posed:
The friendly blue Beast gets to work by preparing a syringe, attaching a needle, drawing some local anesthetic, disposing of the needle and getting one in a smaller size. Once that's accomplished he caps the needle and sets it aside. He's gentle as he touches around the injured area, making sure not to cause undue stress or harm. "That's quite deep. You're lucky there isn't much muscle damage."

Her 'real bear' remark gets a chuckle from the teacher as he finishes examining the injury. He pulls open one of the suture kits and says, "I'm guessing you'll need at least a dozen sutures. Shouldn't take too terribly long, however."

"It's very good of you to try to take care of people. I'd prefer if you could do it without injuring yourself, but you're an intelligent person. You know what you're getting into." With a soft smile he adds, "I don't think lecturing you would dissuade you from stepping in and helping when you get the opportunity, either. Not that I'd want to convince you to." Then he nods his head, "Lots of people want to help, but the bystander effect is quite strong. I hope that we do a good job here of teaching your peers to overcome the natural inclination to be a witness instead of a helpful participant."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon cracks a small smile, about an instant before Mr. McCoy administers the local anaesthetic. There's a soft hiss from her as the needle does its job--which is never a very pleasant one--followed by a sigh of relief as the medicine goes to work. "Wish my gift worked differently than that, Mr. McCoy. Heck, for a little while it was looking like it might shift, I was able to heal a couple times without this happening. But then it started again, and I'm not sure why." She tries to crane her neck to see what's being done to her shoulder, but finds it impossible. The better part of wisdom is to simply hold still.

     "At least you're able to numb that up," she says, with a smile and a little sigh of relief. "I don't envy someone like Alexis. Poor Triage was having a bear of a time helping her with her intake paperwork, medically speaking. Couldn't get a needle into her. That... would have to suck."

Beast has posed:
"I wish your abilities worked that way all the time, as well," says Hank as he works, easily able to hold a conversation while he treats Shannon. "We'll run some tests on you to try to deduce why your powers work differently at different times, if you'd like. Might not be the most scientific testing, if I'm being honest, because I'd rather not hurt anything just for you to be harmed in turn, but we'll figure something out."

Alexis? That makes Hank think of something related to invincibility and he tilts his head faintly to the side as he works, "I may have to speak to her about that. Not being able to administer medication and do blood draws is quite a serious difficulty."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods slowly, and she purses her lips. "Yeah it is. Great out in the field, but it stinks in the medlab. On her, it's kind of like... well, it's like a layer of armor, interwoven just below the dermis. Something carbon-based, I think, because whenever it's stressed she winds up with cravings for burnt toast, or burnt-most anything."

     Her brows furrow as she listens, doing her best to hold still. "Not sure how that could be managed. What bites is this gift can't really be tested very easily in the danger room, like flight can. And I don't want to see anyone hurt just for the sake of a test. That'd be... wrong. Plain out wrong."

Beast has posed:
"Very interesting," Hank comments when Shannon gives him a run down on the other person's powers. "I'll speak with her when I get the chance to. I imagine there's a lot goin on there." As he talks he sutures, trying to be as quick and steady as he can be.

"My best thought would be for you to be available her and in the school's clinic for non-emergency injuries. I'd hate for you to keep taking them on yourself, but that's the best way I can see for you to test yourself. At least right now. Hopefully something will come to either of us soon."

"Have you given much thought to pursuing the study of biology," the teacher asks. "Perhaps anatomy and physiology and medicine? I feel as though you're a perfect candidate."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Actually, it was your suggestion of that last summer that's kept me volunteering in the Wellness Office," Shannon replies, smiling. "It's helped. My healing factor's been improving a little bit since, though I seriously doubt it'd ever be quite as robust as Logan's. As for biology?" She giggles, shaking her head. It's difficult to stay still with the mirth bubbling up from within her. "Have you forgotten the advanced bio classes you've been tagging me for this year? Well, to be fair, a lot's been going on this year, it'd be easy to forget."

     Her smile widens a bit at the mention of the study of medicine. "There's no question of that. And I'm not giving up on music to do it, either. Don't see why I should have to give up on any of my dreams, whether it's music, helping out in the field, or medicine. So... yeah. This place is stuck with me, because I don't plan on going anywhere."

Beast has posed:
"Wonderful!" declares Hank with a sile on his face. "Well, it's very important to me that you live up to your potential. Some day you'll make a fine a medical practitioner in addition to using your abilities for healing."

With a bit of a laugh he says, "It's good to have diverse interests. Did you know I play the keyboard myself? I'm no virtuoso but it's a fun pursuit." He wraps up the suturing and moves to cover the injury with a bandage. "Stay here as long as you like. You're a joy to have around."

Nightingale has posed:
     "No kidding?" The winged teen's eyebrows loft, and she grins wide. "Same. Piano, flute, guitar, and I sing alto. What's your favorite genre to play?" Now this was a pleasant surprise, finding that one of her favorite teachers shared a common interest in music! Her fingers arch and flex, tapping the edge of the table as if dancing across the ivories.

     Shannon nods, and smiles warmly, letting out a little sigh. She tries not to roll her shoulder too much as she lowers her shirt just enough to cover herself on her way back to her dorm. "If it wasn't for you and miss Munroe at first, I wouldn't even be here. It's something I want to give back. Teaching, medicine, serving out in the field, however I can."

Beast has posed:
"I play anything, though I prefer classical and eighties pop," Hank confesses with a chuckle. "All from before my time, I assure you, but a joy to listen to and play nonetheless."

When Shannon's words reach the teachers ear he swells with pride, "I'm so glad that I could be a positive influence! I look forward to seeing you continue to grow as person. So far the experience has been wonderful. You seem like a truly giving person and I'm quite happy that I get to know you." Peeling off the gloves and throwing them away he extends a hand to see if she'd like to shake it, "Try not to fight any more bears. At least without me around to see it. I hate missing out on the good adventures."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon grins and reaches out to shake that big, blue, furry mitt of a hand. "No, the honor is mine, to know you." A handshake turns into a one-armed and one-winged hug, with a chuckle from the young woman. "I tried not to fight the bears. Left that to our ninja friend there. All I did was try to distract the bears and give folks a chance to get out in one piece. Either I was very brave... or very stupid." She shivers a little bit. "Almost had to find the nearest laundromat right then and there."

Beast has posed:
Grinning, Hank gently returns the hug. He doesn't treat Shannon like she's fragile, but he's respectful of the fact that she's currently wounded. "Seeing that no one was eaten I'd say you must have done a fine job out there." Then, "Ninja, you say?" There's a hmm noise. "Interesting."

With a lift of his chin in an upwards nod he says, "Well, as long as you don't aggravate the injury come find me tomorrow and I'll take a look to see how it's healing up. In the meantime you take care of yourself. Don't lift anything heavy with that arm, no strenuous activity if you can avoid it."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Right, so kneading bread the old-fashioned way just got a bit trickier, and let someone else clean out the stalls today." Shannon chuckles softly, sliding off the table. "That won't stop me from making mac 'n cheese from scratch, though, if you're up for some a little later?" Oh yes. The comfort food to end all comfort foods. The delicacy that seems to have become one of her hallmarks in her year here so far. Golden, gooey goodness that would send any fitness trainer into shock.

     Nodding slowly, she replies, "Mmhm. Katana and the whole nine yards. Silent as midnight. Pretty sure from the previous encounter that there's some military background in there, too, just not sure how far that goes." She shrugs with her right shoulder, and shakes her head. "Guess it's no worse than Cap, he was in the Army. And he's probably one of the kindest, biggest-hearted souls you could ever want to know." That impish little grin returns, and she nudges Mr. McCoy's shoulder lightly. "Present company excluded. And just about the rest of the school, too."

Beast has posed:
"Excellent decisions," Hank says to his student with a chuckle. The mention of scratch made mac and cheese, though? That's got his attention, "That would be wonderful! I can not begin to tell you how much I enjoy it."

The description of the ninja gets another chuckle out of the fuzzy fellow, "Curious. Maybe the Marines have a secret ninja teams now." Then he nods his head, "Ah yes, Captain America. Good guy. One should never looks a members of the profession of arms as anything other than individuals. While they may be uniform in appearance a different heart beats in each chest."

Nightingale has posed:
     Nodding, Shannon smiles. "He reached out when he didn't have to, when he wasn't even asked. As have many here. All examples I hope to follow." Chuckling lightly, she nods. "As much of a hero as he and others are to me, he's still #2. I was fortunate enough to be raised by my #1 heroes."

Beast has posed:
"I'm glad to be part of an organization that provides such notable role models for people such as yourself, Shannon," says the teacher with a warm smile on his face. When she says the thing about her '#1 heroes' it's all Hank can do to prevent himself from making an 'aww' noise. Rather, he continues to grin, "It fills my heart with joy to know that you were exposed to people worthy of you as grew up."

Nightingale has posed:
     Nodding, the young woman sighs lightly, running her fingers through her hair. "I see other kids here who weren't so lucky as I was and it rips me up inside. They deserve a place to be safe, with people who care. Now you know why I want to stay. The dream this place was built on, it's one worth working for."

     The pensive moment passes, her smile returning and a twinkle in her pale blue eyes. "Soon as I go get cleaned up and changed, I'll make that mac 'n cheese, whatcha say?"

Beast has posed:
"We'll keep that dream on course together, my young friend," says Hank with a smile, studying his pupil with newfound appreciation.

And then he chuckles, "Perhaps we can have the mac and cheese later, however. While we were speaking my phone buzzed, I may have a date."

Producing his mobile device he looks at it's screen, pushes on it a few times and his smile widens, "Would you like to meet my lady friend, by any chance? Join us for a bite?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oooooo, a ladyfriend, hmmm?" Shannon giggles softly, her eyes a-twinkle. "If it wouldn't be intruding? She must be pretty special. And sure, just let me know when you want that mac 'n cheese." She tilts her head, considering. "What's the dress code for lunch, then, so I can go change?"

Beast has posed:
"I doubt very much that she'd mind meeting one of my brightest pupils," Hank says with a proud smile on his face. "I'm sure you'd be welcome." Then he nods, "She's very special."

He pauses for a moment to think, "I imagine I'll be dressed fairly casually. Likely a Hawaiian shirt, now that I think about it."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon eyerolls and laughs, facepalming. "Like the pool party my third day here. My birthday, actually." She chuckles, shaking her head. "Takes someone bold to carry that off well. You made it work." Nodding, she smiles, and heads for the door of the medbay. "Give me ten, I'll go clean up and put on a nice dress or something."